Lady Cultivator Chapter 240: Next 1 level

The three of them smiled. Bai Yanfei couldn’t hold her face anymore, and said angrily: “Jiang Min! Is your daughter shameless?!”

Sister Jiang continued to sneer: “Have you ever given me a face? Bai Yanfei, I have never been so humiliated when I grow up! You let me lose face, and blame me for shame?!”

Very few people would talk to Bai Yanfei so unceremoniously, but one or two of them were women who spoke coldly to him, especially the last person who used this tone to him was still next to him.

He glanced at the three people watching in embarrassment, and stared at Jiang Min fiercely: “Whatever you say, it’s the way it is.” He turned his head and ignored people, angrily. Just go.

Jiang Mei laughed and angry, and followed up: “Bai Yanfei, give up?!”

Bai Yanfei is angry: “What do you admit to lose?”

Jiang Mei squinted at him: “You just love to pretend. No matter what you think, you have to look down on everyone. Huh! Is this good for you?”

“Jiang Min!” Bai Yanfei yelled again. This Junior Sister Jiang was so rude and didn’t save him any face.

“Why, do you feel uncomfortable?” Junior Sister Jiang didn’t let him go at all, and followed closely, “You give up and take back the original words. I will not pester you.”

“Why!” Bai Yan Fei angrily said, “You are savage and hateful, saying that I look down on people, your nose is not upside down!”

“My nose is upside down, I can only snort twice. It looks like you. If a bird flies over it, there may be an unknown object falling into your nose!”

“You, you…you are a girl, don’t you feel rude to say such things?”

“You said I was savage, so what about being rude?!”

The two were fighting and walking away, Mo Tiange and the three stood there for a while before they came back to their senses.

Luo Fengxue first sighed and shook her head: “From now on, Chaoyang Peak will be lively.”

Mo Tiange pursed his lips: “Aren’t you very happy?”

Luo Fengxue was pierced by her and laughed: “When it’s okay, just watch it as a show.”

Ye Jingwen shook his head: “Don’t be too happy, you two, in my opinion, they may not make it.”

Listening to his words, Luo Fengxue tilted her head: “Why?”

Ye Jingwen said: “This uncle Bai, although he is not very good in other aspects, he is very persistent. Have you ever seen him repent of his words?”

Mo Tiange and Luo Fengxue both pondered, and finally shook their heads.

Ye Jingwen laughed: “This uncle Bai, he takes a lot of face to face. Now that he refuses Uncle Jiang is an ironclad thing. Our whole school knows it clearly. If he repents, wouldn’t he just slap himself? Besides, Uncle Jiang. He can’t stand it now. If he admits defeat, he will be ashamed. So I said, this time who is the last laugh is still uncertain.” After a pause, he said again, “In fact, between our male disciples, I hope Uncle Jiang will not marry this Uncle Bai.”

Luo Fengxue was curious: “What did your male disciple say about Junior Brother Jiang? And this Junior Brother Bai?” Although she has been in charge of disciple affairs, but there are differences between men and women, and some gossips are not passed on to women. The disciple’s ears just took the opportunity to ask.

Ye Jingwen said: “Um… We all said that Shishu Bai relied on being a disciple of Master Zhenyang, with eyes on the top of his head, which really made people want to get close. As for Shishu Jiang, some people think she is stubborn and self-willed. She is very respectful, but some people think that she is beautiful, has a straightforward temperament, and is cute despite her willfulness.”

“…” Luo Fengxue sighed, “Sure enough, there are differences between men and women.” For Bai Yanfei, some female disciples said that he was charming and handsome. Although arrogant but more attractive, Jiang Min’s reputation is worse, saying that she looks down on people because of Master Ling Xu. Whether it is a man or a woman, he is always more tolerant of the opposite sex.

Ye Jingwen smiled, he knew what Luo Fengxue meant without asking, turned around and asked: “Sister Luo, you haven’t picked any medicine yet?”

“Ah!” Luo Fengxue quickly turned to look. Fortunately, no one broke out around this time. Her elixir was still there. “Don’t say I almost forgot.”

Ye Jingwen’s medicine hasn’t finished, so Mo Tiange took a look and said, “Feng Xue, I’ll help you.” She came here after collecting the medicine, and her business has already been done.

Luo Fengxue did not refuse, because of their friendship, not afraid of embezzlement, immediately waved: “Okay, come on.”

Ye Jingwen collected half of it here. Luo Fengxue hadn’t started yet, and the two of them worked together, but they were faster than Ye Jingwen. After a while, they finally finished all the collection.

After getting the business done, the three of them talked about what they had encountered in the formation. Sure enough, they both encountered the five spirit formations that were normally separated, and only Mo Tiange encountered the mutation formation.

Ye Jingwen and Luo Fengxue were shocked to learn that Mo Tiange had encountered the Four Spirits mutation array. It was even more speechless for her to escape smoothly. After a long time, Luo Fengxue patted her on the shoulder, and said: “Tiange, let’s get the pill earlier.”

Mo Tiange puzzled: “Why?”

Luo Fengxue’s heart is long: “You don’t form a pill, we can’t mix up the foundation.”

Though these words are exaggerated, they are complimenting her. Mo Tiange couldn’t help but smile: “I just have treasures on my body.” If there is no small fire and two stone dolls, she wants to break the formation, but It’s really not that easy.

“We broke the first level, what shall we do about the second level?”

Luo Fengxue knows this question well: “Let’s just leave as we please, and we will naturally launch it then.”

Ye Jingwen asked: “The three of us are in one place. Will we enter the formation together or will we be separated?”

“It may be together, but it may also be separated.” Luo Fengxue shook his head and said, “If the separation is good, the second level of the five obstacles will be covered, and hallucinations will occur. If they are together and affect each other, it will be even more troublesome. “

The spiritual thoughts of monks will also affect each other. Especially if you are close at hand, some of them are upset and others will be affected.

“Huh?” Ye Jingwen was surprised, “Why didn’t the boss say before I came?”

Luo Fengxue said: “It’s just a small effect, and generally speaking, there is no risk of life.” He carefully warned, “However, you still have to be careful. , Immediately after the third level and the five miraculous spirits, there will be hallucinations visible to the naked eye. The first level is to directly attack our divine consciousness. Generally speaking, we can pass by just meditating in concentration and sticking to our mind. There is a real illusion in one level, but it is difficult to distinguish between the true and the false. In case one of us is unlucky, the first level is not completed, and the next level is come, we may be in the magic barrier.”

Hearing these words, Mo Tiange remembered the monster chaos many years ago. She and Wei Jiasi once entered the psychedelic array made of moonlight psychedelic stones. Seeing everything is like seeing it personally. This is the case with the five puzzles of one level. The five barriers are more like the demons when you are promoted. There are countless thoughts directly directed at people’s spiritual thoughts. If you are not determined, you will be confused by these thoughts, produce hallucinations, and even get lost. inside.

Of course, this is just a trial circle, and there should be no life-threatening. But if you really get hit, the damage is inevitable. If it’s not good, it may leave indelible heartache. .

Before setting off, Jinghe Daojun slightly mentioned these words to her, and the head of Shen also reminded the disciples to keep in mind the four words of Wanfa in everything. It’s just that if you say that, you can do it by then, but I don’t know how many people will do it.

Ye Jingwen thought: “In this way, are we not the demons who experienced the pill formation in advance?”

“That’s right.” Luo Fengxue said, “Of course, this Five Obstacles Recognition Array is still weaker than the Dan Heart Demon. Since ancient times, the cultivator’s ability has dropped a lot, and the heart The power of the demon has always been like this, so in the eyes of us monks, the heart demon is particularly terrible.”

Hearing this, Ye Jingwen frowned: “Why didn’t the elders of the division speak in detail before we entered the battle?”

Luo Fengxue smiled and said: “Brother Ye, don’t worry, it is not difficult for people like us who do not usually relax their minds to practice.”

“Oh…” Ye Jingwen pondered slightly, “What about the last level?”

Speaking of this, Luo Fengxue’s face looked solemn: “It is estimated that few people can pass the last level. The illusion is too real. In our school, the first level is very good. The difficulty passed, and some of the brothers and sisters in the formation stage persisted to the third level, but in the end none of them could completely pass.”

“So difficult?” Not only Ye Jingwen, but even Mo Tiange looked at her, “Then let us go through this level, is it safe?”

Luo Fengxue smiled and said: “Tian Ge, you forgot that this is a trial circle? Life is not dangerous. Unless we kill each other, this circle will not hurt our lives.” /

Limited by the door rules, there are some stumbling points between the same door, and it should not be enough to kill each other.

Luo Fengxue went on to say: “We, Uncle Su Xin, have been in this battle before. She said that in the second pass, you can keep your mind and mind, and you can distinguish between true and false. However, by the last pass, they are basically the same. In general, and your sanity will gradually depart from you, just like dreaming. Some absurd things will be taken as real by you.”

Isn’t that better than Moonlight Psychedelic Stone? Mo Tiange couldn’t help but wonder whether her Tibetan Lingpei had any effect on this.

Ye Jingwen asked first: “Those Qingxin it useful?”

“Useful.” Luo Fengxue affirmed, “But it’s hard to say how effective it is.”

Mo Tiange nodded, expressing his understanding: “So, then we’d better not get too close, and don’t divide too far.” If we get too close, it will affect each other’s spirits. , But it’s too far to be taken into consideration.

Feng Xue agreed, “The three of us happened so coincidentally. It’s too unreasonable to not take care of each other. For safety, we will go away later, and we will be separated by a certain distance. Don’t throw away or get too close.”

Mo Tiange and Ye Jingwen have no objection. Although the two of them have higher cultivation skills than Luo Fengxue, Luo Fengxue’s ability to handle things is not as good as the two, and she knows a lot of inside information, what should be done It should be clearer than them.

“Well, we may enter the second level at any time now. Let’s separate now.”

Thank you to the fellow daoists who have been voting for pink votes in the past few days. This is a number I never thought of. I’m sorry that today’s update has taken a long time. After the things are straightened out, they will be updated tomorrow. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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