Lady Cultivator Chapter 237: Mutation array

The surface of the water is calm and sparkling. The breeze made Mo Tiange think of the sea that he saw when he first arrived in Linhai.

But she knew it was just an illusion. When it was angry, the waves were raging, and it would swallow countless people in an instant.

The so-called five spirit killings, Luo Fengxue explained to her this way, among them, there are five auras each having a formation, and the five formations of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are all passed before they have completed the test. There is a small chance that the five spirit formations will mutate. Choose two to five auras and combine them into a new formation.

She is lucky, the formation in front of her has not changed, it is just an ordinary water spirit formation.

But, how do you break the formation?

Golden water, aquatic wood, soil against water, water against fire. Therefore, the second element of gold and fire cannot be used, and the second element of wood and earth spells or magic weapons should be used.

Mo Tiange pondered a little, there is no clear five-spirit attribute in her magic weapon. It would be more straightforward to use Fulu.

After so thinking, she took out the earth magic talisman and flew high.

Looking down from above, the water is boundless, but there are no waves, and there is really no danger. But the calmer, the more unusual. How can a formation designed to test the fighting skills be calm?

Mo Tiange pinched the magic formula, and several talismans smashed down. As soon as these talisman touched the water, they made a loud “rumbling” sound, deafening.

The wind and waves finally set off, and the calm water surface immediately set off a monstrous giant*, almost trying to roll her down, and the turbulent aura tried to cut her apart.

Mo Tiange stopped in mid-air, keeping his mind steady. This formation was only the first level of entering the Ten Thousand Magic Natural Formation, and it was not that powerful. Under her continuous earth-based talisman and spell attacks, the storm soon lost strength and gradually subsided.

The water surface under his feet began to blur, and Mo Tiange smiled. She is still a little confident in the way of formation, this ten thousand formation is naturally too big, she still can’t figure it out, but what’s so terrible about a small five-spirit formation?

Just thought of this. The new formation has been formed, but the smile on her face is stiff.

After a while, she smiled wryly and sighed. Sure enough, everything can’t be too full. The wind is raging, the thunder is leaping into the air, the sand is rolling, and the fire is raging. She clearly won the big prize, the four spirits of gold, wood and fire!

This time, she is not allowed to slowly think about how to break the formation, the wind swept through, and the thunder light smashed, all the aura formed by the four auras attacked her.

The white Sipa came out, but did not turn into a brick wall, but slowly expanded, wrapping her like a yarn. This is the method she has realized in the ten years of Dedao Tower. Although it is not higher than the original brick wall defense, it is more flexible.

Then, when she explored the universe bag, two things were thrown out. They are two stone dolls.

After obtaining these two puppets, Mo Tiange has gone through some sacrifices and is already able to handle it, which is just right to break into this natural array of ten thousand magic.

As soon as the two stone dolls landed, their huge swords rushed toward the sand. They were so powerful that the sword energy they wielded tore apart the sand and stone, and even the fire had to give way.

But this is not enough, Lei Congjin, Feng Congmu, native gold, wood conquering the earth. The two stone dolls are of wood, and they are helpless to thunder and wind.

Mo Tiange thought for a while, opened the spirit beast bag and let out a small fire.

Xiaohuo is now the peak of Tier 3 spirit beasts. It is no longer a Tier 1 spirit beast that could only be used to provide pill fire when it was captured. With its true sun fire, it already has the ability to fight spirit beasts. .

Because of this, Mo Tiange deliberately took it into the spirit beast bag and carried it on his body, rather than stocking it in the Xutian state as before. Now finally comes in handy.

Xiao Huo has now entered into a subordination contract with her. One person and one beast are connected. There is no need for Mo Tiange to say anything. Xiao Huo has already jumped down, spouting out the real fire of the sun, fighting with the wind and thunder. Place.

Mo Tiange hung in the sky, directing the stone doll and the small fire with his spiritual thoughts.

In the late stage of advancement and foundation building, with the help of several treasures on her body, her current strength is no longer afraid of anyone below the pill formation. Even if this is the formation left over from the ancient times, with her familiarity with the formation, there is nothing terrifying.

In a short while, under the attack of the stone dolls and the small fire, the thunder light became weaker and weaker, the fire gradually extinguished, the wind died down, and the sand fell silent.

Mo Tiange was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw that the four spiritual auras on the ground slowly gathered together, and then, the sand and rocks slowly surging, as if half alive, and gradually became a stone man.

Seeing this, a solemn color appeared on Mo Tiange’s face. This stone man is composed of sand and stone as his body, raging fire as his eyes, and wind and thunder as his arms.

The formation of ancient times is really not simple.

With a gesture, the little fire staring at the stone man ran back to her embrace. Mo Tiange patted its head: “Don’t act rashly, I will let you attack and then attack.”

Xiao Huo whimpered twice and curled up against her leg.

With a move of Mo Tiange, the two stone dolls each wielded their stone swords to attack the stone man.

In Shiren’s eyes, the fire light flicked. Turn his head to the doll.

The power of these two stone-carved dolls, Mo Tiange had seen before, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are infinite. At this time, Shi Jian slashed at the stone man fiercely, but the stone man did not evade and greeted him head-on.

“Boom” with a dull loud noise, the stone doll retreated a few steps, and was actually beaten back by the stone man!

Mo Tiange has a solemn expression. Fortunately, this stone figure is made of special material. Although it is not as powerful as the stone figure, it is not damaged.

Thinking about it, Mo Tiange shot a small fire: “Little fire. Go attack it, stay away, don’t let it touch.”

Xiao Huo responded twice with “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah

The stone man moved slowly. Seeing Xiaohuo’s spell, he didn’t dodge and turned around. The sandstone body faced the real fire of Xiaohuo’s sun, and actually steadily blocked it.

The stone is from the soil, and the fire is the soil. I didn’t expect that the stone man transformed into the four spirits would have elementary wisdom.

Mo Tiange has never seen such a formation before, raising his brows.

This stone man is a combination of four spirits. The principle of five spirits’ mutual generation and mutual restraint cannot destroy it. It is incredibly strong and powerful, and it has no spiritual consciousness at all… Her attack method was actually used by one. Not on.

Because she was in mid-air, the stone man couldn’t fly, so he could only attack her with waves of wind and thunder. Mo Tiange made Bai Sipa protect her body, moving left and right, thinking hard.

Spells can’t be achieved, sharp weapons can’t be achieved, and magic tricks can’t be achieved… What else can she do? By the way, sleepy, break the battle!

The idea is certain, Mo Tiange leaned into the universe bag, raised his hand, and threw out several array flags. These array flags were painted with special beast blood, and after they were placed around the stone man, Mo Tiange took out the largest array flag, condensed the air at his fingers, pointed like flying electricity, and a little array flag. All the flags arranged around the stone man stood up.

Mo Tiange waved the formation flag in his hand, and saw that all the formation flags around the stone man glowed, suddenly intertwined into a light net, covering the stone man.

The flame in Shiren’s eyes was beating, his arms were faintly moved by wind and thunder, and countless wind and thunder spells were continuously used, but he could not feel the breath of Mo Tiange.

It has no consciousness, no emotions, only simple wisdom. When these array flags are spread around it, it does not know where to exit the array, and just stands blankly. Now that the formation has been set up, it can’t find the position of Mo Tiange at all. It can only use the simple wisdom given to it by the person who arranged the formation, and use the wind and thunder strike to try to break the cage that trapped it.

If it is an ordinary formation method, it may have been forcibly destroyed under the strike of wind and thunder, but the one placed by Mo Tiange is an improved formation method that she studied the mysterious formation book combined with related books in Xutian territory. . The stone man’s wind and thunder strikes in the formation, the formation flag is vacillating, but it never falls.

Mo Tiange kept putting aura into the formation flag, trapping it firmly.

This is a dumb way. Hundreds of thousands of high-level spirit stones can open this huge magic circle, we know how much aura is needed. A total of three hundred of them entered it, and each one experienced the test alone. Therefore, the test they experienced must be limited by spirituality, otherwise, the test of other people would be affected. As long as you persist for a period of time and exhaust your aura, the test will end.

Mo Tiange is also helpless. Although she is now in the late stage of foundation formation, she is not afraid of the monks under the formation of pill, but this is the formation of the ancient period, she has encountered the four spirits combined mutation formation unfortunately, she can The reason for thinking of this stupid way to break the battle is because of his proficiency in the battle.

The time passed bit by bit, and the sound of wind and thunder on the stone man finally died down slowly, and he collapsed with a crash. The flags on the ground that had been subjected to ferocious attacks by the stone men also softened.

Mo Tiange let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this step is right.

Unfortunately, this stone man is really powerful, and this mysterious mysterious formation is ruined.

I picked up the destroyed Wandering Array Flag on the ground, put away the bag, and saw that the surrounding scenery slowly changed, and the wild scene just now gradually’s just showing its original face–just It is a cave in a party. The scary thing is that after such an attack, there is no trace of the surrounding rock wall.

Mo Tiange thought, this formation was so powerful, it was really unexpected. The several types of talisman she used in the formation, plus the huge power of two stone dolls, and the real fire of the small fire, did not leave a trace on the rock wall. It can be seen that this formation can completely eliminate the power in the formation.

The scream of a small fire came from his ears, and Mo Tiange looked along, but saw it drooling at a spiritual grass in the corner.

She laughed and hugged Xiao Huo: “Don’t look at it, it’s not yours to look at it again. If you want a panacea, you will enter the Void Heaven Realm when you are done. What do you want to eat, this is not good.”

Little Huo fell to the ground with a “huh” and didn’t struggle any more.

Mo Tiange put it aside, took out the medicine pouch specially containing the elixir, picked up the mature ones that grew on the rock wall and in the corners, and put them in. As for those that are still seedlings, or the years are not enough, let it continue to grow.

After doing all this, put the medicine sachet into the universe bag, put on a small fire, and walk into the depths of the cave. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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