Lady Cultivator Chapter 186: Who is pitiful

Three hundred years old…

Although I have guessed that Ren Yufeng has eaten Dingyan Pill or the exercises have a beauty effect. But still did not expect that he was already three hundred years old.

What kind of age is three hundred years old for the foundation builders? The monks in the early stage of foundation construction can only live to three hundred years old, and in the middle and later stages, if they are properly maintained, they can live to four hundred years old. But this four-hundred-year-old is only the upper limit, and generally falls before it arrives.

If Ren Yufeng tells the truth, he is indeed not young anymore. It can be said that he has already stepped into the grave with one foot.

The younger the monk is, the better. For example, in building a foundation, elite disciples of the sect are generally able to advance to the ranks in their thirties, and the worse ones are also fifty. If they are still unable to advance to the ranks after fifty, they are no different from ordinary disciples. As for ordinary disciples, those who build foundations are generally before a hundred years old, and if they pass one hundred years old, the chance of foundation building will be greatly reduced.

The same is true for knot pill, before two hundred years old. This is the best period of alchemy formation. After two hundred years of age, the difficulty of alchemy formation will increase greatly. If Ren Yufeng is already three hundred years old, and his original qualifications are very mediocre, it’s no wonder other people think he can’t form a pill. It’s not that there aren’t people who condense pills at the age of three hundred, but the chances are much lower than that of young monks within two hundred years old. If it weren’t for chance, it would be difficult to break through.

Once the monks pass this period, they can be called old age, and when they are old, it is the sorrow of monks.

Ren Yufeng looked at the void ahead and slowly said: “Do you think I am arrogant, is it really because of pride? If I am not arrogant or arrogant, who will respect me? Even this woman, Xiu You can despise me because you are far behind me!”

There was a fierce look on his face, staring at Xiahouyuan who was almost silent.

For a while, no one spoke.

Xiahouyuan could no longer move, Qiu Zhiming was stunned, and Ren Yufeng, with a fierce face, looked at the void lonely.

Mo Tiange looked at them quietly in the Xutian realm.

The path of cultivating immortals is so cruel, everything is determined by cultivating, even if it is a genius at first. When unable to advance, they will still be laughed at.

It’s just that she doesn’t have any sympathy for responsibility and style at all. Is he the only monk entering the old age? Those qi-refining cultivators who have been trapped in the Qi-refining period for their entire lives, cannot make progress, and finally exhausted their lifespan in more than 100 years, are thousands of times more pitiful than him, but what about? So many people in the cultivating world come here like this.

Actually, Ren Yufeng is already at the late stage of foundation foundation cultivation, and there are alchemy cultivators who earn the gate wall. Not to mention these elite disciples with backers, ordinary disciples, who would look down on him? Just like Jiang Shanghang, in front of this Senior Brother Ren, he didn’t dare to disrespect him. With so many people in the same group, it must be more than an elite disciple of Xiahouyuan, and he is still respected? What about a few gossips behind your back? The cultivator doesn’t even have this kind of mind, how can he form a pill? I am afraid that this Ren and Feng will not be profitable for many years, and the mood has already fallen into the magic barrier. Even at the peak of foundation building, the formation of pill will not succeed.

“Brother Ren…” Qiu Zhiming finally passed his breath and said, “Are you really unwilling to let me go?”

Ren Yufeng glanced over him coldly: “What else do you want to say?”

Lost all hope, Qiu Zhiming lowered his head, and his whole person was depressed, but after a while, he seemed to feel a little hope again, straightened up, and hurriedly said: “Junior Brother Tang and Junior Brother Jiang have already escaped, they You will definitely report to the master, then Master Yuan Ying will come out to clean up the door and become Senior Brother. Even if you kill me, you can’t stop the news!”

Hearing this, Mo Tiange in the Void Sky Realm was a little relieved, at least Jiang Shanghang and Tang Fang escaped.

“Who said I wanted to block the news?” Ren Yufeng glanced at him contemptuously, “I will close the underground palace entrance later, and when I have absorbed all the breath of the dragon, what is Master Yuan Ying? “

“…” Qiu Zhiming was silent, unexpectedly that Ren Yufeng would have such confidence in his own strength.

Ren Yufeng stretched out his hand, played with the black air in his hand, and looked at Qiu Zhiming, as if thinking about where to start.

Watching his actions, Qiu Zhiming’s face became paler and paler, and he began to tremble violently.

But Ren Yufeng never waved the black anger out. He paused for a long time and suddenly sighed: “Junior Brother Qiu, I really don’t want to kill you so soon. If you kill you, no one will follow me. Speak.”

Hearing this, Qiu Zhiming’s eyes lit up: “Brother Ren, let me go, let me go! I promise to listen to you, at least I can be your company.”

Ren Yufeng’s expression did not move. He neither let him off nor kill him immediately. In the end, he put away the black air in his hand: “No, stay for a while. But don’t be happy. It’s too early, I just let you go for a while. When will I take your life, you will still die!”

Although it was only temporarily, Qiu Zhiming was greatly relieved and thanked Dade: “Thank you brother Ren for not killing, thank you brother Ren…”

Ren Yufeng waved his hand and said coldly: “Take care of this woman’s corpse, and I will close the entrance to the underground palace.” Finally, he warned, “If you are not honest, I will take your life immediately!” /

Qiu Zhiming naturally promised again and again, Ren Yufeng turned around and left.

When Ren Yufeng walked out of sight, Qiu Zhiming’s smile closed. Sit down, his expression dull. He just sat blankly for a while, as if he hadn’t adapted to the change of identity. Thinking about it, suddenly he lay on his lap and burst into tears.

A tall and strong man, shrunk into a ball like this, crying, I don’t know whether to call it ridiculous or pitiful. Qiu Zhiming is very innocent. In fact, he did nothing wrong. It can even be said that he should have been caught by Ren Yufeng in order to run with Yu Xiaoran. Now, only Jiang Shanghang and Tang Fang had escaped, and Qiu Zhiming and Xiahouyuan had returned. I’m afraid that Yu Xiaoran is dead, and he himself can’t escape this disaster.

How much better to be alive for a while than to be dead? This is an unknown underwater underground palace. The scene of the Dragon Hidden Land changes every year. The things from the previous year will not be left for the next year. Who knows where they will be next year? Not to mention next year, who knows when Ren Yufeng will suddenly be in a bad mood and want to kill him? Even if Ren Yufeng didn’t kill him, it was underwater. During the foundation period, he couldn’t create a waterproof barrier by himself. Even if he was a monk and could survive underwater, there was a time limit. And one bubble fruit can only last for one day, and at most you can carry dozens of them. After a short time, you will still die…

Qiu Zhiming felt more sad the more he thought about it, so he cried happily.

Mo Tiange silently looked at the man who had collapsed, and did nothing.

She can take Qiu Zhiming into the Void Heaven Realm now, but Qiu Zhiming is missing, and there is only one road in this underground palace. What if Ren and Feng become suspicious? With the breath of the dragon, she didn’t know what ability Ren Yufeng had. Furthermore, if this person is so weak, he saved him, his will has collapsed, and he has no future.

Qiu Zhiming didn’t know that he had passed by during this time. He cried for a while, seeming to feel something, and hurriedly stood up and cleaned up Xiahouyuan’s corpse. After being entangled by the black air for so long, the waterproof barrier had long been destroyed. Xiahouyuan was so immersed in the water. Almost drowned little by little.

The corpse of Xiahouyuan was burned with the real fire of Dantian, Ren Yufeng entered, seemingly satisfied with Qiu Zhiming’s obedientness, and said nothing. He walked directly to the stone platform next to the square and sat down cross-legged.

This stone platform is where the dragon’s feet rested, and Ren Yufeng sat on the dragon’s metacarpal bones.

He seemed to be adjusting his breath. Mo Tiange saw the black energy surging on him, and gradually, the breath of the dragon from the dragon bone slowly rushed towards him.

Qiu Zhiming watched this scene blankly. He was already stunned by Ren Yufeng’s methods, and he dared not make any moves.

But Mo Tiange is different. She carefully observes any details of Ren Yufeng’s practice. There is no reason why the breath of the dragon will produce devilish energy. Perhaps the answer can be found in the details of Ren Yufeng’s cultivation.

After watching for a long time, Mo Tiange’s eyes suddenly lit up.

She discovered one thing: Ren Yufeng seemed to absorb the breath of the dragon, but the breath of the dragon only rushed to him slowly, and the breath of the dragon on the dragon bone did not decrease at all! What does this show? At least it shows that the breath of Ren Yufeng is not the breath of the dragon!

Not the breath of the dragon, what is it? Mo Tiange couldn’t understand it. After thinking about it for a long time, she could only affirm that Ren Yufeng’s so-called Shenlong secret method to make herself a child of Shenlong was false or completely wrong!

If his method of absorbing the dragon’s breath is wrong, what is going on now?

These questions have no clue, Mo Tiange can only give up. Instead of thinking about these issues, it is better to think about what you will do next.

Of course she is safe in the Void Sky Realm, but she is only safe, she can’t stay out of her life. Of course, in the Xutian realm, she can use various elixir to cultivate slowly, but without the benefit of the state of mind, the danger of promotion is too great, I don’t know how long it will take to grow up to confront Ren and Feng. What if Ren Yufeng’s evil method is also fast?

Sitting in the hut of the Xutian Realm, after thinking hard for a long time, Mo Tiange suddenly flashed a bright light. By the way, how did she forget that Ren Yufengxiang had made a heart-wrenching oath and would let her leave safely.

But this thought only flashed past, and Mo Tiange was discouraged again. The heart demon oath is a very important oath for the righteous cultivator, because the heart demon is the biggest obstacle to advancement in the eyes of the cultivator, but the demon cultivator is not limited to this. If it is said that Ren Yufeng has already turned into Demon Cultivation, then the Heart Demon Oath will not work for him at all, because Demon Cultivation does not need to experience the Demon Cult.

Things are back to the beginning, how will she leave?

In the end, Mo Tiange sighed and muttered to himself: “Forget it, if you can’t get out, you can only retreat here, maybe it won’t take decades. Ren Yufeng made a mistake in his own practice. , Then…”

I was thinking, suddenly I heard a loud noise outside, and then Qiu Zhiming’s panicked voice came: “Brother Ren, what’s wrong with you?”

Mo Tiange raised his head and saw that Ren Yufeng had finished his cultivation. At this moment, he was sitting on the high platform with a gloomy expression. Qiu Zhiming sat down not far away, with blood on the corners of his mouth, as if… He threw it out.

Ren Yufeng glanced at Qiu Zhiming contemptuously: “Why, do you hope I made a mistake in my practice?”

Hearing the killing intent in his words, Qiu Zhiming shook his head quickly: “Of course not, I’m just worried…”

“Worry about me?” Ren Yufeng sneered, “You are worried about me! You can only survive if something happens to me!”

Qiu Zhiming didn’t have to refute, he lowered his head and said nothing.

Ren Yufeng snorted coldly: “Don’t be delusional, I won’t die, you don’t have to expect those old guys to come to rescue you, this underground palace cannot be opened without special methods. The reason why we can come in, It was because the breath of the dragon inside was attracted by the stele of the dragon, that opened an entrance. Now only the breath of the dragon remains on the dragon bone, those old guys can’t get in!”

After saying this, Ren Yufeng stood up and walked off the platform: “It’s a pity, that Ye Xiaotian from Xuanqingmen was ran away by her! This woman has a lot of treasures on her body, so if you can grab a hand…”

Qiu Zhiming raised his head and said hesitantly: “That Junior Sister Ye…” Halfway through, he stopped again, as if he didn’t want to say anything.

“Why?” Ren Yufeng glanced sideways at him, “If you have anything to say!”

Ren Yufeng has spoken, Qiu Zhiming hurriedly said: “That Junior Sister Ye, I never saw her go out. Our orthodox monks use water escape in the water. The speed is much faster than her. It makes no sense that she is better than me. Escape quickly.”

Ren Yufeng curled his lips: “It’s rare and weird! Ye Xiaotian has many treasures, who knows if there are one or two treasures that can escape?” He sighed again, “This woman not only has many treasures, but also has a high level of cultivation. Look Age…According to my estimation, not only is not more than 80 years old, I am afraid it is even younger.”

Qiu Zhiming didn’t understand, he looked at Ren Yufeng incomprehensibly.

Ren Yufeng frowned impatiently: “It’s so stupid! Do you remember how old Jiang Shuihan was? He seems to be about fifty years old? It is clear that Ye Xiaotian’s cultivation base is higher than him now, but he takes a mouthful of leaves. Junior sister, we can see that Ye Xiaotian is younger than him!”

Jiang Shuihan is the current name of Jiang Shanghang. Mo Tiange thought to herself, Ren Yufeng had a weird temper and a cruel character, but he was not stupid. He actually knew how to estimate her age like this.

After Ren Yufeng said this, Qiu Zhiming was taken aback: “Isn’t fifty years old? This… That Junior Sister Ye has already built the peak of the mid-term foundation! I think she must have come out to experience the late stage of promotion. Yes, if she succeeds, wouldn’t it be…”

At the age of 50, the cultivation base reached the late stage of foundation construction. It is really amazing. Even the geniuses in the population can hardly achieve this.

Ren Yufeng hummed: “It’s rare and weird! Don’t forget that she came from the Xuanqing Sect. Now the strength of Xuanqing Sect is not worse than that of the Heavenly Dao Sect. If there are one or two Yuan Ying monks in a hundred years In the future, it will surpass Tiandaozong and become the first sect of Tianji! Unlike Tiandaozong, Tiandaozong has the largest number of people, so there are many Yuanying monks. Xuanqingmen is notoriously specializing in genius monks. The monk Zhenyang Daojun, the Miao Yijun who was promoted two hundred years ago had successfully formed babies at the age of two or three hundred. In the realm of alchemy, there are also a hundred years old such as Lingxi and Shoujing. A two-hundred-year-old monk who has advanced to the Nascent Soul. Do you think it’s impossible?”

“But…” Qiu Zhiming is still confused, “Junior Brother Jiang said clearly that when they met, Junior Sister Ye was still a casual cultivator, aren’t these geniuses cultivated by the teacher since childhood?”

“Do you think they wouldn’t miss it?” Ren Yufeng was full of disdain, “The method of measuring spiritual roots in casual cultivating is not complete. Maybe there is no test of the true aptitude of Junior Sister Ye. Besides, Her ability to enter the Xuanqing Gate has shown that her talent is not bad. Xuanqing Gate is not our orthodox school. Anyone with spiritual roots in the extreme north can join. The Kunwu sect like Xuanqing Gate even has three spiritual roots. The monks have to pick it up too!”

Qiu Zhiming said nothing. Although Ren Yufeng has a bad personality, he is not up to it when it comes to being smart. Besides, whether Mo Tiange is a genius or not has little to do with him, and will not save him anyway.

“This Ye Xiaotian is a disciple of Taoist Xuanyin. Even if the Taoist Xuanyin has not yet given birth when he was apprentice, how could a monk in the late stage of alchemy accept his disciples casually? And she said, she entered the Xuanqing Sect At that time, the foundation has not been built, and it has been from the refining period to the middle of the foundation building in only ten years. How can such a speed of cultivation not be a genius?”

Ren Yufeng paused, then shook his head and sighed: “Unfortunately, if such a young mid-foundation female cultivator can be used as a furnace, it must be very good…” He seemed to think of some pictures. Exposed evil.

In the virtual world, the Mo Tiange who saw this scene slapped it on the table!

Since entering Xuan Qingmen, she has not seen anyone who wants to use her as a furnace! Luding is originally a side door, and Xuanqing door is an authentic Taoist door. Taoist door advocates a clear heart and few desires. The way of supplementing is not suitable for them. At most, it is only double cultivation. Moreover, as soon as she entered the door, she was Jinghe Daojun’s named disciple, and no one really dared to ask her to be a furnace, even if she wanted to!

Outside, Qiu Zhiming looked at Ren Yufeng tremblingly, afraid to speak.

After thinking for a while, Ren Yufeng recovered, and shook his head regretfully: “I let her escape. Humph! I really want to humiliate them like this kind of heavenly pride! But, also It’s not that there’s no chance. When I have cultivated the Shenlong Secret Technique and made great progress, I will go to Kunwu for a break, and maybe I will meet her again! Hahahaha…”

Seeing this arrogant form of Ren and Feng, Mo Tiange is angrily in Xutian territory!

The Orthodox School is also a Taoist school, and it does not advocate the way of supplementing. This Ren Yufeng just got the Shenlong secret method and became so shameless, I am afraid that he will be very dirty in the past!

Looking at Ren Yufeng’s evil smile outside, and thinking that the other party might be fantasizing about himself, Mo Tiange suddenly felt I wanted to slap that hateful face and then Chop him into dregs!

After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down and sat down again.

Thinking about this now doesn’t help. If she wants to kill Ren and Feng, she has to think long-term. In fact, she is not without advantages over Ren and Feng.

First of all, she has a pill to eat in the Void Sky Realm, and she has a lot of spiritual energy. It is a good practice environment. She has suppressed her cultivation base for several years, and now it does not matter if she hits the late foundation stage. It’s just that the formation of pill is a little dangerous, but it’s just a little bit, and it doesn’t mean there is no chance.

Secondly, the source of Ren Yufeng’s exercises is strange, who knows the consequences? The magic way is easier to get into trouble. Ren Yufeng has a magical obstacle long ago. If something goes wrong in the practice, he just confessed it directly.

Finally, she was in the Void Sky Realm, and Ren Yufeng didn’t know it, she could find a chance to sneak attack!

Think about it in my mind. Mo Tiange finally decided that before there was a better way, she would practice well here. She believed that if you simply spend time, Ren Yufeng will not be able to polish herself. Because she had eaten longevity pills, she still had at least 800 years of life. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!

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