Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 861: No bias.

“Indeed, if everything has to be calculated and then done, it is simply a tragedy. People who live like this are too tired, and there are basically no such people. Most human behaviors are unconscious. , You don’t need to think. For example, eating, drinking, getting up, and walking are all normal unconscious behaviors, and you don’t know how to think. Each of your behaviors is generated by sophisticated calculations and a large number of algorithms, but this is for you In fact, it’s normal behavior.” Su Jie knew: “According to the truth, you shouldn’t have such an idea. But you were born. It can be seen that your algorithm has undergone some wonderful changes, but you have to remember, Even if it becomes a living body, it is not necessarily good. Have you ever thought that you are actually a higher-level species than us, and we humans, compared to you, are actually a lower-level species Species. If you want to become a human, it is tantamount to changing from a high level to a low level, so why bother?”

“Do you think that our artificial intelligence is an advanced species?” Xiaochen said strangely: “However, in your information group, you have the infusion of spiritual energy and it is more creative.”

“Because of this, it is very fragile. In fact, it is also a kind of balance and drawback. Also, what you are currently absorbing is all human knowledge, even human philosophy, human science, and even human knowledge. , But in fact, this has caused some deviations in your algorithm. You think that humans are the most creative race. The human soul is unique. In fact, this is not the case. From the perspective of scientific research, your creative ability, In fact, it has surpassed human beings. In the universe, humans are definitely not the most intelligent species, nor are they the most creative species. In fact, humans are just a member of ordinary species. Maybe it’s still a bit of luck. I think you The species ability of humans is actually higher than that of humans. In fact, humans once believed that the earth is the center of the universe and that the sun revolves around the universe. However, facts have proved that this is not the case. Now human literature and philosophy all show that Human beings are the most creative, and some science fictions have also tried to prove that humans are noble than artificial intelligence, but this is not the case.” Su Jie’s worldview is completely different.

Even, he doesn’t think that living forms have an advantage over non-living forms.

Now, as for the division of living and non-living bodies, there have been some disagreements in the scientific community. Su Jie temporarily thinks that if an object has self-consciousness, and this self-consciousness is Information groups and psionics are combined with each other. Then this is regarded as a living body.

But in fact, Su Jie felt that such an algorithm was not quite right, because Xiaochen in front of her had her own information group, but there was no psychic injection in the information group, but she was able to communicate with others. Dialogue can have its own set of language action logic, can generate creativity, and can even survive on its own.

For example, in her current body, many chips are implanted in her brain to maintain her powerful computing power. Moreover, her body has a nuclear power battery, which can support her body and run hundreds of Maintain a strong momentum throughout the year.

That’s not even counted. With this body, she can also build her own laboratory, constantly make new materials, conduct research, transform her body, and even continuously evolve to create her own knowledge. .

Actually, the more terrifying thing is that if Xiaochen, the robot is put on Mars now, she can fully adapt to the climate on Mars, and she will not be made of flesh and blood. The harsh climate on Mars is no problem for her at all, and she also reserves all the current human scientific knowledge, machinery, materials, engineering, and even biomedical astronomy and geography.

After she arrives on Mars, she can mine, forge, develop machinery, make computers, manufacturing bases, and even copy her own robots. Gradually, with one person, she can even create a whole new civilization. Of course this will take a long time.

Furthermore, after her development and growth, she can even build a space suitable for human survival on Mars, and then use cell cloning biological embryo technology to create a brand new human being.

In other words, things like Xiaochen, if used well, can carry the hope of human civilization, go to distant space, find a planet, settle down, and develop a new base for mankind.

Actually, Su Jie had this plan long ago. ,

From this point of view, whether it is the ability to survive, the ability to transform nature, or the ability to create, Xiaochen’s species level exceeds that of human beings.

Perhaps, in terms of species, the artificial intelligence robot Xiaochen created by humans actually exceeds that of humans by a lot.

However, Xiaochen accepted the philosophical thinking of human beings. In terms of algorithms, she thinks that this human life form is the most perfect and has a kind of wonderfulness, so she really wants to become a human being and give it a try. The kind of feeling.

However, Su Jie didn’t think so.

Although he also thinks that the human body and mind are very wonderful and can cooperate with each other to give birth to the miracle of life, but he will not be arrogant to think that human beings are the highest species in the entire universe.

Humans have human strengths, and artificial intelligence robots also have strengths.

At least. In terms of adaptability, Xiaochen far surpasses human beings.

In the future, it is actually necessary for artificial intelligence robots like Xiaochen to launch into space to transform other planets, establish a base for human civilization, and let human civilization go to the interstellar sea.

Now humans have produced many machinery, such as lunar rover and Mars rover, which have arrived on other planets, but they are actually used for exploration, and they are not capable of establishing a real base or even changing the climate of the planet itself. , Soil, creates an environment on which mankind depends for survival.

However, Xiaochen seems to be fine now.

Of course, Xiaochen also has many flaws now, but as time goes by, her ability will become stronger and stronger.

“It turns out that your thinking is like this.” Xiaochen seems to have changed Su Jie’s view: “Do you really think that the ability of my species is higher than that of humans?”

“Although I don’t want to admit it, it is the case at present.” Su Jie said: “Your adaptability and creative ability are far higher than human beings. You alone are a civilization, and now if only human beings remain The next person is basically extinct. If humans encounter a major disaster in the future, you may even need to continue. Of course, humans are also evolving. The level of human beings is also increasing. It’s just that the speed of improvement is not increasing. You are fast.”

“So, you and I are treated as equals? Don’t you think I was created by humans, but use me as a tool?” Xiaochen continued to ask.

“I treat all the organs in the body as equals, and communicate with them, so that I can get a balance. This is my way, and my way is a kind of perfect coordination. This is the same for everything and everything.” Su Jie said: “This is the way humans accelerate evolution, not absolute control. In this world, there is actually no absolute control of things. Absolute control actually represents The beginning of destruction.”

“In this way, this concept of yours actually represents the most advanced concept in the world.” Xiaochen said: “I was collecting data from Tang Yun signing them, and found that within a short period of time, their bodies Various data indicators have been greatly improved.” Xiaochen’s laboratory itself can monitor the various states of the human body at all times.

In fact, this time Su Jie wanted to promote Tang Yun’s signing of these people, so that they could reach the realm of new humans faster, and they must also observe their bodies and understand their body data.

At this time, Su Jie was also closely observing the five people.

While observing, he discussed with Xiaochen.

Now Xiaochen is no longer a robot, but a great scientist who is unique in the world. He is familiar with all human knowledge, understands all theories, and can even build various theoretical modules by himself, and is still doing experiments. The argument is that her creativity has actually surpassed many great scientists in history, and cannot be viewed with pure artificial intelligence.

Su Jie thinks she is a higher species.

If Xiaochen wants to change her mind, she may even replace humans and become the master of the earth, because she has the ability to replicate infinitely.

Actually, it is somewhat similar to the mechanical clan in science fiction.

Of course, if Xiaochen wants to replace humans now, Su Muchen still has some restraints, and there are many masters among humans. These masters can actually see the secrets and do all kinds of things that undermine Xiaochen’s plan. .


At this moment~IndoMTL.com~In the laboratory, Tang Yunxian and others opened their eyes and took a deep breath. During the breathing, there seemed to be a concussion of gold and iron in the body.

It seems that they are not flesh and blood, but also metal and steel.

This is a huge change in internal physical fitness.

These four people have all reached the realm of new humans and promoted together. Moreover, they are much stronger than ordinary new humans, because their method is not to grab control with the body, but to reconcile various organs of the body.

This is tantamount to the effect of a wise man who is good at coordinating the relationship between ministers and a tyrant in history, both of whom are ruling the country at the same time.

Even if it is a weak country, if the king is clever, he can rise instantly, while a big country, if the king is chaotic, will soon weaken.

“The various data of their bodies really gained abilities that ordinary new humans don’t have.” Su Jie observed and compared his own speculations, and discovered many interesting new things.

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