Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 7: 3 kinds of refining methods, literary refining and martial refining plus horizontal refining

Chapter Seven Three Refining Methods, Wen Refining and Martial Refining plus Horizontal Refining

Early in the morning on July 9th, at only three o’clock in the morning, Su Jie got up.

He went to bed at nine o’clock last night. As soon as he went to bed, he began to use the five-horse dismemberment method taught by Odley to sleep. Gradually, he entered a very peaceful state.

Although he only slept for six hours, he was more energetic than he usually slept for ten hours.

When I got up, Su Jie was refreshed.

He quickly washed up and went to Oudley’s small courtyard outside the school.

Odley seemed to have known that he would come a long time ago, moved an imperial chair, lay down in the small courtyard, and watched the breezy clouds in the sky. The early morning of summer is actually very comfortable, the breeze is very cool, and there is no idea what insect repellent is sprayed inside or outside the courtyard, not even half of the mosquitoes can be seen.

“Here, I woke up earlier than I thought.” There seemed to be surprise in Oudley’s eyes: “You should have slept well last night.”

“I slept too soundly.” Su Jie felt that he was full of energy: “Coach, what do you teach me today?”

“Teach you a joint exercise first.” Odley stood up and did a few movements: “Before training, the most important thing is to warm up, and during warming up, the joints are the most important, among the joints, Knee joints and wrist joints are the weakest and most easily damaged in the human body, so they must be protected and strengthened. Boxers have to wrap their wrists to prevent punching bags. Wrist joints are impacted. Also wear knee pads. Of course, it is best to apply medicated oil that relaxes muscles and muscles when doing joint exercises. The various medicines of Minglun Wushu School are still very good.”

Su Jie did joint exercises with Odley.

This joint exercise is very soothing, gentle, and slow exercise, similar to Tai Chi.

“Coach, is this a new style of Tai Chi?” Su Jie started to exercise, and gradually his whole body began to heat up, especially in some joints, which was very comfortable, and there was a feeling of excitement in the cerebral cortex.

“The greatest benefit of all exercises is that dopamine and endorphins can be produced in the human body. Dopamine is a substance that excites and satiates desires. Endorphins are analgesics. Among them, Dopamine is the most important. This substance can improve the human body’s endocrine, making people in an extremely happy state all the time. It can treat depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. Therefore, exercise is the highest means of stress reduction. “Odley said: “And I have studied all exercises. The soothing and continuous aerobic rhythmic exercise of Taijiquan produces the most dopamine among all exercises. Therefore, people who practice Taijiquan will feel that they are themselves. It’s very comfortable. Over time, there will be a blind confidence in the cerebral cortex, thinking that oneself is invincible. This is good for the body and mind, but it also creates an illusion. This is how many Tai Chi masters really fight. , And one of the reasons for being beaten is that this kind of mistake is called delusion in the practice of Zen Buddhism. Only by breaking this layer of delusion and knowing the true self can you step into a whole new realm.” Oudli gave Su Jie is in class.

“It turned out to be like this.” Su Jie suddenly realized, “I have practiced day and night since I learned the trick of digging and hoeing. The cerebral cortex produces a lot of dopamine due to exercise. Excessive excitement creates the illusion of omnipotence. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Of course it’s a good thing. You can get into the state of excitement so quickly, which shows that your athletic talent is very high. Many people get tired as you exercise, which leads to slack emotions, and you become addicted as soon as you exercise. This is aptitude and comprehension.” Odley saw that Su Jie learned this set of joint exercises quickly and was even more happy: “This set of joint exercises is my combination of modern fighting sports system, plus Chinese traditional martial arts, especially Shaolin Temple. The Yi Jin Jing, as well as Wu Qin Xi, Tai Chi, and yoga movements are calculated through calculations.” Ou Deli said: “According to their exercise rules, Chinese traditional martial arts produce dopamine that other sports simply cannot. Than that.”

“Coach, I’m very excited now.” After a full hour of exercise, it was a soothing exercise, which was similar to the old man in the park doing Tai Chi, but Su Jie felt that he could kill a tiger, the cerebral cortex It seems to be mobilized.

“That’s right, this is the warm-up.” Oudli nodded: “When your brain gets excited by exercise, it is when the warm-up stops. Then, the real martial arts and horizontal exercises begin. .”

“Wu Lian? Heng Lian?” Su Jie heard this word for the first time.

“Practicing martial arts is divided into three types of practice methods, namely Wen Lian, Wu Lian, and Heng Lian. The so-called Wen Lian refers to the cultivation of the main body, stretching the muscles and bones, such as meditation, meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. , All kinds of martial arts routine exercises belong to Wen Lian, Wen Lian is very comfortable, easy to learn, suitable for all people to exercise, and martial arts is weightlifting, sandbags, running wild, kicking targets, all kinds of iron, to strengthen The bones and muscles. The horizontal exercise is the most cruel. The first is to fight against people, real combat, and the second is to use various cruel methods, such as clubs and platoons, to strengthen your endurance and muscles, but this one It is suitable for young people to practice. If you are over thirty years old, accidents will happen. In the process of practice, you must pay attention to the severity. If you are not careful, you will become disabled. In addition, nutrition and medicine can not be lacking. Otherwise, there will be hidden injuries. This kind of horizontal exercise is the fastest, such as Muay Thai, ancient Japanese karate, traditional Chinese platoon qigong, iron sand palm, iron finger exercise, hard qigong, etc. Now there are those who can perform horizontal exercises. Some of the top fighting athletes, as well as fighters in the military of various countries who specialize in special tasks. Of course, I have mastered the most scientific method of horizontal training.”

Speaking of this, Odley paused, and there was a kind of animal trainer on his face to have an expression: “The next training will be cruel, even cruel. If you can’t stand it, you can Exit. But I won’t teach you anything in the future. Think about it yourself.”

“I’m willing to accept.” Su Jie agreed without thinking about it.

“There is a **** over there. Go get it.” Oudli pointed to the side.

Su Jie quickly took the **** in his hand, stood up in the same posture as yesterday, and held the **** in the middle, as if it was up and down.

I was standing empty-handed yesterday, and now I am holding a hoe, which is very difficult.

But these days of practice, Su Jie has gained some muscles.

He dug the soil for a few days and then ate and drank with Jos.

“Stand up, on top of your head, there seems to be someone who is pulling your hair up and your hips down, like sitting on a piece of hot red iron. It is very hot. You have to keep eager to try, your feet are rooted, like a big tree Poke your roots into the depths of the soil. The deeper you pierce, the less likely it is to be blown down by the wind. Imagine yourself as a tiger with prey in front of you, so you can accumulate strength and be ready for a fatal blow at any time. If you can’t hit it, you will starve. ……..”

After standing up, Oudli kept pointing.

Then he took a rubber rod in his hand.


Suddenly, he hit Su Jie’s calf.

Su Jie couldn’t help but snorted, and hurriedly pushed hard to reach this point, and the pain was slightly relieved.


Ode used a rubber stick to continuously beat all parts of Su Jie’s body. After a while, Su Jie was bruised all over his body, suffering severe pain, and couldn’t bear it, but he still clenched his teeth and insisted.

“Now move.” Oudley said: “Use a **** to attack me.”

“Okay.” Su Jie attacked fiercely with that trick of digging and turning the soil, digging down the **** fiercely, and exhausted all his strength.

But Odley’s body style is too fast, even if Su Jie tries hard, he can’t touch the corner of his clothes at all.

And every time Su Jie attacked, he was beaten by the rubber rod.

Several times, Su Jie didn’t want to practice anymore. It was too bitter and tired. He wanted to drop his **** and give up, but a kind of perseverance in his bones made him persevere.

“Stop!” Just when Su Jie felt that he was about to faint, Odley called to stop, smear the spot on his body with active oil, and then began to massage.

When massaging, it’s like a tearing knife, and it’s going to die alive.

However, after half an hour of Odley’s massage, the bruises on his body disappeared a lot.

“Where my hands are massaged, you will be energized wherever you go to relieve your pain. This is the secret of horizontal exercise. The so-called luck against hits is very simple. It is to control a certain part of the body to make it tense. That’s it.” Odley said: “You have to pay attention all the time~ IndoMTL.com~ When anything touches a certain part of your body, that part will be highly tense, and the wind and grass will move immediately. This is ancient times. It is said in the old boxing book that one feather cannot be added, flies and insects cannot fall, which is also called response to touch. I hit you to train you to feel this way, and to increase your sensitivity and resistance to attacks. Strength, and the place that hits you at the same time, are some sensitive areas of neurons. Remember, when you practice with others, you must not train like this, because others don’t know the severity, and it is easy to hurt you. Only me, as a world-class top fighting coach, can control this kind of power.”

Odley’s method of tapping is also very scientific, which seems to increase a certain circulatory function of the body.

“Okay, now I will have breakfast.”

Odley brought Su Jie to the kitchen. There were warm congee, steamed buns, milk, eggs, a few plates of fruit, jam, fish, etc., which were very rich.

Su Jie is already very hungry, it seems that even a cow can eat it.

However, he still chewed slowly.

After eating, he rubbed many acupuncture points on his abdomen and swallowed saliva according to Odley’s digestion method. After half an hour, he was full of energy again.

“Now start to do strength and body training.” Oudli said: “Heel lifts, planks, rope skipping, push-ups, abdominal crunches, kicks, ligament compression…”

When Su Jie heard this, he knew that this was also cruel training, and it belonged to martial arts.

Doing joint exercises in the morning is Wenlian, and then Ode uses a rubber stick to pat his whole body. This is horizontal exercise. The next step is martial arts, explosive power and physical strength training.

The whole morning, Su Jie trained from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m., and then rushed back to school, just in time for Gu Yang’s training.

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