Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 496: 2 ways not to be the first.

Su Jie’s boxing technique has reached a state of returning to innocence.

His movements are very simple, but they are all natural, representing the highest state of martial arts. Su Jie has long discovered that there are actually not many boxing techniques, and sometimes a simple one-shot is enough.

So from the very beginning, he worked hard to practice the “hoeing the head” of the female fist of the mind.

Since Su Jie reached the realm of the living dead, his practice speed has slowed down. However, his skill is getting higher and higher. That is why he puts his own spirit and understanding of the nature of the world in the first place, so that he can understand why people become stronger.

Heaven and earth, history, general trend, universe, life, magnetic field, cells, biology, macro, micro, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, science, psychology, brain, etc., are brewed in his mind and merged into one furnace. Formed his own unique understanding of the world.

It is precisely because of this that he has created the general trend of boxing that he is almost invincible now.

Arrived now, Kung Fu is actually just a technique.

He completely mastered this technique, and even introduced new ones, evolving more techniques.

At this moment, Wu Xinyu, Wu Xinhuang, and Wu Xinhong, facing Su Jie’s attack, saw their fists burst into the air, and suddenly emerged from the void, blasting through the space, and after they came to their own eyes, Incomparable aura to destroy himself, facing the power of this punch, the manpower is extremely small and unstoppable at all.

What is a praying man’s arm as a car?

This popular idiom is actually not well understood by most people because they don’t know it personally.

But now Wu Xinyu, Wu Xinhuang, and Wu Xinhong have deeply felt what it means to be a car.

They feel that they are like a little bug blocking a high-speed train.

They didn’t have any thoughts of resisting at all, but just stepped back.

Between them and retreating, the four people gathered together according to their directions, seeming to be confronting each other. Their position occupied the position of the four elephants of the world, and it also aroused the feng shui aura here, and seemed to occupy the right time and place. Three advantages.

In the art of war, once these three forces are mastered, they are unmatched.

The weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the harmony of people. The three are complete, but they can really dominate the world.

Su Jie did not chase and kill again, but stood in a strange position. Facing the four masters of the martial arts, this position seemed to be upright and non-inclined, and this position was just right for the four masters. The impossibility of can’t reach the peak, it is a very strange stepping point.


Tang Yunxian’s whole body relaxed a lot, and he felt like he was left behind.

Before Su Jie started to attack just now, four consecutive attacks, the attention of the four masters immediately focused on Su Jie, and she got a respite.

For a moment of relaxation under such pressure, Tang Yunqi seemed to be a person who had been walking with a sandbag for several years, and suddenly he untied the sandbag. The feeling of being as light as a swallow was extremely refreshing.

“This son is so tyrannical, it’s terrible” Wu Qu was also watching.

He saw an astonishing scene where Su Jie attacked the four masters of the Wu family at the same time, and the four masters actually retreated one after another, not daring to resist their edge.

Wu Qu is the middle-class generation of the Wu family, and it is also the backbone of the Wu family. It can be said that it controls the property, structure, and personnel of the Wu family. It has an extremely broad vision and a very advanced realm. It can be seen that there are many unknowns. Secret.

No one has ever been able to repel any one of the four masters of the Wu Family. Wu Qu has seen Wu Xinyu and people do their hands since he was a child, and they have all directly defeated them. They have never made a second move, and sometimes they don’t. Speaking, relying on eyes and momentum can make people collapse.

As for the situation of the four masters besieging and killing one person, it has never happened before, even when it was Mr. Cain, the four masters were not used together.

Now, Su Jie takes the initiative to attack, and the four high numbers will actually retreat. Wu Qu can really see the power of Su Jie.

Originally, deep in his heart, he just regarded Su Jie as an extremely difficult genius opponent, but now, in his heart, he has regarded Su Jie as a demon god.

The opponent and the devil are of two levels, one can be defeated, and the other can only fear and pray, praying that the opponent will not bring disasters to him.

“This woman’s realm” was in a complex mood. Wu Qu saw Tang Yun’s sign. With his spiritual keenness, he felt that Tang Yun’s spiritual world had been greatly tempered under tremendous pressure. “Could it be that this woman can still reach the realm of the eighth sense and sit on the same level as me? If she is the realm of the living dead, then marrying into our martial arts family, I can still suppress her, if her realm is on the same level as mine, then I can also suppress her If you don’t stop, you will fight for power with me. It’s a miracle that Tang Nanshan can appear in the small Tang family. I thought that the second generation of the Tang family could not be promising, but it actually did appear. This is a great talent. This is the light of Su Jie. He has inherited the ability of a god-maker and can cultivate real talents.”

Wu Qu thought a lot in an instant, but he was more concerned about today’s battle.

Originally, he thought that there was actually no suspense in today’s World War I, because the Wu family could not fail. This was absolute confidence, but now, this confidence is beginning to waver.

He looked at Tang Yun’s signature again, and found that this woman’s face showed an absolute confidence, that was to believe that Su Jie would win. From Tang Yun’s signature, Wu Qu felt blind confidence, no Belief for any reason.

“This woman’s invincible war against Su Jie has become a kind of belief.” Wu Qu was surprised.

“Mr. Xinyu, your aura just declined.” Su Jie was very casual, as if he was not in a competition at all, but was chatting with friends. “Do you know what trick I used just now? The leader’s boxing technique is the result of the research after the exchange with my coach Oudli. Of course, I now estimate that only 90% of the power of the leader can be played, and there are some of the most critical charms. Only the leader himself Only then can it be achieved. Do you still have confidence in the siege of the leader?”

“Bring out your true ability.” Wu Xinyu frowned when he heard Su Jie’s words, and he could feel it, Su Jie

Disrupt their confidence.

Indeed, they didn’t dare to take the blow from Su Jie just now. What would happen if they faced the real big boss? I’m afraid it will be defeated at the first contact.

But they don’t believe that the big boss is so strong.

“Indeed, I was simulating the boxing method of the big boss just now. My own boxing method is not like this. The method of boxing method is the most important. The so-called narrow road meets the brave to win. The technology is still second. The two clash, the winning factor, The aura accounts for 70%, the remaining 20% ​​is strength, and 10% is luck. In fact, the martial arts family is the real kung fu family, and knows more about these than I do. I won’t say anything more.” Su Jie said. Next, our contest is the real start.”

It is this series of actions and words, Su Jie seems to have some initiative.

But if you want to win completely, it’s probably very difficult. He has tried it out just now. These four team members are not trivial. They are definitely the highest level in the entire world. , Can even take care of the opponent’s flaws, one shot, three assists, quite the flavor of the ancient art of mandarin duck formation.

Qi Jiguang’s Mandarin Duck Array is a Japanese kendo master who specializes in dealing with swordsmanship. Even the strongest master, as long as a few soldiers use shields, machetes, and spears to attack and defend each other, that person can’t help but retreat steadily. , Surrounded by it, and even hacked and stabbed to death.

In multi-player combat, kung fu is not very useful, it relies on a kind of organizational joint strength.

But Su Jie’s current strength has broken through the shackles of this space transformation, any combination, as long as he takes a glance, he can find the flaw.


His body moved again, and when he chopped in the air, his arms raised, and when he fell, he slashed towards Wu Xinyu. He had already seen that in the four-person combination, Wu Xinyu was actually a key point, just like a snake. , This person is the head of a snake. Although the head and tail correspond to each other, as long as the head is removed, the battle will be broken.

Su Jie’s angle seems to be very big, but in fact it is very small. Some are similar to a straight punch. It cuts in from the middle, and it has reached a level of indistinguishability between straight and straight.

In Wuqu’s view~IndoMTL.com~Su Jie’s boxing method, every time you do it, it is simply a pinnacle of art, which seems to represent a profound truth in it. With his martial arts cultivation, he almost wanted to be fascinated by it, and deep in his heart there was an impulse to learn from Su Jie.

This is Su Jie’s true ability.

Wu Xinyu, who faced Su Jie’s attack, had another feeling deep in her heart. When Su Jie imitated the attack of the leader, the **** power he saw was like a huge mountain pressing down and a train running over. However, everything is unstoppable ferocious, cruel, disaster, irresistible, this is the style of the master’s boxing.

The style of Su Jie’s split was completely different from just now. The moment Wu Xinyu started Su Jie’s hands, she seemed to see a brilliant rainbow. It suddenly landed and arrived in front of her. It was so beautiful. Fascinating, representing the most true, kind, and beautiful in the world, with fairy, Zen, and ethereal.

The true essence of the master’s boxing technique is a natural disaster, which makes people scared.

Su Jie’s boxing technique is hope, which is touching.

But both are equally powerful…(https:)

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