Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 296: Compare the strengths and weaknesses of people like beautiful jade again

Chapter 296 once again compares the strengths and weaknesses of people like Meiyu

  ”How much do you know about Typhon training camp? What is the technology in it?” Su Jie asked tentatively.

   “Lead a lot in the market, especially computer artificial intelligence technology. They focus on threatening to kidnap scientists to do things for them, and they have recruited a large number of computer talents, life science and technology talents.” Liu Guanglie said: “In fact, as far as research institutions are concerned. , The research atmosphere among them is very strong, and they are rich and paid. Basically, the researchers at the beginning are unwilling, but over time, they will be infected by the atmosphere and are willing to stay in it.”

  ”Scientific research is a purely money-burning job.” Su Jie said: “I really don’t know how the Typhon training camp can support it. Is it because of the issuance of virtual currency and the black market dark web transaction? “

   “The transaction volume of the dark web on the black market is extremely huge, not to mention virtual currency.” Gu Yangdao: “They use the dark web on the black market as the physical foundation and use virtual currency as credit to purchase the items in it, forming the world’s most The huge e-commerce network, the profits of which are unimaginable. Of course, the most important thing is that they have attracted some military and political leaders from all over the world to **** them, or threaten or lure them. Few people can escape them. Winning.”

  Su Jie carefully thought about the operation mode of Typhon training camp.

   In fact, he has also used training camp products, such as ointments, and military cans. A large part of his money is spent on it.

  Especially ointments and military canned food, they are necessary for him to ensure nutrition and exercise.

   However, he usually gives the money to Zhang Manman so that he can exchange it for virtual currency abroad, and then use the virtual currency to buy military cans on the dark web.

  No way, this product is really easy to use, full of nutrition, good for the body, suitable for a lot of physical exercise, the most effective is to save time.

  Time is money and it is very precious. Su Jie spends a lot of time on research, exercise, meditation, etc., 24 hours a day, waiting to spend it.

   It would be a shame if you waste time on eating.

   For example, cooking, shopping, cooking, a meal takes a long time. And eating out, the nutrition is not enough, the taste is not good, there are still a lot of heavy metal pesticides in it, and even waste oil and various inferior foods will be eaten, which will cause great damage to the body for a long time.

  Su Jie naturally won’t let his physical strength lose a little bit.

  He is very demanding about food and drinking water.

   However, even if it is military canned food, as his strength increases, it is basically difficult to meet his needs, so he has now sent his physical indicators to Lalridge’s life science studio every day for tailoring Customize the food that best meets his physical needs.

   In fact, the most important thing for people is to eat and drink.

  ”Virtual currency is because the global currency is over-issued, and everyone doesn’t know what it is used for. So virtual currency has the desire to invest.” Tang Yunqi suddenly said: “Plus some organizations will launch some in due course. Products can be purchased on the dark web of the black market. Therefore, virtual currency has real purchasing power, and it truly shows its extraordinary charm. Last year, the total market value of virtual currency has reached more than one trillion US dollars. This is equivalent to the total value of many small countries. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger, and the manipulators behind the scenes are no longer making money as simple as making money, but are re-enacting global financial rules. Although it is still difficult to shake the financial order, but Already like an ant gnawing, a small gap has been made.”

   Su Jie listened, but felt that Tang Yun signed something reasonable.

   It seems that Tang Yunqi has also done some research on the world financial situation.

   But these are all secondary. Su Jie said so much because his fundamental purpose was to extract more secrets of the Typhon training camp from Liu Guanglie.

   “All science actually depends on computer operations.” Su Jie said: “Even the huge data of Minglun Martial Arts School, countless students practicing physical changes, movements, fighting, these videos, hundreds of thousands of hours Recording, and only a supercomputer can watch it completely in an instant, and extract valuable data from it for analysis. I wonder if the old principal, have you been exposed to their artificial intelligence technology in the Typhon training camp? Their laboratory Where is it?”

  ” Last year, Haoyu Group merged a large number of talents from its artificial intelligence laboratory with Typhon training camp and integrated into it. According to what I know, your sister is among them. You want to get from me In your mouth, get your sister’s whereabouts?” Liu Guanglie seemed to see through Su Jie’s mind.

   “Yes, this is a natural human relationship.” Su Jie did not hide: “My sister was missing by the Haoyu Group, and now she is still alive and dead. As a younger brother, we must find out her whereabouts, at least Make sure she is safe now.”

  ”Their artificial intelligence laboratory is absolutely confidential, and I don’t know where it is.” Liu Guanglie shook his head: “The data of our Minglun martial arts school is just a system connected to it. Feedback The data that comes to improve the training and nutrition. Among them, the core secrets are impossible for us to access. Of course, you can rest assured of your sister’s safety, because in the Typhon training camp, the most important thing is the scientist Researcher, safety cannot be the slightest problem. Everything is for scientists. I can understand that the scientists at Typhon training camp are the happiest scientists in the world, regardless of the factors of good and evil. Typhon pays more attention to scientific research than any other country.”

   Su Jie listened to these news, but felt relieved again.

   Dad Su Shilin also analyzed the pros and cons, saying that Sister Su Muchen’s research in the Typhon Group is profitable and harmless, and the benefits are enormous.

   From now on, I’m afraid it’s a blessing in disguise.

   “I want to try your kung fu.” Liu Guanglie said again. He looked at Su Jie’s pensive expression: “However, I am old and cannot engage in fierce fighting. How about we play Tai Chi Push Hands? Tai Chi Push Hands can best see the comprehension of the upper realm of Kung Fu.”

   “That’s great.” Su Jie immediately stood up and readily agreed.

   can fight against Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, he can gain a lot of experience.

  In the domestic martial arts, Liu Guanglie is the Taishan Beidou, which is incomparable to other martial arts schools.

  In various domestic fighting clubs, it belongs to the category of sports fighting. Sanda, Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling, MMA, etc., are not in the strict sense of martial arts.

   belong to martial arts are various martial arts, the inheritance of traditional folk martial arts, such as Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, Xinyi Liuhequan, Bajiquan, Shaolinquan, Wudangquan, Xinyiba, Tan legs, Chaquan , Tanglangquan, Wing Chunquan, Hongquan, Fanziquan, Eagle Clawquan, etc., each has inheritance and school, and there are also powerful masters among them. These masters teach kung fu among the people and open martial arts schools to teach apprentices. The real martial arts in modern society.

   But no matter what kind of martial arts school it is, in fact, for Minglun martial arts school, it is just a small fight.

  Minglun Martial Arts School has truly carried out a kind of industrialized and scientific teaching and research. Countless people fight in it every day. The accumulated practice training system is not comparable to any folk boxer.

   So it is not unusual for Liu Guanglie to have the current state of Kung Fu.

   Moreover, in Su Jie’s view, Liu Guanglie is actually not “old and physically weak”. On the contrary, he is energetic, full of physical energy, good at health preservation, vigorous, and full of vitality condensed into beautiful jade in his body.

  Su Jieguan’s appearance, he felt that Liu Guanglie’s bones and flesh and blood had been “jade”.

   Of course, this is just a feeling, not really becoming jade.

   Just like Su Jie practicing hard qigong horizontally, he felt that his whole body was turned into a bronze and gold body, with the smell of immortality in it.

   Today, Su Jie and Zhang Hongqing have benefited a lot, and now they have to fight Liu Guanglie. The knowledge accumulated in one day is more than what others have accumulated in ten years.

   “Come on.” Liu Guanglie stretched out his hand.

   The two competed Tai Chi Push Hands Kung Fu.

   Tai Chi Push Shou is another type of wrestling, but other wrestlings are very fierce and can easily hurt people. Tai Chi Push Shou is purely used to feel the changes in power. It is very safe and allows people to understand Kung Fu. The mystery of the superior realm.

  Since Su Jie came back from the Japanese Tai Chi Championships, he felt the mystery of Tai Chi Push Hands, and felt that this push hands would definitely be popular.


   The two people put their hands together.

   At the moment of joining hands, Su Jie suddenly felt that Liu Guanglie’s body was like a huge magnet, sucking himself out of balance, and any movement he made would be deformed~IndoMTL.com~ Then, Liu Guanglie flipped his arm slightly , The huge magnet is not attraction, but repulsion.

   Between these power changes, there is simply no match.


   When Su Jie joined hands with him, he had already retreated three steps without exerting any force, and he lost his balance as he pushed and sent him.

  With Su Jie’s current kung fu, any master who meets him will just fly with him.

   But now he has met Liu Guanglie, and the balance point of the center of gravity has been destroyed by the opponent. This shows that Liu Guanglie’s level is high.

   Even Yang Shu’s Tai Chi Kungfu, the first person in Tai Chi, is far behind Liu Guanglie.

   “Okay.” Su Jie was not surprised and rejoiced. Just now, he had already seen Liu Guanglie’s true level. He came up again, and the two put their hands together.


   While Liu Guanglie flicked, he didn’t actually shake Su Jie out. Instead, Su Jie flicked like epilepsy, dissolving all his power, and then sending his own power over.

   In this round of competition between the two, neither side took any advantage.

   But then Liu Guanglie nodded, moving his body, sending his arms forward, and suddenly spit out a long and short vigor. These two vigors, one long and one short, are like a big river, stretching for thousands of miles, rushing endlessly, never ending. . The short-strength is like a bow and crossbow suddenly shot out, popping out of the chamber, and plunged into it fiercely.

  The combination of length and strength was played in an instant, and the combination of yin and yang was all blessed on Su Jie.

   Su Jie did not expect that Liu Guanglie could use his energy so superbly, which opened a whole new door for him.

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