Konoha’s 50 Years Chapter 9: Explosion is art

An hour later, a group of people arrived at their destination.

Chen is the first time to see such a magnificent canyon.

Standing at a high place, he found that the entire canyon spreads for several kilometers, and the walls of the gorge are full of fluffy and broken rock layers. Even the ninja’s climbing actions have a lot of resistance.

The original long and narrow passage has been completely sealed by Sha Yin, the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack Yunlu Canyon, it is really no joke.

If you have to describe it, it looks like the Great Wall of Extremis.

However, even a hundred night watchmen can block a hundred thousand savages by virtue of the Great Wall, and three hundred sand bears guarding a canyon, is it not too exaggerated?

After entering the canyon, with Luo Sha’s order, Chen smoothly took over the command of Yunlu Canyon Sharen.

“Spread all the ninjas, one upper ninja, two middle ninjas, and three lower ninjas for the team to monitor the Konoha ninjas who may climb up the canyon.”

Standing at the top of the gorge, he ordered Sand Shinobu still controlled by the illusion spell next to him.

The other party is only a superficial level of consciousness and memory controlled by Chen’s illusion, and it looks like a normal ninja, so simple commands like this can still be executed.

After finishing the layout, Chen looked down at the canyon a little unhappy.

“Why, I feel a little sympathetic after talking to the little girl from Sand Shinobu?” Mikoto asked, standing beside Chen.

To say that among the few girls Chen knows well, the longest time with him and the one who knows him best, is undoubtedly that Mikoto is right. Knowing that he basically frowned, Mikoto can roughly guess him. What are you thinking about?

“Nothing.” Chen shook his head, and then whispered in a voice that only Mikoto could hear: “What a ninja can’t have is sympathy.”

This sentence was the first lesson taught by Oshemaru that year. Over the years, Chen, Mikoto, and Shengshu have all kept in mind.

It’s just that Chen still remembers that he told Dashemaru that he wanted to change everything, even if he used force.

But only force is definitely not enough. After all, I don’t know when the six immortals hidden on the edge of the Ninja World will let you understand what a “surprise” is.



It was noon when the team arrived in the canyon. Looking at the scorching sun, Chen felt that as long as the ninja led by Konoha was not in the brain, it would be impossible to choose the time of attack at this point.

Maybe this will happen in a few decades, but the ninjas of World War II or World War III are more forbearing and more like a “ninja” than the flowers that grow in the greenhouse in later generations.

It’s like Naruto, as a ninja, son of destiny, hero of the ninja world, has never killed anyone, dare you believe it?

Even if the horns are mortal, Kakashi has to make the last cut, not to mention the Nagato, who voluntarily gave up their lives by being evaded by Naruto’s mouth.

Although this is the case, the protection that should be done is still to be done.

The area of ​​the canyon is too large, and it is impossible to detect the movement effectively by occupying the commanding heights alone, even if there are intelligence ninjas in the team.

Soon, because of Chen’s order, the sand ninjas scattered in twos and threes, and it was relatively easier for the upper ninjas to be responsible for this kind of large-scale investigation.

Although they don’t have excellent reconnaissance methods, they are more likely to respond to the situation and call for support.

“The terrain of the canyon is quite steep. If Konoha’s ninja wants to attack this canyon, it will take a lot of ninja power.”

Two Shayin Ninjas stood at the edge of the canyon, and one of the ninjas, who appeared to be mature, said to his companion.

“In other words, Konoha’s ninja actually has the power to attack?”

“Of course, after all, we have three hundred people. If Konoha’s ninja is determined to attack this fortress, he will definitely succeed.

But the possibility should not be high. Isn’t it said that the third generation of Hokage is very kind, at least this kind of death squad, Konoha has never been released, in terms of humanity, Konoha can Said to be the number one among the five ninja nations. “

“Then what will they do?”

“I’m not Konoha’s commander, how did I know.” One of the sands rolled his eyes and said.

At this moment, the ninja with the best reconnaissance ability among the sand hidden has discovered that at the end of the horizon, there seems to be some small black spots.

“Konoha’s ninja appears!”

He yelled loudly when he discovered the news. For a time, all the upper ninjas, and some absent-minded middle and lower ninjas, all quieted down, and some of the lower ninjas looked extremely nervous.

“Don’t worry.” Senluo walked to the side of a few Shayinxiaren who were still trembling, softly comforting.

As the captain, Sen Luo, although his face was expressionless, at this time, it was like a tranquilizer.

Soon, because of his comfort, several Xiaren recovered their peace.

Senra went on to the gathering place of the next wave of Shinobu, strolling in the garden, as if he was not worried about the Konoha Ninja who would attack for a few minutes~IndoMTL.com~Sinra-sama, so it was A gentle person? “

Many Shangren who are a little familiar with Sun Luo have such a problem, but in an emergency, they have no time to think about it, and Sun Luo himself is doing a good thing.

Soothing the restless ninja’s emotions is also something the commander must know about.

It’s almost there.

When everyone was looking at the coming Konoha ninja like an enemy, Chen’s body had already pulled Mikoto and withdrew very far.

And his shadow clone is still above the gorge, directing Sand Shinobu to manipulate the large Shinobi.

These ninjas were all invented by Sha Yin to deal with other villages.

For example, a large instrument that can continuously fire Wind Demon Shuriken, and a long tube that can eject fire…

These ninjas may have limited lethality for the upper ninja, but for the middle and lower ninjas, they are undoubtedly a big killer.

So, Konoha would really lose a lot if he did a strong attack.

But Konoha certainly wouldn’t attack by force. When there was a hundred meters away from the attack range, Konoha’s troops stopped.

“Cover your ears.” Chen, who had already lifted his disguise, said to Mikoto, who had also lifted his transformation technique next to him.

Mikoto nodded, and immediately covered her ears, and Chen also detonated the Mutual Detonation Talisman lying beside Sand Ninja at the same time.

This forbidden technique developed by the second generation of Hokage has burst out of its own unique flame on the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War.

“Explosion is art.”


(The ps May Day is over, I do the calculations, if I want to finish as planned at the end of June, there will be three shifts every day. From now on, I will change from hand-crows to hard-working crows, and share with you~)


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