Konoha’s 50 Years Chapter 72: The power to live (three/three)

   “What should we do. At this time, where do we go to catch animals?” The rope tree was a little depressed.

   After all, he thought he was just coming for a simple task. So he brought a lot of ration pills and dry food. I just didn’t expect that all of them were not used.

  The important thing is that he has never had the experience of catching animals.

   “Well. Let’s do it, the three of us will act separately, and each one will try it first. If it doesn’t work, let’s get together again here.”

   Uchiha Tatsumi narrowed his eyes and thought for a while and said.

   “Okay.” Mikoto was also silent for a moment, nodding seriously.

   two votes to one vote, Shengshu had no choice but to agree.

   Then the three immediately separated from here and ran in different directions.

   ran for a while, Uchiha Tatsuno ran under a big tree, and then stopped.

   He took a closer look at his surroundings. It was already dusk, and the sun was about to sink to the west. Under the cover of dense trees, the surrounding light is very dark and the visibility is very low.

   Uchiha Tatsumi showed vigilance. In this environment, it is easy to set up traps.

   In fact, Uchiha Tatsuki had a faint guess when he brought them directly from Onomaru to the mission.

   This time, the three generations of Hokage talked about mission execution. This is true, but the real thing is to exercise the viability of these people.

   Under normal circumstances, what the general Shinobi should do is to take them to the training ground for a cordial exchange before performing the task.

   Talk to each other about their ideals, talk about hobbies, friends everywhere, and have another barbecue ramen.

  Maybe, there will be a regular show-grab the bell.

   This is the correct way to expand.

   After all, before the mission, it is most important to consider the strength and cooperation of several of them.

   But, Oshemaru did not ask them to grab the bell on the training ground as usual.

   Moreover, on the way to the mission point, Uncle Snake’s speed is always maintained within the acceptable limits of Rope Tree and Mikoto.

   These don’t explain much. Maybe time is really urgent.

   However, Dashewan did not allow them to eat military ration pills and dry food, and instead asked them to go to the forest to find prey by themselves.

  If Uchiha Tatsumi hadn’t been alert in this abnormal situation, then he would be too embarrassed by the Alliance of Rebirths.

   Hurry up and let the Time Administration take him away.

   So, Dashemaru should have changed their way to test them. After all, the real purpose of this mission is actually to train them and improve their survivability on the battlefield.

   And now is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

   Therefore, Uchiha Tatsun suggested that the three separate. After all, only by separating, can everyone’s awareness ability be better exercised.

   Uchiha Tatsu is still very relieved of Mikoto, after all, she had received the training of Oshe Maru three years ago.

   In fact, Mikoto was the first person to react just now.

   The only one among the three who didn’t react, seemed to be the idiot Rope Tree.

   Uchiha Tatsumi hesitated for a moment, then took a bite of his finger.

   “The art of psychic.”

   After a burst of smoke appeared, a white one-meter-long white snake appeared.

   This is the psychic beast that Uchiha Tatsumi got the Oshemaru psychic contract last night, and then went home to try to psychic.

   The opponent is extremely good at perception and detection.

   But Uchiha Tatsuhsi was a little bit hesitant in his heart, and didn’t want to channel her.

  Because this snake has some problems with its character.

   I saw that the white snake followed Uchiha Tatsuo’s legs and crawled onto Uchiha Tatsuo’s neck.

   This is really comfortable and cold. In the future, it can be used as an ice pack to cool down heat. Uchiha Tatsumi sighed with emotion.

   “Xiao Tatsuchen, I haven’t seen you all night, you think I didn’t.” The snake stuck out its tongue, and then licked Uchiha Tatsun’s neck.


   The character of this snake is too weird. It’s right that Uchiha Tatsu is confident in his looks, but he doesn’t want to be attracted to a snake either.

   After all, he is not a **** Xu Xian.

   Thinking of this, Uchiha Tatsuro shuddered suddenly.

   I actually shuddered at the snake!

   Uchiha Tatsu shook his head quickly and drove these distracting thoughts out.

  He said quickly, “Dabai, help me perceive it. If there is anything unusual around, look for an animal by the way.”

   “Today, don’t you have anything else to say to me?” Dabai licked Uchiha Tatsumi’s ear again.

  ”Go and check it out for me! I will introduce you to other boyfriends tonight.”

   “I have a good friend called Rope Tree. He is handsome and has a good personality. He is white and beautiful, with a convex and rearward face. And he is a third-generation official. It must satisfy your aesthetics.” Uchiha Tatsumi Said quickly.

   “Cut, smelly man.” The snake curled his lips.

   Then she felt it seriously.

   “Well, there is a detonation symbol under your right foot.”

   Uchiha Tatsumi Whale, quickly moved a few steps to the left.

  ”Stop, stop. Under the haystack on your left, there is a trap. There is a handful of kunai facing you.”

  ”Also in front of you…”

  ”Behind you…”

   Uchiha Tatsun: “…”

   “Ahaha, Uncle Snake, you are really naughty.” Uchiha Tatsumi smiled awkwardly.

   Rope tree, please ask for more blessings. Uchiha Tatsumi prayed to the rope tree, after all, he proposed to spread it out.

   In this case~IndoMTL.com~ Can the rope tree survive? This is a question!


   Suddenly there was a loud explosion in the distance. Maybe someone stepped on the detonator.

   “Die! I must kill you. Dashemaru! You bastard!” The rope tree’s stern voice suddenly came from a distance.


   After half an hour, Uchiha Tatsuno successfully dragged a huge wild boar back.

   and Mikoto also walked back holding a grass chicken.

   As for the rope tree, Uchiha Tatsumi did not see it. It should have been blown to death by the detonating talisman.

   After all, this is his fate.

   However, when he approached, Uchiha Tatsuno realized that a pile of dark and unknowing things was squatting on the ground.


  What the hell!

   I scared me to death.

   It was too dark just now, he didn’t notice. Then Uchiha Tatsun took a closer look, and then vaguely recognized that the black tuft turned out to be a rope tree.

   His whole body has turned black, and his clothes have become tattered.

   “Uh!” Uchiha Tatsumi showed disgust.

  Oshemaru’s golden eyes stared at the campfire dreamily.

   “If you are on the battlefield, the rope tree, you have been blown up by the detonator.”

   “A ninja is really important, not strength. Of course, this is also very important, but the real thing is the strength that needs to survive.”

  Oshemaru paused, and continued to the three of them, “Maybe I won’t teach you how much ninjutsu or illusion, but I will give you this kind of power to survive in battlefields or missions. This is more important than any power.”



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