Konoha’s 50 Years Chapter 19: The treatment of horror

   Although he didn’t know his sister Tsunade, why was she suddenly frightened to herself.

   However, from the life experience that Ropeki has observed and been abused for many years, when Tsunade is in this state, someone must be unlucky.

   So the only way at this time is to run quickly.

   Otherwise, what is trampled on by Tsunade is more than just dignity.

   and especially in front of so many classmates. He didn’t want to be the object of ridicule.

  ”…Yes, is it? Sister, I think my cold has gone away, no…don’t bother you, you are treating someone else’s illness!” After the rope tree squatted, he ran away immediately. .

   “Wait, who will allow you to go. I have not finished what I have said. What anxious.” Tsunade grabbed the corner of the rope tree and prevented him from leaving, the rope tree was like a chicken by Tsunade Caught in your hands.

   If Roeki takes a closer look, he will see that although his sister Tsunade’s smile looks bright, her face is filled with a disturbing shadow of terror.

  ”Yeah, yeah, I just saw the rope tree still coughing, but the cold current in May is very cold. In order to prevent the cold germs carried by the rope tree from forming a widespread flu in the village of Konoha, please Tsunade-sama rectified quickly, don’t be merciful.”

   Although he had just complained about the so-called cold current in Tsunade’s mouth, Uchiha Tatsu was very excited when he saw the rope tree would be punished. Falling into the pit is a good thing for him.

  Before Yutsuki’s uneasy and threatening eyes were cast over, Uchiha Tatsuno quickly moved his eyes to another position.

   “That’s right.” Tsunade nodded, and the bright smile on her face made Rooseki feel cold.

   “My stupid brother, you see your classmates also think so, you see that your disease is really incurable.”

   “Uchiha Tatsumi, you counted me! Wait for me.” After Tsunade grabbed the collar and couldn’t run, the rope tree turned his head in grief and stared at the **** in front of him.

   Are you going to attack with your eyes?

   Mikoto said sympathetically to the rope tree, “Rose tree quickly admit his mistake to Tsunade-sama. She will forgive you for sure. ”Mikoto is really kind.

   The rope tree, who knew he couldn’t leave, had given up struggling.

   Mikoto was puzzled, wouldn’t the rope tree kneel down and apologize? If you apologize, you should be forgiven easily. Is this the so-called dignity of a ninja?

   Seeing the rope tree that didn’t follow Mikoto’s suggestion, Uchiha Tatsumi grinned his eyes approvingly.

   is the grandson of the original Naruto.

   Rope Shu sorted his clothes.

   admit wrong? Really, I have to look at the subject before admitting a mistake. A gleam of light flashed from the corner of Rope Tree’s eyes.

  ”You are wrong, Mikoto. I know it! ”

   The corners of Nosuki’s mouth rose slightly, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

  ”I understand very well. There is no need to do so. The apology does not exist. ”Speech tree continued with the expression of the person who came over and said.

  ” Could it be said that Rope Tree, you still have an afterthought, you can escape punishment…? Uchiha Chen asked in doubt. He frowned when he saw the calm attitude of the rope tree.

  ”The last move? You are wrong. Chen, you don’t understand at all. ”The rope tree laughed.

  ”I said that’s not the same thing. ”Rose Tree has an expression that already knows everything.

  ”If this is a quiz, it is a pity Chen that your answer is only 0 points. I don’t admit my mistakes to my sister, it’s not because of self-esteem or because of the aftermath. The correct answer is──

  ──The correct answer is that even if I kneel down and apologize to my sister, I won’t give up punishing me.


   “Okay, don’t say that some of these are gone, you must be cured quickly.”

   slapped the rope tree on the table, Tsunade Hime gave no chance to struggle.

   “The rope tree, what do you know about my psychic beast. These slugs have very good medical uses…”

   Tsunade directly manipulated a slug on the table.

  ”Ninja, the technique of slug interspersion. ”

   Then the slug plunged straight into the rope tree’s mouth.

   hadn’t finished speaking, the rope tree screamed out without even screaming, and was forcibly stabbed in the mouth by a slimy slug.

   This bitter and sour taste soon passed into the nose. A twisted expression appeared on Rope Tree’s face. Under this distorted expression, there was even a trace of intoxication.


   Is this the famous French snail?

   I saw it.

   “What kind of expression is this? This is a recipe I have developed with great pains, specializing in treating hypocrisy and bear child, brother”

   “Sister, didn’t you mean to treat a cold?” said the rope tree

   “Oh, just treat a cold by the way.”

   Konoha’s Princess Tsunadehime rolled her golden hair with her hand, and revealed a smile that made the rope tree tremble.

   Rope tree trembled, trying to escape from here.

   “It’s too miserable… This is really miserable.” Uchiha Tatsuno himself couldn’t bear to look down.

   Looking at the half-dead rope tree, Uchiha Tatsumi couldn’t help but sigh the seriousness of Konoha’s problem children.

   What a terrible woman. Uchiha Tatsuno immediately put Tsunade on the non-offendable list.

  A person who can treat even his brother like this~IndoMTL.com~It is indeed a woman who once interrupted Jilai’s bones and made him endure a dying life.

   To say that Tsunade Hime, Uchiha Tatsumi doesn’t know much about it.

   Although he has a good relationship with Noeki, he has never seen Tsunade before.

   But I’ll see you today, and think about the Konoha yellow gambling and drug trio who will be famous in the Ninja World in the future, this woman is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

   Uchiha Tatsumi is now carefully looking at Tsunade’s appearance.

   At this time Tsunade was only 16 years old, with golden hair and wearing a ninja vest. The yin seal on her forehead had not yet been completed at this time, she looked innocent.

   She has a tall figure and very slender legs. It’s just that compared with the aunt who has been using a Yin seal to keep her 20 years old, why is Tsunade not at all feminine at this time? Which part is wrong?

   “Ah, is it a flat chest?”

   “Let me break all your fingers! One by one, neatly!” Tsunade smiled softly.

   is miserable. Saying that I missed my mouth, I seem to have stepped on a landmine.

   A few seconds later, a slimy slug was also inserted in Uchiha Tatsu’s mouth.

   At this time, Mikoto was standing next to Uchiha Tatsun, “Really, what’s in Tatsun’s head. ”

   “Uchiha’s kid, come to me if you want to be treated next time. You’re welcome.” Tsunadehime said to Uchiha Tatsumi in a gentle tone.

   “No, I am in good health.” Uchiha Tatsuno quickly shook his head and refused.

   What’s a joke, is this thing curative? Those who can receive this kind of treatment should treat their brains first.

   Maybe because of something wrong, Tsunade will kill him on the operating table.


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