Konoha’s 50 Years Chapter 110: Suzonenghu·Guai Li

   Strictly speaking, with the in-depth development of the flower tube writing wheel eye, without the addition of external force, the Suzano can be divided into six forms.

When   Hidden Village, in order to resist ninjutsu, Tatsun revealed his original form, that is, only his arms and ribs were changed.

   The second form is a huge skeleton, but Chen crosses this form directly, and is covered with meridians and flesh and blood on the basis of the skeleton, and Suzuo Nenghu is wrapped in a coat-like chakra.

   In this form, you can already use your own weapons and ninjutsu.

   This kind of Suzano, does not have the Wutiangu armor of the fourth form, nor the lower body and legs of the fifth form.

  chen is not impossible to continue to use it, but it is not necessary. In those stages, it consumes too much pupil power.

  Susa Nohu is a technique that is used by different people, or at different stages, the size is different.

  Such as the complete body of the Six Dao Immortals, even the size of Ten Tails.

   As for Yu Chen, he is not completely physically, nor did he give birth to his feet, but with his huge Chakra, he is still tens of meters high.

   When an object the size of an Ultraman suddenly appeared on the battlefield, how did the sand hidden ninjas feel?

   At this moment, mankind finally remembered the fear of being dominated by giants.

  , who was calm and composed from beginning to end, his eyes trembled at this time, and he lost his voice: “Suzu…can be done!?”

How is    possible? !

   His face is full of unbelievable colors. This is a trick that can only be used when the kaleidoscope is turned on!

  … Konoha Leiguang already has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?

The three generations of Hokage beside    are worried. He knows that Chen has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

   I just didn’t expect that the other party’s use of this power has already come to this point.

   Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes are indeed powerful, but the stronger the power, the greater the hidden danger. It seems that after this battle is over, Chen must be reminded.



   Without mentioning how the people around him reacted, Chen stood inside the huge Suzano, with his hands on his chest, expressionless.

   Don’t look at him being so chic and wanton. In fact, he has to endure severe pain in his body. Fortunately, because of his yang attribute, he has a strong recovery ability to endure such severe pain.

   Moreover, Susao Nohu is actually a little weaker than Bamon’s pain. It can also be seen that Dai Hekai is simply inhuman.

  chen also practices physical skills every day, and also uses the Eight Door Dunjia. But he is more used to increase speed and explosive power, and he definitely cannot open eight doors like Kai and Dai.

   Even though he has a stronger talent in physical skills.


   After resisting everyone’s ninjutsu, Chen did not continue to stab the spiral sword, but stretched out the huge palm, like a chicken, and grabbed it towards Luosha.


   At this stage, Suzuo is not weak, but the speed is a little slower. After Luosha escaped by instant, his hands were again sealed.

   The more powerful the technique, the greater the price paid. He didn’t believe how long Chen could last in this state!

  ”Magnetic escape?? Broken glass!”

   wrapped the blue giant with a lot of golden sand, and then squeezed it inward through the control of the magnetic escape.

  ”With this level of attack, I want to shake Susano?” Chen chuckled lightly and didn’t care.


   Luo Sha’s offensive fell on Chen’s Suzano, without leaving a trace. When he saw this, his heart trembled slightly, and his hands were sealed again, condensing a more powerful offensive.

   However, at this moment, Chen’s seal has not yet been completed.

  Fire escape?? Vortex Great Flame Bomb!

  The fiery flame uses the twisting characteristics of the spiral sword to twist the path of the flame. At the same time, with the wind escape effect of the spiral sword when it is advanced, the big flame bomb instantly expands.

   Its effect and speed are comparable to the flurry of blasting wind done by using the power of the earth.

   A sea of ​​fire that broke the bank formed again, immediately enclosing the surrounding sand.

  Magnetic escape?? Golden sand anti-wall!

   Luosha had no choice but to change the printing method, and the golden sand around her body surged, forming a huge sand wall.

   But this trick costs a lot of chakras, and after using it up, he probably won’t have much combat power.

   Luo Sha raised her head to look at the blue giant, her eyes sinking slightly.

   This is not something human power can stop!

   He felt that his “phobia” had recurred, and it was in the bone marrow.

   At this thought, he turned around and ran without any muddle.

  Chen did not continue pursuing, Susao had no legs, and wanted to move, relying entirely on his feet.

   This maneuverability is too poor.

   Susanoh has a ranged attack, but it consumes a lot of pupil power and may not be able to use it several times.

   And there are a large number of sand ninjas gathering around, preparing to use their own ninjutsu to stop him.

   The defense of Susano Noshi, Yichen, would be dangerous if he was hit by so many ninjutsu, so after thinking about it, he decided to try his new technique.

   This is not Susano’s own technique, but he learned from Tsunade… weird power!

   Susanoh?? Weird power!

  chen expressionlessly, under his will, Suzuo Nohu slowly raised his unarmed right hand and made a fist with his fingers interlaced.

   hit the ground!


  Suzano’s body, a wave of air visible to the naked eye emerged, and then I saw the sand wall formed by Luo Sha with all his strength, which was torn to pieces in an instant.

   The fist didn’t stop, and fell straight to the ground, knocking out a huge depression.

   shall be no more,

   raise your fist again!

   But compared to just now, the height is slightly higher this time.


   Within a few miles of a radius, the ground was trembling, clouds and mist were rolling, and the unparalleled fierce and strange force, forcibly tore from the ground, several cracks.

   This is only the second shock.

  chen step by step, dragging Suzuo Nenghu slowly forward, every time he stepped on the ground, it was a punch, and each time he was heavier.

   The violent earthquake, like Hong Zhong Dalu knocking on Luosha’s heart~IndoMTL.com~, made him not only unable to stand his body, but also the eardrum vibrated more and more.

   In this case, let alone he and those sand endorsements, the three generations of Hokage and Hanzo also stopped one after another to resist the shaking and continuous cracking of the ground.

The    sand ninjas turned into a pot of porridge, Eilao Zang abandoning the three generations of Hokage, and went straight in the direction of Scorpion.

  chen still showed no sign of stopping his fist. After he had his final blow and stomped on the ground, he had accumulated to the extreme, and then he blasted out!


Under a punch of   , a “lake surface” spread out from the side by a majestic wave of air. This thin lake surface is distorted fiercely, and the sound of the sky is spreading across the desert. Several vultures waiting to eat hover in the sky, inadvertently. Hit this wall of air in time, and was immediately torn and shattered beyond recognition.

Hundreds of meters around   chen, no one is there!

   Luo Sha’s face was pale, and she looked into the sky madly, not knowing how to speak.

   The expression is like saying, “The Great Sage will soon have his magical powers!”

   After a while, Susano finally disappeared.

  Echen, drag the floor and walk,

   only fifteen steps.





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