Kingdom’s Bloodline Chapter 2: The nervous Rick

  ”Why did he drink like this again.”

   The abandoned house in the second district of the Lower City, Qued’s deputy, Nar Rick, looked at Qued, who was holding a bottle in front of him and drunk into a muddy mud, waved his hand to make the two young The members of the Brotherhood helped him down.

   “Shut him down for a day and let him out again when he is awake.”

   drank like this–it seems he didn’t treat that kid like this–Rick (he prefers people to call him by his last name rather than his first name) smiled mysteriously.

  Nal Rick, different from regressing in strength, from being a thug boss to a beggar business, Quaid, who has since been sluggish, is an ambitious and equally capable member of the Brotherhood.

   He used to study at the School of Accounting in Shuka City in the southern part of the kingdom. If it hadn’t been for the crime of his father who was a scribe, Rick would now be an accountant for a certain city department or even a certain family, and even further It is not impossible to become a businessman in a certain industry. When the time comes to spend money to buy a lord, he will be able to enter the first stage of the upper society of the Star Kingdom-three hundred years ago, the Shukader family, marked by the morning sun flower, came from this way, and is not it also a kingdom now A prominent family member?

   But even if he became a gangster and cut off the path of nobility forever, Rick believed that he was more qualified to be a figure in the fraternity who had the right to speak out than his counterparts who were full of muscles and women.

   When the Brotherhood’s business expanded to the southern coast of the kingdom, Rick, a southern gangster, was absorbed in. Using his expertise, he planned several human trafficking chains from the south to the capital and achieved great success. The senior officials of the Brotherhood noticed him, promoted and dispatched him to Yongxing City—the capital of the kingdom, the heart of the stars, and the bright pearl city of the western continent—and asked him to manage the Brotherhood’s beggar accounts in the capital.

  Yes, Rick knows that although the top executives let himself be Quaid’s deputy and accountant, it is tantamount to entrusting all the Brotherhood’s beggar business in Yongxing City to himself. Look at his “boss” Quaid, a terrible thug who used a knife and axe in the three districts of the lower city in the old days, now he has become a waste of dignity only on beggars, if it weren’t because Quaid was a brother. The son of a high-level meeting, he had long since been drowned in the sludge of the slums of Yongxing City.

   What’s more, he caused most of the beggar’s loss.

  Of course, and fortunately so, Quaid’s father will give him a lot of management every month, and Rick can profit from it himself.

   There is such a son. If Quaid’s father was not a giant in charge of the arms trade, he would have lost power in the meeting.

  What will happen to a gangster losing power?

  Rick shook his head and watched Quaid leave.

   The business of beggars, compared with smuggling drugs and arms, compared with the trade of Eternal Oil and Lijing Mine, even compared with the collection of illicit accounts and street management, looks inconspicuous and humble.

   But Rick thinks this is his chance.

  The Brotherhood has risen quickly, but human trafficking has always been the main source of profit. The human trafficking chain of the Brotherhood is complete, from babies to old people, humans to elves, and even intelligent creatures in the remote magic queen’s domain. But the most important thing is actually the source of the Brotherhood’s own members. Among them, the “black widow” Beth is responsible for the collection and nurturing of infants and young children. At the same time, some of them are sold. The larger ones will be sent to Rick. “Being a beggar, a little older, a teenage beggar, will be sent to the “Iron Skin” Locke who is responsible for training thugs, the “Faxin” Belicia who trains prostitutes, and some other special bosses for further training. Become a member of the Brotherhood.

   Therefore, Rick, who manages the beggars, thinks that he is in the fundamental chain of the Brotherhood’s population business, and is also the future blood delivery node of the Brotherhood. It also comes with the trail information network on the streets of the capital. Think about it, I am a new member of the fraternity in the future, and the leader of the fraternity he saw when he first remembered. He can see who are promising seedlings in his childhood, and then show kindness at the right time, in the future… …

   Look, so I’m Nar Rick, an ambitious person.

   And, moreover, Rick is always very excited about this: And this is Yongxing City! The Star Kingdom—the capital of the second largest kingdom in the western continent, and the origin of the Black Street Brotherhood. Being able to do things here means that the big brothers in the Brotherhood can always see, and if you can see, it means you always There are opportunities for promotion.

   Of course, the chance of trouble is not small.

   Fortunately, Rick held his hands behind his back, looking at the drunk Quaid who was going away, and raised his eyebrows. Fortunately, this guy was facing the disaster.

   Under the moonlight, Rick turned his head and continued walking, looking at the twenty-odd abandoned houses in front of him, he knew that there were many beggars in each abandoned house, and these were when he climbed up in the future. , The most important seed and bargaining chip.

   For example, the black-haired Thales in the Sixth Room, when Beth the baby-sitter sent him two years ago, he showed a different attitude towards the child.

   Sure enough, even though this kid is only eight years old (eight or seven?), he is clever and cunning. A week ago, he actually wanted to act in a begging way-a cute kid was caught The child was beaten and took away the money and food, so when he was hiding in the corner and weeping alone, the ladies passing by could not help but give him more compensation-Rick thought, compared to those The beggars crying hoarse and boring, there is a shortage of such brainy people in the gang.

   This kid, when he grows up, will definitely climb higher.

   I should give him some rewards to win Thales’ gratitude. Of course, rewards without contrast are not grateful.

   That’s why, when the boy who was in the room with Thales tonight told him that Thales might have hidden money, Rick would push Quaid to go to him to settle the account. When Quaid beat Thales to the dying breath, and then he came forward to stop him, and even confronted Quaid for this reason (that waste is only useful), then Thales will intentionally or unconsciously regard himself as a backer.

  Rick doesn’t care whether every beggar’s money is paid enough. This is something that short-sighted people will care about. Compared with a few copper cases, Rick knows that favor is more important. the property of.

   But the boy—Tyles was still a little too smart, and Rick knew that whether Thales gave Quaid or not, the latter would torture him to death (if Thales really took out Money, that would only be worse), but apparently the boy had escaped the catastrophe—according to the usual understanding, the high-spirited Quaid would “carefully” concoct these disobedient children to add to the fun, no matter they are Not really disobedient.

   It doesn’t matter, what should be done is still to be done, even if the effect is not good, it’s a big deal, just find a reason, let Quaid beat him.

  Rick walked to the sixth room and stepped over the dilapidated door panel.

   He saw Thales panting heavily in the grassy yard, lying on the ground, and the children next to him were smearing something on him-my goodness, a few seven-eight-nine-year-old children would actually Growing oulde dragon leaves in the yard? Generally, only experienced gang members and poor people who have lived for many years know that this wild plant can be used as a convenient, quick and cheap herb for treating trauma.

   “Ah! Mr. Rick!” The lame Ryan was the first to discover Rick’s arrival, and the experience of being interrupted by a leg made him more sensitive to the surrounding environment.

  Quide has been gone for less than an hour, and the fear in the yard has not yet dissipated. Ned—the informant boy’s tears have not disappeared, Kelett is holding his black face, and the older child Sinti Take a step back wincingly.

   Especially the youngest girl, she even screamed in fright.

   Beth told me that this is a descendant of an inherited noble. It is very likely to be a beautiful woman, but don’t ruin her. In the future, Belicia will adjust it again and make a lot of profits. It’s a pity that my beggar will be transferred to the meeting when she is ten years old, and at most twelve years old, if she can be kept until fifteen years old… then she will be sent away, otherwise thirteen will do.

   “Mr. Rick!” Thales interrupted Rick’s subtle thoughts, and saw him turning his head with difficulty, implicated in the injury of his back, grinning with pain.

   “Oh, I’m sorry, Thales,” Rick sighed, showing a pitying expression: “I can’t stop him-Quaid-I’m just his deputy after all, and I can’t offend him. Backstage.”

   “I can only come here quietly afterwards.” Under the careful gazes of a few children, Rick knelt down and looked at Thales’s injury anxiously. “Fortunately, he didn’t make a heavy hand today, otherwise– “

   “Mr. Rick, I’m fine,” Thales said strugglingly, “I’m just sorry, the money I paid last week is indeed—”

   “Forget about the money!” Rick took the broken bowl in Cinti’s hand, poured out the water in it, took off a few Ouldron leaves, took a stone and started grinding, “You I was sent to me when I was just sensible. In the past few years, I watched you from trembling little guys to rough-handed hairy kids. To me, you are far more important than a few coppers. “There was a trace of pain on Rick’s face. “At your age, you shouldn’t have gone to the streets to beg, but this is the rules of the Brotherhood——”

   “Mr. Rick,” Thales seemed moved, he clenched his fist, “I—”

  ”Come on, use a stone to grind the herb away. It’s better than chewing with your mouth.” Rick wiped the herb from the bowl and painted Thales with his own hands. Kelit next to him bit his lip and whimpered. There was a cry.

   “Thank you, Mr. Rick,” Coria said in a soft voice, “I wish you had taken care of us instead of Quaid.”

   “Don’t let Quaid hear you,” Rick smiled helplessly, “To be honest, I am afraid of him.”

  A few children will also smile heartily—Rick knows that showing common ground and a sense of humor at the right time is a good way to make people accept yourself.

   “Thank you very much, Mr. Rick.” Thales said solemnly. He knew that in the eyes of many people, he appeared more mature, so there was no need to behave like a child.

  Rick nodded: “Protect yourself, you are a smart kid, I believe you can do it well.”

   “Right,” Rick seemed to suddenly remember something. He handed the bowl to Ned, took out a purse from his waist, and handed it to Cindy with a blank face: “I want it every month Turn in, I don’t have much money. There are thirty coppers here. Go to the Grove Pharmacy—the one at the junction of Twilight District and Xiacheng District—and buy some medicine for wounding. The money should be enough. If there is no price increase.”

   The money is of course not enough-Rick thought to himself that he had been to the Grove Pharmacy a week ago, and he happened to have just increased the price, so that when the children found that the money was not enough, they would think it was a temporary price increase. .

   What can they do if the money is not enough? Of course it is taken from the money from the begging, so they will definitely not have enough money next week. At that time–

   “Be careful when buying medicine, and don’t let others—especially Quaid know.” Rick said with a smile and stood up.

   Of course, Rick thought to himself that Quaid would know.

  If they don’t buy medicine, it’s better, and Quaid will know that they really hide the money.

  Rick’s mouth is slightly tilted.

   At that time, I could gain their last loyalty.

   “Mr. Rick,” Coria looked at the purse in Cinti’s hand and was about to cry, “You, you are such a good person.”

Need on the side of    bit his lip and nodded sharply.

   Even the eldest child Xinti was a little touched. He touched the purse in his hand and weighed it down.

  Rick sighed and shook his head and waved his hand: “No, I should apologize, I can only do this for you.”

   “Mr. Rick,” Thales lay on the ground, but looked at Rick hesitantly, “I don’t know–“

   “Huh?” Rick raised his eyebrows, “What’s the matter?”

   “I heard that when we grow up, we will be assigned to other places for training,” Thales asked cautiously, as if for fear of offending Rick, “Then-after we have been trained, we can work under your hand. Right?”

   Hearing this, Celite, Ned, and Coria on one side also looked at Rick hopefully.

   Pop, Rick snapped his fingers in his heart.


   is faster than expected.

   “Hehe, what about it,” Rick smiled, “Don’t look at me like this, in the Brotherhood, I am an ideal man.”

   Rick bent down with a smile and touched Thales’ hair, making him more friendly: “My boys will be the best and strongest in the entire fraternity!”

   This is my truth, Rick thought.

   “So, you want to be my subordinates, but you have to work hard!”

   “Hmm!” The children nodded hopefully, and Thales was no exception.

   “I’m leaving, Thales, and the kids,” Rick turned around, tilted his head to show his face, “Next time you encounter this kind of thing, please tell me secretly, although I can’t stop him directly, but it is always okay to find some trouble and prevent him from approaching you.”

   After speaking, Rick showed his white teeth, flashed in the moonlight, and left the courtyard of the sixth room without looking back.

   “Mr. Rick is so nice.” The tears on Ned’s face dried up. “It’s not like that bad Quaid.”

   “Hmm.” Coria nodded, eyes wide open, as if she had eaten candy.

   “But,” the lame Ryan, who has been in a state of fright, hesitated and said, “I always think that Mr. Rick scares me more than Quaid.”

   “So you are a coward!”

   “Coward Ryan, how can you get money like this!”

   Only Thales, after Rick left, his eyes gradually calmed down.

   When he saw Sinti counting the thirty coppers in his purse one by one, Thales exhaled slightly.

  His back is still hurting. He knows that regular trauma medicine is better for his injuries. But Thales only went to the Grove Pharmacy yesterday morning and took the typhoid medicine from Jenny at the back door. After hearing her complain, her stingy boss raised the price of the medicine, even the trauma medicine. It rose to thirty-five coppers—exactly five coppers more than the money Rick gave.

   However, he also learned a key point from Yala, the daughter of the owner of the sunset bar.

  Quide’s expensive expenses in the bar are the responsibility of Rick.


   “I have to turn in every month, and I don’t have much money…”

  Rick’s words just echoed in the ears of the traveler, and he couldn’t help but look at the bag of copper in his hand.

  The beggars have forgotten their fears and are fighting each other.

   Only Thales frowned, turned his head hard, and after a glance at his scarred back, he sighed and dropped again heavily.

   This **** world.


  Rick walked to the tenth room, thinking that there was an eight-year-old kid named Karak, who was a small and ruthless character. When he should be beaten and then pulled under his command, he suddenly felt a cold behind his neck. .

   This is his innate ability.

   In absolute calm (absolute calm, a slight diversion will fail), once a creature approaches within a distance of about five meters, his neck will cool down.

   That’s it.

   But don’t say he’s not a warrior, even if he’s a warrior, compared with the kingdom’s powerful and diverse abilities, as well as the mysterious magicians and the mighty Terminator knights, his ability is simply worthless. Mentioned that even the interns in the major temples can hit him on the ground.

   But Rick felt that one day, this ability would save his life.

   such as now.

  Rick turned his head quickly and searched for the surrounding situation in the moonlight, while reaching into his pocket with his left hand, pinching the small but deadly mini telescopic bright moonlight.

   empty streets.

  No cover or cover

   but there is no one.

  Rick took a deep breath, keeping himself absolutely calm.

   He felt it, and the coldness behind his neck continued.

   Could it be that a mouse crawled over in the sewer below?

  Rick turned in three different directions and ran for a while, but the coldness in the neck still remained, let him remove this conjecture.

   Which mouse will be directly below him and follow him for twenty meters in three directions?

  Rick became more and more frightened.

  He shouldn’t have come out alone, even if it’s an abandoned house, it’s the site of the Brotherhood.

   He should bring twenty thugs, each with a magic gun, no matter how heavy the **** thing is.

  Like the Brotherhood’s gangster Razanchi Fissot, who is in charge of the drug trade, thirty people followed.

   Even, if the money is enough, he should hire two Terminator Swordsmen, or a power warrior, or even a magician—forget it, the magician is terrible.

  Nal Rick, you have to be calm, he told himself, you are the man who will be in charge of the entire Everstar City, and even the underground world of the Star Kingdom in the future, calm down, be calm.

   He turned around forcibly and calmly, and walked back to the way he came, as if he was just doing fitness jogging.

   Did you offend anyone? Does anyone want his own life? Is there anything worth noting in this neighborhood?

   He walked out hundreds of meters, in the moonlight, there was no one around.

   But the coolness is still on the back of his neck~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all on For mobile users, please go to read.

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