King of Beasts Chapter 258: Tree King Heritage


Lu Ran

Sure enough! It was indeed not as beautiful as he imagined.

Lu Ran was daydreaming at the time and thought that after learning the dependent skills, he would be able to give three or five dependents to each of Mr. Ha, the King of Death, and the Dark Crow.

But after learning how to do it, Lu Ran remained silent and discovered the current dependents, and he can mate a pet beast, and he can only mate one dependent.

If you want to match more pets with more physical attributes, you have to develop them yourself, or you have to wait for your own beast control level to improve later.

[Fortunately, I had already considered this result at the time and could accept it. Well, it can also be said that this effect is normal. It would be too perverted to have it be the same as what I thought]

[No, even the current effect is very abnormal]

The dependent life can obtain one of the strength bonus, talent bonus, and bloodline bonus from the main pet.

When the dependent life and the main pet fight side by side, the dependent life can be attached to the main pet to perform [Fusion Skill]

No wonder some legendary beasts like to cultivate dependents.

Just imagine, if Mr. Ha wants to contract the sword spirit and sword grass as dependents, and they receive Mr. Ha’s talent bonus, how terrifying would that be?

Mr. Ha’s talent is naturally the talent of swordsmanship, which is ultimately reflected in the sword domain.

Perhaps, after becoming a dependent and receiving bonuses, they will be able to use the Sword Domain easily.

But it’s not over yet.

When the dependent life and the main pet fight side by side, the dependent life can also be attached to the main pet to perform [fusion skills].

In other words, during the battle, the dependents can buff certain skills to the main pet, making its skills stronger.

It is quite difficult to integrate skills between different pet beasts.

However, if it is between two pet beasts who have a affiliation contract, it may not be that difficult.

If Sword Spirit and Jiancao learned Sword Domain, they would not be extremely powerful

Then, what if their sword domain can be integrated with Mr. Ha’s sword domain?

Lu Ran suddenly remembered what Yingdian Chang said before about [Combined Attack Field]

On the Star-Moon Continent, some amazing legendary beast masters not only have many pet beasts with domains, but even the domains of different pet beasts can be integrated to form a combined attack domain.

[Wait a moment]

[If – one year later, I develop a dependent beast into a pet beast, I can contract two dependents]

[Then, Jianlu and Jiancao became Mr. Ha’s dependents, the domain of the Sword Spirit Society, the domain of the Jiancao Society, and then, together with Mr. Ha’s sword domain, formed a trinity joint attack domain. In the case of 3V3, they Will the intensity be so explosive that it will overwhelm everyone??】

Lu Ran took a breath of cold air and suddenly knew how to use this family management skill.

Mr. Ha’s advantage is his talent for swordsmanship, so give him the Sword Familiar. The Death King’s advantage is the powerful Dragon Bloodline race. Then, from now on, give him the Dragon Familiar, and the Dark Crow Familiar. It seems that skills are not easy to develop.

When it reaches level 40, just give it the integrated ethnic group control trait and dependents without giving it to it, since it has many clones anyway.

【Then here comes the problem. 】

[Do sword spirits and sword grass also need to be contracted?]

If you want to rely on the dependent skills to achieve the trinity combined attack domain, let the combined attack sword domain tyrannize the ten first generations, the sword spirit and the sword grass must all be contracted.

Otherwise, they will not be able to appear in the game.

Lu Ran doesn’t mind contracting with them, but the problem is still the same, there are too few contract slots, and there are a lot of pet beasts waiting in line.

Weather elves, sword grass, sword spirits…

Now there is another one with the clover trait. You may also need a plant pet, but this special meow is not enough.

Lu Ran had a headache where he was, and became even more envious of the beast masters of the Star-Moon Federation. After all, they relied on their own beast masters.

Although the number of contracts in the Beast Control Space is the same as the contract card.

However, Lu Ran knew that there was a very powerful beast-controlling skill on the Star-Moon Continent: beast-controlling space enhancement.

You can directly allow yourself to have double the contract positions of a beast master of the same level.

Double the beast control space, combined with the skills of the dependents, Lu Ran feels that he can kill all opponents of the same level.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it now.

[Let’s do this, after we go back, we will contract with Rainbow Dash. After all, the trinity joint attack field and the two dependents are just my own ideas at the moment. It remains to be seen whether it will work or not】

[The contracted weather elf, at least its blizzard weather and thunderstorm weather, can cooperate with Mr. Ha and the sudden death king, and there will be no mistakes]

[As for the corpse dogs and the sword grass that can awaken spiritual wisdom in case they are released, let them be free for the time being. The contract positions will be reserved when the time comes. When they really cultivate and form a joint fencing city, it will not be too late to make up for it with a contract]

[But even so, if you encounter any rare beasts in the future, you will feel that the contract position is still not enough] Lu Ran pondered.

We are considering whether we can reduce the number of pet beasts.

Do I really need to contract another plant pet fused with clover?

If sword grass can awaken spiritual intelligence, can clover really not fuse it?

Although Clover seems to be an auxiliary trait, it really cannot be converted into an attack trait code?

[I remember, there seems to be a trait in the fifth-level secret realm called critical strike trait]

Suddenly, Lu Ran thought of something [Crit trait, the pet beast that incorporates this trait has a very small probability of causing a skill to deal multiple times the damage]

[—Once the critical hit and skill damage will be very violent]

[Although it involves probability, the performance is extremely unstable, but since the probability can be compensated by the number of times, this trait still has a certain audience.]

[Many beast masters in the strategy group will be equipped with pet beasts that incorporate this trait, and they will bet on critical hits to carry out secret realm strategy through dozens or hundreds of times of multiple dungeons]

[This kind of trait is okay in PVE, but in PVP, it’s too eye-catching and not perfect]

[But what will happen if a pet beast is equipped with the critical strike trait and the luck-increasing clover trait?]

Lu Ran touched his chin and suddenly saw the scene of the sword and grass striking violently in the future.

In addition, the clover’s characteristics can also bring luck to companions. If you want to complete such a difficult skill in the combined attack field, you probably need some luck, right?

If Sword Grass integrates the characteristics of Clover, is it possible to speed up the construction of the joint attack field?,

[Maybe, you can play like this]

【In this way, there is no need to look for plant life suitable for clover, and the contract is saved—!】

[In addition, maybe you can do this, give the miraculous seed to the crow, and let the crow grow a plant organ. In this way, is it equivalent to half the life of a plant? Lucky The grass may also be able to give it a fusion of curse + luck, and maybe it can also produce some sparks】

[Similarly, save a contract slot. At the same time, if you awaken the plant organs, maybe the dark crow can study the strange plant resources and learn the new ancestral spell more quickly. However, there is a risk in doing this, that is, the Raven and Grass types are not so suitable. It’s fine as a short-term transition, but in the long run, it may affect subsequent evolution. 】

Trait matching is a science. Lu Ran shook his head and chose to study the attachment skills first.

One change, the next day.

At this time, the Lord of Ye City had already set off to the distant grassland. Lu Ran studied the family skills for a whole day, and found that it was actually possible to bind the King of Death and Mr. Ha.

Let the King of Death directly become Mr. Ha’s dependent…

At that time, in the Unlimited Sword Domain, Mr. Ha will hold the King of Death Sword in his mouth and kill everyone…

However, the picture was too abstract and there was no bright future. Lu Ran just had a flash of inspiration and put an end to this devilish idea.

Now that the master is gone, Lu Ran, holding the city lord’s token, has become the overlord of Shujie City.

Even if the identity of the Holy Son of the Necromancer is a little different, it won’t be too different.

After studying the new changes after the breakthrough for a day, Lu Ran came to the Death Forest again to find Fang Lan a suitable ferocious plant.

Because he was in a hurry twice before, he failed to search properly. This time, he had to find a suitable one and move it back to let her choose by herself.

Actually, the ones Ishizawa mentioned at the beginning are all pretty good.

Every one of them can be called the fierce plant of the king race. Whether it is the water-sprinkling Guanyin or the dragon-blooded willow tree, they are all very violent.

However, if possible, Lu Ran still hopes to take the first step and directly find Fang Lan a ferocious plant that may reach the overlord race after awakening. In this way, he will not need to use his god-sister situation in the future. Worried.

[Although there are many ferocious plants of the king race here, there seems to be none who can reach the level of overlord.]

It seems that even the legendary plant master is not so easy to obtain the innate overlord race’s ferocious plants.] When Lu Ran was traveling in the forest of death, he murmured in his heart.

[It seems that you are indeed very interested in plant life.]


Lu Ran was walking around when a voice came. Lu Ran looked around and was slightly startled: [Uncle Tian?]

The person who appeared from one end of the forest was the senior sister of Lord Ye City. She said: [I heard from your master that you come from the Beast Control Studio and want to study the way to combine animal pets and plant pets?]

[Back to Master Tian, ​​yes] Lu Ran said: [I have a dream…]

[Okay, I don’t want to hear your dream] Master Tian waved his hand and said: [My junior sister has never accepted a disciple, you are

【I have a request, I wonder if you can agree to it】

【Uncle Tian, ​​please speak.】

[You should know that your master comes from a beast-controlling family. She switched from beast-controlling to beast-controlling. Her family and inheritance have special beast-controlling skills. She has always been concerned about giving up the family inheritance. I care about it very much. If possible, I hope you can inherit her family’s unique skills. This is the power of controlling beasts, and it does not conflict with your path]

[However, your beast-taming studio should have many unique beast-taming skills. If they are not suitable for you, it will waste your energy, so you don’t have to worry about what I say] Master Tian is afraid of Dao.

[I really don’t know much about the master’s family’s unique skills in controlling beasts.] Lu Ran said: [I will learn from the master in the future.]

In fact, Master Tian’s suggestion is also reasonable, because a beast master who can practice the beast control space by himself has no limit to the number of beast control skills that he can practice. As long as he has enough talent and energy, he can practice as much as he wants.

But it is a pity that Lu Ran can only deal with it at this time, because he is not a traditional beast control master, and the number of beast control skills he can practice is also limited. It is currently impossible to learn such beast-killing skills that are not issued by the city.


[Master Tian, ​​I want to ask you something. I forgot to ask Master before. 】

[Oh, talk about it. 】Uncle Tian looked at Lu Ran.

[Just like you said, I am a beast master, and I have opened up a beast master space, not a plant master space, so I am destined to be unable to contract plant pets and become a plant master, unless I give up the beast master space and carry out Transfer]

[But I still want to cultivate some plant pets next, and carrying them may become a problem]

[I heard that some eighth-level beast masters and plant masters will change their space to a “space secret treasure” before death. This space secret treasure can be installed and taken even by living creatures, and it has no influence on the internal life. The adult bonus is no worse than the beast control space of a low-level beast master.】

[I would like to know if there is a place where I can obtain such a space secret treasure. 】

Uncle Tian:???

[Ah] Lu Ran looked at the confused expression on the other party’s face and smiled awkwardly: [I just had a sudden idea to ask, ha, you can just listen, I can just say it.]

It seems that even for ordinary legendary plant masters, such epic space secret treasures are very precious.

[No, I just lament that you, a brat, dare to mention anything.]

[You even dare to covet such a treasure, haha.] She chuckled, a little speechless, and said: [You probably haven’t asked your family about it, right?]

[No, I only thought of it recently.]

[If you ask about the legend of your beast master, you don’t need to ask me]

【There really is a place to get the kind of thing you mentioned.】

Lu Ran:???!!!

[However, don’t have too much hope. Many people know about this place, but no one has the ability to take it away.]

[Have you heard of the Tree King? She is an epic legend who died a long time ago. After her death, she transformed her royal plant space into a heritage relic that anyone can challenge. Her address is in the center of the Sacred Tree Continent. .】

[Those who pass the challenge will not only get her inheritance, but also the ownership of this relic space, which is the space secret treasure you call. This inheritance relic is not a secret. Many legends know it, but it is a pity that no matter how talented it is, also failed to pass this heritage relic.】

[Among the challengers, there are many peerless geniuses who have contracted with the higher overlord race. They have more amazing backgrounds than you, but they were all defeated. 】

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