King of Beasts Chapter 222: Armor Monster


Lu Ran and Youxiong Anlin, who had already planned to start a fight, both looked at it…

“Lord Patron Saint Hei, what’s wrong?” Youxiong Huichang also asked.

“Didn’t I say that dog can use weapons? Let it use it.”

The patron saint of the iron-eating beast said: “For the sake of fairness, neither side has any reservations, just go all out”

“Yes, Lu Jueran, don’t let it go.”. Lu Ran listened and fell into deep thought.

“Is it really usable? The quality of its weapons is a bit high.”

“Of course, it is capable of controlling high-level weapons.” The iron-eating beast patron saint is very confident.

“I don’t care.” Xiong Anlin also said, Lu Ran’s sword-holding dog is integrated with the trait of weapon control. If you are not allowed to use weapons, what is the difference between this and letting go? “


Seeing this, Lu Qiran said bluntly: “Then we will go all out.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and summoned the newly forged Fang of Winter. The extremely cold sword of ice and snow appeared, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.


Lu Ran threw away the cover of the big sword in his hand, and the wind and snow surged. Mr. Ha jumped up to hold the big sword, drank wine and fell to the ground. He straightened his body, his aura was rising steadily, and he looked at it with stern eyes. Looking at the giant panda in front of me.


The sword-wielding Mr. Ha and the normal Mr. Ha are obviously different species.

“Hoi” felt Mr. Ha’s powerful aura and cold sword power. This giant panda was not afraid at all. He stood up and roared. Laitan was well trained by the patron saint of the iron-eating beast. i “That is a rare sword.” A fierce bear Huichang reminded him immediately when he saw the Fang of Winter.

“Gravity ii”

At this moment, after Xiong Anlin heard this, he was quite ungrateful and immediately let the light and dark pandas attack. Rare things are rare things, and his pet beast has never had the resources of rare things i

The palm of this giant panda was pointed at Mr. Ha, and it seemed to turn into a black body, and a powerful gravitational wave was instantly born. In an instant, chaos continued on the field, and days of sand and dust were rolled up, acting as objects of gravity. , Mr. Ha directly felt a huge suction force, trying to attract himself to the other party.

During this process, Mr. Ha seemed to be pulled – like a beast, unable to movei

Neng Anlin, this bear pet, has both innate light and dark elements,

Being forcibly pulled by the other party, Mr. Ha wanted to break free, but then he was too lazy to break free and just relaxed his body, using the other party’s gravity, and allowed the other party to **** him in.

Mr. Ha rose from the ground, was held hostage by gravity, and approached the light and dark panda at extremely high speed. During this process, it gritted its teeth of winter, trying to give the opponent a fatal blow at close range.

However, Xiong Anlin obviously realized what Mr. Ha was thinking immediately and grinned.

The next moment.

The Light and Dark Panda raised its other palm, and a golden flash filled the air. “Boom, boom, boom,” countless light energy bombs were released.

Light skills are inherently limited by their speed, but now that Mr. Ha is under control and the distance is still so close, Xiong Anlin thinks that he is bound to be hit.

“That’s right.” Seeing that Xiong Anlin’s pet beast’s energy skills were so skillfully connected, the iron-eating beast patron saint nodded.

The light bombs all over the sky approached Mr. Ha in just a moment, and Mr. Ha felt that he had been underestimated.

[Woo~~” It roared with a kind voice, and in the blink of an eye, the terrifying sword intent erupted from it. The stern sword intent of the blizzard, like the roar of the severe winter, instantly turned into a blue wave, At an unhurried speed, it transformed into a Pudao Chang Arc and blocked Mr. Ha’s face. The next moment, all the light bullets were frozen by the sword arc and split into two, stagnating in mid-air. Mr. Ha and the Light and Dark Panda The area in the middle is also surrounded by wind and snow.

The extreme chill spread, and even the light and dark panda’s palm, which had turned into a black hole, was covered with a layer of white frost. The end of the suction was as painful as a knife.


The light and dark panda is in pain and screams.

Seeing this, Xiong Anlin’s expression changed. He never expected that the light energy could be frozen and cut open.

Not only that, even the pet beast’s palm froze from a distance away. How could this guy be so powerful?

However, this still did not make some Xiong Anlin give up the fight. After seeing Erha break away from the gravity, he was still approaching fiercely. Some Xiong Anlin shouted: “Don’t be afraid, Dark Light Palm.” With one command, the Light and Dark Panda was shattered. Frost, the palm of his hand was shrouded in flash and darkness. He slapped the light beast away from Mr. Ha who was coming. His speed was really amazing. His body swayed and he was about to slap Mr. Ha’s body, but Mr. Ha’s reaction was not slow either. He had no choice. Instead of trading injury for injury, quickly block with your sword.

Boom ili

The contact between the Winter Fang and the Dark Light Palm instantly caused violent energy fluctuations. Mr. Ha held the sword in his mouth, and the panda smashed the palm. The sword collided with the palm, and the two pet beasts were stagnated in place for time. .

Youxiong Anlin pursed his lips.

On the opposite side, Lu Ran smiled slightly and said, “Student Xiong, is this the only level? I suggest you just go all out, otherwise don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.”

You know, Mr. Ha, who has mastered 30-40 times of energy compression at this time, has not even used 10 times of energy star compression. At this time, in addition to Blizzard Sword Intent, relying only on basic strength + Winter Fang, he can The other party suppressed it.

“What does it mean to only have this level?” Xiong Anlin’s mouth twitched, feeling very unhappy. The next moment, the two beasts separated…

Immediately afterwards, Xiong Anlin came to the police – the dissatisfied expression of the patron saint of the iron-eating beast, and he saw his uncle Ke who was winking crazily.

This can’t go on like this.

“Okay…” He glanced at Lu Ran. If that’s the case, then I have to take it seriously.

“Lu Ran, do you know why there were so many secret realms in ancient times, but Xiong only chose this secret realm?

“Why?” Lu Ran asked if it was because of the firecrackers?

Youxiong Anlin smiled and said, “I won’t tell you.”

You’ll find out later.

Lu Ran:??

This kid deserves a beating, right?

Lu Ran looked at Mr. Ha and told Mr. Ha to wait and hold back.

Mr. Ha returned a domineering look.

At this time, I saw a bear Anlin had come to his panda and used his beast control skill ii


Lu Lu was not surprised that Xiong Anlin would use the combined beast-controlling technique. The opponent had already used it in the freshman competition.

Although body skills also have stable channels for explosion, they are not rare and unique skills, but fusion is undoubtedly the most cost-effective among these skills.

Even some unique beast-controlling skills may not be as powerful as combining them.

It allows the beast master to gain powerful abilities that can be adapted to every pet beast. What beast master wouldn’t love such a skill.

“Roar iii]

In a blink of an eye.

The light flashed, and Lu Ran saw that Xiong Anlin and Biguangdian pandas merged to form a huge panda cloud.

At this moment, Xiong Anlin’s hair has turned half white and half black, with big panda eyes, and his limbs have turned into those of a beast. The image of a violent half-orc is full of power.

“It’s not over yet.” Xiong Anlin said.

As he said that, Xiong Anlin, who had the image of a half-orc, had substantial black matter flowing away, constantly shaping armor on his body. When Lu Ran saw it, he realized that this guy was the armor from the secret trial realm. Have you learned chemistry skills?

No wonder he just mentioned changing to a secret realm.

“Wait a minute…….”

At first, Lu Ran didn’t pay attention to the opponent’s stacking beast skills, but slowly Lu Ran realized something was wrong.

See, in the armored state, Xiong Anlin’s figure soon began to blur. He didn’t look like he was armored in the traditional sense at all – he was wearing a layer of armor.

But wrapped in the materialized dark energy, it was like transforming into another kind of monster that Lu Ran had never seen before──like ii

This monster is similar to a bear. Its whole body is dark. The outside is not fur, but a green-like material in metal armor. Only its deep black eyes can be seen through the gaps in the armor.

“How about——” Xiong Anlin made a heavy voice, seeming very proud of his current power.

But Lu Qinran, with eyes like Daomi, said, “That’s it.”

“I understand.” Lu Ran looked at Youxiong Anlin, felt the special beast aura fluctuations on his body, and then looked at the iron-eating beast patron saint.

“If I guess correctly, this is a common type of biological shaping in artistic conception shaping”

“A Xiong family came into contact with a bear-like, powerful creature wearing armor, and was related to gangsters in Hong Kong”

“Its race level is very high. Even if it is not a legendary race, it is very likely to be a quasi-legendary race. By understanding its power, you can shape terrifying monsters, just like learning the artistic conception of dragon and phoenix.”

“The armored state can speed up this kind of learning and understanding.”

“This is why Youxiong chose to occupy this exclusive secret realm.” Maybe the key to the secret realm is a part of this mysterious monster’s body. “

Lu Ran looked at the iron-eating beast patron saint with burning eyes.

The Iron-eating Beast Patron Saint also raised his eyes and did not reply.

If you don’t look around, you feel that your guess is pretty close.

There is Xiong Anlin, maybe he realized the shape of this creature through the key in the hand of the iron-eating beast patron saint.

It’s a pity that there is no deer-like pet beast in Ran’s team. Otherwise, Lu Ran would have to let it comprehend the power of the sacred deer no matter what. Simulating the power of legendary creatures is better than simulating ordinary dragons and phoenixes, or even this armored monster. More

When Xiong Anlin completed his strongest transformation, Lu Ran finally understood why he was so confident before.

The strength at this time, in Lu Ran’s opinion, is already very good. With the combined power of pet beast + beast master, he will definitely not be weaker than the high king.

It was at this time that the battle here finally began to change

“What is going on?” The fluctuations in the battle just now made the beast master who was young in Youxiong Ancient Town keenly aware of it. ………


“What is that-” They looked at the armored monster-like creature and they all confirmed that even some beast masters with eyes of data could not detect whether this guy was a What the hell.

Now, seeing more and more people, Youxiong Huichang also coughed and said loudly, “Dear friends, don’t make any noise. It’s Professor Lu who is competing with my nephew Youxiong Anlin.”

“If you want to see it, just watch it; if you don’t want to watch it, leave it.”

Xiong Jiyuan’s reminder made these beast control masters once again check their weapons and quickly discovered that the situation at the scene was indeed different.

Not only is Xiong Huicheng here, but also the patron saint of the Xiong family is also there

Besides, that young man wearing Erha short-sleeved shirts and commanding a sword dog, is it not Lu Ran or who is it?

On the other side, the iron-eating beast patron saint saw Xiong Anlin completing his invincible transformation. He saw more and more, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly. Okay, there is Xiong Anlin, let them see it. There is Xiong’s Real strength.

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