King of Beasts Chapter 205: The giant panda is coming

A few days later.

Lu Ran is still cultivating his pet beast step by step in Green Sea.

At this moment, the Jiaolong team has all taken their positions in Green Sea and has selected their future dragon partners.

And providing them with some extra dragon dishes every day actually didn’t delay Lu Ran’s things too much.

Lu Ran himself also needs to develop beast control skills.

The process of cooking with Yanling is not just a process of practicing beast control skills and cooking skills.

Without them, Lu Ran might have gotten through this period of time.

On the contrary, now, to train the Jiaolong team and form Netherworld, Lu Ran has put himself on the grill and has to do a lot more things every day.

Enrich life.

Enriched the strength.


Compared with the cultivation of the dragon team, Lu Ran definitely put more energy and focus on cultivating his own pet beasts.

In the past few days after returning, Lu Ran worked extra **** every pet beast.

Training secret realm.


In order to surpass the Death King after a period of evolution, Mr. Ha trains hard every day.

The sacred deer necklace has almost become its exclusive training prop.

In a very short period of time, Mr. Ha completely mastered 30 times energy compression at the cost of hundreds of teeth and countless broken bones.

And it is possible to use 40 times the energy compression at the cost of serious injuries.

Four times of energy!

Currently, even in the first generation, not many pet beasts can achieve this skill level.

The Sacred Deer Necklace, coupled with Mr. Ha’s fierceness, makes it extraordinary in energy compression.

At this moment, even if it has not yet evolved, using the sword energy compressed by 40 times the energy, combined with the Dragon-Slaying Sword Intent, it can still make the Death King feel pain.

Seeing that Mr. Ha was so desperate not to be left behind by the King of Death, Lu Ran also understood that the sacred deer pendant…may be Mr. Ha’s best resource!

If you don’t have enough race, you need skills to make up for it!

Mad dog, this is a mad dog.

The King of Death was also frightened when he saw Mr. Ha catching up with him at a crazy speed.

So I didn’t dare to be careless.

Start learning new abilities.

The King of Death has now evolved into a dragon, and his previous special move “Dragon Concept” has been eliminated.

Now he is the Dragon King himself, and he tries to imitate the dragon through his artistic conception. Instead, he is reversing his strength.

It is now the powerful being, the one worth imitating.

Now it should be the pet beast of the Dragon Team, to imitate and understand the power of the Death King, so as to learn the artistic conception of the dragon.

The path of biological artistic conception is no longer suitable for the sudden death king who has a strong racial foundation.

Unless it has the conditions to visualize the legendary dragon.

But obviously, Lu Ran and the others do not have this condition…

Nowadays, the dragon’s artistic conception can be said to be perfectly absorbed by the violent death king and transformed into its own potential. However, in contrast, the violent death king now has no other advantages except for his strong race and tyrannical talent.

Mr. Ha’s understanding is astonishing, he has mastered various sword intentions, the non-injury version of 30 times energy compression, simultaneous flow, external release and other major techniques have also entered the second stage.

It can be said that he is a super fighting genius, invincible at the same level.

As for the Violent Death King, the current four major energy skills are all in the first stage after discarding the dragon’s artistic conception. All the way down, they almost rely on racial advantages to fight.

With the same growth level and race level, he is far from being invincible at the same level as Mr. Ha.

Although the pet beasts have different talent positions, it is not appropriate to continue like this, so the Death King learned the “Meteor of Meteor” under Lu Ran’s instructions.

Lu Ran did not give random orders.

After the Death King evolved, it was born with dragon attributes, and its dragon attributes are not a mixture of “water, wind, and thunder” like the Eastern dragons, nor are they a mixture of “thunder and fire” like the Western dragons.

It’s because of the Diamond Dragon’s Heart that its dragon energy is a mixture of “thunder and rock” attributes.

In addition to the violence of thunder and lightning, the dragon’s power also contains the thickness and hardness of rock, making its dragon’s energy more focused on defense.

For the development of thunder system, Death King is already very good.

If you want to further improve, you naturally have to start with the rock system.

In fact, the “mountain artistic conception” mastered by the Diamond Dragon is very good. Not only does it make its body stand as tall as a mountain, but it also makes every attack and attack contain the power of the mountains and be extremely violent.

However, the Diamond Dragon was originally born in the mountains. It fits the artistic conception of the mountains, but it does not mean that the Death King also fits.

After much thought, Lu Ran found that the King of Death seemed to be an unexpected match for the “Meteor Star”.

After all, it has been blessed by stars and is very good at using “falling star tactics”.

Meteorites are meteorites, and rocks are rocks.

It is undoubtedly very suitable for the King of Death to learn the artistic conception of meteors, but what Lu Ran asked him to learn is naturally not the destructive power of meteors, which is not in line with the character of King of Death.

As the meteorite enters the atmosphere, it will be heated and fragmented, and may be consumed before it finally hits the ground.

There are only a handful of meteorites that can be completely preserved and fall to the ground.

What Lu Ran asked the King of Death to learn was to imagine himself as a star, the artistic conception of being able to maintain a complete body no matter what kind of high-pressure process he goes through.

From this perspective, the defense of the Death King is strengthened.

It can be regarded as one of the “natural disaster artistic conception” in the “natural artistic conception”.

As for the training process, it is also very simple. It means constant airdrops, using meteor tactics, creating pressure on yourself, acting as a “meteor”, and imagining yourself as a meteorite.

Although I don’t know if the Death King can learn the “Meteor Concept” in this way, there is no doubt that this process can definitely hone the defense of the Death King. Regardless of whether he learns it in the end, it is not in vain. .

It sounds like it is much more powerful than the artistic conception of snowstorm or vegetation.

Of course, Lu Ran also attaches great importance to the subsequent positioning of the King of Death, rather than the sudden artistic conception of the meteor.

After a period of evolution, Mr. Ha is cultivating towards the space system.

After the Dark Crow evolved for a period of time, he was trained towards the legion, using the power of the legion to strengthen his own abilities.

What about the sudden death king?

Continue to strengthen defense?

Lu Ran didn’t want this.

Its defense is already strong enough. If it continues to be strengthened, there will always be a limit. The degree of strengthening will become lower and lower, which is not good.

What Lu Ran wants to do next is not to strengthen its attack power and speed, but to enhance the versatility of its defense power.

Lu Ran has a skill book called Damage Transfer. Its ability is to transfer the damage received by the beast master to the pet beast.

Although Lu Ran didn’t plan to learn this skill, Lu Ran was inspired by it.

Next, he wants the King of Death to study “auxiliary abilities”.

For example, through energy shaping + external release, the Death King can provide a shield for Mr. Ha, Dark Crow, and Beast Master, and can provide a shield for other beings.

In every battle, let the Death King be in the front row to block damage. Although it is effective, the defensive surface is still too narrow.

If it has the ability to set up a shield for other teammates, and this shield inherits the sudden death king’s own defense to a certain extent, then its strong defense advantage can really be regarded as a perfect assistance to the whole team.

In addition, the ability to create “defensive barriers” and “energy shields” can effectively expand the defensive tactical value of the Death King.

But the problem now is that although the dragon energy of the Death King is not weak in defense, the energy and the defense of the body and soul are separated from each other.

So, Lu Ran wanted to find a special crystal that could integrate all the defensive capabilities of the Death King.

At that time, combined with energy release + energy shaping to assist teammates, the sudden death king will be the true king of shields.

I don’t have to go on the field to take the beatings and take the damage. I think the sudden death king himself is also very happy.

“There are 3 days left…”

Lu Ran walked up to Mr. Ha and asked him if he wanted to evolve in three days.


Mr. Ha held the sword grass in his mouth, stopped, looked at Lu Ran, and asked Lu Ran if a new weapon had been forged?

“Not yet, I haven’t learned the soul fire yet.” Lu Ran was embarrassed.

Although Bai Qi sent many fire beasts, the soul fire is still under study…


Mr. Ha walked away regretfully, saying that he wanted to get a new weapon + learn the sword domain, and then evolve.

After laying a foundation of invincibility, which is not inferior to that of the King of Death, it will suddenly become the overlord.

This is the path of the Sword Master.

Mr. Ha walked away wagging his tail.

Lu Ran:? ? ?

Lu Ran slapped his face and said, “If you don’t evolve, you won’t evolve.” However, he is a little optimistic about Mr. Ha’s ability to learn the field before integrating the Jue Wu trait.

You must know that in the current Blue Star records, the earliest pet beast to learn a domain was after level 40.

Furthermore, that pet beast is also from the space department and has a natural advantage in the field of study.

As for Mr. Ha, he is only level 30 now and has not even evolved.

However, since Mr. Ha has this idea, Lu Ran naturally supports it. He, as a beast master, is very happy to see the pet beast effectively involute.

“Before forging the Sword of the Dead, first get some space ore and try to forge a space sword for Mr. Ha?”

“Maybe it can speed up its entry into the field.”

Mr. Ha’s side failed, and Lu Ran found Dark Crow again.

At this moment, Dark Crow is studying sacrifice.

How to enhance the curse effect by sacrificing materials.

The soul scarecrow is essentially a cursed prop that increases the attack range of the soul by sacrificing the enemy’s blood.

Through the continuous use of the Soul Scarecrow, Dark Crow has gained some enlightenment, but he still feels that something is missing.

“Dark Crow, another evolutionary secret realm will open in 3 days. Do you want to evolve?”


Dark Crow frowned and hugged the soul scarecrow, saying: “Time, I need time…”

“I feel that I cannot perfectly control the power of the soul. My soul can only be separated from the body for one day, which is not enough, far from enough.”

“If you evolve in this way, you will be a high-ranking king at best.”

“I don’t want to be too far behind General Ha and General Thunder Dragon, my lord.”

“Actually…a period of evolution doesn’t determine anything. The racial level can continue to improve after that.” Lu Ran said.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu””Wuuuuuwang——” Dark Crow flew over and hugged Lu Ran’s thigh, saying: “Your Majesty, I also want to be the overlord. I really want to become the overlord of the race.”

“I want to make progress so much.”

Lu Ran: “…”


Rolling up is a good thing.

But all of them look down on the high-ranking king race. Maybe there is something wrong with their thinking.

Is it possible that the secret realm of evolution needs to be let go this time?

Because of the sudden death of Wang Zhuyu, Mr. Ha and Dark Crow both wanted to build a strong enough foundation to evolve and become overlords.

Lu Ran returned to Green Sea with a frown on his face and sat on the sofa. Next to him, only the weather elf was watching TV carefree.

“The third uncontracted weather elf is right.”

“Your pet beasts are too curly. They are still so young and need a happy childhood.” Next to them, store manager Ying, who came in to watch TV together, said with a smile.

“I’m sorry, my cultivation of weather elves…has also been started.” Lu Ran looked up faintly.

To become strong, you must start from childhood.

“Huh? Where? Isn’t it always watching TV?” Manager Ying was surprised.

“Do you mean that it has the ability to shape eyes with water beads and gain vision?”

It looked at the weather elf. At this moment, two water droplets were shaped on the cloud-like body of the weather elf. These two water droplets, like big aqua blue eyes, reflected the picture on the TV screen.


Lu Ran pointed at the TV screen.

In the show, a gangster lady wearing a black suit and holding a cigarette in her mouth stepped on the head of the enemy she had just defeated and said: “You lose, as promised, surrender to me.”

“Li Li (so cool)——” the weather elf shouted excitedly.

Lu Ran said: “I plan to train Rainbow towards the core of the Weather Legion. First, let her watch TV dramas about taking in underlings and leading men to fight, so as to increase her related interests and hobbies.”

“It will make it easier for him to spontaneously take in his little brother and take him to fight.”

“Interest is the best teacher.”

“Whoever said leisure and entertainment is not about training pet animals.”

Manager Ying:? ? ?

Manager Ying was just wondering why the weather elf was watching such a TV series, but it turned out that Lu Ran, the special meow, picked him.

Is this why you let an elemental elf less than a month old watch a gangster movie? ? ?

Do you really want to train her to be the core of the legion or the eldest lady of the underworld?

“There was an important piece of information…”

“But now, I don’t even want to tell you.”

Store manager Ying, who had just walked in, sighed and said very unhappy.

“Ah?” Lu Ran was stunned and said, “What important information is there? Please tell me.”

“I haven’t gotten any good news these days, hurry up and make me happy.”

“Did you find the right quality crystal?”

Manager Ying has already handed over two rare minerals to Lu Ran, but he is still collecting various information on special crystals.

After all, when most people obtain powerful unique trait crystals, they must be thinking that even if their old pets can’t use them, it will be worthwhile to specially contract to adapt new pets according to the ability of the trait crystals in the to trade There are only a few people who have gone out, so information in this area is very difficult to obtain.

“Not really.”

“But I think you must be very interested.” Manager Ying looked at the ceiling.

Lu Ran: “Say it quickly.”

“Do you still remember Xiong Anlin?”

Lu Ran thought: “Remember, the people from the ‘Living Fossil’, the first civil guild of Xia Kingdom.”

“He and Du Yuan from the strategy team also conquered the legendary secret realm. They are very powerful guys.”

Manager Ying said: “The core members of the Living Fossil Guild are actually similar to your Lujia Village.”

“There is a bear clan and a totem clan background. From ancient times to the present, your Lujia Village believes in a sacred deer, and they believe in an iron-eating beast.”

“But your Lujia Village is relatively unlucky and has not developed.”

“And they have developed well, and the tribe has become the largest guild in Xia Kingdom.”

Lu Ran was surprised and said: “Is it possible that you want to say that the iron-eating beasts and giant pandas they believe in are still alive? They also fell asleep in ancient times and then woke up now???”

Manager Ying looked at Lu Ran and said, “Smart.”

Lu Ran was startled: “Real or false.”

“Why are you lying to me?” Manager Ying shrugged and said, “Xiong Anlin’s sister found out.”

Lu Ran said: “So is the iron-eating beast going to die, or is it missing a child?”

Manager Ying:? ? ?

“It’s not easy for your Xia country to have a totem patron saint who can fight. Can you hope for someone else’s good???”

Lu Ran:?

“Isn’t it all what you taught me?” Lu Ran looked innocent. Yes, he was such a kind and good student. When did he become so profit-driven? It seems that after meeting Manager Ying ……

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