Keyboard Immortal Chapter 98: Mutual agreement, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Landkey Fairy!

“So our Chu family must act cautiously and cautiously now, and can’t give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it.” Chu Chuyan was worried when he spoke, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves? But at this stage of the field, they can only stick to it.

Zu’an couldn’t help but said: “I don’t understand. Why do you have to be neutral? Isn’t it good to choose a family? It won’t be in such a difficult situation as now.”

Chu Chuyan shook his head: “You don’t understand, it’s mainly because the two sides are evenly matched. Now no one knows who will have the last laugh. If the one we chose loses, in the end our Chu family will fall into a dead end. Choosing neutrality, although it was a bit difficult at the beginning, as long as we persist until the two wins and loses, our hardship will be counted as the end. After the new monarch takes office, we will definitely embrace all the forces. Our Chu family can at least keep the numbers. A century of foundation.”

Zu’an was stunned for a moment. There is no fuel-efficient lamp in these court disputes. Even a good old man like Chu Zhongtian is actually so far-sighted.

Well, you have to be more careful in the future, it’s all old yin!

By the way, Pei Mianman sneaked into the Chu Mansion to find what ledger before, and didn’t know which power was behind her?

At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly, and there was a noise in front of him. Chu Chuyan frowned and knocked on the wall of the carriage: “What happened outside?”

Soon a guard from the Chu family returned: “Back to the eldest lady, I heard that it was the sixth son of the Shi family from Beijing. Many people came to see him admiringly. They rushed to throw flowers and fruits in his car. The road is somewhat blocked.”

Zuan was taken aback, and subconsciously said: “Does he look like a gorilla? Otherwise, why would he attract so many people to watch and throw him fruits and vegetables in the car?”

As soon as this statement came out, Chu Chuyan’s mouth raised slightly, but Chu couldn’t help but said: “Fool brother-in-law, have you never heard of the famous name of Shi Kun, the son of the Shi family?”

“He is famous?” Zu An was upset, “I am also a famous character in Mingyue City, okay?”

Now even Chu can’t stand the trick, and he can’t help but roll a good-looking eye: “You are notorious, but the reputation of others is much better. The sixth son of the Shi family, a famous handsome guy. , Have you ever heard the story of “Ching Guo Ying Che?”

“No.” Zuan looked blank, what a mess.

Chu also said: “According to legend, the sixth son of the Shi family in Beijing has a beautiful appearance and elegant demeanor. He drove on the streets of the capital in the early years. Even the old woman was fascinated by it. Lost in the car, the car was full. Later, another young man in the capital heard this and followed his example and drove into the street. As a result, the women all over the street spit at him.”

“From this we can see how handsome Shi Kun is. I just heard about this story, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

“Is it that exaggerated?” Seeing her excited look, Zuan was quite upset. It was also the thought of all the men in the world to come, wishing all the beauties to circle around him.

“No, I have to go see how handsome this guy is.” Chu also got up excitedly, and was about to lift the curtain to get out, but was caught by his sister.

Chu Chuyan said indifferently: “The Shi family is a member of the Queen’s faction. This time he is in doubt about his motives for coming to Mingyue City. It is better not to contact him.”

Zu An couldn’t help but glared at Chu Chuyan: “You shouldn’t like your father and mother to say you, when will you be as calm as your sister.”

Chu even sat down again in an anguish, and snorted: “Brother-in-law, don’t think I don’t know, you are jealous.”

Zu’an sat up straight: “No matter how handsome you are, can I be handsome with your brother-in-law? You

Just look at me? “

Chu also made his face blush, and sipped: “Shameless sister-in-law~”

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly came from outside: “Ms. Chu is inside. Shi Kun from the capital begs to see you.”

Some women’s exclamation suddenly sounded outside:

“Wow~ If Shi Gongzi would be so good to me.”

“Cut, you don’t look in the mirror to see your dignity.”

“It sounds as good as you are.”

“Stop fighting, who of you can compare to Miss Chu in appearance.”

“Cut, no matter how beautiful I am, I am not married, but I have always been like a jade for Shi Gongzi, and I am still a virgin today.”


Hearing the comments coming from the surroundings, Zu An couldn’t help but slapped the car curtain to follow the prestige. Seeing a few women there were so touched, he looked depressed and thought he could see a few beautiful ones. Well, it turned out to be this kind of crooked winter melon and jujube, and I want to touch my wife.

It seems that Young Master Shi is very handsome even if he is handsome.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked forward. At that moment, he felt that there was a flash of light that blinded his eyes. His lips were red and white, handsome, handsome, handsome, handsome, gentleman… all kinds of words can be applied to each other.

So **** handsome!

Even Zuan has to admit this, and he is almost catching up with himself in terms of appearance.

Although he knows this, some women are often very superficial, and may not be able to recognize this. He hurriedly retracted his head into the carriage and looked at Chu Chuyan worriedly.

Who knows that Chu Chuyan’s face is extremely calm, without the slightest reaction of excitement, she said lightly: “The concubine is already married, and it is not convenient to see the foreigner. I hope Master Shi will forgive me.” After speaking, he knocked on the carriage and signaled. Restart.

Zuan was so happy that he wanted to hold her for a few kisses, always thinking that his wife was so indifferent to herself because she couldn’t look down on herself, and now she knows that she is so indifferent to everyone.

In comparison, it’s pretty good for me.

Looking at the slowly leaving carriage, Shi Kun’s handsome cheeks were filled with gloom, and his fist was tightly clenched with his hands in his sleeves. Chu Chuyan, one day I will get you completely.

At this time, the change of his face did not escape the eyes of the fans around, and those people couldn’t help but whisper a lot:

“The surnamed Chu is so defiant to Brother Shi, he is too despised.”

“If you look so beautiful, you can also be so willful.”

“Even if I am so beautiful, I would not treat Brother Shi like this, huh.”

“That is, Miss Chu, what is it? Didn’t you still find a waste husband? Although I can’t compare to her, my future husband is definitely better than hers.”

Of course there was also a weak voice pointed out: “The look in Young Master Shi’s eyes was terrible…”

But I was immediately overwhelmed by other supporters: “What do you know, that is called evil charm and madness, this unique temperament only has Brother Shi!”

At this time, Chu Chuyan in the carriage was very uncomfortable with Zuan’s straight eyes, and couldn’t help saying: “What are you looking at?”

Zuan said with a smile: “Because you look good, wife, I find that I like you more and more.”

The Chu who was on the side was suddenly dissatisfied: “Hey, hey, there are children here, you two should pay attention to influence.”

Zuan was speechless for a while. Although the sister-in-law is indeed young, she has nothing to do with the child.

At this time, Chu Chuyan said: “Don’t you

Misunderstanding, I just rejected Master Shi family not because of you, just because I don’t want to have anything to do with the Shi family. “

Zuan smiled: “For whatever reason, if you rejected him, I’m still very happy.”

Chu Chuyan suffocated his breath, always feeling that the other party did not understand what he meant. After thinking about it, he decided to make it clear: “Although I claim to be your wife, we all know what this marriage is about. I can’t do my true wife’s responsibility, so I don’t want you to sink too deep, lest you get hurt more in the future.”

The Chu who was on the side blinked his eyes, and suddenly felt that brother-in-law is so pitiful. Although everyone had guesses in the past, guessing was one thing, and it was another matter when the sister said it personally. Now brother-in-law doesn’t know. How sad and sad.

Who knows that Zuan’s face has not changed at all: “I know, but I like you is my own business, it has nothing to do with whether you like me or not, not to mention that you may like me in the future.”

Chu Chuyan shook his head: “There is absolutely no such possibility.”

Zuan shrugged and didn’t care: “Since you have said so, I have to ask a clear question. You don’t want to do my wife’s duties, then do you mind if I go find another woman?”

Chu Huanzhao on the side was still sad for him, but he didn’t know that he should ask such a question. His eyes went wide, thinking about this stinky brother-in-law, the sister will definitely teach you a lesson!

Chu Chuyan was also startled. Obviously this question surprised her, but she still subconsciously replied: “I don’t mind, it’s just you…”

She moved her gaze to his lower abdomen, because there was still a sister in the car, so she couldn’t tell her.

“There is no need to worry about this, I will be able to recover soon.” Zuan patted his chest and promised. Although he has no idea about finding the Vanished Phantom Lotus, which man would not be strong in front of women.

Chu Chuyan frowned, did not say anything, only that he was unwilling to accept this fact and was paralyzing himself.

Chu on the side also used a small mouth to open the boss at this time, what do brother-in-law and elder sister say? Just now my brother-in-law asked my sister if he minded him looking for another woman. It was outrageous enough. What’s even more outrageous was that my sister was not only not angry, but also answered that she did not mind!

Sister, don’t you know that your brother-in-law is much better than you think. Once the restrictions are released, those coquettish **** outside will definitely **** him away.

No, I have to help my sister to shut it down, no matter how fat the water is, it can’t flow into the field of outsiders.

The three people in the carriage had their own minds, and it didn’t take long for them to arrive outside the college. Because of the college’s rules, the children of each family were not allowed to enter the school by riding a carriage, so everyone got off at the door.

Seeing Chu Chuyan’s appearance, there were bursts of exclamations around him. Obviously, I rarely saw this first beauty in school, and all of them were lucky today.

However, seeing Zuan getting off the same carriage, and thinking that he not only lived in the same carriage with the goddess in his mind, but also slept in the same bed, all of them couldn’t help but feel sour.

“It’s fate, I ran into Miss Chu again here.” A slightly familiar voice sounded.

Zuan looked back, and saw that Shi Kun was standing not far away, with a handsome smile on his face, really looking quite awkward.


I haven’t had insomnia for a long time, but I didn’t fall asleep all night after I lost sleep last night. I didn’t fall asleep easily in the morning and I was quickly awakened by the continuous WeChat sound. It was too difficult

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