Keyboard Immortal Chapter 860: Break up

Mili rolled her eyes: “Going aside, I’ll be the master of the world, I don’t need your help, take care of your own affairs.”

Seeing that she was unwilling to talk to him, Zaan knew that it would be futile to ask any more, so he had to say: “Anyway, you have to know that you are not alone at any time, and there is me.”

Mili waved his hand: “I know, I know, when did you talk like an old mother.”

Bi Linglong, who was on the side, looked at all this with a strange expression, and always felt that the relationship between the two people was really not like a master and apprentice, but rather like…

Forget it, how is it possible, I think too much.

The next group of people continued on the road, Bi Linglong looked back from time to time: “Azu, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart, it stands to reason that we have just been delayed there for so long, and the emperor’s speed should have caught up with us long ago. Yes.”

Mi Li heard the words and said: “They are trapped by those fairy peach illusions, maybe they have all died there, and naturally it is impossible to catch up with us.”

“Xiantao Illusion?” Bi Linglong was a little dazed. At that time, she saw those watery big fairy peaches with her own eyes. They were all fragrant and fragrant. At first glance, they were extremely rare things.

“Of course it’s the environment. Fruits that are as ugly as skeletons, things that **** human blood and blood, not only will I not be able to prolong my life after eating those things, maybe I will immediately turn into dead bones.” Mili replied.

Bi Linglong’s face turned pale. After being in touch during this period of time, she had long admired Mi Li’s knowledge and naturally believed her words.

Thinking that I was completely fascinated by the appearance of those peaches, if Zaun hadn’t pulled me away, I would probably have gone and eaten the poisonous fruit.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zaan with a little surprise. This guy is usually greedy for money and lustful, but at the critical moment he can control his temperament better than most people. Which one is his true face?

At this time, Zuan said: “I believe that with the emperor’s cultivation and heart, even if you are fascinated by the fairy for a short time, there will never be any real danger, so we can’t hope that the fairy can kill. to him.”

Mili nodded approvingly: “You are cautious, not bad, so that you can live longer.”

After she finished speaking, she yawned: “I’ve been out for too long and I’m a little sleepy. I’ll go back to bed first, and then call me if I have something.”

After speaking, it turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into his saber.

Bi Linglong’s eyes widened, and she looked up and down at the Tai’a sword in Zaan’s hand: “Your master is always hiding here.”

“Well,” Zaan reached out and stroked the blade lightly, “she and I are both teachers and friends, and they are the people I trust the most in this world.”

It seems that Mili is currently in a state of soul and body, and staying outside for a long time is still a lot of wear and tear. She must make her a body again. Last time, she mentioned that she had a hunch that she could get some kind of medicinal herbs, so she was here Fulfillment in the secret realm?

“Stinky boy, don’t touch!” Mi Li’s dissatisfied voice suddenly came from Tai A’s sword.

Zu An humbly retracted his hand: “I touched the body of the sword, but I didn’t touch you.”

“Anyway, you’re not allowed to touch it. You have too many guts, who knows what you’re thinking.” Mi Li snorted.

Zuan: “…”

Bi Linglong couldn’t help but chuckle: “The relationship between you two is really wonderful.”

Zuan couldn’t help laughing: “It’s not like other teachers and students.”

Bi Linglong asked curiously, “How did you know each other, and how could she be in your sword?”

What she actually wanted to ask was whether the other party knew about the things that happened between the two, but she was too embarrassed to speak, so she had no choice but to talk side by side.

Zuan laughed: “This is a long story…”

The two chatted all the way, time passed quickly, and they stopped at a cliff.

This is almost the end of the first floating island. Looking up, the second floating island is over a hundred meters away.

He tried it, and it’s fine to fly short distances in this place, but for longer distances, flying is naturally prohibited.

He looked at the edge of the cliff, and there was no pocket floating island that could be used as a ladder between the two islands.

“How’s this going to get up?” Zaun was terrified.

At this moment, Bi Linglong’s voice came: “Azu, come and see here.”

Zuan heard the news and saw Bi Linglong bending over and pulling the weeds on the ground. He directly used the flame of the phoenix to burn the weeds clean, and then revealed a large array of slate.

“This is…” Zaun was a little surprised. The material of these slates is extremely special, and the surface has just been burned without leaving any traces.

The whole body is as dark and crystal clear as black jade, and there seems to be a layer of luster on it, which is extraordinary at first glance.

Some of the slates have some round holes in them, I don’t know what they used to put in.

There are some thin lines on many small slates, as if there is some law in the dark, but it can’t be said for a while.

Other slates have patterns, but the patterns appear to be chaotic.

“A puzzle?” Zaun’s eyes flashed.

“Hey, this seems to be a star map.” Mi Li didn’t know when she came out of Tai Ajian, and Bi Linglong was taken aback, but Zaan was already used to her elusiveness.

“The star map?” Zaun asked hastily.

“Do you still remember the words engraved on the stone tablet we found under the strange fish temple?” Mi Li said.

“…Zuo Qinglong Mengzhang Jiayin, right White Tiger guard Jiashen, Suzaku Mausoleum Guang Jiawu on his head, Xuanwu Zhiming Jiazi on his feet, Yue is a noble person entering the center…” Those words appeared in Zu An’s mind, Looking at the large slate array again, his eyes suddenly lit up, “So it is!”

He was about to reach out and fiddle with the slate on the ground, when Mili’s face suddenly changed: “Be careful, someone is coming.”

After she finished speaking, her whole person has become transparent.

Zuan hurriedly looked back, if it was an ordinary person, Mi Li would never be so afraid, and it would be a big deal to kill the mouth. There is only one explanation for this.

As expected, a burst of laughter came: “It’s really broken

Iron shoes are nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get them! “

The laughter shook the nearby leaves rustling, Bi Linglong turned pale, and clutched Zaan’s sleeve tightly, she said in a trembling voice, “Azu, if we can’t do anything, we’ll jump from here. Go down, and you can die happily.”

Being in the royal family, she is most aware of the emperor’s sinister means. With what happened between the two, if it falls into the emperor’s hands, life will definitely be worse than death.

Zuan patted her hand gently: “Don’t worry, it’s not there yet.”

Bi Linglong was stunned for a moment, I really can’t think of why he is still so calm now, but his calm words have an inexplicable ability to make people feel at ease, and his beating heart gradually calmed down.

A bright yellow figure faintly appeared on the horizon, and then left afterimages, almost in the blink of an eye, he had come to the two of them.

Zuan secretly sighed that the opponent’s speed is still under the premise that this world is extremely suppressing him. This cultivation base is simply desperate.

“Want to be a mandarin duck with the same fate? Now it’s up to you.” Zhao Ruizhi looked coldly at Bi Linglong’s hand tightly clutching Zu’an’s sleeve, obviously the conversation between the two just now did not hide his eyes and ears.

At such a close distance now, he is confident enough that the life and death of other people are entirely within his grasp.

“Is the Emperor planning to kill me?” Zaun sighed.

“Kill you?” Zhao Ruizhi sneered, “It’s too cheap for you to die like this, I’m going to castrate you and bring you back to the palace, wash the toilet every day and pour Ye Xiang; after that, I’ll chop you up every other year. Losing a part of your body makes you fully realize the fear of waiting for death; finally, when your limbs and five senses are gone, you will be soaked in a cesspool, and your life will be hanged with ginseng elixir every day. In the kennel receiving irrigation from the **** in the palace…”

Hearing his words, Bi Linglong’s knuckles turned white, and she couldn’t help but vomit several times. She regretted why she didn’t die sooner, and now she can’t die if she wanted to.

Zuan was also speechless: “…”

This **** is really poisonous, this perverted punishment can be imagined by human beings?

This is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to be polite. He said coldly: “It’s a pity that you can’t do this to me now, you have to beg me.”

“I beg you?” Zhao Ruizhi laughed, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world.

At this time, He Li and the others were out of breath and just caught up when they heard Zaan’s arrogant words and looked at him with sympathy. Did this guy go crazy because he was too scared?

Zhao Ruizhi suddenly put away his smile and said coldly: “It’s a big joke, I’ll castrate you now, let’s see what you can do to me.”

Zuan was about to speak, but when he was pressed by the opponent’s hand, he immediately found it difficult to breathe, let alone speak.

“I know that you can speak well, but you don’t have a life-saving idea. I’m too lazy to listen to your nonsense.” Zhao Ruizhi snorted coldly.

Zuan: “…”

I’m going, **** it!

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