Keyboard Immortal Chapter 704: Urita Rishita

Zuan’s first reaction was to teach the prince a set of ways to win backgammon.

Let him and King Qi find a Go master. If they win, the opponent will be guaranteed to lose their glasses. King Qi has no face to say that the prince is stupid.

But after a second thought, he dismissed the idea.

Although backgammon is simple, the winning method also includes various changes. If the prince remembers so many changes and can choose the correct play every time, then he will not be recognized as a fool.

He thought for a while and said: “In the case of the prince, he must be cheating. I don’t know what to test? You can make some preparations in advance to let the prince know the answer.”

The emperor replied: “The content of the exam has not yet been determined, but most of it will be handed over to the Royal Academy. Those people in the academy are as stinky and hard as the stones in the pit, and they will definitely not cooperate with the prince to cheat. You It doesn’t work.”

Whether this exam is given to the King of Qi or the Emperor, both parties will not be at ease. Only the National Royal Academy can gain the trust of both parties.

During so many years of fighting between the two sides, the National Royal Academy has always maintained a neutral position and did not participate at all, and they did not need to participate at all.

Many outstanding practitioners in the world came out of the National Royal Academy.

No matter who is the emperor, it will neither bring them any advantage nor bring them any disadvantage. The people inside are all fanatics who study spiritual practice, have no interest in power, and even They feel that power means being busy with business, which will delay their practice.

Because of their purity of practice, whether it is the emperor or the king of Qi, I believe that they will be impartial.

Zuan frowned: “That will be difficult, why don’t you find someone to pretend to be the prince to take the exam? Is there such a thing as a magical disguise technique?”

After all, this is a world of cultivation, and I think there should be a way to disguise as a prince.

The emperor shook his head slowly: “Yes, yes, but it can only be concealed from unfamiliar people. King Qi’s party will definitely check it at that time. If you pretend to be, you will definitely not be able to conceal it.”

Zuan spread his hands: “Then I really have no choice, the emperor is wise and martial, he will definitely be able to think of a foolproof plan.”

“Don’t tell me those high-sounding bullshit,” the emperor irritably walked around in the imperial study, and he uttered foul language. Obviously, today’s events made him very upset. If he was upset, he would let more The person was unhappy, “You are limited to think of a solution within half a month, otherwise, you won’t be able to be the prince, and naturally you don’t need to be the prince. You should be sent to the palace to be the father-in-law.”

Zuan: “???”

Damn, you can call me for everything, and the donkeys in the production team don’t dare to call me like that.

Although he complained, he couldn’t show any dissatisfaction on the surface: “Yes!”

Out of the imperial study, Zu An was restless and walked straight to the outside of the palace, no matter what the prince is not a son, there is really nothing I can do when I leave, the emperor thinks I have him

I don’t dare to run away from the ban, but how could he know that I still have a great master and sister who can help me get rid of it.

Hey, don’t you feel good when you go back and hug my family’s beautiful body, the prince loves it to death.

While complaining on the road, a little **** suddenly ran over: “Master Zu, my master has invited me.”

Zuan was stunned for a moment, the little **** was a little surprised: “Who is your master?”

“Bai Fei Niangniang.” The little **** replied respectfully.

Zuan looked at the dim sky: “It’s getting late, isn’t it convenient to go at this time?”

Generally speaking, ministers are not allowed to move freely in the palace.

However, there are a small number of officials who can get the power to move around at will in the palace. Most of them are under the provincial government, such as Huangmen Shilang, Sanqi Standing Servant, etc. These are equivalent to the emperor’s secretary and life assistant.

Zuan’s Prince Sheren can also walk in the palace, but these officials can only stay in the palace during the day, and must leave the palace before dusk, otherwise it will be a charge of disrespect.

If there are still foreign ministers staying in the palace after nightfall, ahem, there should be no emperor who likes to wear a green hat.

“It’s about the prince’s big exam,” said the little eunuch.

“Let’s lead the way!” Zaan hesitated, but went with him. The emperor had just given him a death order. Although he had to run away as a last resort, it was better not to run away.

Concubine Bai is also the prince’s concubine, and she and the prince both prosper and lose. She cares that the prince can’t be fake, and thinks what way should she think of this time.

All the way to Baihua Palace, the **** bowed to him and left.

At this time, a palace maid came out, and she was Bai Fei’s personal maid, Xin Rui.

“Master Zu, please!” Xinrui turned slightly sideways and made an inviting gesture.

Zuan couldn’t help but say, “If I hadn’t seen you, I would have thought that the **** was planning to harm me.”

Have never eaten pork or seen a pig run away? It’s not for nothing to watch so many palace fight TV series in previous lives.

Xin Rui pursed her lips and smiled, looking extremely shy: “Master Zu is joking, who in this palace dares to design harm at will?”

Zu Anxin thought that it was indeed a maid who followed the master. Concubine Bai had a gentle and tactful personality, and Xinrui’s temperament was similar, but she was a little more shy.

The princess is more majestic and stronger, and Rong Mo is also like a little pepper.

Uh, no, her cultivation is not low, and being a maid can’t be that kind of talent. I think she is an old pepper.

He thought about it all the way, and was soon led into the hall of Baihua Palace. Xinrui bowed: “Master Zu, please come in.”

Zuan nodded and walked to the hall. He said that he had a good impression of the gentle and beautiful woman when he saw Concubine Bai last time. He also misses the Hundred Flowers Tea that she brewed. I wonder if there is still a chance today. drink.

Saw a figure from a distance sitting on the head, sitting dignifiedly, with a graceful and moving body, he hurriedly shook

He shook his head, sin and sin, don’t fall for Cao thief’s hobby.

But when he entered the room and saw the other person’s appearance, he couldn’t help being stunned. It wasn’t because the other person was ugly. On the contrary, although the gentleness was not as good as the water, the graceful and luxurious were more than that, because this was not a white concubine at all.

The woman also looked at him in astonishment, and the two of them said in unison, “Why are you?”

“Princess why are you here?” Zu An asked.

The Crown Princess snorted a little displeasedly: “I asked you first.”

This minion doesn’t understand the rules at all, so he can beat him whenever he gets a chance.

Well, forget it, a talented person should be a bit arrogant, and now it’s a time when there’s a shortage of people, so don’t let his heart down.

Zuan curled his lips, this woman is always so strong, when will you take off your disguise to see if you are hard or soft: “Bai Fei invited me here to discuss the matter of the prince. .”

The princess frowned: “She told me the same.”

After speaking, she suddenly got up and walked out.

Being in the harem, she has a natural acumen. If it’s getting late today, and there is no third party present, living in the same room with other men, it is inevitable that she will be under the influence of melon fields.

But when I walked to the door, I happened to meet Xinrui walking in with tea: “Hey, why did the Crown Princess leave suddenly?”

Prince Concubine snorted: “What does Concubine Bai mean, why haven’t you come out yet!”

In normal times, as a crown princess, there is no reason for her to wait for a side concubine.

But today I heard that Concubine Bai sent a message that there was a solution to the prince’s big exam, so she waited patiently here.

But the other party has found another man, and although Zaun and Zaan have become familiar with each other these days, it is always a little uncomfortable to be alone in private.

Xin Rui explained: “Prince Princess, don’t be impatient. My master is preparing something and will come out soon. She specially asked me to bring Baihua tea to apologize to the two of you.”

Hearing Baihua Tea, the Crown Princess licked her lips subconsciously. Of course, she knew Bai Fei’s exclusive Baihua Tea, which she drank once in a while, and was very fond of the taste.

But she and Concubine Bai are in a competitive relationship. They have always had a bad relationship. She has a strong temperament, so naturally she can’t keep her face down to ask for it from the other party, so she can only secretly get greedy.

Now the other party takes the initiative to bring it up, and I don’t drink it for nothing…

Bah ah, this palace is for the prince’s exam, not for drinking her broken tea!

“Okay, then, Ben Gong will wait for her half a stick of incense. If she doesn’t come, I will leave immediately.” The Crown Princess sat down again, tasted the fragrant Baihua tea elegantly, and sighed inwardly. , I don’t know how Concubine Bai made such a delicious tea. She privately asked the maid to imitate it. Unfortunately, every time there is only a strong sweet fragrance, it always feels a bit gaudy when drinking. There is no such elegant and natural Baihua tea. .

After a while, she subconsciously tugged at the collar, looked at Zaun and asked, “Do you feel a little hot today?”

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