Keyboard Immortal Chapter 674: Mysterious Call, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Land Key Fairy!

Zu An’s expression remained unchanged, and the Poseidon Crown directly controlled the ocean and wrapped it around his body.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, the surrounding ocean seemed to boil, and finally evaporated.

At this moment, a golden seal suddenly appeared above his head, with a trace of luck hanging from it to protect him.

Seeing this scene, many demons and evil spirits who were fighting fiercely with those monsters were stunned.

“The Lord of Tensile Changes has such a thing?” The Bloodthirsty Crocodile Ancestor looked a little confused.

“This is the Seal of the Human Emperor. It was previously in the hands of the Human Emperor Zhao Hao, but later I heard that it was in the hands of the Regent Zu An.” The Fearful Shadow Demon said in horror.

The Bloodthirsty Crocodile Ancestor was startled: “So it turns out that the regent Zu An is also dressed as the Master of Tensile Changes?”

Fear of Shadow Demon: “…”

He took a deep look at his teammate: “Sometimes I doubt that you are not the crocodile ancestor.”

“What is it if it’s not the crocodile ancestor?”

“Of course it’s the Pig Ancestor.”

“You bastard, how dare you scold me!”

“You are so shameless. It is obvious that the human regent has impersonated the Lord of Changes of All Lives. He has fooled us all this time. You actually thought that the Lord of Changes of All Lives pretended to be him. You are not a pig. What.”

“Holy shit!”

The anger from the bloodthirsty crocodile ancestor +666+666+666……

The anger from the fearful shadow demon +666+666+666…

How on earth does this guy pretend to be the Lord of Changes? If he can do this, is he still a human being?

Zu An’s energy was running to the extreme. He had the human emperor’s seal on his head, the Poseidon’s Crown, and the Tai’a Sword in his hand. At the same time, he took out the sun-shooting bow. With the help of various artifacts, he finally withstood the terrifying The pressure came to the edge of the high platform.

The high platform is shrouded in colorful divine flowers, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

He first reached out to grab the dragon elixir.

As a result, as soon as the arm was stretched into the colorful divine flower, the arm was cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the flesh and blood on it quickly turned into smoke and dissipated.

Zu An was shocked. You must know that his current body has been tempered several times and has become extremely strong. Under the protection of so many artifacts, he didn’t even last a second?

It seems that there is a particularly mysterious power of law that directly passes through the power of many artifacts and acts directly on his body.

Zu An gritted his teeth and was about to take out the contents even though he was seriously injured.

At this time, Mi Li’s anxious voice of stopping came from his ears: “Stop! This is a rule set by some kind of supreme existence. You can’t get it even if your arm is completely destroyed. You will only find it.” To eradicate the power of destruction.”

“What should we do?” Zu An quickly retracted his hand. In fact, even if Mi Li didn’t say anything, he felt that the entire altar was condensing a power that made his heart palpitate, and he was about to use Thunderbolt. hit.

Although he really wants to get the things inside, he has not lost his basic reason.

“Looking at the current situation, there should be a certain final step left. You need to get some kind of authority left by the person who set up the altar in the first place before you can get the things inside.” Mi Li said quickly.

“Some kind of authority?” Zu An’s heart moved, and he suddenly thought of Kaqir who had disappeared.

“Yes, many inheritance places need to go through some kind of test or something similar before you can get some kind of recognition of existence, which is the so-called authority or authority.” Mi Li analyzed, ” Don’t worry, these monsters are fighting to death here. It’s impossible for them to get close to here, let alone get the things here.”

Zu An nodded. If it weren’t for the help of several artifacts, he wouldn’t even be able to reach this high platform, and it would be even less possible for those guys.

With a thought in his mind, he returned directly to Shang Liuyu and helped her drive away several besieging monsters.

“What’s wrong with your hand?” Shang Liuyu couldn’t help but turn pale when he saw that his arm was almost bone-white.

“It’s okay.” Zu An said while running the Hongmeng Yuanshi Jing. The repairing power began to fill his arm. The flesh and blood on it quickly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. It didn’t take long for his arm to return to its original state. , except that the skin color is paler than before, no difference can be seen at all.

Seeing this scene, Shang Liuyu was shocked. Senior monks did have strong recovery power, but such an injury would take more than half a year, and would require countless geniuses to heal it. As a result, he blinked It recovered in time.

At this time, Zu An quickly told Shang Liuyu what he found on the altar. Shang Liuyu was moved in his heart and hurriedly exclaimed: “That skinned ghost king!”

The other party has a special familiarity with this place. It seems that he learned something about it through other channels, so he did not fight here at all, but went directly to participate in some kind of trial of authority.

Zu An said calmly: “Don’t worry, I placed a Wanli tracking talisman on him. I know where he is.”

He was about to take Shang Liuyu there, when suddenly he froze on the spot.

“What’s wrong?” Sensing his abnormality, Shang Liuyu asked hurriedly.

Zu An looked strange: “It seemed like a voice was calling me from the bottom of my heart just now.”

“Call?” Shang Liuyu’s expression changed, “Sometimes this kind of call is an opportunity, sometimes it is a trap. You must be careful.”

“This girl is right. You can follow this call and have a look. Maybe there is a way to get the world’s law beacon and the dragon’s elixir.” Mi Li’s reminding voice came.

Zu An shook his head slightly: “Don’t worry about this call for now. I’ll go after the Skinned Ghost King first. I’m always worried about what trouble he will cause.”

The reason why I didn’t pursue them before was because I was worried that the demons would get the World Law Beacon and the Dragon Elixir here. Now that it’s been determined that they won’t get it, there’s no need to stay here.

At this time, the voices of two demons in the distance came: “Boy, no matter you are the Lord of Changes of All Life, or someone else pretending to be one, we are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If we don’t join forces first, we will If these monsters are killed, everyone will die here.”

Zu An smiled: “Who said we are grasshoppers on the same line?”

As he said that, he was about to take Shang Liuyu away from the hole where Kaqir had just escaped.

Seemingly seeing what he was thinking, the Fearful Shadow Demon snorted coldly and hit the monster with a body and a dragon’s tail to the entrance of the cave, blocking their way: “Is it a line now?”

The monster with human body and dragon head seemed to have remembered some mission when it arrived at the door, and quickly summoned several other three-headed and six-armed monsters to block the entrance of the cave with it, preventing anyone from escaping.

Shang Liuyu’s expression changed when he saw it. Those monsters with three heads and six arms were already very powerful, not to mention that this kind of monster with a body and a dragon’s tail had just killed the flame demon sea monster.

Now that the entrance to the cave is blocked, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop the Skinned Ghost King in time.

At this time, Zu An looked calm and directly pulled her into his arms, wrapping her tightly in his arms with his cloak.

Shang Liuyu was startled, feeling the two people’s bodies pressed closely together, and his face couldn’t help but turn a little red, thinking what did he want to do?

At this moment, the light around Zu An suddenly began to distort, and then his whole body seemed to turn into a black hole, making the surrounding three feet dark.

This is a technique I learned when fighting the Shadow Demon before. Using the suction generated by the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Art to distort the surrounding light can produce a dark effect.

Immediately afterwards, he used the dark invisibility skill – he can be completely invisible in a completely dark environment, and at the same time, his breath cannot be sensed by other beings.

As expected, almost instantly, he and Shang Liuyu disappeared out of thin air from the eyes of those demons and even monsters, without any breath anymore.

“What!” The Bloodthirsty Crocodile Ancestor and the Fearful Shadow Demon widened their eyes. The scene in front of them exceeded their understanding. Where did that guy go?

Damn, they are the only ones getting beaten now.

The anger value from the bloodthirsty crocodile ancestor is +666+666+666…

The anger value from the fear shadow demon is +666+666+666…

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