Keyboard Immortal Chapter 420: Where is Dad?

Sang Hong replied while staring at the iron masks on the faces of the embroidered messengers. He was able to invite the embroidered messengers. What did Zuan steal from the emperor?

“Is the embroidered messenger here to deal with Zu’an?” Sang Qian’s eyes widened, knowing that he always looked down on this guy from a street gangster, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be so arrogant that he would provoke the emperor.

But he immediately said: “But I don’t think these embroidered messengers are very high-level, and they are not as powerful as you describe them.”

Sang Qian shook his head: “You can’t be fooled by your appearance. Although most of the embroidered messengers are between the fifth and sixth rank, they are extremely good at the art of combined strikes, which is the ‘King Kong Demon Circle’ mentioned by King Liang just now. , is the formation created by the emperor himself, and is best at combining the power of everyone to capture practitioners with much higher cultivation.”

“Moreover, the spirit chains in their hands are specially made. Once they hit the practitioner’s body, those with a lower cultivation base will be directly dissipated their vitality; those with a higher cultivation base will also be affected by it, greatly weakening their vitality. strength.”

Sang Qian couldn’t help but said, “But no matter how powerful you are, there are limits. After all, everyone is only a rank five. I don’t believe that they can lock you up!”

Sang Qian smiled bitterly: “If they really come to lock me, I can’t resist.”

Sang Qian was dumbfounded: “So powerful?”

He asked himself to go to another place. It might be difficult to avoid the Vajra Demon Circle of the embroidered messengers just now, but he didn’t expect that even his father would be no match.

Why is Zaun suddenly so powerful?

It must be that he stole the emperor’s things, and that’s why he made rapid progress, yes, it must be so, but unfortunately, taking shortcuts will cost you a comeback!

Sang Hong sighed faintly on the side: “After all, the most powerful embroidered messenger is not the King Kong magic circle, but can act on behalf of the emperor.”

Sang Qian was about to ask how to act on behalf of the emperor when the changes in the battlefield caught his attention.

I saw the two embroidered messengers suddenly move, and the chains in their hands suddenly became straight, like two long spears stabbing straight towards Zaan’s chest.

The iron chains of the two embroidered messengers at the back were just the opposite, becoming as soft as silk, wrapping around him.

Zuan used his sword to slash an oncoming iron rope, and his whole body was shocked, and his blood was tumbling.

It stands to reason that his actual strength is equivalent to rank 6, and these embroidered messengers are only rank 5. Fighting alone is by no means his opponent.

He suddenly noticed that there was a faint blue light circulating on the other side, constantly scattered to the other companions around, and then another blue light gathered from the companions to him.

Zuan couldn’t help but realize that it turned out to be a combined attack formation. Before, he had witnessed the formation of the three thousand red robes united, and even the ninth-rank powerhouses were defeated without temper. It was almost his turn to face being beaten by a group.

Although he has a lot of thoughts, he acts silky

He didn’t dare to slow down. Knowing that he would suffer from a head-to-head attack, he changed his strategy and directly used Tai’a to provoke another iron rope in front of him, which happened to be entangled with another iron rope attacked from behind.

Zheng Dan, who was beside him, kept watching nervously, especially after hearing Sang Hong’s explanation, her fists tucked in her sleeves were even more tightly clenched.

Until I saw this move, I couldn’t help but secretly applauded. I didn’t expect that Zu’an’s swordsmanship had reached such a level that it seemed to be the thirteen-style selection of primary swordsmanship taught by the academy. At the same time, there was also Chu Chuyan Xuehua. Shadow of the Excalibur.

She asked herself that most of the time she couldn’t do it so well. In addition to being lustful, this guy’s cultivation talent is really scary.

But she immediately raised her heart, because there was still a chain!

At this point, the sword Zaun had just used was too old to return.

“Be careful!” she couldn’t help exclaiming.

Sang Qian, who was not far away, turned his head to look at her, and saw that his new wife was looking at another man nervously, and he suddenly felt angry.

Zuan dog thief, you and I are inseparable!

Rage from Sang Qian +740!

The other six embroidered emissaries who had been poised to move at this time also moved, and they also saw that Zaun could not avoid the last iron cable.

As long as he is entangled for a moment, the remaining six iron cables will completely lock him, and there will be no chance of a comeback.

Seeing that he was about to be wrapped around his waist by the iron rope, Zaan suddenly stretched out **** in front of him.

The fingers are crystal clear and slender, making many women in the field feel ashamed.

Seeing these two delicate fingers meet the black and thick iron rope, Xie Daoyun and Zheng Dan couldn’t help biting their lips tightly.

Sang Qian showed a presumptuous smile on his face. This guy’s hands are probably going to be useless. It’s not enough to use a pair of iron cables with ten embroidered messengers. will be smashed to pieces.

However, his smile quickly solidified on his face, because he saw that the **** that he thought would be shattered in an instant actually firmly clamped the iron rope that contained terrifying power.

“Huh? This fingering…” King Liang always felt that he had seen similar fingerings somewhere, but he couldn’t remember it.

Sang Hong was amazed at the sight. He really did not see this guy wrong. He is really talented. It would have been better if he had been recruited earlier.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but glared at his son who was gloating at his misfortune. He had known that he should bring Qian’er to Mingyue City, but at that time, who would have expected that this fellow Zaan would be more useful than a Zheng family. much more.

Zuan grabbed the chain with a single finger, but he immediately sensed the strength of the chain, and hurriedly flicked his wrist, the end of the chain formed a wave and recoiled back. .

Then threw the chain towards the chain that was attacked by the other six.

A few people never expected this change, and they were caught off guard. Several iron chains were instantly entangled together, and then there was a loud bang, and the seven embroidered messengers trembled and groaned, obviously eating A small loss.

It turned out that Zauan didn’t think that the strength of his own strength was equal to ten embroidered messengers, but he just used his own strength to detonate the strength of the opponent’s attack in advance, and at that moment, He entangled the iron chains of the seven people, which means that the seven of them were injured by the skills of the ten of them.

From the beginning, it was not difficult for Zaan to escape the four attacks. What he feared most was the other six embroidered messengers who were waiting on the sidelines, so he deliberately sold a loophole to make people think that he was unavoidable. Avoid, just created such an opportunity.

There are many people with good eyesight in the field. Combining the front and back, they immediately understood his plan, and each and everyone secretly praised this guy for his brilliant fighting consciousness. Is he really the waste wood in everyone’s eyes who relies on women to eat soft food?

Zuan took this opportunity to directly summon the Gale, and teleported to several hundred meters away. Because he was afraid that King Liang was a master, he even summoned the next Gale immediately after the end without stopping, completely ignoring the rest. The number of times he used it, the only thought in his mind was that the sooner he left the opponent’s field of vision, the better.

“What kind of body method is this!”

There were bursts of exclamations in the field. It was not surprising that someone like Zheng Dan knew the strength of Zuan, but even a friend like Xie Daoyun rubbed his eyes in disbelief, not to mention the other family members. .

Sang Qian is also pale, how is it possible, how can this guy be so awesome?

He hurriedly turned his head: “Dad, what the **** is he… Hey, where did Daddy go?”

Seeing Zaan’s speed, Liang Wang also flashed a strange color in his eyes, but he still sneered: “Want to leave?”

You must know that the master can fly in the sky, no matter how fast you are on the ground, it is still like a child’s play in front of the master.

He rose into the sky and suddenly found that there was another person in front of him, it was Sang Hong!

His face sank, and he slapped it directly.

Sang Hong also greeted him with a solemn face and palms.

The palms crossed, and with a bang, a powerful wave of air spread out, and all the guests in the room were blown to the side. The windows were knocked to the ground by the air waves.

King Liang returned to the place and stood with his hands behind his back, while Sang Hong fell heavily to the ground like a broken sandbag, smashing a big hole in the carefully selected marble floor of the Sang family.

Liang Wang looked over coldly: “Sang Hong, do you know what you are doing? How dare you help the Qin prisoner to escape!”

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