Keyboard Immortal Chapter 1421: Samlin

“Sanglin? Feng Xi?” Zaan wondered if this Sanglin would be as stubborn as Ruoshui.

Yanku explained: “The reason why it is called mulberry forest is because there is a big mulberry tree in the center, and the whole forest is formed by its branches.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this: “A forest is actually a tree?”

How big is this tree.

After receiving a positive answer, Zaun asked, “Is that tree conscious? Could it be a Dryad or something?”

“There shouldn’t be the kind of tree demon you think, but that mulberry tree is so extraordinary that it may have produced some vague will.” He said by analogy, “It’s like weak water, outsiders see it as a A dead thing, only I know that it actually has a will, so I can get close to it.”

Zu Anxin thought that it would be great if this weak water became refined.

“The body of that Feng Xi is a big wild boar with hair like steel needles, and it is a strong opponent of everything, you have to be careful.” Xiong reminded.

“Big boar?” Zaan was a little dazed, suddenly feeling that the myths of all previous civilizations seemed to have similarities.

There are legends of the Great Flood in both the East and the West. In addition, in Eastern mythology dealing with Feng Xi, in Greek mythology Hercules, and Twelve Impossible Tasks, there is also a matter of dealing with the big wild boar. Is this a coincidence or a fact? What?

“Does that Feng Xi have any weaknesses?” Yun Jianyue asked tentatively.

The encounter with the scorpion can be said to have suffered a lot. In the end, it was only a chance to solve it. She really didn’t want to have a similar experience again.

“Our territories do not overlap with each other, and we have never had conflicts. I don’t know what its weaknesses are. I’m afraid I can’t help you.” He said apologetically.


A few people were in despair when they suddenly heard Qiang said: “By the way, it seems to be very lustful, I don’t know if this is a weakness.”

Several people think this is a weakness, and Zaun is pretty **** too.

And where to find a sow now.

“In addition, I heard that he often stares at the moon at night. There are rumors that it is absorbing the essence of the moon to cultivate, but I don’t think so, but I don’t know what it is doing.” He said, “I don’t know. Can this help you?”

“It’s very useful, thank you very much.” Several people hurriedly thanked, it was better than knowing nothing about the monster.

Zuan looks weird, a big lustful wild boar, and then stares at the moon in a daze, it can’t be a pig just mane.

Accompanied by the scorpion, the terrifying waves did not appear before, and the width of the weak water also returned to normal, and the weak water was quickly passed.

Several people thanked you again, but she said, “No, it’s me who should thank you. It is because of you that I am completely free.” As he spoke, his figure began to blur and gradually changed to his original appearance.

Just noticing that the other party’s figure is transparent and seems to be half-truth, Zaan is startled: “Did you…”

Yao smiled slightly: “Yes, the purification method you used before is really powerful. I just have resentment in my heart, so I can resist. Now that resentment is resolved, it will naturally disappear.”

Zuan was a little sad: “I’m so sorry for making you…”

Young interrupted him: “I’m sorry, this is detachment, it’s a happy thing for me, I’ve had enough of this man’s life, thank you…”

Speaking of the back, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his entire body also turned into a little starlight and disappeared completely.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell into silence. It was obvious that everyone was an enemy who was beaten to death a moment ago, but at this moment, they had an inexplicable sadness.

After all, when Yoongi regained his sanity, several people could feel that he was a good and gentle person, but he had such a tragic experience as a result.

It took a long time to pack up and continue on the journey.

It didn’t take long before I saw a large forest in front of me. In the middle of the forest, there was a tree that stood tall and luxuriant, like a canopy, standing alone in the forest.

“This should be the mulberry grove in your mouth.” Yu Yanluo sighed, “The mulberry tree in the middle is really big.”

Yan Xuehen also showed a shocked expression: “Looking at the situation, this tree is where the essence of heaven and earth gathers. According to what I said, this mulberry forest has a long history. It is reasonable to say that after such a long time, it should have been It’s only right when you’ve cultivated to become refined.”

“After the founding of the nation, it is not allowed to become a fine.” Zauan suddenly remembered a slang phrase from a previous life.

“What?” The three girls looked at him suspiciously.

Zuan’s face became hot, and he explained, “Mostly, there is a lack of the laws of this world, so it can’t be cultivated.”

“It seems so.” The women agreed.

Entering the mulberry forest, a few people were very vigilant, because the branches here are too lush, it is difficult to see the distant scene, walking inside is like a labyrinth, the ghost knows where the seal is hidden, In case of a sudden attack, a few people will be in trouble.

Fortunately, because the mulberry tree in the center is very tall and has a proper location, it will not lose its way.

“You said how did we find that Feng Xi, should we set a trap in the woods or something? What do wild boars like to eat?” Yan Xuehen suggested.

Yun Jianyue directly shook her head: “This Feng Xi is a fierce beast no less than a scorpion, and it must have a wisdom no less than that of a human being. You really think of it as a wild boar.”

Yan Xuehen’s face was slightly hot, but this time she did not refute her. At this moment, Zaan suddenly looked solemn: “I’m afraid we don’t have to find him, he will take the initiative to find us.”

Following the direction of his line of sight, the three girls noticed that the woods in the distance suddenly shook violently, and there were many sounds of branches breaking.

Then a behemoth suddenly jumped out and let out a roar similar to a dragon’s roar, shaking the leaves of the surrounding woods to shudder.

Zu Anxin thought that the sound effect of the Eighteen Palms of Dragon Subduing in the TV in previous life was imitated by pig’s roar. I didn’t expect that after this big wild boar was powerful, the roar was really like a dragon.

The behemoth in front of him is like a hill, with brown and black all over his body, his fangs are like two scimitars exuding a cold light, and his four hooves are like a stone pestle. The needle is generally rough and hard, and without introduction, I know that it is the target Fengxi I am looking for this time.

The Feng Xi was obviously irritable and felt that someone had broken into its territory. He ran out angrily, exhaling hot air from his mouth, and his hoofs kept digging on the ground, looking like he was going to attack at any time.

But after seeing the beauty of the three girls, Yu, Yan, and Yun, it was stunned and stared at the three girls. saliva.

Zuan didn’t understand how to describe a person like Brother Pig before, but now seeing this scene with his own eyes, he has to sigh that these words are so experienced.

However, the three girls couldn’t take it anymore, and they felt nauseated and uncomfortable.

Yun Jianyue let out a cold snort and directly took out the crescent wheel, crossed a graceful arc, and slashed directly at the Feng Xi.

As the leader of the demon sect, she has always acted ruthlessly. Under this disgust, she was even more ruthless, and directly cut off the opponent’s pig head.

At her peak, when her crescent wheel hits, a hilltop can be flattened, let alone flesh and blood?

Seeing that the meniscus was about to cut into Feng Xi’s head, the monster slammed its head, and the huge fangs directly hit the crescent wheel.

With a loud bang, the crescent wheel was knocked into the air, and the thick-large fangs did not leave any marks.

The giant force returned by the new moon makes Yun Jianyue almost unable to control it, and hurriedly reminded: “Be careful!”

That Feng Xi was attacked, and suddenly burst into rage, and charged directly towards him.

Chinese and Japanese both have the word zhutu, which describes the army’s indomitable and mighty charge.

That’s still describing an ordinary wild boar. Now, facing this hill-like giant beast, the battle that rushes over is like shaking the ground, and everyone is a little unsteady even standing.

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