Keyboard Immortal Chapter 1383: Legend

I saw that the giant tortoise cracked open, and there were rows and rows of bones, each of which was very thick-incomparably large, and the bone on the back was dozens of meters long, and a large part of it was buried in in the soil.

“This is…” Everyone was shocked. It turned out that this was not a statue of a stone turtle, but a giant beast that died here and turned into stone.

The Demon King glanced at it and said, “This is not a giant tortoise. If expected, it is more like the wreckage of a giant whale of the sea clan. Of course, it seems to be somewhat different from the giant whale of the sea clan.”

As a demon emperor, having lived so many years, his knowledge is naturally extraordinary.

Wu Liang, who was beside him, patted him very intimately, and then said, “The skeleton of this creature is so huge, and it must have been a strong one before his death. I don’t know why he is lying here.”

The demon emperor’s eyes fell on those bones, and he was secretly shocked when he looked at the crystal light above. This thing seems to be a bit stronger than the current sea clan’s giant whale clan’s patriarch, and it really deserves to be unknown. creatures of the earth.

Thinking of this, he got excited again and was looking forward to this trip.

At this time, there was a strange sound from the top of the mountain in the distance, and some dark shadows were vaguely seen fluttering. Because it was too far away, there seemed to be some foggy things in the middle that blocked the line of sight, and it was difficult to see what those things were. .

However, the voice was a little clear, Yu Yanluo was surprised: “Is this a bird call?”

Zuan nodded. “Indeed, but the voice is a little strange, and it sounds a little creepy.”

At the same time, I thought in my heart, it was quite quiet just now, but when the demon emperor smashed the stone turtle, there was movement there. Could it be that there is some connection between the two?

The demon emperor glanced over there: “Continue to explore the way.”

Zuan shrugged and continued to be a Pathfinder.

Yan Xuehen frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: “With the strength of the demon emperor, as long as the primordial spirit comes out of the body, he can travel thousands of miles in an instant, so why do we need him to explore the road ahead.”

The demon emperor said indifferently: “This emperor is acting, why should others betray him.”

Actually, he just tried it in this world, and found that the speed and distance of Yuanshen’s out-of-body are much lower than the normal world, and he faintly felt the threat in several directions, and now he is even more cautious Dare to use Yuanshen to explore the way, of course, there is no need to tell them these reasons, so as not to make them think about it.

Yan Xuehen: “…”

Zuan stopped her from arguing: “It’s alright, I’m rough-skinned, and I can handle any danger.”

Yan Xuehen just gave up, and Yun Jianyue, who was on the side, found an opportunity to come to her side, and quietly bumped her with her shoulder: “You are usually cold, but I didn’t expect you to care about his safety.” /

Yan Xuehen rolled his eyes at him lightly: “It’s all this time, are you still in the mood to fight me?”

After speaking, he immediately accelerated his pace, too lazy to stand with her.

Yun Jianyue didn’t really doubt the relationship between the two of them, she just felt a little flustered and instinctively wanted to tease her.

Soon a group of people came to a towering mountain peak. The vegetation on the mountain was lush, but it was quite steep. Many mountain walls were at right angles to 90 degrees. Unable to climb, fortunately they are all very skilled.

Zuan was walking forward when Prince Jinwu suddenly exclaimed, his voice a little frightened.

“What’s wrong?” The Demon Emperor frowned and looked at him. Now even the sycophant Wu Liang secretly despised him. He used to think that this Prince of the Golden Crow was a figure, but now he seems to be nothing more than a piece of shit.

Prince Jinwu pointed at the mountain in front of him with a horrified expression, and despite deliberately suppressing his voice, his voice trembled slightly: “I don’t know why, I feel uncomfortable when I see this mountain, and there is a… a sense of fear all over my body. “

The rest of the people looked strange, and there was nothing unusual about them. The mountains here are just a little steeper. Isn’t his dignified Prince Jinwu so useless?

Other people were gloating and waiting for the demon emperor to reprimand him. Who knew that this time the demon emperor uncharacteristically did not speak, but stared at the distant mountain silently.

Because he also had a feeling of heart palpitations when he approached this place, he thought it was because of the danger he had sensed when his primordial spirit came out of the body, but after listening to his son’s words, he also realized that it had something to do with this mountain.

What the **** is going on?

For the first time since arriving at the Earth Immortal, there has been little in the world to threaten him.

The point is that he notices the reactions of several others, who obviously don’t feel the same way.

He didn’t want his anomaly to be seen by everyone, so he said lightly: “Keep going.”

Being able to cultivate to the realm of Earth Immortal, in addition to his excellent bloodline special aptitude, is also inseparable from his perseverance.

He’s never been that kind of timid, and this strange feeling drives him even more to find out. Over the years, he has been the only human emperor in the world, Zhao Hao, who can be regarded as an opponent. He has cultivated an invincible domineering in his heart. Naturally, he didn’t believe that there was anything here that could hurt him.

Prince Jinwu was about to say something, but he felt a warm current flowing into his body. He immediately understood that it was his father who was regulating his chaotic inner breath, and he couldn’t help but be moved.

The group continued to walk up the mountain, and suddenly found a stone tablet in the weeds, with the same two words written on it.

This time even Wu Liang recognized it: “Yushan, this mountain is called Yushan.”

“Yushan?” The demon emperor frowned. He was searching for the existence of this mountain in his memory. The other people were also at a loss. In this world, he had seen a few places called Yushan, but it was different from the one in front of him. It’s obviously not the same thing.

Only Zu An moved in his heart. He had always thought Yu Yuan was a little familiar, but now that he saw this Yu Shan, he finally remembered where he heard about it.

Traveling through the earth before, in ancient times, various civilizations had records of great floods. The west was Noah’s Ark, and the east was Yu’s control of the flood.

Before Dayu, it was his father Gun who was actually controlling the flood. Unfortunately, after many years of futile treatment, Emperor Yao sent Zhu Rong to kill him, and his son Dayu took over his father’s job. The story of Dayu’s flood control.

And the place where Gun was killed was Yushan. After his death, his body was thrown into Yuyuan next to him.

Is this the place where Gun was buried?

Ancestral Ancestor was moved, involving such an ancient character, is this secret realm related to the Xia Dynasty?

At the same time, he was extremely strange, because in addition to Gun being killed here, Yushan had another legend that was more famous.

In ancient Chinese mythology, there is a legend of Dayi shooting the sun. According to legend, the sun in the sky is the Golden Crow. At that time, the Golden Crow was the son of the Emperor of Heaven and had ten brothers. , the people are miserable.

Then there was a great hero of the human race, named Yi, who was once given the red bow by the Emperor of Heaven, so he stretched his bow and arrow and shot down nine golden crows in the sky, leaving only one sun.

And those golden black feathers that were shot to death fell, and finally piled up like a mountain, forming a mountain of feathers.

Zuan didn’t know the connection between the Golden Crow in this world and the legendary Golden Crow in previous lives, but thinking that they came to Yushan with the artifact shooting the sunbow on them, he couldn’t help but connect the two.

“By the way, how did you get that artifact sunbow?” Zaun took the opportunity to inquire.

Prince Jinwu felt inexplicably irritable at this time, and snorted coldly: “What’s your business?”

The Demon King replied: “The Sun-shooting Bow is an ancestral artifact of our Golden Crow Clan. It has belonged to the Golden Crow Imperial Clan since it was recorded. But instead of caring about these things, you might as well explore the road ahead. I seem to feel this. There are some creatures on the mountain, be careful not to be killed by sneak attacks, it is not easy for me to find another pathfinder.”

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