Keyboard Immortal Chapter 1277: The Living Dead

Zuan had never encountered such a situation before, but he immediately realized an even stranger thing. The black-haired monster was obviously very angry. Why didn’t his keyboard warrior system receive any anger points?

Not only is the dagger poisonous and ineffective, but even the rage value is ineffective. Could it be that the existence of this black-haired monster is beyond the keyboard system?

At this moment, countless possibilities flashed through his mind, but he still denied those speculations. Whether it was Emperor Zhao Hao or the powerful beings such as Qin Shihuang and Mi Li that he encountered in the secret realm, the keyboard system can function. Function, although this monster is powerful, it is not as good as those big guys.

He suddenly moved in his heart, remembering that Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen had mentioned that he was very deadly.

“Be careful!” At this time, the female faces on the stone platform turned pale, and they all reminded loudly that it turned out that the black-haired monster was rushing towards this side at a faster speed than before, and one hand covered the sun all day. When they come down, if they are compacted, not to mention Zaan who is at the target, even the others next to them will be photographed into meat sauce.

At this time, Zaun didn’t dodge, and he didn’t know when there was a torch-like thing in his hand, but instead of burning flames at the top, a beam of light was emitted.

The black terrifying palm in the void was instantly pierced by this soft light, disappearing like a deflated ball.

The monster screamed and quickly retracted its hand. The black hair on the hand could be seen smoking lightly, as if it was burning.

He kept flapping and trying to put out the fire, but his hands were still burning and even tended to spread to his entire body.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. With his cultivation base as high as his level, he would still be burned by fire?

But those monster clan masters in the past also had fire elements, why did they not work for him at all.

“What is that?” These people on the stone platform are not low-level, they are well-informed, but they have never seen anything like this.

The girls looked at Yu Yanluo subconsciously. After all, she had the closest relationship with Zaan. Yu Yanluo’s pretty face was hot. She had never seen this thing before.

Zuan then stepped on the hot wheel again and flew out, waving the “torch” in his hand and kept shining at the opponent: “Come on, wasn’t it quite arrogant just now, continue.”

“Is this a god-level weapon?” Yun Jianyue was dumbfounded when she saw Zaan chasing around with that thing, while the mighty monster fled in embarrassment.

Hearing the god-level weapon, Changning County on the side

The Lord’s breathing suddenly became rapid, and even the Sauron County Lord’s eyes were a bit strange. They had only heard of god-level weapons, but had never seen them before. What is this man’s identity, and he has such a heritage at such a young age?

The Lord of Changning County wondered why he was able to defeat the Jinwu Crown Prince who had the divine weapon to shoot the sun bow. It turned out that he also had a divine weapon himself.

At this time, Yan Xuehen shook his head and said, “It shouldn’t be. I can’t feel the coercion of the god-level weapons at all, not even the coercion of the heaven-level weapons.”

“Then why are you still suppressing a great master?” Yun Jianyue looked puzzled, and the two women discussed for a long time, but they were always at a loss.

Zuan in the air faintly heard their various speculations, and couldn’t help but chuckle.

This thing is not as exaggerated as they think. It is the magic flashlight of the props drawn by the system lottery in the past. It will light up when there is light, and it will never light up when there is no light.

Although this attribute is pitiful, its only ability is very useful, that is, it is extremely restrained from all kinds of dark and undead existences.

The poison in the dagger is directly inserted into the body without effect, unless the opponent is already dead.

Thinking that Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue had keenly sensed the extremely strong death energy in each other before, then it became obvious what the other party was.

This flashlight can be used three times in total, the first time it was used against the Terracotta Warriors in the secret realm of Mingyue Academy, the second time it was used in the secret realm of Yin Ruins, and this is the last time.

The monster screamed again and again, and dodged in embarrassment, but the light seemed to have magical power, and he, who had made the original shape like electricity, stumbled like an old man on the verge of death.

At first, I tried hard to dodge, but at the back, the whole person seemed to be completely drained, and was covered in light and kept rolling and mourning.

It couldn’t even keep flying and fell straight down.

At this time, everyone noticed that the blood pool that had filled the entire hall before had disappeared, revealing the original land.

Everyone was startled and looked at the three three flowers in the center, but unfortunately the original location has disappeared.

Everyone glanced around, but unfortunately saw the slightest shadow.

But the most dangerous thing right now is the black-haired monster. Let’s get this sorted first and then look for it slowly.

At this time, the black-haired monster was completely immobile under the shroud of the light, and just curled up on the ground in pain.

“Look, why does the hair on his body seem to fall off?” Yu Yanluo suddenly exclaimed, and everyone looked intently, only to find that under the light, the black mist surrounding the monster gradually faded, It seemed that the black hair was also burned off, and then revealed its true colors.

“Is this a person?” Yan Xuehen asked in surprise.

Although he is indeed a human figure, he has black hair all over his body and is shrouded in black mist, more like a monster like a gorilla.

“Why do you look familiar?” Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen looked at each other, this is really unreasonable, you must know that with their great master’s spiritual knowledge, if they have seen this person before, it should be impossible to think about it. Don’t get up.

Zuan didn’t expect this monster to be a human being, but the poison in the dagger proved that he was already dead, plus so many people died tragically under its hands before, it is natural to eliminate a major harm in this world.

“Who am I, why am I in such pain, ah…” At this moment, an obscure hoarse voice sounded from the monster’s mouth.

Zuan is a little confused, isn’t this guy a necromancer, how can he still speak.

At this moment, there was a quiet and pleasant sigh: “This son, can you raise your hand and let him go.”

Wen as jade, with a hint of tender and charming voice.

It’s just that everyone is not in the mood to appreciate the sound of this sound, but all are creepy.

Because everyone can clearly see who the woman who speaks is, her eyebrows are like spring mountains, her face is bright and bright, her temples are tall and her skirts are flying. Regardless of the aesthetic standards of the human race or the demon race, she is a great woman who will conquer the country and the city. beauty.

But she is exactly the same as the man in the jade coffin before.

Everyone finally understood where the disappearing Sansanhua went.

“Is there really an undead medicine in this world that can save the dead?” Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen were lost for a while.

Zuan’s scalp also tingles: “Are you a human or a ghost?”

Want to shine a light on the other person with a magic flashlight, but was worried that the black-haired monster would take the opportunity to escape.

The beautiful woman sighed faintly: “I should have died, but my husband brought me back to life, but unfortunately he has made himself a living dead person who is neither human nor ghost.”

Hey, I don’t even dare to read it in the comment area… I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow

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