Keyboard Immortal Chapter 117: Remarried

Zhao Xiaodie couldn’t help being startled and angry, she never thought that her good intentions would be rewarded with the roar of the other party.

Because he is handsome and Li Hentian’s most talented disciple, he is indeed very popular among female disciples of the sect.

In addition, when she first entered the sect, she was taken care of by him, so Zhao Xiaodie had a good impression of him. Although she didn’t love him, she valued him more than other men.

She just saw the pain and grief of Zhi Yu, and thought of when Chu Chuyan came to Li Hentian, the other party was very cold because of the saddle, so she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

“Are you yelling at me?” Zhao Xiaodie’s face darkened. After all, she was the daughter of King Qi with a noble status, so how could she bear such grievances.

Because after the roar, he felt the eyes of everyone, and he was startled, so he recovered, and apologized in a hurry: “I’m sorry, junior sister, I didn’t mean it just now, I didn’t mean that, it’s just that my mind was a little lost at the time…”

Seeing his flustered explanation, Zhao Xiaodie’s expression slowed down a little.

Guan Chouhai had a panoramic view of all this, and couldn’t help but secretly sighed, it seemed that his disciple had also made the same mistakes as a teacher.

Ask what love in the world is…

He couldn’t help looking at Yan Xuehen who was opposite, with icy muscles and bones, and an outstanding demeanor, and after meeting this time, she seemed to have a more mature and charming femininity, and her unique non-human fireworks The perfect fit, how can there be such a perfect woman in the world.

Aware of his fiery eyes, Yan Xuehen felt displeased, so she took the opportunity to ask Yan Wang to resign. With her temperament, she didn’t like this kind of gathering. If Zu’an hadn’t come, she might have left long ago.

Naturally, the King of Yan was kind enough to persuade him to stay. Seeing that the other party was unmoved, he could only sigh: “In that case, I will send Fairy Yan to you.”

Xie Daoyun couldn’t help but moved closer to Zu’an and whispered: “Guanzhu Yan is really a transcendent existence among the previous generation, my father seems to have been infatuated with him back then, so my mother was quite jealous for this. “

Zu An was a little surprised: “Hey, I remember that City Lord Xie liked Yu Yanluo back then?”

Speaking of which, among those people back then, there were not many who didn’t like Yu Yanluo.

“Aren’t all men like this, if you look good, you love the other,” Xie Daoyun blushed, and said with some embarrassment, “Brother Zu, I’m not talking about you, I know you’re not that kind of person.”

Zuan: “…”

Speaking of which, Yan Xuehen and Yu Yanluo are really the dream lovers of the men of the previous generation. If they find out about my relationship with her, they will probably be chased and killed by the big bosses all over the world. ?

At this time, Yan Xuehen was indifferent to King Yan’s retention, and still drifted away.

Chu Chuyan was a little bit reluctant, but she didn’t dare to disobey her master’s words, so she could only give Zu’an an apologetic look.

Zu An is not in a hurry, seeing them here is already an unexpected joy, anyway, as long as they are in Yi County, there are many opportunities to meet.

Seeing Yan Xuehen leave, Guan Chouhai also got up to leave.

Because when the others saw Chu Chuyan leaving, they immediately felt that the lively banquet was boring, so they naturally followed suit.


Yan Wang and him are also two people who hate each other. On the surface, they persuade him to stay, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is far from the sincerity when he just kept Yan Xuehen.

After leaving Prince Yan’s mansion, Zu’an originally planned to find the two daughters, but Zhang Xie and other Yi County officials all came to make friends with him.

Before seeing him being ridiculed by Sun Xun all the way, but not fighting back, I was still a little disappointed in him.

Seeing how tough he was in the palace now, he immediately changed his attitude.

Local officials represent the interests of the imperial court, and are used by the emperor to check and balance local vassals or grand dukes, so the two naturally do not deal with each other.

It’s okay to meet weaker vassal kings or dukes, but it’s quite difficult to meet strong ones, such as King Yan.

Finally looking forward to someone from the court, it is natural to make good use of this thigh power.

Zu An is also very helpless, but he has no way to drive these people away, so he can only deal with it. Yan Xuehen and Chu Chuyan have long since disappeared.

On the way, Zhang Xie invited them to live in an unused courtyard of his own, and the conditions were much better than those at the post station.

Zu An naturally declined, firstly, he couldn’t figure out his details, and didn’t want to be bound to him rashly; secondly, he also had a lot of secrets, he lived in another courtyard, and those maids and servants couldn’t keep enough eyeliner.

Zhang Xie didn’t force him, he personally sent him to the post house in Yi County, and arranged for him the best room. After finally sending these people away, Zaan spread out on the chair and let out a long breath.

“It’s very tiring to be greeted and sent in the officialdom,” Xie Daoyun smiled, took out a porcelain bottle from his waist, poured out a small blue pill and melted it in the water cup, “This is hangover and fatigue tea. Brother Zu, try it.”

“I really feel more tired than a big battle.” Zu’an took the teacup and smelled a fragrance, and his spirit was lifted, “Sister Ling’er actually made this hangover tea into a elixir It’s really ingenious to carry it with you.”

“There’s nothing to do about it,” Xie Daoyun sat down next to him, his back straight, and he was an impeccable ladylike demeanor. That younger brother is not worry-free, he often goes to the brothel to have fun and come back drunk. As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor, so I developed this hangover????????????????? ?Xiewei Pill, speaking of it, I’m quite thankful to sister Xiaoxi, if it wasn’t for her help, I wouldn’t have the ability to make it.”

“Ji Xiaoxi?” Zuan was taken aback, the pure and immature girl appeared in his mind, and he couldn’t help feeling a little warm in his heart.

“Yes, her father is a genius doctor, but he has a bad temper. Fortunately, Xiaoxi is not like her father, she is very kind-hearted, so she specially instructed me to make this.” Thinking of the girl who is like a little sister, Xie Daoyun lips There was also a smile on the corner.

Zuan thought back to the time when he was caught and taken away by the embroidered clothes envoy when he was in a catastrophe. Ji Xiaoxi pretended to kiss him in order to give him medicine…

I don’t know if she is doing well now, and she is still cute, whether she is worrying about practicing in the academy every day.

It’s a pity that I never had the chance to go back to Mingyue City!

“Brother Zu, Brother Zu?” Xie Daoyun’s puzzled voice sounded in his ear, obviously calling him several times in a row.

“What were you asking just now?” Zaun was a little apologetic. She seemed to have said something to herself just now, but unfortunately she was lost in thought.

Xie Daoyun blushed slightly, hesitated for a while and said: “I met Miss Chu today, I think you are still on good terms, why don’t you… remarry?”

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