Juliana’s workshop Chapter 5: A new challenge?

   A team of riders galloped through the wasteland. These riders have excellent equipment, their steel armor is shiny, their weapons are pinned to their waists and backs, and they rustle with the shaking of the horses. Their equipment is so well maintained that it doesn’t look like people who should appear on the battlefield, but should appear in the team to welcome guests. If you want to show that you value your guests, then these knights with handsome horses and good looks are the most suitable choice.

   But now that these people appear in the wasteland, they are naturally not to meet someone. A female knight in the team wears steel armor plated with silver plates. The specially customized breastplate sets off her beautiful figure. “We have been patrolling this area for half a month, although I I want to believe it too, but can I really find the source this time?”

   “Those poor people will never deceive us at this time.” Behind the female knight is a strong man, who is too tall to make people worry about whether the horse will be crushed. The armor on his body is also the least-because there is no steel armor that he can put on, and preparing a special armor for him seems to be a very expensive thing-he has a hand tied to his back With his half-human-height warhammer, the square hammer didn’t know how many hard objects it smashed through. If the bones of living things are also considered hard objects.

   “But those refugees’ claims are too bizarre.” The female knight said, “Underground demons? This is unbelievable. If demons are something that can appear so easily, then there is no peace. Up.”

   “Even if there are no demons, the world is always full of chaos.” The knight who has been leading the team suddenly inserted into the conversation. Even if it was in the wind, his voice clearly reached the ears of the two behind him. middle. The knight wore the same beautiful armor, no different from the others, except that he wore a helmet, which made it impossible to see his face. If there is any difference between him and others, it is that he has two weapons hanging around his waist-one is a long sword, and the other is with a sharply curved scimitar. This is not a regular choice for the Cavaliers.

   The female knight heard the voice of the leading knight, her face showed a bright smile, “You seem to have different opinions?”

   “Our Lord Knight is just sentimental again.” The brawny man put forward his opinion, and he hummed laughter. There was no malice in the laughter, and it was more like a joke among friends. .

  The leader of the Cavaliers did not respond, but continued to make the horse under the hips run faster. Soon, when the well-equipped knights came to the area where they could see the mountains, they heard screams that could almost pierce the eardrums. The voice was too stern, causing many knights in the team to show painful expressions, but no one fell because of it.

   “There are no demons, but at least let us find the bugs that drilled out of the ground.” The strong man said, he was already holding it in his hand. The female knight drew the rapier from her waist, which drew ridicule from the brawny, “Can your little toy pierce a carapace?” “No, but I still know how to use magic and won’t hold back.”

  The leader of the knight remained silent, but stopped the horse, rolled over and got down from above. He listened to this non-human scream, and after confirming the location, he rushed over there. “Wait! Captain!” Seeing that he had left them behind, the female knight quickly got off the horse, and the brawny and others actually followed suit. Hearing such a sound, and then riding a horse, it would be tantamount to treating the horse and his own life as a trifle. If an animal like a horse continues to approach, it may be frightened and collapsed by this scream. It would be no good if the person on its back was thrown off.

   Next, it is the place where these knights walk to their destination and fight.

  The leader of the knight walked quickly to the source of the sound. It was a village that was turned into ruins. Depending on the extent of the damage, this village was destroyed recently, and it was probably the home of the refugees—the reason could not be confirmed. Because in this neighborhood, the villagers who fled because of the disaster are not just a group, but one group after another, moving closer to the surrounding cities and villages. If it weren’t for such a large scale, he wouldn’t be here anymore.

   came to this neighborhood, the scream seemed to have stopped, but in the next moment, the scream rang again, and it became a sharper and more fearful scream. The sound was not just about piercing the eardrum, it seemed to turn into a sharp knife, piercing the atrium. Some people who followed far behind the knight finally couldn’t bear it, their movements were noticeably slower, and they were lagging behind.

   And the master of this scream finally appeared in front of these knights. The behemoth emerged from the ruins of a certain house, and the broken ruins were swept away. In the smoke and dust, first black articulated limbs emerged from it, stuck in the ground, and continued to lift up the dust. In the flying dust, more than a dozen pairs of eyes glowed red.

   When the smoke gradually dispersed, the knights saw a “spider”-said it was a spider, but I am afraid that not everyone has a chance to see a spider of this size. It was a terrifying monster with one foot tall, and its forelimbs that could pierce the ground were moving. If the heart is controlled by terror, then I am afraid that the key thing will not be discovered-and the leader of the knight is not such a weak person. He noticed that the monster’s condition is not so good ~ IndoMTL.com ~ even has no time to pay attention to their new “prey”.

   He drew the sword from his waist and rushed up. The female knight and the brawny man who were approaching not far behind him also made their own judgments and reactions. The female knight took out a scroll and started to chant the contents of the scroll. Under the rapid chanting, a mound of dirt appeared under the feet of this big spider, which tightly wrapped its limbs and couldn’t move. And the brawny man, holding the warhammer in both hands, did not slow down at all, and ran after the knight.

  The leader of the knight has rushed to the front of the spider, and the sword fell on the joints of the arthropods. These soft places were easily cut, and green mucus gushed out from the incision. Then the brawny man who followed, slammed a hammer on the carapace that he thought was the hardest, a dull voice sounded, and the black carapace sank, but it did not break.

   The big spider continued to make sounds that shocked his mind, his body was moving, but there was no more real threat.

   The female knight found a strange place. This monster did not respond to their attacks at all. Its screams did not seem to be due to their actions.

   This terrible spider fell down after only being “beaten” a few times. It gave people a shocking and terrifying impression, but now it fell down easily, just because a few feet were chopped off? Some knights even just took out their weapons, before they even stepped forward to fight, it was all over.

   The fallen spider lifted up another cloud of dust. In the smoke and dust, a small voice reached the ears of the knights. “Although I don’t think there is anything to thank, but…do you want to thank you for giving it the last blow?”

   The voice made the leader of the Cavaliers feel as if they were being held by the hands, and grabbed them.

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