Juliana’s workshop Chapter 42: The story of the past-the seventh night of the siege

   Julius woke up in his sleep, with cold sweat behind his back. His dim eyes gradually looked around and saw soldiers wearing different protective equipment, like him, leaning against the wall and fell asleep. Everyone has more or less injuries, but they don’t hinder the fight. And those who were seriously injured to the point of being incapable of combat, or even death, have been sent to the camp where the wounded are placed…in fact, they are just waiting for death.

   The cold wind in the middle of the night makes people tremble, although for Julius, this wind doesn’t make him feel anymore.

   A monk saw the appearance of the injured camp and uttered a cry of horror and despair. This is hell.

  Hell? For Julius, it was not a hell, it was just a living cemetery. The real **** is here, on this huge wall, at the gate of the huge wall, under the huge wall.

   No one wakes up, everyone is half asleep like half dead. The fatigue of continuous combat and the pain caused by the battle have made these soldiers, or those who were not soldiers, lose their vitality. But this is only one night, only the sixth night…

   Julius stood up, no one around paying attention to him. Except for the soldiers on guard, no one here has the energy to control others. Although there are bloodstains everywhere on his body, most of them are the blood of the enemy, although his own will also be mixed. Under the messy appearance, there was a body with no injuries at all. There were only a few scars. There were scars left recently, scars from the past, and even today.

   There were no wounds on his body, and every non-fatal or fatal wound healed in a very short time. At this time, no one would care about his anomaly, and would only regard him as a brave and reliable warrior. Even if this young man was just like a beggar who made a living by picking up **** in King’s Castle.

   There is no one he knows around. Romyona treated and prayed for the seriously injured in the injured camp. Pasta went to the town on the opposite bank of the King’s Castle. Olga stayed in the church… For the aging old man, such a place was already It’s not for him anymore.

   Now, outside the wall is quiet, Julius stood up and faced the outside. Outside there, darkness is not everything. The stars in the sky, the moon with gaps…and the “flames” on the ground.

  The flames are connected one by one, covering the dark ground…that is the flame in the camp, and there are countless huge bonfires. The flames that wandered around and patrolled came from the waiting around the knight’s waist. The towering siege tower was dotted with a little light of fire, dazzling like stars.

  , of course, are not wildfires that naturally grow on the wasteland. The flames belong to humans, to the army, to a country…a powerful country.

   And that mighty country, the Crescent Empire, their army, thousands of them, with no end in sight, came to the giant wall of King Fortress. The giant wall has not been destroyed, nor will it be easily destroyed… However, the people who came to challenge the giant wall came with a huge wave, and this wave was carried by the soldiers. Cavalry, siege hammers, siege towers, and trebuchets covered the entire plain outside the city, and they could be seen even in the towns across the bay.

   His eyes scanned all this, and Julius felt like he was still alive in a dream. But everything in front of me is real.

   It has been seven days since the Crescent Empire’s siege hammer hit the iron gate for the first time. I heard that it took seven days for the Creator to create this world. The last day was to give the believers on the earth a rest, but now the Creator did not give the life on this earth a chance to breathe—whether it was a defender or an aggressor.

   In the darkness, the God of Light couldn’t seem to hear the prayers of the believers in the church, and there seemed to be no blessing on the side of the new moon—their gods did not let them attack this huge wall. Many people, whether it was King’s Castle or Crescent Moon, died under the wall.

   Julius walked past the resting soldiers, trying to find someone. That person should be nearby, she has always appeared in the place where the dead people die most recently. Today, it is Julius where the most lives are lost, and he is probably the one who takes the most lives.

   Finally, he found her on a guard tower somewhere.

   Lulunaka is sitting on a raised rock pier. There may have been archers shooting down here, but they are no longer here. In front of her is a half-destroyed siege tower, which has been burned into a gathering place of soot. No more stupid guys will try to climb up from under the siege tower—this is just a fragile wreck. , No one will risk the slightest possibility of climbing on the wall.

   Julius still remembers that the siege tower was destroyed by magic. King’s Fort and Crescent Moon are the gap between insects and dragons, but even insects are a bit of a struggling force-the mage in the city is responsible for destroying these siege weapons that may break through the huge wall, even if you pay more cost.

   Lulunaka sat there, looking at the siege tower, holding a bell in her hand. The bell didn’t have any special shape or mark, just a very ordinary rattle, but in Lulunaka’s hand, the swaying bell seemed to calm people’s hearts. The string of bells, attracting something, gathered around Lulunaka. Lulunaka rang the bell rhythmically, humming a gentle tune.

   Julius knows what she is doing, she is requisite. That was part of the truth about Lulunaka that he knew a long time ago, but that’s it, even now he has a deeper understanding of Lulunaka.

  ”What’s the matter? Great guardian~IndoMTL.com~Lulunaka didn’t turn her head and knew that Julius was behind her.

   “You see, many people are dead.” Julius said to Lulunaka, “Whether it is from the King’s Castle or the Crescent Moon, they are all dead, and they have no meaning to die.”

   Whether it’s the siege and invading Crescent Empire, or the King’s Fortress that defends the city, it has been able to pile up hills in just a few days.

  ”This is just the beginning, boy.” Lulunaka stood up and faced Julius, “It’s only the seventh day, and it’s far from the level that they can’t bear each other… but there is one thing. For sure, the first to fall will be King’s Castle.”

  ”Is this what you want to see? Seeing that everything is destroyed!” Julius couldn’t help but yelled at Lulunaka, “Should these people die like this!”

   Facing Julius’ roar, Lulunaka was calm, she didn’t even smile, “Do you want me to change all of this? Let the giant wall become indestructible even by the dragon, and let the army outside flee. , Let the commander die suddenly, or even let your good friend, the current Emperor Crescent Moon, die in my assassination?” Looking at Julius who was stunned, Lulunaka continued, she opened her arms like a hug What is it, it seems to be embracing everything, “Or, I will make the King’s Castle better? Let the corrupt things be cut off, let more wise people manage this little kingdom, so that everyone can Worry-free, full of energy, devote everything to this empire and restore its former glory?”

   Then, do you know the price?

   I want to be the poor man who is part of…

   Junia woke up and saw Lulunaka sitting next to her, looking at herself with a smile.

   “Good evening, disabled person.”

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