Juliana’s workshop Chapter 28: Insects and Dragons

   That should be the creature that saved him, so he lay not far away. Jessica still has some fears about this creature that can’t see human characteristics except for its outline, but he-looking at the line of the body, maybe she is more correct-she saved herself, this is certain. .

   Jessica got up, grabbed the long stick that fell beside her, and used it as a crutches. The spell that the bug man cast on her, like thunder and lightning, flowed through her body, causing her to feel great pain, and at the same time the magic power in her body was almost burned. Depleted of her magic power, she barely used the Sunshine Sword to reverse the situation, but also drained the last bit of her magic power. Now she is as weak as she has never been before, and she does not know how long it will take to recuperate. Now she has lost the strength to fight, but looking at the mess around her, there is probably nothing that can threaten her.

   She didn’t need to fight anymore, dragging her staggering pace, came to the humanoid creature that fell on the ground. She believes that her experience is very rich. She has seen many strange beasts, monsters and magical creatures, as well as various humanoid lives, but in front of her, she has never seen this in her past memory. Although she is an alien creature, in Jessica’s view, she has a very beautiful body line, but the appearance of the body surface makes it difficult to notice this. On her naked skin, the blood vessels underneath can be seen constantly squirming, carrying a blue luminous liquid that is not blood at all. Probably because of being destroyed by light, many parts of her body are now melted through, exposing the blood vessels inside—those blood vessels are tough enough, and some of them are not broken, but the broken ones leak out the blue ones. The luminous liquid, dripping on the ground, has formed a luminous puddle under her. If this is blood, then her bleeding volume is a bit scary, and it is the amount that makes people worry about whether she will die like this.

   Jessica looked aside for a while, and had a preliminary impression of the creature in her heart. This is a terrifying but beautiful creature. The invincible pair of iron wings can pierce and tear everything. But her body is so graceful that even her terrifying appearance can’t be concealed. Jessica felt that she was probably crazy, so she felt that such a creature had a sense of beauty, but the mage’s aesthetic was always a bit peculiar, even she was no exception-although she was not a pure mage.

   Jessica squatted beside her, trying to reach out and touch her, but immediately changed her mind. She saw the remains of the strange moth floating on her body, burned, and then turned to ashes. It’s probably not a good idea to touch her now, Jessica thinks so. Moreover, how should she communicate with such a creature? Judging from her appearance, Jessica didn’t really believe that this was a person who could communicate in words.

   And, compared to communication, there is one more important thing Jessica needs to know now-this beautiful creature, just looking at her now, it’s hard to believe that she still has the ability to communicate, even Whether she can survive is a question. The nightmare-like scene just now has become her most terrifying memory. The dozens of rays of light shine and the power that can melt everything, giving people a feeling that even the dragon can’t survive such an attack. And the creature next to her supported her before she provided support, and even protected her with the body under the subsequent indiscriminate beam of light.

   “What the **** are you… Although I am very grateful for saving me, but I don’t even know your name, how can I thank you.” Jessica sighed in a pan, and the stick in her hand was swinging. next to. The blue magic at the front of the wand had completely lost its light, and could not feel any fluctuations in magic power, as if it were dead. Such a thing is just a long stick now, without any value. Jessica is at a loss now, the captain disappeared, Lulunaka and Zhen Dina didn’t know where they went, and the creature that had saved her seemed to be dying. What can she do now, come and clean up This mess?

   “Should it be time to take a break…” Jessica muttered to herself, but there was no time for her to rest now. Because she will soon know where Zhen Dina is.

   When Jessica was distracted, the creature in front of her changed abnormally. She heard the crackling sound of the creature in front of her, and it was very oozing, as if it was separating the flesh and blood. And before her eyes, there was indeed a hairy scene: the pair of iron-bone wings fell off this beautiful creature, and the flesh and blood shrank from the iron-bone and returned to her back. Then, the slender body slowly shrank while making a loud and terrifying sound. This process gave Jessica the biggest feeling, that is, this is like a process of kneading ground meat into a ball, there is nothing else but disgusting and bloody.

   At the end of this flesh and blood change, Jessica finally knows where Zhen Dina has gone. She didn’t die in the worm’s mouth, nor did she fall into those holes, she…she fought the worst battle with the worm, and then protected Jessica. Now, her naked and petite body fell into a pool of blue blood, and a large area of ​​her skin peeled off, revealing blood-red muscles and blood vessels with blue rays. It’s just that ~IndoMTL.com~ doesn’t look so terrible compared to the original appearance, but the appearance has become more miserable.

   In astonishment, Jessica thought to her heart that she can at least pick her up and take her to a safe place now.

  While Jessica picked up Zhendina, another battle was fought deep underground. In the curved tunnels that were drilled out, the giant worm that swallowed Junia was crawling back and forth in the tunnel. It let out a scream, and its fat body was hitting the inner wall of the tunnel, as if it was suffering great pain.

   Its pain comes from foreign bodies in the body. If it was wise, it would probably regret why he didn’t crush this little grain with his teeth before swallowing it. In his digestive organs, Junia was not digested by its digestive juices, but was destroyed everywhere.

   Junia’s current appearance cannot be said to be safe and sound. The armor has been melted by the acidic digestive juice and turned into rotten iron hanging on his body. The mucus flows on him, and the digestive juice on his head and feet splashes On him. Every drop of dark green digestive juice fell on him, a plume of smoke rose up, causing him to scream in pain. The shouting distracted him and focused more on what was in front of him—that was, destroying the interior of this behemoth before his weapon melted.

  His sword is covered with a wonderful light, avoiding most of the corrosive damage, but his armor and body are not so lucky—now his appearance is no longer as strong as it used to be. There is only green mucus, and the muscles exposed after the skin has been corroded.

   He rampaged through the body of this monster, smashing, cutting and separating every creeping organ and nerve he could see, making the monster go crazy and drill underground until it started to go up. Towards the surface…

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