Juliana’s workshop Chapter 20: The smile of the devil

  When Julius could see things clearly, everything in front of him changed. The change was so great that he stopped breathing in shock, his heart pumped a few times, and then he beat violently.

   is no longer the dark hall with purple light in front of him, the ceiling disappeared, the pillars disappeared, the walls disappeared, even most of the floor disappeared, only the place where he stood now remained. The floor, otherwise he might have fallen into the void in front of him.

   Around Julius, everything else disappeared except for the altar beside him. There is only endless darkness all around. The darkness without seeing the end and the light is indeed frightening, but this is not what Julius fears and shocks most.

   In front of his eyes, there is a skeleton. This skeleton would not be an adult if he looked at his size, the skeleton looked like what a woman should have. It hung an iron chain around its neck, suspended in the air, and its black eyes were staring at him. If Julius is right, the location of this skeleton is where the girl stood just now. Seeing a skeleton up close, Julius took a breath. If this is the girl who was still talking to him cordially just now, then Julius is blind, or maybe, as Olga said, what Julius saw is not true.

  The iron chain wrapped around the skull’s neck came from above. Julius looked up and saw something he had never seen before, a nightmare he had never seen even in his dreams.

   It is a huge head with two horns. Its skin is melted into the darkness. Its face is full of cracks. The dense cracks are not blood flowing, but purple. The luminous liquid, its eyes glowed purple, and the eyes were already half the size of Julius, staring at him from top to bottom. Its head was already huge enough, bigger than the spot where Julius stood where it hadn’t disappeared. It looked like a huge boulder was about to fall down, but the boulder did not fall. The body that Julius can’t see, only its head and neck can be seen, and its neck is wrapped with an iron chain, which is connected to the skeleton in front of Julius’s eyes-it seems that it uses the bones as jewelry.

   If Julius has only heard stories of demons or demons in the conversations of travellers and in the poetry of the bard–and most of those stories are not true–then he can now be proud to say Those people said that he had actually faced these legendary creatures.

  If the one in front of him is not a demon, then it is a devil. Except for the first time, he can’t think of any other creatures that can grow like this, nor can he think of any kind and friendly existence that will grow into this. Looks like that. That’s right, Julius absolutely doesn’t believe in such a huge existence in front of him. There is such a thing as kindness to himself. Until just now, he even made the bones hanging on his neck imitate the posture of a girl to communicate with Julius. Try to guide him to put on that magical headband.

   Right now, Julius doesn’t believe that the existence in front of him will have such kindness. As for the so-called selected hero, it seems to be just a trick to deceive people.

   The head ring in Julius’ hands is no longer the silvery white with mysterious beauty. Its real appearance is a rusty iron head ring, and the outer ring of the ring is covered with dense iron thorns. , Those iron thorns formed a circle, like an eyeless strange fish opened its mouth with a blood plate. Julius thinks that if he wears this thing on his head, his head cover will probably be bitten off.

   The existence in front of my eyes was too huge, and it shocked Julius’ heart. He opened his mouth wide and looked down at the eyes from above. He couldn’t say anything. Even Olga’s voice seemed to have gone away, and the sound that echoed in his mind became smaller and smaller.

   The demon lowered his head and stared at Julius, who was stiff there, “It’s a pity, you should have put on the crown of that hero to get the strength and glory you deserve.” The devil’s voice was in this endless darkness. It reverberated in the middle, not as loud as a thunder, but not as small as a bird’s cry. This voice, like Olga’s voice, appeared in Julius’s mind, with repeated echoes, which made the voice distorted. It was hard to hear whether it belonged to men, women, young or old—if the demon in front of him had any Things like sex.

   “If I wear this kind of thing, my head will probably be gone.” Julius finally said, “And it won’t make me a hero—I will probably only become something that the hero will destroy. “

   The demon laughed and banged Julius’ heart. “Only the victor can become a hero. If the so-called hero dies under your hands, then you are naturally a hero.”

  ”This is not the same as the hero I know.”

   The devil’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if looking at something interesting, at least Julius didn’t think it was the look a person should have. “Your hero, the hatred of others… If you can’t understand this, you won’t even be a clown-just a mediocre mortal.”

   Olga’s voice resounded in Julius’ mind again: Don’t communicate with it, it’s still trying to confuse you!

   Hearing Olga’s voice, Julius yelled out unconsciously, “But, I can’t do anything except communicate with it! You can’t expect me to deal with this one that can eat me in one bite. Devil!”

   The devil’s head came closer, which made Julius feel more pressure. It looked at Julius with interest, “I saw… an old soul with the power of a crystal, trying to protect you. It’s a pity that this new crystal is too weak. Your protector can’t stop me. “

   Julius stepped back and leaned against the altar. He stretched out his hand to the side and wanted to pick up his cross sword, but the cross sword had disappeared. The dagger placed on the altar was also missing, as if it had never existed. Now he only has the scary headband in his hand, but this thing obviously cannot be used as a weapon. Julius simply threw the obstructive thing aside. The head ring fell into the darkness, fell down, and quickly disappeared. The devil looked at all of this, and it seemed that he didn’t mind Julius doing it.

  ”You lost a good thing.” The demon said, “This is not a problem. I have endless treasures here. As long as you want power, everything can belong to you.”

   “Is it better than the one that seems to bite off my skull?” Julius said.

   Olga’s voice continued to echo in Julius’ mind. Boy, all this is an illusion, everything in front of you is still false, if you don’t wake up again…

   “Enough, this conversation does not require a third person.” The demon’s voice interrupted Olga’s words, and Julius did not hear Olga’s words behind. “This is his dream, not yours, old man.”

   The devil looked straight into Julius’ eyes and burst out with a dazzling purple light, covering Julius. Julius felt a strong pressure, which made his body unable to move.

   Julius’ pupils were dyed purple again, but this time, Julius did not passively accept it. He was struggling, his eyelids throbbing violently, but it seemed completely useless. The demon seemed to have lost his patience.

   Olga’s voice blasted like thunder in Julius’ mind–you are just an illusion, and I won’t let you succeed.

   Julius’ eyes burst into white light again, and the white light formed a beam of light, shining on the face of the devil. The light burned on the devil’s cracked face, making the devil roar with pain~IndoMTL.com~ It closed its eyes, raised its head, and avoided the painful light. This also allows Julius to see its own. Its head was huge enough, and when Julius saw its half-length, breathing almost stopped. The dark and strong body was filled with purple lines and cracks, which were so dense that it was daunting.

   The demon ripped off the skeleton that was hung on his neck as a jewellery and threw it aside, “This is a trial for him alone. You broke the rules, old man! You can defeat your nightmare, but you can’t replace it. Others defeated his own nightmare-you are too arrogant.” It opened its mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs. In the depths of the mouth, the purple light gathered to form a bright purple ball of light. This ball of light looked very unstable. The light was constantly overflowing, leaking out of its mouth, and it looked like it was spitting out purple. Of gas.

   Even if Julius couldn’t figure out the situation, he knew it was definitely not a good thing. The purple light in the devil’s mouth seemed to be spit out, and it was definitely not a harmless thing.

   A crystal clear crystal appeared before Julius’ eyes. The crystal was suspended in the air, as if Julius saw the ring for the first time. And this crystal has a shape that Julius is very familiar with. It looks like a sword, a cross sword-it is the weapon Julius has always regarded as a treasure.

   Olga’s voice continued to ring in Julius’ ears, and it sounded anxious. Use it, Julius, use it to protect yourself.

   “Can this protect me?” Julius said, but still holding this crystal-like cross sword in his hand is better than sitting empty-handed.

   Trust me.

   Olga’s answer was very brief, but Julius felt extremely relieved.

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