Juliana’s workshop Chapter 20: Encounter with enemies

   Leaving the long corridor and stepping into another space, Jessica kicked the stone by her feet. It was a very small rock. She kicked it to the other side, and then stopped from rolling, motionless.

   Except for Zhen Dina’s lantern, it was dark outside, but judging from the range of light emission, this place is definitely not small. The sound coming from under your feet can reach the opposite side, and then echo in this space.

   “Do you want to use lighting spells?” Jessica asked Junia, “Maybe you see a mountain of bugs? But if you want.”

   Compared to the black larvae that may be scattered in this space, Junia is more worried about other dangers. Apart from the corrosive nature of the body fluid, those bugs do not seem to be too threatening, but if there are other things lurking in this space, and the light will stimulate them…then lighting is It will become a very stupid thing. The lantern in Zhen Dina’s hand is not dazzling in this darkness, she can barely cover the three of them, but if Jessica is allowed to use powerful lighting spells, it is another matter.

   Junia spreads her spirit around, allowing her eyes, nose, ears and even mouth, as well as every inch of skin, to feel this space, to feel the flow of air, to feel every breath The smell and trajectory brought by passing by, to confirm whether there is any abnormality in this unfamiliar place…until he sighed slightly, “Be careful of your feet.”

   “I’m used to worms.” Gendina said, she just happened to trample a worm that wriggled to her feet to death.

   “There are holes in the ground, be careful, otherwise, if you fall, you may be gone.” Junia said, “You don’t know where those holes lead…maybe it is the food storehouse for those bugs.”

   Zhendina’s face turned pale, not because she was frightened by Junia’s words, but because Junia told the truth, and she happened to step on the edge of a hole in the ground. Just one step away, as long as she walks a little bit outside the team, it is estimated that she will fall. Nothing can be seen below, only darkness, even if you hold the lantern, you can’t see the deepest part. If he fell, it might really be that the person was gone, and there was no other possibility.

   “Jessica, can you light up this place?” Junia said to the female knight who worked under her after confirming that there was no danger around her. Jessica responded, raised her hand, a ball of light emerged from her hand, and then it was divided into several small **** and scattered around. With this, Jessica made the surrounding environment look much brighter, and also allowed them to see clearly what’s around them.

   Around them, there are ruins of broken masonry piles, and there are holes all over the ground. They are of different sizes. The small ones can’t even fit the real Dina, and the big ones can swallow several carriages at the same time. . Compared with the halls and corridors they had just walked through, this place was completely another world. There is no longer a hard floor under your feet, and there is no longer a flat ceiling above your head, but a slippery muddy ground, and a top with stalactite dripping with drops of water. The huge stalactite hanging high above the head is already telling them how long this place has existed for the guests who came here.

   Real Dina’s lantern and Jessica’s ball of light did not illuminate the entire space, but made them look even smaller.

   “How big is this…what was this place?” Jessica exclaimed. She was careful to make her voice too loud, affecting the larvae that burrowed in the ruins around her. The picture was so disgusting that people didn’t want to pay attention at all-it was like dozens of fat maggots burrowing around on a piece of cheese.

   “This may be a certain area of ​​the dungeon.” Junia said, “At least she didn’t lie to us and took us to a nearby dungeon. But where is she now.” He looked down at the truth. Dina, Zhen Dina shrugged and shook her head, “I don’t know, if she wants to disappear, no one can find her.”

   Junia also understands that this is indeed the case, he just tried to ask, if there is no result, he doesn’t care.

   The three people continued to move forward, passing through the caves and ruins, and continuing on. There were more and more larvae on the ground, and many people who noticed strange visitors, whether they were conscious or not, were crawling over to the existences that were completely “behemoths” to them… and then they were burned. Jessica couldn’t bear these things continuing to wriggle to her side, and began to use a small range of fire spells to burn the larvae that approached. Just a small-powered flame ray is not a heavy burden for Jessica. It is better to say that this kind of delicate work is almost like a warm-up for her. The thick flame rays of the little finger fell on the larva, leaving a charred hole after passing through, and the juice in the fat body did not burst out.

   Her flame rays blasted on the larvae, the scorching sounds one after another, never stopped, knowing that the three of them came to the edge of a hill.

   said it was a hill, not something made of mud, rocks and plants~IndoMTL.com~ but a garbage dump made up of ruined bricks and broken buildings. At the top of this garbage mountain, there is a whole thing, arranged there. It was an altar-like platform, on which Junia was quite familiar. A crystal clear Rubik’s cube, exuding blue energy, formed a mist-like thing, entwined around it. The blue haze is very weak and can only maintain the light around it, but it is enough to make people notice its existence.

   “What’s that, is it a treasure?” Jessica saw this kind of thing for the first time. No woman would dislike shiny things, just like dragons, and Jessica can’t avoid it. That blue Rubik’s Cube is so beautiful, and gems are nothing more than that.

   For Junia, this blue light reminded him a lot of the past, which is definitely not a pleasant memory of his youth. And Zhen Dina, looking at the Rubik’s Cube, had a subtle expression on her face, like disgust and fear.

   When the blue magic attracted their attention, a shadow approached from behind them…

   And Junia was the first to notice. He pulled out the dual-wield swords from his waist and aimed at the shadow hiding behind the ruins, “Come out… if you can understand me. Words!”

  ’s existence in that shadow did come out, but whether it came out because of Junia’s words is unknown. The person who approached Junia from behind was naturally not Lulunaka, at least in terms of size, it would definitely not be Lulunaka. Because it is an existence of the height of an adult male, wearing a tattered cloak, can only see the outline, can’t see him-her? it? No one inch of skin can be seen on his hands and feet. They could only see the cloak that wrapped the thing, and the dark shadow.

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