Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 770: The wind is rising

Although Zhang Fei was the first to propose the entire tax currency bill, Xue Xiang highly praised the entire plan. This is actually very rare. In this era, people who can agree with this set of financial bills sincerely There are not many, such as Sima Guang and Wen Yanbo. No matter how you explain to them, they will always have doubts.

But Xue Xiang strongly agrees that his fiscal policy in the northwest also carries out macro-control by issuing salt banknotes and calculating the depreciation of salt banknotes.

Including when he was in the Shipping Department, he also did a very good job, which was more or less related to monetary policy.

In real comparison, Xue Xiang is actually more inclined to Zhang Fei’s financial philosophy than to Wang Anshi.

Moreover, Xue Xiang also had plans.

Because when he first took office, he encountered Zhao Xu’s official reform and almost abolished the Third Division, making him the last Third Division Envoy.

Xue Xiang also knew in his heart that according to the three-province-six-ministry system, the financial power would be vested in the Ministry of Household Affairs sooner or later, but he never said anything and looked a little high-spirited.

But it’s not true. It was precisely because of the success of the tax currency bill that he thought of letting Sansi control currency power. This was really not taught by Zhang Fei. He was already good at currency control, and Hezhong Mansion gave him more experience. Realizing the power of money, he was willing to release financial power without any resistance. His purpose was to seize monetary power.

In the system where the public security system exists, people like Xue Xiang are at home like a duck in water. He was out of tune with the previous system that focused on the ethics of officials. Under that system, it was difficult to speak money and keep silent. If he talks about finances and the other party talks about ethics, there will be no communication.

“I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly.”

After coming out of Chui Gong Hall, Xue Xiang seemed very excited and felt incredible.

Wang Anshi smiled and said: “Because the only thing they understand is the excessive issuance of banknotes, but this is blocked by the public security law that they support. As for the rest, they themselves don’t understand it, so how can they refute it.”

Xue Xiangdao: “In fact, as long as banknotes are issued properly and there is a recycling system, it will solve many financial problems, even.”

Wang Anshi couldn’t help but turn his head and look, “What even?”

“Even.” Xue Xiang suddenly said: “It can even be used to deal with the Khitans and Dangxiang people.”

Wang Anshi asked: “How do you say this?”


Xue Xiang thought for a moment and then said: “Because they can’t do without our trade with the Song Dynasty, if we all use this kind of banknotes, they may follow suit, then we can use banknotes to attack them. Finance.”

After hearing this, Wang Anshi couldn’t help laughing and said: “This is probably unlikely. They can also make banknotes themselves. Can they use ours?”

After saying that, he suddenly frowned, “Yes! If they also use banknotes, but they don’t have the supervision of the public security organs, there will definitely be a big problem.”

Xue Xiang nodded hurriedly and said: “That’s what I mean. Back then, Guan Zhong was able to use the salt and iron of Qi to attack the enemy’s finances, allowing Duke Huan of Qi to dominate the Spring and Autumn Period. We can also follow suit.”

Actually, he wanted to say that if the paper money was played well, it would be even more effective than the New Deal. Fortunately, he stopped it, otherwise, he would definitely be dead!

Wang Anshi said thoughtfully: “But we have to use it well ourselves, and then they will learn to do it.”

Xue Xiangdao: “My husband, please rest assured, I will not disappoint you.”

Wang Anshi nodded and asked: “Then what are you going to do?”

Xue Xiangdao: “I plan to distribute banknotes through salary payments.”

Wang Anshi shook his head.

Xue Xiang looked at him doubtfully, “I wonder what my husband has to say?”

Wang Anshi smiled and said: “The next step is of course to find ways to publicize it. This is crucial.”

Over there, Wen Yanbo secretly glanced at Wang Anshi and Xue Xiang. Seeing the two of them talking and laughing, he couldn’t help joking to Sima Guang: “Your judicial reform does not seem to be a check and balance on Wang Jiefu’s new policy. Instead, it seems to be for He protects us!”

Without the public security organs, they would not have no choice but to express their concerns.

Sima Guang snorted: “It’s all Zhang San’s fault.”

Can this be blamed on Zhang San? Wen Yanbo couldn’t help but asked curiously: “Where do you start talking about this?”

Sima Guang said: “With Wang Jiefu’s headstrong character, he would never use my method to implement the New Deal for himself, but he has always trusted Zhang San very much and is willing to follow Zhang San’s suggestions. He never thinks that , this is compromising with me, and using Zhang San as a cover, saying that he is listening and understanding.”

Wen Yanbo asked with a smile: “Is that so?”

“It’s absolutely true.”

Sima Guang could not wait to pat his chest and said.

Wen Yanbo chuckled and said: “No wonder there are fewer quarrels between the DPRK and China now!”

Party fighting means that you agree and I oppose it.

As a result, Wang Anshi relies on the public prosecutor and the law every day to implement his own policies. How can he still fight? The reformists are now somewhat dead and falling apart.

The reason is that many reformists want to deal with the public prosecutors and the law, but now it seems that the public prosecutors and the law have become the general trend. They are now confused and don’t know where to go.

However, the promulgation of the “Provisional Law” made them feel even more irritated and restless. They increasingly discovered that what this “Provisional Law” changed was not just the eight-member system, but also had major changes in all aspects. Change.

This is more than everyone imagined, and it seems that every page is worthy of discussion.

This popularity is even gradually surpassing everyone’s discussion about the money shortage, because the money shortage is temporary, but the temporary law covers all aspects.

Bianjing Law Firm.

“Everyone, I heard from Lao Fan that you are in a hurry to find me?”

Zhang Fei sat down, looked at Fan Yong, Chen Maoqian, Huang Can, Zhou Jian and other wealthy businessmen, and asked: “Is it because of the money shortage?”

Chen Maoqian said hurriedly: “That’s not true.”

Zhang Fei said in surprise: “What’s the reason for that?”

“Sanlang, what does this genetic tax mean?” Chen Maoqian asked curiously.

Zhang Fei clicked his tongue: “Isn’t the “Provisional Law” written very clearly? Don’t you know how to read?”

Fan Yong exclaimed: “Can you understand the Dharma if you can read the characters? Not necessarily. If Sanlang doesn’t explain it to us, we will always feel a little panicked.”

The other wealthy businessmen also nodded.

Nowadays, everyone is very sensitive to this “tax”, because the tax department can really collect it, and once it is set, there is no way to escape it.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “This inheritance tax is designed based on the extinct household system, but don’t worry, you all have descendants and are not included in it.”

Fan Yong immediately said: “I just have a son.”


“Sanlang, please tell us carefully.” Zhou Jian suddenly said.


Zhang Fei nodded and suddenly looked at Fan Li, “Old Fan, let me test you and popularize the previous household secret method to them.”

Fan Li stroked his beard and said: “As for the system of extermination of households in our dynasty, the regulations are complicated, but according to the “Extinction of Households” law promulgated in the fourth year of Tiansheng, in the absence of heirs to inherit, virgins, virgins, The daughter who returns to the clan is appointed as a stepson. The stepson is appointed as the first-in-line heir, and the second-in-line heir is the married daughter. However, the inherited property is limited to assets, villages and properties.

The third-in-line heirs include married aunts, sisters, nephews, relatives who have lived together in business for more than three years, sons-in-law, adopted sons, sons who follow the mother, etc.

If the decedent does not have any of the above types of heirs, all the property will be given to the person living with him. If the deceased has no cohabitants or the cohabitation period does not reach three years, all the property will be forfeited.

In the fifth year of Tiansheng, if the deceased is a wealthy household and has left no will, part of the inheritance will belong to the people living together, and the rest will be included in the government.

During the Xining period, the previous Ordinance Department of the Second Government promulgated a policy that if the head of the household dies and there is no male child left behind, even if the head of the household has the conditions for succession during his lifetime, only 500 gu will be given to the female household, and her property will be All are unemployed. ”

Chen Maoqian muttered in a low voice: “This policy promulgated a few years ago is really no different from robbing money.”

Yes, this decree was issued by Wang Anshi, with the purpose of enriching the national treasury.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “I don’t need to explain this. I believe everyone has seen it before. Many common people were expelled from their households by the government.”

Everyone nodded in unison.

The official said that your household must be exterminated, even if you don’t have it, you must do it.

Those official fields that have more than six achievements come from Hu Jue Fa.

Zhang Fei said: “The legal system is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and protect the interests of the people, so all household extermination regulations are integrated into the inheritance tax law.

According to the inheritance tax law, the order of inheritance can be guaranteed to follow the “Household Jue Tiao Guan”, but it is divided by taxes, and the order has changed slightly, but not significantly.

First of all, children are the first heirs, followed by parents, wives and daughters. The stepson is a bit special. According to the inheritance law, regardless of whether he is related by blood, he must live together and support him for more than three years before he is eligible to divide the family property with his parents, wife and daughter. Otherwise, he will only get 10% at most. ”

Fan Yong asked: “Why is this?”

Zhang Fei said: “Of course it’s because of filial piety. If you don’t fulfill your filial piety, you won’t be able to get the inheritance. It was explained very clearly in the discussion that wealthy households can make their own wills through the clan and the Legal Aid Office and give the inheritance to outsiders, even if they have children. .

Also, if the children live in the same place as their parents but fail to fulfill their care responsibilities, and if their neighbors take care of them without compensation for more than two years, they will automatically receive 30% of the inheritance. ”

Chen Maoqian nodded and said: “This is feasible. Some traitors should not receive inheritance.”

Zhang Fei said: “The inheritance tax is based on wealth and heirs. Only when the inherited wealth exceeds one thousand guan does one need to pay inheritance tax.

There is no need to pay any tax for heirs and parents to inherit. The wife, daughter and stepson inherit 10%, and the married daughter inherits 20%. If it is donated to an outsider, the maximum can reach 50%. .

But you have to remember that these are the minimum standards. The tax rate is different depending on the amount and object of the inheritance. You can read this yourself, it is clearly written above.

What I can tell you is that inheritance tax ensures that wealth will not flow into the government easily. Only in the most extreme cases will one lose their official position. ”

Huang Can said: “This genetic tax still allows the government to take away part of the wealth.”

Chen Maoqian said: “Just be content. In the past, everything was confiscated, and it was unreasonable, especially for us businessmen.”

Fan Yong and the others nodded frequently.

It is actually very difficult to confiscate the wealth of big landowners, because they usually have powerful clans around them, but for merchants, if they have no heirs, all of them are often confiscated.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Furthermore, the original intention of collecting the inheritance tax is to respect the elderly and care for the young. All the money will be used in Anjifang and nursing homes to take care of the elderly who have no one to support them. They cannot be diverted. Use it for him.”

Fan Yong said: “But how to determine this support? My son has been in Hezhong Mansion now, and there is no way he can fulfill his filial piety.”

Zhang Fei said: “About this, it is also written very clearly above. For example, officials, businessmen, soldiers, these professions that require working outside the home have very clear explanations. There is no need to worry about this at all.”

Of course Zhang Fei proposed this inheritance tax, but that was also because Fu Bi first asked him for his opinion on the extermination system. This system was too messy and needed to be integrated.

But the order was all decided by Fu Bi and the others, and it has nothing to do with Zhang Fei, because ancient relationships are different from modern relationships. If it were Zhang Fei who decided the order, the heirs would be exempt from inheritance tax, and so would the wife and daughter. Yes, but Fu Bi and the others have to consider that men are superior to women, and the wife and daughter must pay a certain amount of inheritance tax.

Moreover, they fully considered filial piety. If the heirs did not bear the responsibility of supporting them, they would not be able to get the inheritance, at least not in full.

“It’s so lively!”

Suddenly, Wang Anshi and Xue Xiang walked in.

After Chen Maoqian and the others saw him, they quickly stood up and left.

After they left, Wang Anshi asked with a smile: “What big deal are you talking about?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “If it’s just a business matter, I don’t need to come forward personally. It’s about the “Provisional Law”. They don’t understand something. I’ll explain it to them.”

Xue Xiangdao: “This “Interim Law” does have many changes, whether good or bad, but it is written very clearly, and there seems to be no ambiguity.”

Wang Anshi said: “This is also based on the public prosecutor’s law. In the past, if it was written in such detail, the government would not be able to do it.”

“What Mr. Wang said makes sense.”

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and asked: “You two are here, are you here because of the “Temporary Law”?”

Xue Xiangdao: “That’s not true.”

Wang Anshi smiled and said: “The “Interim Law” is very clear, do I still need to ask you? I am here to discuss with you today the promotion of issuing tax coins.”

Zhang Fei said: “Have the officials approved it?”

Wang Anshi nodded.

Xue Xiang immediately informed Zhang Fei of his plan.

Zhang Fei said: “The Third Secretary intends to use the issuance of tax coins to pay salaries to officials and soldiers?”

Xue Xiang nodded and said: “Because I plan to use this to completely transform the treasury into a treasury.”


Zhang Fei asked curiously.

Xue Xiangdao: “In the past, the imperial court only issued a small amount of coins when distributing salaries. Most of them distributed grain, silk cloth, candles, and salt in lieu of salaries.

In addition, most of the government’s needs come from tributes from guilds. This point Zhang Jiancheng should be very familiar with. In the past, merchants had to sell any goods if they wanted to sell them, especially if they involved the daily needs of the government. Pay part to the government first. When the tax law was reformed last time, many businessmen complained about this. ”

Zhang Fei nodded.

As for guilds and officialdom, they have just been abolished. Merchants no longer need to pay tribute to the government. In the past, merchants who wanted to sell candles had to give 20 to 30% of the money to the government, which was counted as a subsidy to the government. This was because it was inconvenient to collect business taxes at that time, so it was the only way to do it. This led to a lot of corruption. The government often extorted businessmen, resulting in many craftsmen and traders having to sell in secret.

Xue Xiang added: “Generally speaking, most of the national warehouses contain physical objects rather than coins, but it is really inconvenient for physical objects to come and go, and the losses are very large.”

Zhang Fei said: “So the Third Secretary hopes to turn all the physical objects in the warehouse into coins.”

Xue Xiang nodded and said: “That’s right.”

Zhang Fei thought to himself, this guy is so ambitious, he even completely financialized the national treasury.

Wang Anshi smiled and said, “Didn’t I learn all this from you?”

Zhang Fei was slightly startled and said hurriedly: “I have never done this before.”

Wang Anshi said: “However, the Transshipment Department of Hezhong Prefecture has been slowly turning into money. However, the Northwest Transshipment Department also has to take care of border defense, so it still needs to store a lot of grain and grass.”

“What Mr. Wang said is right. I took it as reference from the reform of Hezhong Mansion.”

Xue Xiangdao: “The reason why the business in Hezhong Prefecture was so prosperous, especially in the initial stage, was because of the salt banknote reform at that time, which was to issue salt banknotes to soldiers. The soldiers took the salt banknotes and went to the market to buy things. This requires more goods and more merchants.

Later, those officials gradually became accustomed to using salt banknotes. In fact, for ordinary officials, it was inconvenient for ordinary officials to take the physical objects to the market to exchange for their own needs. If salt banknotes were issued, they could buy their own required.

As merchants increase, business taxes will also increase, and the country can reduce losses by 70%.

And now with the warehouse tax and the Food Administration, it can be done very thoroughly, and the court can use money to buy what it needs at any time. ”

Zhang Fei nodded and said: “I very much agree with the idea of ​​​​three ministers, but this must be done step by step. After all, businessmen may not necessarily keep up with the needs of the court.”

Wang Anshi smiled and said: “Everything about the new city has been planned, and the businessmen’s production will soon be able to keep up.”

Zhang Fei said: “When I go out for this trip, I almost forget about this new city.”

Wang Anshi suddenly said: “But if you believe me, it’s useless. The people have to believe it, and this needs to be publicized.”

Zhang Fei glanced at Wang Anshi and chuckled: “If this is such a good thing, Master Wang won’t give me a discount in my genuine bookstore, right? The “Interim Law” is sold at a sky-high price. Prosecutor Su is eager to sue Master Wang. .”

Wang Anshi said angrily: “You, Su Zizhan, are so talkative. He doesn’t even think about the burden the business administration faces. It’s a little bit if you can make a little. Besides, if you need a buyer, you won’t be short of this little money.” If you don’t need it and don’t have the money to buy it, the price is very suitable.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “But if the price is higher, or if everyone mentions a class action lawsuit, the Dibao Academy may lose the lawsuit.”

Wang Anshi said: “Really?”

Zhang Fei nodded and said: “In the provisional law, there is a provision that hinders the right to know the law. If it is Wang Xueshi’s personal work, it is set at one thousand guan, and no one can care about it. But this book involves If the price is too high, it will impede the right to know the law. If many people initiate a class action lawsuit, the possibility of losing is very high.”

Wang Anshi frowned slightly and said: “Now at the beginning, the cost of engraving is not small. It is a bit more expensive to buy, which is what it should be. It will be reduced in the future.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “I just want to remind you that the current price is still within everyone’s acceptable range.”

Wang Anshi nodded and said, “Let’s talk about business first. How should we publicize this matter?”

Zhang Fei pondered for a moment and said: “The routine is still the same. We first need to publish an article to express our dissatisfaction with the money shortage, then publish an article to express the reasons, then shift the responsibility to the landlords, and finally hint to the people We should support the imperial court’s urgent need to issue tax coins and resist landlords’ hoarding of coins.”

Wang Anshi nodded and said: “I understand. I will write a few articles and show them to you. If they are not suitable, I will revise them.”

Zhang Fei nodded.

Xue Xiang was dumbfounded when he heard this. Wang Anshi’s articles were very famous, and few could beat him. Zhang Fei’s writing style was also famous for being terrible, but Wang Anshi actually asked Zhang Fei to check it for him. .


As everyone knows, when it comes to publicity, Wang Anshi has already put down his dignity, and Zhang Fei has a unique vision.

Li’s Bookstore.

“This leasing system is the same as the previous tenant system. The difference is not very big because it was regulated at the beginning. The court only levied taxes based on the land deed. In terms of land tax, the court had no relationship with the tenants. The tenants now work with the bartenders. The same, all taxes are paid based on income.”

Li Guozhong said to the big landowners on the left and right.

The big landowner Chen Xiang asked again: “What about the domestic slaves?”

Li Guozhong said: “In fact, the titles of Buqu, guest girl, slave and maidservant have long been deleted from our laws. These tenants and Buqu are nominally good people, but they were just on the surface before, but now they must be Respecting the law, in fact, there is no explicit objection to domestic slave contracts in the “Provisional Law”, but according to the interpretation of the contract law, there is a principle of equivalence.

As for the previous domestic slave contract, if the principle of equivalence is followed, the master must bear the responsibility of supporting the domestic slaves, which means that they can no longer be driven away easily.

There is a specific explanation in it. Since they will serve you for life, you must always be responsible for them, including the expenses for burial.

As for the punishment of domestic slaves, the regulations are limited to skin and flesh. If it results in disability or death, compensation is certain, and they may also face criminal penalties. ”

Liu Ping said: “In the past, it was stipulated that if you want to execute a domestic slave, you can apply to the government. What should I do now?”

Li Guozhong said: “It must be resolved through litigation now, but according to the law, if a subordinate commits a crime, the crime will be increased by one degree.”

Another big landowner asked: “I wonder what advice Li Xingshou can give us.”

Li Guozhong said: “Although it is clearly stated in the provisional law, all domestic slave contracts signed before are legal.

But I suggest that you change the employment contract to clarify the responsibilities and relationships of both parties. Otherwise, you will encounter a lot of trouble in the future, because the previous contract was very vague, which is very detrimental to you, unless the contract It is written very clearly above, otherwise, the Public Security Bureau will follow the contract law to make a determination. ”

The landowners looked at each other in disbelief. They were one head and two heads in size!

According to legal principles, if you change the law, your reasons cannot be traced back to the past. But if your contract is not clearly written and a dispute arises, that is your problem.

If the contract states that you can evict him at any time, although the temporary law does not allow it, it cannot control it because it was signed before.

But if the contract only states that he will serve you for life and nothing else, then his treatment will be until his death.

Today, Su Shi and his friends came to Baifanlou, ready to have a good time, but as soon as they entered, they were surrounded by a circle of people.

“Zizhan, can you cultivate this marriage law?”

“I didn’t raise any objections to the household marriage law, so what? Do you think there’s a problem with it?” Su Shi asked curiously.

“Of course there is a problem.”

A young man said: “In the past, the marriage law only said that if the couple divorced, the wife could only take away the dowry, but now she still gets a part of the family property. How does this make sense!”

Su Shi said with a smile: “This has a prerequisite, that is, a man wants to divorce his wife and can’t find a reason for ‘seven divorces’, so he can divorce his wife on the condition of dividing the family property.”

The young man asked: “Why do you want to change it like this?”

Su Shi replied: “This is because there are many cases that prove that some husbands want to divorce their wives, but they can’t find a reason for their wives to leave, so they can only abuse their wives and force them to divorce themselves.

Based on this point, the Legislative Council is considering allowing a husband to unilaterally divorce his wife if her wife has not had any “seven divorces”, but he must pay 30% of the family property and a certain amount of monthly alimony to ensure that The wife can survive. At the same time, the wife is also qualified to ask her husband to publish an article, indicating that it was him who proposed it, and it was not because he was not accommodating women and wanted to preserve his reputation.

However, in the case of “three no-goes”, only one of them is allowed to divorce his wife, that is, he was poor and humble but became rich and powerful. However, in this case, if the husband wants to divorce his wife, he must pay half of the family wealth. , in the remaining two cases, the husband is still not allowed to divorce his wife. ”

These seven causes are “disobedience to parents, childlessness, adultery, jealousy, bad diseases, talkativeness, and theft.” If the wife violates any of these, the husband can divorce her.

If you don’t go away for three years, you will marry and have nothing to return to, you will be mourned for three years, you will be poor and lowly, you will be rich and powerful. Originally, in these three situations, you are not allowed to divorce your wife.

But now the last one is allowed instead.

This is because there are many cases where the husband tortures his wife and forces her to divorce him. Human nature is so ugly. The law can only be changed to say that if you really want to divorce, you can do it by dividing the family property and paying alimony. stop.

The reason is of course that the wife’s ability to survive is not as good as that of the man.

The decision-making power still rests with the husband.

The wife does not have many reasons to divorce her husband. This is not much different from before. Generally, the wife can file for divorce if the husband commits some adultery crime or suffers abuse.

Divorce due to abuse was allowed by law before, and there are many cases. However, the interim law also stipulates that in this case, the wife can ask for more family property and more alimony. This is not something the husband can decide.

Everyone nodded, indicating that they understood and didn’t think it was too much.

Because there is a prerequisite here, that is, the wife has not committed the seven unforgivable sins, that is, she is virtuous and virtuous. If you want to divorce, then of course it is your fault.

Su Shi said again: “But I would like to remind you of two points. One is that soldiers’ wives are protected by the law. Having an affair with a soldier’s wife is a very serious crime, and the most serious case is… Sentenced to death. Although reconciliation can also be done through money, the final decision lies with the soldiers.”

When everyone heard this, they immediately became angry. What do you mean, Su Zizhan? Are we that kind of people?

Su Shi laughed and said: “I’m just saying, don’t pay attention to it.”

Someone asked again: “What is the second point?”

Su Shi said: “Second, future marriage contracts must be sealed with the police station to be effective, because today’s household marriage laws involve a lot of property division, and the wedding date must also be regulated.”

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