Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 632: Pig killing plate

Although Chen Ming’s tone was exactly the same as his paralyzed face, there was no emotion whatsoever.

But every word he spoke showed incomparable arrogance.

The loss of national tax revenue is the problem of our tax department. It has nothing to do with those employees. Our tax department will take full responsibility.

After all, it is national taxation, can Chen Ming bear this responsibility? Of course not.

Generally speaking, they are only executive departments, and the responsible ones are decision-making departments, such as Zhengshitang, Dali Temple, Judgment Court, Yushitai, and so on.

It’s like saying that if something goes wrong with Yuan Jiang, Wang Anshi must be responsible, not the Transshipment Department of Hezhong Prefecture.

But behind the tax department, it is not the prime ministers like Wang Anshi and Sima Guang, but the emperor.

In other words, the emperor is vouching for them.

This is no small matter.

If something goes wrong, the emperor has to apologize.

Of course, this also shows one point from the side, that is, the emperor’s trust in their abilities and their daring to take this responsibility.

In short, none of you tax evaders should try to escape.

But it also won him countless eyes of hatred.

You are killing us! Su Zhe naturally heard the implication, so it was inconvenient to continue asking.

Although he dared to hate the emperor, but that was only the underlying meaning, and from a judicial point of view, he had nothing to do with the tax department, because there is no law that can restrict employees from collecting money, and they are not part of the establishment He doesn’t have any authority, he is just hired to investigate, so there is no way to deal with it, besides, if you send them money, that is to provide clues, it is only natural and reasonable for them to follow the clues.

At least now Batou is on the tax department’s side.

Sitting down, Su Zhe said to an inspector again: “Bring the prosecution’s lawsuit.


” Soon, the procuratorate handed over the lawsuit to Su Zhe.

Su Zhe looked it up carefully and thought, it seems that I have overlooked a lot of details! After Su Zhe sat down, both parties said that there were no witnesses present.

Zhang Fei didn’t delay, and immediately asked the prosecution and the defense to close the case. After all, there are more than 130 defendants behind, so they shouldn’t delay too much.

Qiu Zhengwen stood up first, “In fact, I don’t have much to say, because there are witnesses and physical evidence in this case, and Yin Chengxing’s crime of tax evasion is certain. In addition, I would like to emphasize that Two points.

First, it was the other party who contacted the employee Batou first. No matter how they talked, it could at least prove that Yin Chengxing hoped to evade taxes, and he was the one who took the initiative.

If he just wants to know some systems of the tax department, he can go to the tax department to inquire. Many people have asked, instead of trying to find Batou. The tax department did not announce these employees in advance list.

Secondly, I would like to remind everyone that Yin Chengxing evaded more than 3,000 guan of taxes in total. The decree, because the self-declaration is the first time to implement, so the first offender can be exempted from punishment, but I urge the imperial court to give him the highest punishment, and sentence him to a fine of five times.

“Five times? 16,000 strings? When Yin Chengxing heard this sentence, his brain suddenly became dizzy. Did you do it for nothing last year? They are big rich people who cherish their money like their lives, and they are punished so much this time. , It’s really killing them! Fortunately, there are two court guards supporting him, otherwise, he will definitely fall.

The officials sitting next to them, as well as the outsiders outside the courtyard, all felt a chill down their backs, and their temples were slightly steaming.

It’s terrible! I want to go home! Although they are all professional tax evaders, they don’t know how much tax they evade every year, so this amount really shocks them and makes them unbelievable.

Qiu Zhengwen sat down and walked away, Li Min stood up, “Just now the other party said something very right, that is, the self-declaration is the first time to be implemented in Hezhong Mansion, and it is very different from the previous tax payment.

I don’t want to say that there were any disadvantages in the previous tax collection, but the fact is that the people used to be deeply afraid of tax collection because they didn’t know how much tax they had to pay. There are countless facts that prove that most people pay taxes every year It’s not the same, and it’s even more common to please those tax collectors.

Although I also admit that the current situation is slowly improving, but the freezing of three feet does not happen overnight, and this kind of concept cannot be changed in a short while. My client Yin Yuanwai, as a The same is true for good people. Past examples made him panic and fear this unfamiliar tax collection method, and just now the employee Batou also said that when they collect taxes, they need to manage up and down, and this is Yin Yuanwai found out the reason for the employees, because they still think that they need to manage up and down in order to know how much tax they really have to pay.

Of course this approach is wrong, and I strongly disagree with it, but it is undeniable that this approach was very common before.

And my client is not clear whether the employee is a member of the tax department, but he thinks it is.

The employee Batou tempted my client to evade taxes because he coveted the bonus, and did not correctly guide my client to pay taxes legally.

Therefore, I hereby urge the chief judge to take a lighter approach and give my client a chance, and my client is willing to pay back all the taxes.

” The routine is still the same, and the responsibility is still shifted to the government. Anyway, if you say a few words about the government in the imperial court, it means you have never been to the imperial court.

Everyone has become accustomed to this point, but the officials sitting here before were furious about this, but today it is different, many officials nodded silently in their hearts.

“Well said!”

The three little king kong couldn’t help but looked up, seeing that the outside was full of outsiders, they immediately reacted.

In the final analysis, no matter whether it is a poor person or a rich person, the **** decides the head! As long as you are reasonable to yourself, you must applaud! “Yes! Yes! I am willing!” Yin Chengxing couldn’t stop nodding, tears were already rolling in his eyes.

Only 3,000 guan! Nima! He suddenly felt that the tax was not much at all.

Compared to 16,000 strings! “Thank you for your testimony.

” Zhang Fei, as usual, first nodded with a smile, and then looked at Yin Chengxing, “Defendant, do you agree with the accounts, evidence, and final tax evasion amount provided by the prosecution? If you think there is a problem with the accounts, then we will send people to investigate and wait until the specific number comes out before making a judgment.

” “Me! “Yin Chengxing blinked, and couldn’t help looking at Li Min again.

You didn’t say anything before, why are you looking at me now? Li Min complained in his heart, and suddenly said: “Chief judge, since my client didn’t read the account carefully, and we didn’t know it beforehand, I’m sure the chief judge allowed us to read it carefully before answering.

” Zhang Fei nodded and said: “I can allow this, and it is a matter of course, but if the evidence is damaged in any way, the defendant will not only be punished with the highest penalty, but will also be punished.

“”Yes, I understand.

” “Temporary adjournment.

” As soon as Zhang Fei hit the gavel, he got up and left.

It was a cold sweat, the sitting official couldn’t stand up, and the rich gentleman standing outside almost knelt down.

It’s over! It’s over! It’s all over! This tax office is terrible! what to do? Cai Yanqing, who just came back to his senses, couldn’t help but wiped the sweat from his forehead, “This tax department really lives up to its reputation!” Seeing the surroundings were completely silent, he glanced back and forth, and found that many officials were sitting on chairs with their hands in their hands. Trembling, I thought, you are all to blame for this! After a while, some officials stood up, pretended to stretch their waists, and then walked outside slowly.

But Cai Yanqing knew that they were in a hurry.

Wang Shao also wanted to stand up and move around, but he glanced at Lu Gongru beside him, seeing his panicked expression, and wondered if he had evaded a lot of taxes? So he tentatively asked: “Why is Zhifu Lu restless?

” Lu Gongru whispered: “You don’t know, I planned to let the public prosecutor go to Jingzhao Mansion this year, but after such a trial, I am afraid that no one in Jingzhao Mansion is willing to let them go, can I not have a headache? .

” This tax department is much more terrifying than he imagined! Wang Shao gloated and laughed.

Inside the hall! Zhang Fei put down his teacup, and asked Cai Jing and the others: “How do you think the punishment should be?” Cai Jing said: “The students think that five times the punishment is too heavy, and Yin Chengxing may not be able to bear it, and may even attract their resistance. , giving three times, can not only play a deterrent effect, but also reflect the benevolence of the imperial court.

” Xu Zhiqian on the side pouted her mouth and gave Cai Jing a look of contempt.

The meaning of his words is very simple, that is, to keep a distance from the tax department. The tax department is really terrible now.

Cai Bian said: “But the amount involved is not small. If an official is greedy for so much money, he will be punished by beheading. I think five times the sentence can be given.

” Xu Zhiqian nodded like a chick pecking rice.

When you deal with this kind of person, you still consider him, and punish him to death! Zhang Fei looked at Shang Guanjun again.

Shangguan Jun said: “Students think that three times is too little, and five times is too much, just give four times.

” “You really know how to get along with each other! “Zhang Fei smiled, and immediately applied for a serious sentence: “Actually, this sentence is not negotiable, it is five times the sentence. How do you punish a businessman for evading taxes thirty times? Is it to give them thirty strings upside down? Moreover, think about it, he is definitely not doing this in the first year. In the past, who collected the taxes he evaded from? The tax department has done its best to give them enough opportunities. sex.

Besides, he earns 20,000 guan a year, so we don’t need to consider helping him save money? As for whether it will arouse their resistance, the tax department will hand them over to be human.

” Xu Zhiqian said excitedly: “The chief judge is wise.

” Zhang Fei turned his head and gave her a contemptuous look: “It’s up to you to say.

“Witness Lounge.

“Li Erbi, Mr. Li Xiao, Mr. Lu Xiao, please save me!” Yin Chengxing was like a pitiful little boy, tugging on Li Min’s sleeve, with teary eyes and choked up words. pity! What did you do so early? It’s too late to beg for mercy now! Li Min sighed: “Although we have tried our best to defend you, but now the other party has solid evidence, and the employment contract between the tax department and Batou is not in your favor. This lawsuit is definitely lost. If you want to go unpunished, it is almost impossible. Impossible.

” Yin Chengxing asked again: “Then how much will I be fined? He also knew, but the penalty of more than 10,000 pennies is really killing them! Li Min hesitated, and said: “I can only say, you have to be prepared to accept five times the penalty.

“”Five times? Yin Chengxing said excitedly: “This is too much, I will never accept the punishment.”

” Li Min said: “This new official takes office three times, and your tax evasion is too large. If you don’t give heavy penalties, how to deter others, the imperial court will definitely consider these aspects, which will be very bad for you. .

” He knew it well, because he had tested the imperial court’s penalty standard for this before.

The answer Zhang Fei gave him was to punish him severely.

Lu Bangxing suddenly said: “Mr. Yin, the matter has come to an end. This result is basically impossible to change. Why don’t you show some demeanor? Since we lost, then let’s admit it.

” Yin Chengxing turned his head and glared at Lu Bangxing, then suddenly slapped the table, and said: “Mr. Lu Xiao is right, if the money is gone, you can’t lose face, isn’t it just over 10,000 yuan? Send beggars.

” But as he spoke, he began to cry again, “More than 10,000 pennies, that’s too much, these people are really ruthless! “It’s really crying! This is simply a killing pig.

Li Min and Lu Bangxing looked at each other, but they didn’t gloat.

In fact, they also think it is too much.

When the Taxation Department was enforcing the law in the capital, it only checked the exemption tax, not the general tax. If the general tax had been checked at that time, it is estimated that the finances would have improved.

There are too many rich people in Tokyo.

Of course, there was no such condition at that time! Inside the witness lounge.

“Chen tax envoy, I will do exactly what you said.


” Batou said anxiously again: “But after I go out, that Yin Yuanwai will definitely not let me go.

” It wasn’t that he took the initiative to betray Yin Chengxing. He actually just found out that the tax department had already obtained all the evidence, and he also realized that he might be just a cover for the tax department. By the way, as long as the tax department presents all these evidences, Yin Chengxing will definitely think that he betrayed himself.

Yin Chengxing has such a large family business and is a veteran nobleman of the Hezhong Mansion. It is really easy for him to make a small stop! Chen Ming nodded and said: “If you can prove with your ability that you can help the tax department find out more taxes, then we will naturally protect you.

” Batou immediately said: “Please don’t worry, the tax envoy, I will definitely do a good job, and I will never collect this money again.

” “Good job! “Chen Ming nodded slightly. The tax department still needs people with rich experience like Batou, and the tax department will soon expand. This group of people will be the most loyal to the tax department.

Although they violated the rules, Chen Ming wanted to promote them.

After that, Chen Ming planned to open the door and go out, but just as he got to the door, he turned around again, “The fine for the one hundred guan and twenty hectares of land is your reward, this rule cannot be broken.

” Still have money? Batou burst into tears of gratitude, “Thank you tax envoy, thank you tax envoy.

” The tax of more than 3,000 yuan was not found out by him, and naturally it cannot be counted as his. If he was asked to check, he would not be able to check so much. After all, it is such a complicated tax that requires all kinds of talents. Check it all out.

After half an hour of adjournment, Zhang Fei came to the court again and announced that the trial would continue.

“Defendant, is there any problem with this account?” Zhang Fei asked first.

“No problem!” At this moment, Yin Chengxing could only slap his swollen face to pretend to be fat.

“That’s good!” Zhang Feilang said: “Although the defense has repeatedly emphasized that the defendant was tempted by the employee’s head, and the self-declaration was the first round of implementation, and he did not know the specific rules, which led Yin Chengxing to take chances .

The president of the court does not deny these statements of the defense, and even agrees with them. However, we cannot ignore one point. The defendant is not a three-year-old child, nor is he a young man who has just taken over the family business. On the contrary, the defendant is An educated, very shrewd, wealthy businessman and landowner.

His insight, his experience, and his intelligence are able to clearly judge whether a thing is illegal or not, and whether it should be done.

The defendant’s tax evasion is purely greedy, knowingly committed, premeditated, and planned, but unfortunately, the sky net is restored, and the evidence provided by the prosecution is conclusive. , with five times the amount of tax evasion as a fine, but he was the first offender, so he was exempted from punishment.

” There was a sound of surprise.

Most of the people sitting here did not expect that Zhang Fei would really give him a top penalty.

They think that the tax department is asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the spot, but they don’t know that they are here for the real thing.

Xu Zhiqian looked at the faces of those people, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she liked this moment very much.

On the contrary, Yin Chengxing was already prepared and sat there silently.

At this moment, Su Zhe suddenly stood up and said, “Our procuratorate reserves the right to prosecute Yin Chengxing for selling bootleg alcohol.

” He kept silent, just waiting for the accounts to be confirmed, because if he wants to sue Yin Chengxing for selling bootleg alcohol, he must use those accounts as evidence.

As soon as the words came out, there was an uproar.

This is really a wave of ups and downs! “Me!” Yin Chengxing even jumped up, but looked at Su Che, begging again.

Don’t you want money? I gave all the money, and you are here to kill me again, and let people live! Instead of chills down their backs, those members were pale, with their mouths open, unable to utter a sound.

They seem to have forgotten the procuratorate, the life-threatening department.

Wei Yingfang scolded fiercely in a low voice: “This **** procuratorate.

” Turning back again, looking at Cao Yi who just sat down, “How is the situation? “Cao Yi shook his head and said: “What they said is true. Just now someone outside told me that just before the trial, a large number of tax police and royal police suddenly appeared and sealed off their warehouses.

“”This is definitely a conspiracy.

” But Wei Yingfang didn’t care about his annoyance, and asked in a low voice: “Did you explain them clearly.

” Cao Yi nodded and said: “I just asked Li Min to pass on a message. If the other party really presents evidence, let them plead guilty immediately and don’t try to defend themselves.

” Wei Yingfang said: “Fortunately we did this, otherwise! “Having said this, he glanced at Su Zhe and rubbed his face angrily.

Even Lu Bangxing frowned and said, “This is too cruel!” Li Min glanced at Su Zhe, and said, “Prosecutor Su just reserved, maybe there is room for negotiation.

” As he spoke, he winked at Yin Chengxing again, telling him not to speak foolishly, and be careful, the procuratorate can’t afford to offend him! Yin Chengxing’s mind is completely muddled now, so he can only obey blindly. Li Min and the others were taken away silently.

The trial is still going on, and the imperial court has announced that the second defendant, Liu Zaichun, will appear in court.

As soon as this person came up, there was a lot of discussion inside and outside the courtyard.

It turned out that Liu Zaichun was none other than Wei Yingfang’s brother-in-law.

Liu Zaichun looked very calm, but if you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that his hands are trembling.

Qiu Zhengwen stood up, “According to the investigation of the tax department, Liu Zaichun’s income last year was about 18,000 guan, and he was required to pay 2,700 guan, but he only paid 300 guan last year, which involved tax evasion. The amount is as high as 2,400 guan.

Among them, the agricultural tax involves tax evasion, which is as high as about 1,200 guan, and the remaining 1,500 guan comes from the Goulan tile house, restaurant, gambling house, and transportation owned by their family.

” Lu Bangxing said in a strange way: “Is there any kind-hearted person who picked up all the ledgers on the street and handed them over to the tax department?

” Zhang Fei said: “The defense.

” “Sorry! I just couldn’t help it for a while! “Lu Bangxing quickly nodded to admit his mistake.

Zhang Fei turned to Qiu Zhengwen and said, “The prosecution, please continue.

” Qiu Zhengwen took over the words: “Although there is no well-meaning person to provide evidence, the tax department found out the businessmen who had business dealings with Liu Zaichun and obtained relevant accounts from them. According to our estimation, Liu Zaichun The income from spring trading is much more than declared.

“Can you still check like this? Liu Zaichun was dumbfounded. I have done so many business and cooperated with so many people, and you all have checked them all. What kind of ghosts and gods are you here?

Looking at Lu Bangxing and Li Min immediately.

The two of you looked confused, you didn’t tell us anything, you just gave me a look, I don’t know if it’s true or not.

Seeing that they were unreliable, Liu Zaichun retorted by himself: “Chief judge, they are spreading rumors and slandering me. My family only has a land deed of 30 hectares, but they say that I have evaded more than a thousand yuan in agricultural taxes. How can this be so?” Possibly?” Qiu Zhengwen said: “Did Liu Yuanwai read the tax department’s announcement concerning self-declaration rules?” Liu Zaichun immediately said: “Of course I have.

“Qiu Zhengwen said: “Then the Liu staff should know that the taxation department checked all the income, and only because of the special nature of the land tax, it stipulates that the income is one bucket per mu. Therefore, the taxation department will not only look at how much land you have. , It mainly depends on your income. According to the investigation of the tax department, your granary provided more than 20,000 shi of grain in November last year, but you did not fill in these in the self-declaration.

” “What are you doing! As soon as the words came out, Liu Zaichun suddenly shut up, and then argued: “I bought this with money, you should go to those who sell grain to collect taxes.”

” Qiu Zhengwen asked: “May I ask where you bought it from? “Liu Zaichun said: “Many people, I don’t remember.

“”Do you have credentials? “”No.

” Qiu Zhengwen said with a smile: “The person who sells your grain, is there a farmer named Chen Xiaoyu? “Liu Zaichun’s expression changed drastically, he hesitated and couldn’t speak.

Qiu Zhengwen said to Zhang Fei again: “Chief Judge, please call the witness Chen Xiaoyu.

” Zhang Fei said: “It is said that Chen Xiaoyu will go to court.

” But seeing a young man dressed as a farmer in his twenties coming to the court, Liu Zaichun immediately gritted his teeth when he saw this man, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Qiu Zhengwen said: “Chen Xiaoyu, what do you do?” Chen Xiaoyu said: “I am a tenant farmer of the Liu family.

” Qiu Zhengwen said: “The Liu family refers to Liu Zaichun’s family? “”Yes.

” “How much land did you rent from the Liu family? “” Sixty acres.

” “But according to the tax I declared last year, there are only 20 acres.

” “There are only 20 acres on the title deed, but it’s actually 60 acres.

“”Why is this? “I don’t know what method they used to count 60 mu of land as 20 mu.”

“Many people heard this, and couldn’t help but glance at Wei Yingfang. At this time, Wei Yingfang was already sweating profusely. Who is this tax department? This land has been hidden for so long.

Qiu Zhengwen asked again: “Then how can you prove that there are only 20 acres of land on the land deed, but you actually have 60 acres of land.

” Chen Xiaoyu said: “Because the leasehold between me and the Liu family is 60 mu, and I can measure it myself.

” “Thank you! ” Qiu Zhengwen said to Zhang Fei again: “I have the tax payment status of the land rented by Chen Xiaoyu, and the lease between Chen Xiaoyu and the Liu family.

” After the evidence was presented, Zhang Fei looked at it, and said to Liu Zaichun: “Defendant, what do you say about this? “Liu Zaichun glanced at Wei Yingfang from the corner of his eye, then nodded and said: “I plead guilty.

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