Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 603: Buying tax

This time, Zhang Fei sent Cai Jing to invite Yuan Jiang openly and aboveboard, and he didn’t hide it, so the officials soon learned about it.

You must know that the conflict between the imperial court and the transshipment department is now becoming more and more acute. Zhang Fei definitely didn’t invite Yuan Jiang to eat hot pot. Something must have happened in the middle.

So the next day, some officials came to the transshipment department to inquire about the news.

Yuan Jiang will tell them the truth about the tax purchase case.

“It’s unreasonable.”

He Chunlin couldn’t help getting mad when he heard this, “Their imperial court is really aggressive. They have just checked the tax over there and forced the government to pay each official a full salary. Here they have to review and buy taxes again. If things go on like this, no matter how much salt debt we issue, it won’t be enough to fill it in.”

Even Cao Yi, who has a calm personality, couldn’t help but said angrily: “Scholar Yuan, this Hezhong Mansion has more than 100,000 yuan of finances every year from the Maipufangchang. It’s just too much to be fair and ignore our difficulties.”

Yuan Jiang nodded and said: “Of course I also know this, but 60% of the more than 100,000 yuan of finance comes from the liquor tax, but Zhang San is only targeting the purchase tax, and did not mention the liquor tax.” .

In addition, Zhang San did not say that he would ban the mall, but only said that some people came to complain, so he asked me about related matters, but the specific judgment will depend on the evidence. “

Wei Yingfang said: “Scholar Yuan doesn’t know that the government will encounter many problems in collecting taxes, not to mention those wealthy people. There are some problems in it, but the government is doing this out of helplessness. The government can increase tax revenue and save a lot of costs at the same time, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone, and this system cannot be broken!”

Yuan Jiang nodded and said: “I also told Zhang San about the stakes. He said that he would also consider the government’s difficulties, but the details depend on the trial process.”

Cao Yidao: “Then if the imperial court prohibits the purchase tax, how should we deal with it?”

Yuan Jiang pondered a little, and tentatively said: “If he really has such a sentence, we must either appeal to the court, or we can only wait for the Han Temple incident to make a decision.”

But this time Wei Yingfang, Cao Yi and others did not agree, but chose to remain silent.

Yuan Jiang saw it, but didn’t say much.

This is all in his prediction, this is a heart-to-heart comparison, the imperial court moves too frequently, it is impossible for him and Zhang Fei’s double reeds to be effective all the time.

“Tabloids! Tabloids! Imperial Court Tabloids!”

I saw a young man bouncing around in the market, waving a few pieces of paper in his small hands.

It immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Because the imperial court is outside the city, the notices are only pasted in front of the gate of the imperial court. Many businessmen who buy tabloids find business opportunities. Whenever the imperial court posts notices, they will immediately order people to copy them into tabloids and sell them. In the city.

At present, in the entire Hezhong Mansion, the word “imperial court” is definitely top-notch. This kind of tabloid has never worried about selling.

“Brother, what case is the imperial court trying again?”

An uncle stopped the little brother.

“Buy the tax. The chief judge will hold a trial in person.”

“Will the chief judge personally try it?”


“Give me a tabloid quickly.”


The uncle immediately bought the tabloid, and the people around immediately gathered around. Seeing that it was a lawsuit about the purchase tax, they immediately started chatting.

“I’ve heard about this a long time ago. It seems that the villagers from the Xuewu Mountain came to sue.”

“What do you think the imperial court will judge?”

“Of course the villagers will win.”

“I hope that’s the case. This purchase tax is as abominable as the yamen’s army. It should have been abolished long ago.”

Soon, news about this lawsuit swept the entire Hezhong Mansion, because this lawsuit not only involved ordinary people, but also involved the interests of the government and businessmen, and there was a very complicated chain of interests hidden in it. It caused everyone’s attention.

Imperial Court.

“Teacher, those Puhu who were sued invited Li Min to defend them.”

Cai Jing handed Zhang Fei a statement of defense, and said, “Li Min refuses to plead guilty on behalf of them.”

After the last lawsuit and the issuance of salt bonds in recent days, everyone has realized the importance of Erbi. Whether there is Erbi or not is two different types of lawsuits.

Zhang Fei took a look, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

This is a good thing.

The good business of Erbi is precisely the embodiment of the success of the Public Security Bureau.

Shangguan was puzzled and said: “This lawsuit has solid evidence, how can they fight it.”

Zhang Fei glanced at him, “How many times have I told you that there is no lawsuit in this world that cannot be fought.”

Speaking, he said to Cai Jing again: “Since the other party has invited Er Bi to file a lawsuit, then we must also appoint the Legal Aid Department to file a lawsuit for those villagers.”

Cai Jing asked: “Are you asking Zhengwen to type?”

Zhang Fei hesitated for a while, and suddenly thought of someone coming.

At this moment, Li Si suddenly came to the door, “Third Brother, Mr. Fan please see me.”

I really miss Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Zhang Fei’s eyes lit up, and he said to Cai Jing: “Don’t go in a hurry, wait until I see Mr. Fan.”


“Xueshi Fan is here today, but he is here for the Legal Aid Department?” Seeing Fan Zhen, Zhang Fei asked straight to the point.

Fan Zhen hesitated a little, and asked without answering, “I heard that some villagers sued those tyrants because of the purchase tax?”

Zhang Fei nodded: “Yes.”

Fan Zhen asked again: “Will the imperial court appoint the Legal Aid Department to assist those villagers?”

Zhang Fei said: “Because the other party has already hired Er Bi to defend on their own behalf, our imperial court will also appoint the Legal Aid Department to help the villagers.”

Speaking of this, he smiled and said, “Is Fan Xueshi here for this?”

Fan Zhen nodded, “If the Legal Aid Department will assist those villagers in this lawsuit, then I am willing to join the Legal Aid Department to fight this lawsuit.”

Zhang Fei asked: “May I ask more, Fan Xueshi seems to be dissatisfied with this purchase tax?”

Fan Zhen nodded, and said truthfully: “The state owns the state law, and the family has the family rules. If the state law does not apply, it is really putting the cart before the horse. In fact, some people in the court have always opposed this matter, but it is a pity that the officials do not agree. Listen, since the establishment of the Self-made Second Government Regulations Division, more and more places have implemented this tax on purchases.”

Is this related to Wang Anshi? Zhang Fei didn’t hear Wang Anshi talk about this matter, and Fan Zhen and Wang Anshi were at odds, so just listen to it, and just said: “Fan Xueshi, if you join the Legal Aid Department, then your responsibility is to fight for the client. The long-term concerns of the family, the country, and the world are not within your scope of authority, and I also hope that Fan Xueshi can understand this.”

Fan Zhen nodded and said: “Don’t worry, Judge Zhang, this freezing three feet is not a one-day cold reason, the old clumsy also knows it, and I just want to seek justice for those villagers, not for anything else.” /

Zhang Fei nodded and said with a smile: “Then I wish Xueshi Fan a victory for the Legal Aid Department.”

“Thank you.”

Fan Zhen asked to join the Legal Aid Department that day, and Qiu Zhengwen was finally relieved. In fact, he also wanted to go to the bookstore, because he didn’t have any ambitions for family, country and world. Only money can reflect his value , it’s always doing free work, but it’s really boring.

But for Fan Zhen, on the contrary, money is just a cloud, and he has political ideals and aspirations.

Although he denied it on the lips, he still hoped that through this lawsuit, he could buy taxes against this scammer.

Since the other party has made it clear that he refuses to plead guilty, the imperial court must hold a trial. However, the imperial court did not say that it was very cautious. It was just an ordinary civil lawsuit, and it did not even issue an invitation letter.

The procuratorate is also watching from the sidelines.

However, on the day when the trial began, the entire imperial court was crowded with people and it was a dark place. You must know that it is winter now, and the weeds on the roadside are covered with a layer of frost, but this still cannot stop the people enthusiasm.

Of course, it is undeniable that some of them just came for the chief justice’s good looks.

At the same time, there were no empty seats inside, and there were many officials and scholar-bureaucrats. However, in this case, the interests of officials and scholar-bureaucrats were not completely consistent.

Many scholar-bureaucrats support Fan Zhen and oppose the purchase tax.

When Zhang Fei appeared in the royal court, the cheers were deafening, which made the Four Little King Kong very jealous. Now they hold courts to try some cases almost every day, but they have never received such applause from Zhang Fei.

As usual, Zhang Fei greeted everyone, and after sitting down on the patio, Xu Zhiqian immediately laid out a copy of the relevant document on the table.

After Zhang Fei looked at it, he suddenly called out: “Sheriff Ma.”

Ma Xiaoyi said: “Yes.”

Zhang Fei said, “The main suspects haven’t been found yet?”

Ma Xiaoyi shook his head and said: “Because those people usually live in remote places, and they are all in mountainous areas, I sent people to search around, but I didn’t find their shadow.”

Zhang Fei turned his head to look at Li Min.

Li Min immediately responded: “Several of our clients have also sent people to look for them, but it just so happens that they have no work these days, and they don’t know where to drink.”

The good ones don’t learn, but the bad ones learn quickly. Zhang Fei muttered, and then said to Fan Zhen: “Mr. Fan, the suspects directly involved in this case have not yet been found. If Mr. Fan requests, the chief judge does not mind adjourning for retrial.”

Fan Zhen smiled and said: “No need, because those people are only taking orders from the defendants, and we mainly want to hold these defendants accountable. Their absence will not affect this lawsuit.”

Zhang Fei nodded and said, “Since Mr. Fan has no objection, the trial will continue.”

Actually, Zhang Fei knew very well in his heart that Li Min must have come up with the idea to hide those minions hired by the outlaws, because if those people go to court, it will be very unfavorable to them in terms of perception.

It’s even worse if it helps the jury.

Bang bang bang!

Zhang Fei knocked the gavel three times, and said loudly: “Since the interests of many people are involved in this case, and the head of the court also likes to hear the views of the people, the head of the court decided to let the people participate in the trial. Come on, Sergeant Ma, you come and help the chief judge select eight assistant judges.”

“Choose me!”

“Sheriff Ma, choose me!”

At this moment, Ma Xiaoyi is the lover of the public, and everyone in front of the door is waving at him and giving him all kinds of winks.

Aside from other things, it is much more comfortable to just sit inside and watch the trial. Based on this, it is worth fighting for.

Moreover, as the number of shops in front of the imperial court increases, the rent also increases day by day, and the finances of the imperial court are gradually improving. Whether it is to assist the jury or witnesses, they can get some remuneration. The key is the sense of participation. , everyone wants to sit in it and have an addiction.

After all, the common people are more or less oppressed and exploited. They have dreamed countless times of eliminating the strong and helping the weak. This assistant judge, to a certain extent, can help them realize their wish.

Unfortunately, disappointment is always the main theme.

When the eight lucky ones are born, all that’s left is disappointment.

After the assistant jury is in place, the trial is about to begin.

The first person to appear in court was one of the plaintiffs, a woman in her thirties.

“My husband has recently contracted a disease, so I went to the market to buy more than 20 eggs that I saved at home, hoping to exchange some money for my husband to buy medicine, but those rascals suddenly came to me In front of me, not only took away half of my eggs, but also broke the rest of the eggs. They are really deceiving people. You pay me eggs, pay me eggs.”

The aunt suddenly broke out emotionally after speaking, pointed at Li Min and the others roared, then lay down on the table again, patted the table, and burst into tears.

The voices of indignation outside also followed the mood of the aunt, one after another, you snatched the eggs and smashed the rest, isn’t this driving people to a dead end?

As soon as the lawsuit came up, it seemed to directly enter Gaochao.


Zhang Fei knocked on the gavel, and said to the old lady: “Plaintiff, please try to control your emotions as much as possible.”

Auntie glanced at Zhang Fei, trying desperately to suppress her crying, but she still couldn’t help sobbing.

Zhang Fei had no choice but to wait patiently for a while, and then asked Li Min to ask questions when he heard the aunt’s sobbing.

Li Min stood up, “Wei Zhang, you said those people stole your eggs, did they run away after grabbing them?”

Wei Zhang immediately said: “They are responsible for stopping the money inside, so how could they run away?”

Li Min said: “I don’t understand this very well. You also said that their duty is to collect money, so how could they steal your eggs?”

Wei Zhang said: “They want to take half of my eggs, of course I don’t want to, and then they **** my eggs, forget it, they have the rest of the eggs, throw them all on the ground, I blah blah blah .”

Li Min asked: “Did they smash your eggs when you were about to leave, or did they smash your eggs when you were fighting for it?”

Wei Zhang sobbed: “It’s in the process of fighting.”

“I’m done asking.”

Li Min sat down.

The people outside the courtyard also responded to his question with boos.

Fan Zhen stood up, “Wei Zhang, is this the first time you go back to the market to sell things?”

Wei Zhang shook his head and said, “I probably go there once every two months.”

Fan Zhen asked: “As we all know, you need to pay taxes when you go to the market to do business. Generally speaking, how much tax do you have to pay for these twenty eggs?”

Wei Zhang said: “One will do.”

Fan Zhen said: “But how many eggs do those people want from you?”

Wei Zhang said aggrievedly: “Twelve.”

Fan Zhendao: “Can they explain why?”

Wei Zhang said: “No, they just asked me if I wanted twelve eggs, but we refused to give them. We said we wanted so many eggs, so we wouldn’t sell them, but they came to grab them.”

Fan Zhen said: “Someone saw it at that time.”

Wei Zhang said: “Everyone in the city has seen it.”

Fan Zhen picked up a piece of evidence, “Mr. Zhang, this is the testimony of some eyewitnesses in the market at that time, which can prove that my client did not lie.”


“I’m done asking.”

After Fan Zhen presented the evidence, he sat down.

Next, Li Min inherited Bao Xue and Gao Qiang from the Wushan Bazaar to testify in court.

“Mr. Gao, could you please introduce your relationship with the Xuewu Mountain Bazaar?” Li Min asked.

Gao Qiang said: “I bought the commercial tax of the Xuewushan market through the Pumaifang held by the government.”

Li Min continued to ask: “I don’t know how much you spent and how many years did you buy?”

Gao Qiang said: “In the beginning I spent 800 guan to buy it for a year, but I lost more than 300 guan in the end, so I didn’t plan to buy it in the second year, but the government saw that no one rushed to buy it, so I insisted. Forced me to buy it.”

The officials at the VIP table frowned and looked at Gao Qiang, as if they were saying, you guys are so daring, you sold us out without hesitation.

As everyone knows, this Gao Qiang also went to the government at first, but the officials couldn’t help it, and they were upset at the time, so they didn’t pay much attention to him, so he asked Li Min to fight for him under the introduction of a banknote dealer. Litigation.

Li Min told him to say that.

The people booed again.

Obviously, it’s not Gao Qiang who booed this time, but the government.

This made many officials feel that the imperial court is poisonous, and every time a case is tried, it can be brought to the head of the government.

But they don’t even think about it, if it has nothing to do with them, would they come here to see it.

Li Min asked: “It’s convenient for Gao Yuanwai to tell everyone, what did you do before?”

Gao Qiang said: “I used to sell salt with the villagers. Later, I saved some money and started buying and selling wine and horses.”

Li Min said: “How many years have you been in business?”

Gao Qiang said: “More than twenty years.”

Li Min asked: “Since you have been in the business for more than 20 years, you should have rich experience. Didn’t you do an investigation beforehand, and the 800 Guan bought the market tax of Xuewu Mountain and didn’t make money. “

Gao Qiang said: “Of course I have done some research. The villages on Xuewu Mountain are basically in the mountainous area, so they go to the market every month to trade some goods. The local market is not small, I count This year, I will be able to make money.

However, I also know that the government generally buys some remote areas that are not easy to collect taxes. I also recruited some people to watch them, but I never thought that the local people are tough, Not only did the people not pay taxes, but they often injured my people, which made me very anxious. In the second year, I didn’t want to do anything, otherwise, all the money I had accumulated through hard work would be lost on it. I was in the wine business, and I made a lot of money, so it was more worry-free. “

Li Min said: “The result?”

Gao Qiang said: “In the end, the government said that no one wants me to continue to do it. I begged everywhere, but it was useless. I can only be forced to continue to do it. The money is gone, I can only find some strongmen to collect taxes.”

“Thank you.”

Li Min nodded, and then said to Zhang Fei: “President, I have here a piece of evidence about the purchase of the Xuewushan market last year. In November last year, the government really took over the Xuewushan market. Going to rush to buy, but the result is that no one bids.

It can be seen that my client is really unwilling to accept this transaction again, but only accepted this transaction by force, and the price has not changed. In addition, it also includes the personnel arrangements made by Gao Yuanwai at that time, as well as the income of last year, which are enough to prove that everything my client said is true. “


The court police immediately presented this evidence.

Of course, Zhang Fei doesn’t need to read it, he will leave it to the Four Little King Kong for analysis.

Fan Zhen stood up and said, “Wei Zhang’s confession just now, the senior officials should have heard it.”

Gao Qiang nodded.

Fan Zhen asked, “Then do you know about this?”

Gao Qiang said: “I only learned about it in the past two days.”

Fan Zhen asked: “Did you not tell you what your subordinates did?”

Gao Qiang said: “Generally, you can’t say it.”

“Normally not?” Fan Zhen asked, “That is to say, this kind of thing happens often, so there is no need to report it to the foreign exchange?”

Gao Qiang glanced at Fan Zhen with a guilty conscience, coughed and said, “They only need to pay me the money, and I generally don’t care about other things.”

Fan Zhendao: “So Gao Yuanwai acquiesced in their doing so.”

“I object.”

Li Min stood up immediately, “The other party is trying to induce my client to answer.”

“Objection void.”

Zhang Fei said: “The defendant must answer this, because this involves a division of responsibility.”

Gao Qiang couldn’t help but glance at Li Min.

Li Min nodded.

Gao Qiang said: “I just ask them to collect the money, because of the lessons from the previous year, I also know that this kind of thing may happen, but I have no choice, otherwise, the money will be lost.” If they can’t collect it, maybe they will be injured themselves, and then I will have to pay for their medicine.”

Fan Zhen asked again: “Just then Gao Yuanwai kept saying, just take money, I don’t know how much Gao Yuanwai agreed with them, how much should I pay?”

Gao Qiang said: “Nine hundred guan, I spent 800 guan, earning this one hundred guan, it’s not too much.”

Fan Zhendao: “What I want to ask is, do you let them only charge 900 guan, or let them only pay 900 guan?”

Gao Qiang muttered for a moment, “Only pay nine hundred guan.”

Fan Zhendao: “Then I can think that it doesn’t matter how much they charge.”

Gao Qiang said: “If they can collect 900 guan, it’s not bad.”

Fan Zhendao: “Please also ask Gao Yuanwai to answer my question, whether it doesn’t matter how much they charge.”

Gao Qiang said: “I didn’t restrict them.”

“I’m done asking.”

Fan Zhen sat down.

Li Min stood up again and asked, “Mr. Gao, in the purchase contract you signed with the imperial court, is there any regulation on how much tax you can only collect each year?”

Gao Qiang shook his head and said, “No, the contract only states the price I paid, but it doesn’t state how much tax I can collect.”

“I’m fine.”

Subsequently, Fan Zhen reported that another victim appeared in court, a young man named Cao Qing. A rascal, like a grass bandit, broke into my house, robbed us of food, and even despised my wife.”

Crying is not crying, but the more I talk, the more excited I become, and I immediately beat the case.

Zhang Fei had no choice but to knock on the gavel, “Plaintiff, please control your emotions.”

Ma Xiaoyi also came forward and asked Cao Qing to sit down.

After Cao Qing sat down, Li Min stood up, “Cao Qing, did those rascals rush into your house without saying a word?”

Cao Qing was stunned for a moment, “That’s not true, my family only has more than 20 acres of land, but they asked me to pay four shi grains, which is double the tax. If I pay, then I will eat What?”

Li Min said: “So you refused them first, and they rushed into your house to take your food?”

Cao Qing said: “They collect taxes indiscriminately, why don’t you say it.”

Li Min said: “Please answer my question, is it because you refused to pay the tax first, and then they rushed into your house.”

Cao Qing said emotionally: “They wanted to charge me more taxes, so I refused.”

Li Min smiled helplessly, and said, “Afterwards, they rushed into your house.”

Cao Qing nodded.

Li Min said: “At this time, what is your wife doing?”

Cao Qing said: “My wife also wanted to come up to stop them, but I never thought that one of them would take the opportunity to hug my wife.”

Li Min said: “That’s why your wife came up to stop them first, and the two sides collided.”

Cao Qing said: “That prostitute deliberately hugged my wife.”

Li Min ignored him at all, but said to Zhang Fei, “I’m done asking.”

Fan Zhen stood up, “Did they explain why you have to pay so much tax?”

“No.” Cao Qing shook his head and said.

Fan Zhen said: “Then do you have any questions?”

Cao Qing said: “Of course I asked, but they told me to stop talking nonsense and hand over the food quickly, and we quarreled.”

“Thank you.”

Fan Zhen nodded and said to Zhang Fei, “I have no other questions.”

Next, the defendant Jin Dabao appeared in court. He was a white and fat middle-aged man with a rich appearance from head to toe.

Fan Zhen stood up, “Jin Dabao, when did you buy the two taxes in Gaoquan Township?”

Jin Dabao said: “I bought it in November last year, and I received this year’s tax.”

Fan Zhen asked: “Then do you know what the person you hired did at Cao Qing’s house?”

Jin Dabao said: “I only learned about it recently, and I only care about collecting money, and I don’t care about the rest.”

Fan Zhendao: “So you acquiesced in their behavior?”

Jin Dabao said: “The people I invite are all experienced people, and they can’t make mistakes.”

Fan Zhen asked: “What is experience?”

Jin Dabao said: “Those people used to work in the yamen, and they were responsible for collecting taxes. I told them, how the government usually tells you to collect taxes, then you should collect taxes. We don’t know how. There is nothing wrong with collecting taxes and learning from the government, right?”

A look of excitement flashed in Fan Zhen’s eyes, and he asked, “So you think the government usually collects taxes like this?”

Jin Dabao said: “I don’t know. If not, I would have to trouble them. I had agreed with them at the beginning, and I couldn’t keep an eye on them every day.”

Fan Zhendao: “I have no other questions for now.”

Li Min stood up and held up a piece of evidence, “Chairman, this is the statement we obtained from more than ten villages in Hezhong Prefecture. These statements can fully prove that what Jin Yuanwai’s subordinates did, The process of collecting taxes in the government on weekdays happens from time to time, and some people complain, but the government has never held them accountable.”


The officials in the VIP seats all look like they are unlovable. As long as they sit here, they feel that they are a vulnerable group, MD, and everything is blamed on them.

Aren’t you afraid of officials now?

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