Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 602: Tax to get tax


This is really embarrassing.

The intervention of the procuratorate at the beginning made them officials feel furious. They only felt that their dignity was insulted and their power was also suppressed.

However, it brought them fortune.

Let the slow-moving salt debt start to move.

What an irony.

Having said that, in fact, the country’s money is nothing more than two hands, power and integrity.

Of course, this power is always the foundation. Any means for the country to make money must be based on power, but integrity will be an indicator of how long this regime can last.

A regime with higher integrity will last longer.

And a regime without integrity is actually not much different from grassroots bandits.

Because when you lose your integrity, you can only use swords and guns to make money, and you cannot rely on other means.

And this is Zhang Fei’s economic theory of the public prosecution law, and it is also an important reason for him to persuade Zhao Xu to promote the public prosecution law.

Although the public security law does not involve finances, it can bring credibility to the country, and credibility can be transformed into more benefits.

At this moment, this scene is happening in Hezhong Mansion.

However, Wei Yingfang and the others still didn’t believe it, and they were unwilling to believe it, so they rushed to Tiju Changping Division in a carriage.

This promotion of Changping Division, referred to as Cangsi, is actually to upgrade the previous Changping warehouse into a super financial bureau, and the purpose is to serve the New Deal.

The main content of this new policy is actually to intervene in private transactions, strengthen the state-run economy, and use financial management techniques to amass more wealth for the imperial court.

For this reason, Yuan Jiang also carried out some transformations on this official office before, making the promotion of Changping Division more like a shop than an official office.

At this moment, this transformation finally comes in handy. At least it can handle multiple customers at the same time, and its efficiency has also been greatly improved.

When Wei Yingfang and the others rushed to mention Changping Division, they saw many people sitting inside, all of whom were well-known wealthy merchants in Hezhong Prefecture, mainly salt merchants and banknote merchants, and there were also a large number of subordinate officials. That goes in and out.

These officials can swear to God, they have never seen such a hardworking official.

Is it because the government decided to pay them salaries?

It shouldn’t be!

The price of paying salaries is to reduce their extra income and even reduce their authority. This is dissatisfying that there are many officials, and they should not work harder for this.

And Zhuo Qun’s words made them realize suddenly.

They will get five thousandths of it.

In other words, a salt debt of one million guan, of which 5,000 guan belonged to them.

The point is that there are not many people competing with them, they can only keep introverting.

Can they not work hard?

Can you not be courteous?

Even the businessmen felt an unprecedented respect. They didn’t feel that they were in an official office, but more like they were in a shop.

“Is this a contract?”

A chubby middle-aged man weighed the thick contract and said incredulously.

A subordinate official next to him said: “This is a contract, which our Bachelor Yuan brought from the capital. I heard that this kind of contract is already adopted in the capital, and the purpose is also to cater to the public prosecutor’s law.”

“Public security law?”

The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly lit up, and he asked with great interest: “Where do you start with this, and what does this contract have to do with the public prosecutor’s law?”

The subordinate staff knew very well that they did not believe in the government, but believed in the public prosecutor’s law, and explained very patiently: “In the past, these disputes were resolved in private, but since the public prosecutor’s law appeared, everyone is more willing to go to the imperial court Your Excellency should also go to the imperial court to see the lawsuit?”

The middle-aged man nodded vigorously.

All the rich merchants in Hezhong Mansion have been there, as have the common people, and there are more and more people, because at the beginning, many people were afraid of the government office and did not want to get involved, but now, the imperial court The review of the case is an entertainment project, so go and see it when you have time.

The subordinate official said again: “Because the imperial court only recognizes black and white, many issues must be written very clearly. If there is any dispute at that time, when going to court, everyone will have a law to follow.

Look at this contract, there is also a method of inheritance written on it. If the person who bought the salt debt encounters an accident, who will it be passed on to? If there is no designation, it will be calculated according to the inheritance law. If there is a designation, it will be counted according to the designation. You can even write many heirs. When the first one cannot inherit, we will count the second one.

Also, if Yanchi encounters a natural disaster, the government can exempt the interest and postpone the repayment. These are very clearly written. If there is a dispute, it is also clear at a glance how to deal with it when going to court. “

“I see.”

The middle-aged man nodded and said: “If you say that, then I have to read every word clearly.”

“That is inevitable.”

“But if you can’t read, what should you do?”

“You can find someone to help with this. Look over there, someone hired an ear pen to help you examine it.”

“Shouldn’t this be looking for a dentist?”

“I’m not quite sure about this, maybe it’s because Ya people only care about business matters, but it involves the law, many people still prefer to find ear pens, ask more clearly, and know the regulations It is beneficial to oneself, which regulations are beneficial to the government.”

“That’s right, then I have to ask an ear pen to help me analyze it, this is not a small business!”


In front of the door, a subordinate official bowed his hands to the father and son and said, “Congratulations to Mr. Xu for purchasing our company’s salt debt.”

“Congratulations! Congratulations!”

“Xu Yuanwai remembers that if the salt debt contract is broken, you can immediately bring your household registration to our company to go through the formalities, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.”

“Yes, yes, I remember. If there is nothing else, our father and son will leave first.”

“Walk slowly.”

Before leaving the house, the son asked his father, “Father, did we rush the purchase? This salt debt has to mature in three years. During these three years, who knows what will happen? What if the government refuses to accept the account?”

But the father said with a smile: “If the government refuses to admit it, there is no difference between one year and three years, because the salt is in the hands of the government. No matter what, you have to buy salt notes from the government .”

The son said: “But if it is salt money, it can be exchanged at any time. The risk is relatively small.”

“The risk is smaller, but it has little to do with the number of years.”

Father waved his hand, “It’s because of the existence of the Public Prosecution Law. You see, those related households were punished by the Public Prosecution Law, and those officials also accepted the punishment honestly. That’s why there are so many People come to buy this salt debt. But if we buy three-year debt, the profit will be much higher.”

“It’s all the same price, how can the profit be much higher? Does dad mean the interest?”

“You boy have not made any progress in these years! Think about it, the output of salt solution is fixed, and only so much is produced every year. Now all the million coins are due in three years, and the purchase of salt The person who owes the debt is not necessarily a salt merchant. At that time, one million pennies of salt will be locked in the salt bond. The price of salt will inevitably rise, and the salt bond will naturally rise accordingly. At that time, we can directly sell the salt bond to earn money. A sum, besides, there will be interest during this period, so the profit will be much higher!”

“So that’s the case. No wonder those people just now asked for repayment with salt when it was due, and no one asked for repayment of coins.”

“You only want to understand now, kid!”

Businessmen who dare to come to Hezhong Mansion to do business are all adventurous. The difficulties they have to face here are far more than those in the capital city. At the same time, they are also full of opportunism.

Not long after the government issued salt bills at that time, some people specialized in selling salt bills to make money.

These banknote merchants and salt merchants have long been eyeing the salt debt. They all think that buying salt three years from now will be more profitable than buying salt today.

The reason is very simple. When you buy salt now, you don’t know how much salt the imperial court has and how much salt it sold. The production of salt remains unchanged.

Three years later, the price of salt will inevitably increase, and there will be more room for manipulation.

Because they have three years to operate the salt after three years, and increase the price, plus interest every year, as long as the government does not default, the profit of this transaction will be greater.

They didn’t come to buy before, they were just calculating the risks involved.

However, with the intervention of the procuratorate, the risk is greatly reduced, because businessmen trust the public prosecutor’s law more.

Of course, the most critical point is that because the government has a monopoly on salt, merchants can only buy from the government. Unless you don’t do this business, otherwise, you must bear the risk.

However, the sale of salt bonds also drove another industry, that is the bookstore in front of the imperial court.

Due to the emergence of new contracts and the large amount of salt debt involved, the key point is that they now have to rely on the law to protect their rights and interests. Merchants are all looking for ear pens on their own to help them analyze the salt debt contract. The bookstores in front of the courtyard are all run by people from the capital. They are already familiar with this kind of contract transactions, and their eloquence is also very good, so the merchants entrusted other transaction contracts to the bookstore to write. .

This is really a wonderful start for a newcomer to the bookstore.

There are gains and losses, which also severely hit the dental industry.

Originally, all of these are the work of the dentist.

Obviously, the current tooth shop has not kept up with the changes of the times, and their familiarity with the law is far inferior to that of ear pens and tea eaters.

Actually, in many previous cases, many dental shops were involved, such as bullying the people and dominating the market, and practicing fraud. Part of the sale.

The officials have seen all this and know what is going on in their hearts, but they will not tell the real reason for it. Doesn’t that prove that the public security law is beneficial to their governance.

They began to praise Yuan Jiang.

Because on the surface of the salt debt, it was Yuan Jiang who came up with the lawsuit to deal with the salt bill.

Wow, this trick of salt debt is really expensive. It is welcome to pay more, and it can solve the urgent needs of the government.

Anyway, there is no mention of the public security law.

At this moment, the imperial court really has no time to worry about these things, and is not in the mood to compete with them for credit. It turns out that the last time to clean up evil, it seems to have opened a Pandora’s box, causing many wronged people to die. Come to complain.

Especially those people who are exploited by the government.

Zhang Fei is also busy with meetings with the Four King Kongs every day, but Zhang Fei still insists on one principle, that is, apart from fate, they only accept disputes that have occurred recently, and disputes before the arrival of the Public Prosecutor’s Law will not be accepted at all .

In addition, Zhang Fei has also gradually reduced the number of court sessions he has. For general lawsuits, he first holds a meeting with the Four Little King Kong, and studies each case. They get to practice.


Zhang Fei suddenly put down a piece of pleading paper in his hand, and found several from the side for comparison, “Why are there so many people suing this tax-buyer?”

Cai Jing immediately explained: “I am also planning to tell the teacher about this matter. The tax purchase contract was signed with the government last year, but the dispute happened in the early autumn of this year. We don’t know the imperial court Do you accept their lawsuit?”

“We’ll talk about this later.”

Zhang Fei waved his hand, and asked again: “What does this rush to buy tax mean? Can any of you explain it to me carefully.”

The four little diamonds looked at each other, as if they were asking each other, doesn’t the teacher even know this?

Xu Zhiqian on the side explained: “To put it simply, this is a tax package system, mainly for the taxation of some relatively remote areas, and it is mainly based on the commercial tax of the market. In some places, the government Even the two taxes are sold to merchants.

The government will set up special shopping malls, and all the taxes in these markets will be outsourced to the merchants. The merchants will pay a sum of money to the government on the spot to obtain the right to collect taxes. Get profitable. For the government, it is to reduce the cost of tax collection and obtain sufficient tax amount. “

Ye Zuqia further added: “The villages in those remote areas are very scattered. If the government sends people to collect them, the tax collected may not be enough for the labor cost, and because those places are too It is remote, and the government has insufficient control over the local area. Even if people are sent there, it is difficult to collect taxes, and they are packaged and sold to those who have the means to collect them. This can indeed reduce a lot of burden on the government.”

Zhang Fei nodded slightly, “This is a good way.”

Shangguan Jun immediately said: “But this is only good for the government, not good for the common people. As Cai Dunli said just now, the taxes in those places are relatively uncomfortable, so those who buy these taxes are almost wealthy people. They will invite some rogues to collect taxes locally, the more they collect, the more they earn, and as long as no one is killed, the government will hardly care, and there will inevitably be some extortion.”

Cai Bian said again: “The rush-buying system adopted by the imperial court is for those with the highest price to win. The higher the price paid by those wealthy people, the more ruthless they will be to collect money from the common people. And because Those places are too remote, and even if something happens there, the government may not know.”

Cai Jing added: “Even if they know it, it will not affect the governance of the government. Therefore, in the past, those common people could only fight by their own means, but they were also difficult to fight against the harassment of those rascals. Many people were deeply affected by it. But now, when they know that the public security bureau will defend the interests of every common people and will make decisions for the common people, they come to complain one after another.”

Do you think the Song Dynasty can play games, can trade anything, and can even contract taxes to merchants.

It really saves money and trouble.

But the common people suffered, and suffered greater oppression and exploitation.

While listening to their introduction about the purchase tax, Zhang Fei pondered, as if he was thinking about something. After they finished speaking, he asked, “So do you think this is reasonable?”

Shangguan Jun immediately said: “Students think this is of course unreasonable, the government must at least abide by the law, and those wealthy people are only seeking profit, no different from robbers.”

Cai Bian said: “But unless the imperial court exempts the taxation of those places, otherwise, there seems to be no other way. It can only be said to find a way to restrain those rich people, but in this way, those rich people will not be willing to participate in buying .”

“Really?” Zhang Fei murmured, and suddenly asked: “How many places in Hezhong Prefecture have the taxes paid to those merchants?”

“There are fifty-two places in the entire Hezhong Mansion.” Cai Jing replied.

Zhang Fei was surprised: “So many?”

Cai Jing replied: “Because there are many mountainous areas in Hezhong Prefecture, many villages are almost isolated from the outside world.”

“How much did you sell for?” Zhang Fei asked again.

Cai Jing replied: “More than 20,000 guan.”

“That’s not a lot!”

Zhang Fei nodded, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly said to Cai Jing: “Cai Jing, you go to the Transshipment Department, and ask Bachelor Yuan to come over.”

Cai Jing nodded and said, “Yes.”

Shangguan Jun hurriedly said: “How does the teacher plan to deal with these lawsuits?”

Zhang Fei said: “I plan to try this case personally, but you have to tell the Legal Aid Department that we only count the disputes that occurred this autumn, and we will not accept the rest.”

And over there, Yuan Jiang came here when she learned that Zhang Fei was making an appointment.

In a hut on the other side of the back mountain, the old and the young are sitting at the table, with a small hot pot in the middle, which is steaming and fragrant.

With the sale of the salt debt, it can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need of the government. If there is an additional income of one million yuan, the previous compensation and salaries paid to officials will not be considered a problem.

Yuan Jiang’s hanging heart also temporarily fell down, so even if Zhang Fei didn’t ask him to come, he still had to find Zhang Fei for a drink.

“Hehe, Chief Judge Zhang is really good at predicting things. Many big landlords use grain to buy salt debts, and almost all of them demand to pay back the salt when it is due.”

“It’s not hard to guess.”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “First of all, this year is considered a bumper harvest year, and there are no natural disasters. The food supply is relatively sufficient, and there is no condition for food prices to rise.

Secondly, the emergence of the Green Crop Law has suppressed the interest rate. It will be difficult to obtain huge profits with usury loans, at least in the next year. Although the interest rate of 1.5% is still higher than that of salt debt, You can’t borrow too much. Instead of putting the grain in the warehouse to mold, it’s better to use it to buy salt bonds. Not only can you earn interest, you can also manipulate the price of salt, and you are expected to make a lot of money in three years. “

“That’s what happened.”

Yuan Jiang nodded, and said worriedly: “But if they really increase the price of salt in three years, it will cause public resentment.”

The annual output of the salt pond is only three to four million guan, which is equivalent to selling one-third of the salt in advance. These salt merchants and banknote merchants are enough to control the salt price.

The current price of salt is not cheap in the first place. If it is raised again, those common people cannot afford it.

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “In terms of the contract, the imperial court only guarantees to repay the interest every year, but there is no guarantee. The price of salt will be high at that time. , to stabilize the salt price.”

Yuan Jiang wondered: “There must be enough salt.”

Zhang Fei only said: “The imperial court will send people to solve this matter, and Bachelor Yuan needn’t worry at all.”

Yuan Jiang couldn’t help taking a look at Zhang Fei.

Salt removal will definitely not increase salt production. If it is necessary to mobilize salt from other places to stabilize it, then the transportation cost will also raise the price of salt, which is meaningless.

There is only one place where salt can be used for this trick, and that is Xixia salt.

However, after Zhao Xu ascended the throne, he immediately issued a death order, prohibiting the import of Xixia salt, in order to hit Xixia’s economy.

It can be seen that Zhang Fei didn’t want to say more, so Yuan Jiang didn’t ask any more. Instead, he said: “But the issuance of salt bonds is a waste of money after all. Disarmament can indeed leave a lot of money, but that can only offset the current situation. The lack of finances, after three years, the Hezhong government’s finances will be reduced by one million guan, which is also a very dangerous thing, within three years, can tax revenue alone increase so much?”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “The current tax revenue of Hezhong Mansion cannot make up for it, but the ancients said that if you plant melons, you will reap melons, if you sow beans, you will reap beans, and if you sow taxes, you will also get taxes!”

“Pay tax and get tax?”

Yuan Jiang couldn’t help being taken aback, “How is this tax paid?”

Zhang Fei said: “This one million guan is enough to pay the salaries of the officials and the compensation of the soldiers, and there will be a lot of money left over. The money can be used to build water conservancy and roads, build water conservancy, and increase the yield per mu. Build roads to make it easier for business travelers to do business. In this way, more taxes can be generated, which is called taxation and taxation. At the same time, promoting Changping can also do business, trade goods, and borrow money.”

Yuan Jiang said: “Actually, the construction of water conservancy and roads is also stipulated in the Young Crops Law, but can this be used to generate a tax of one million?”

Zhang Fei nodded and said: “Yes.”

Yuan Jiang said in surprise: “Why are you so sure?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “On a wide and flat road, even if you drive with your eyes closed, you can run fast, but on a narrow and rugged mountain road, no matter how skilled you are, you still have the risk of falling off the cliff.

The public security law has expanded and paved the road. Any policy of the government has achieved ten times, or even a hundred times the effect of the previous one. Coupled with the arrival of the tax department, a tax of one million yuan has been planted in three years. Absolutely It is possible that even if it is a little less, it can be made up by reissuing salt notes and salt debts. “

Yuan Jiang caressed her beard for a while, then suddenly raised her glass and said, “The old man will wait and see.”

Before, he might not have believed it, but now, he just feels very looking forward to it.

After talking about this matter, Yuan Jiang asked again: “By the way, why did you ask me to come today?”

Zhang Fei said: “Buy the tax.”

Yuan Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked: “Is there a commoner coming to complain?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “It seems that Bachelor Yuan also knows about this situation.”

Yuan Jiang sighed: “How can I not know, but there is no way. If the court sends people to collect taxes every year, the taxes may not be enough to offset the cost, and it will cause a lot of trouble. It is thankless. !”

Zhang Fei said: “But if this continues, our public security law will be affected. A group of rogues will collect taxes. One can imagine what will happen in the middle. If our public security law cannot make decisions for those people, the authority of the public security law will be greatly reduced. , so I decided to hold a trial on this case.”

Yuan Jiang said: “But this lawsuit may hit the prestige of the government again. The previous injunction lawsuit has already aroused dissatisfaction among the officials. You are coming again soon, which is like adding fuel to the fire. I’m not very comforting at times.”

Don’t look at his stubbornness, but every time he obeys the judgment of the imperial court, the officials are already holding back their anger. If the frequency is too fast, he will be embarrassed!

If he finds a way to back down again, maybe they will see it too.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Scholar Yuan doesn’t need to appease them, this time let them have their own way. We always cooperate internally and externally, coaxing them is not the same thing, the judiciary is very serious, it is everyone’s responsibility It should be complied with, so it is also time to let those officials know that if they lose this lawsuit, they must be held accountable.”

Yuan Jiang was stunned and asked, “Are you sure?”

Zhang Fei nodded confidently.

Yuan Jiang asked again: “Will that have an impact on finances? The rush-buying system can relieve a lot of financial pressure.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Bachelor Yuan, don’t worry, it won’t, because the tax department will solve these problems, and I also plan to use this lawsuit to welcome the tax department’s arrival.”

Yuan Jiang said: “Isn’t the tax department coming next year?”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “I have asked them to try to arrive by the end of this year.”

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