Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 555: The first battle of the three redundancies (eight)

“What happened?”

As soon as he returned to the backyard, Xu Zhiqian quickly greeted him.

“Good job!”

Zhang Fei smiled.

“Good thing?”

Xu Zhiqian looked at Zhang Fei in astonishment, “I heard that many soldiers came outside?”

Zhang Fei nodded and said: “They already know the news about disarmament, but they don’t trust the procuratorate, so they hope that our imperial court can make decisions for them.”

Xu Zhiqian’s eyes flickered for a moment, and she glanced at him with a smile, “In this way, it’s in your arms, and the bond with the interests of the soldiers is completed.”

Zhang Fei nodded, “As we discussed before we came, we must first subdue these soldiers and win their trust, otherwise, we will not be able to fight against those local snakes.”

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly, “It’s just that this is much smoother than I imagined.”

“You can’t talk too much.” Xu Zhiqian handed Zhang Fei a secret letter.

Zhang Fei was stunned, “Whose letter?”

Xu Zhiqian said: “Scholar Sima, guess what it says?”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Is there any need to guess, it must be for me to target the young crop method.”

Xu Zhiqian asked in surprise, “How did you guess that?”

“Because it’s part of my plan.”

Zhang Fei took the letter, opened it and read it, his eyes lit up, “Perfect! It’s exactly as I expected.”

Xu Zhiqian said: “But if we do this, will it hinder Xueshi Wang’s new law?”

Zhang Fei said: “An illegal new law is difficult to last, and it is not what Wang Xueshi is pursuing. If it is, then there is no way.”

Just as he was talking, Li Si ran over, “Third Brother, Mr. Su Xiao is here.”

“Mr. Su Xiao is really a gentleman.”


“He must have come to apologize.”


As Zhang Fei expected, when Su Zhe saw him, he immediately cupped his hands and said, “Sorry! I still caused trouble for your imperial court.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said, “I hope our statements are consistent.”

Su Zhe was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “There is only one truth, as long as we are not lying, it should be the same.”

Zhang Fei said: “I will give a verdict as soon as possible to stabilize the morale of the army.”

Su Zhe asked: “You don’t seem to be worried at all about whether the government can spend so much money and whether the soldiers can be stabilized.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said: “Because I will help them stabilize. Mr. Su Xiao should also have heard that our imperial court is discussing the amendment of the usury law.”

Su Zhe frowned and asked, “What’s the relationship between these two things?”

Zhang Fei said: “One of them is what to do when the other party can’t afford it. This is similar to this military salary lawsuit.

I will not force the government to take out so much money to make up for the soldiers’ salaries immediately, because this will affect the operation of the court, so we will let the government conduct a financial and debt assessment, and pay a little every year to ensure that it will not affect The government is functioning normally.

If this case is successful, it will also apply to civil disputes. We cannot allow those rich households and landlords to easily take away the farmer’s fields and children, but at the same time, we must ensure the interests of those wealthy households and landlords. “

“I see.”

Su Zhe nodded slightly, and said again: “In this way, if soldiers want to get back their own military pay, they must rely on the imperial court.”


Zhang Fei said: “It’s the entire public security law.”

Su Zhe smiled, and said again: “Before I thought that you suddenly wanted to amend the law against usury to help the young crop law.”

Zhang Fei was taken aback for a moment, but did not answer directly, but asked with a smile: “I don’t know what Mr. Su Xiao thinks about the young crop method?”

Su Zhe said very resolutely: “I don’t agree. Look at those people whose families were ruined by usury, is it because the interest is doubled? Even if it is two cents, most of them can’t afford it.

For the sake of stability and official career, the government will not lend to these poor people who are too risky. It is the safest way to lend to the rich. , neither can help the people who really need it, but at the same time will make those rich families ruin their lives. “

As long as the purpose of the government is to make money, everything will remain the same.

There is only one reason why Yaqian has become a cancerous tumor. The imperial court cannot lose money!

We can only find those wealthy households who can afford to pay to **** the goods. Anyway, if there is an accident, no matter what the reason, the imperial court will directly confiscate it.

Since the court planned it this way, the officials must also plan it this way.

That Shi Tingjun is a typical case. The officials switched the goods from the imperial court, and then caused an accident. The imperial court then confiscated Shi Tingjun’s family wealth.

All the best.

Zhang Fei said: “That’s why our imperial court has to quickly amend the law to ensure that even if the people can’t afford it, they can’t force the people’s families to die. At the same time, we have to let the people find a way to pay back the money.”

Su Zhe was startled, with a puzzled look on his face.

It turned out that he had also received a letter from Sima Guang just now, and learned that the Qingmiao Law would come to the Hezhong Mansion, and he was thinking of the imperial court’s revision of the law on usury.

It is conceivable that once the imperial court introduces stricter laws to crack down on private usury, the Youth Law will simply win!

So Su Zhe suspects that this is Zhang Fei’s conspiracy.

But Zhang Fei’s words also made him realize that this is a double-edged sword. Since it can restrict the lending of big landlords, it also restricts the government’s lending.

It’s really hard to say.

You can only watch the follow-up.


However, as news continued to come from the capital.

Although the imperial edict has not yet arrived, in all likelihood there will be no mistakes.

This is the young crop law, disarmament, and usury, which makes the entire Hezhong Mansion in turmoil.

Wei Yingfang and the others were already stupefied.

It’s getting so complicated!

What’s going on!

At this moment, no one dared to act rashly.

At this moment, the imperial court suddenly announced that it would issue a verdict on the prosecution of the procuratorate.

This is more like a sap, making everyone dizzy.

They judged before that the military salary was just a cover for disarmament. Now that the imperial court has decided to disarm, do you still want to judge?

Is this the same thing?

All the officials came to watch the trial today with confusion. They really didn’t know how the imperial court would judge.

It was even darker in front of the gate, with tens of thousands of soldiers rushing to the imperial court, directly breaking the imperial court’s review record.

Although most people can’t see the specific trial process, the venue is limited after all!

But they all also hope that they are also uneasy now when they learn of the verdict as soon as possible.

Did the imperial court use disarmament to threaten our compensation for military pay?

If you award the court compensation, will the court pay? Will we be fired again?

When Zhang Fei came to the court, there was no sound in the courtyard, and the inner anxiety made them whisper unintentionally, it depends on how you judge.

At the beginning, it was Su Zhe who explained their prosecution and showed the specific evidence.

Soon, the imperial court passed Yuan Jiang to the court.

“Bachelor Yuan, do you have any objections to Prosecutor Su?” Zhang Fei asked gently.

Yuan Jiang just shook his head.

Zhang Fei continued to ask: “Scholar Yuan shook his head, does it mean that the evidence presented by the procuratorate is all facts, and the government has indeed defaulted on and deducted the military salaries of these 500 soldiers.”

Speaking of which, he lowered his head and glanced, and read to him: “The amount is nine thousand four hundred and thirty-seven and six hundred and ninety-one coins.”

Yuan Jiang nodded and said, “Yes.”

Zhang Fei asked again: “Scholar Yuan first came to Hezhong Mansion, do you really understand the situation?”

Yuan Jiang said: “The official has also checked, and this number is not wrong.”

Of course there is nothing wrong with these numbers, and the evidence is very complete, because this is provided by the military camp and the transshipment department, it is impossible to make mistakes.

The government wants the imperial court to judge, do you dare to let the court bleed?

Zhang Fei asked again: “Did the Yuan scholar check it out, why did the government default on and withhold the soldiers’ salaries?”

Yuan Jiang said: “Because the imperial court’s finances are poor, it is difficult to pay so much military salary.”

Zhang Fei asked: “I wonder if the imperial court has a plan to repay it?”

Yuan Jiang shook her head and said, “No.”

Zhang Fei asked: “So the court intends to renege on the debt?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone inside and outside the courtyard was dumbfounded.

Don’t you represent the imperial court?

Is this separation of politics and law really so complete?

Yuan Jiang said: “This official doesn’t know, because the amount of military expenditure is determined by the third department.”

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and said, “I know that too. But can someone report the deduction and arrears of military pay to the Third Division?”

Yuan Jiang’s expression froze immediately, and then wiped the sweat from her forehead, “As far as I know, no…no.”

Zhang Fei asked again: “Is it because everyone thinks that the third division will definitely renege on the debt?”

Yuan Jiang shook her head and said, “Of course not.”

Zhang Fei continued to ask: “Then why didn’t you report it?”


“Bachelor Yuan thinks this is a dereliction of duty?”


Ask as you like, I won’t say anything.

There is no way to talk today.

Hasn’t it been like this since ancient times?

If you want to give them all the money, how can they be reimbursed for eating and drinking with public funds?

Zhang Fei waited for a long time, seeing that Yuan Jiang had already settled down, he didn’t force it, and said with a smile: “Thank you, Bachelor Yuan, for testifying in court.”

Yuan Jiang quickly got up and fled.

There was a burst of boos outside the courtyard at the right time.

Bang bang bang!

Zhang Fei knocked the gavel a few times, and when he calmed down, he said in a loud voice: “It’s only natural to pay back debts, as stipulated by the law and morality.

The sage said that people cannot stand without faith, businesses cannot prosper without faith, and a country will decline without faith. Therefore, don’t underestimate it, this is just a few thousand guns, once the country loses its credibility, this must be the beginning of a country’s decline.

The president of the court understands the current financial difficulties of the imperial court very well, and is also very clear that the imperial court is indeed unable to spend so much military expenditure for the time being.

Actually, these are very common and common things, and no one has any difficulties. But what makes the president very dissatisfied is that the government has no response to this. What the chief judge saw was that the government didn’t take it seriously, didn’t take it seriously, and just wanted to renege on the debt.

This does not seem to be advocated by Confucianism! The president of the court does not know whether Confucianism is so tolerant, but the law absolutely does not allow it.

Therefore, after review by the chief judge, the evidence of this case is convincing, and the government must make up for the owed and withheld military pay of the five hundred soldiers, and each of them must pay interest on the usual money, as well as punish the government for their negative behavior. Its five hundred guan. “

Before the words fell, there was an uproar inside and outside the courtyard.

The officials couldn’t help but widen their eyes and looked at Zhang Fei in shock.

Brother! What a trap!

Are you stepping on it so hard?

He encouraged the soldiers to sue, because he was sure that the imperial court would not dare to judge, because the imperial court would not pay compensation.

But they did not expect that the imperial court not only dared to sentence, but also imposed interest and fines.


Doesn’t our government want to lose face?

After being hardened, Zhang Fei changed the subject: “However, in view of the current financial difficulties of the court, there is really no extra money, so the president of the court allows the court not to pay compensation for the time being, but it must be paid within one month. Come up with a compensation plan.”

“Why are you?”

But seeing an old master standing up, “You are just an ear pen. Why should you judge the government? This is who gave you the power. If you have to pay for it yourself, we will not talk to you.”

After speaking, the old master flicked his sleeves and walked towards the gate.


Zhang Fei shouted suddenly.

Two court policemen immediately blocked the old master’s way.

The old master turned his head and glared at Zhang Fei, “What? You still dare to arrest the old man? Do you know…!”

“I don’t need to know.”

Zhang Fei said: “I only know that you are contemptuous of the imperial court now. The chief judge will sentence you to prison for seven days, and you can pay fifty pieces of redemption copper as compensation.”


“Take it!”

The two court policemen went up immediately and lightly grabbed the old master.

The old master was stunned.

In the boundary of Hezhong Mansion, is there anyone who dares to arrest the old man?

“Chairman Zhang…”

“What? Do you also want to go in as a companion?”

Zhang Fei tilted his head to look at Wei Yingfang.

Wei Yingfang shrank suddenly.

I’m a general judge, you… you dare to catch me?

Other officials were also dumbfounded.

For a long time, although Zhang Fei was hateful, he had never targeted them and was very tolerant. Today, Zhang Fei suddenly became ruthless, which shocked them all.

Zhang Fei seemed to guess what he was thinking, and looked around, “I advise everyone, don’t try to challenge the law in the imperial court, because you are not qualified.”

After that, he picked up the gavel, but he didn’t hit it.

Give you a chance to challenge.

Come on!

Try it!

The air seems to freeze at this moment.

Cai Bian and Chen Qi were extremely nervous, which was not expected.

After waiting for a long time, no one made a sound, Zhang Fei then dropped the gavel, “Leave the court.”

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