Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 47: The source of all evil (Part 2)

House prices in Bianjing?

Isn’t this about lending money?

Zhang Fei’s thoughts jumped a little fast, even Ma Tianhao couldn’t keep up, and he was a little confused: “Bianjing’s housing prices are notoriously high, I don’t know why you ask this?”

Zhang Fei asked instead, “Why is the housing price in Bianjing so high?”

Ma Tianhao said: “There are fewer people in this place, so naturally it will be taller.”


Zhang Fei nodded with a smile, and said: “Even outsiders think that Bianjing’s house price is very high. One can imagine how many people can afford it. However, if no one cares, the price will naturally not go up.” Go, it can be seen that there are quite a few people who bought it, this is because all the rich people in Song Dynasty live in Bianjing.”

Before Zhang Fei finished speaking, Ma Tianhao suddenly asked: “You mean, let me lend money to people who buy houses?”

As expected of an old Jianghu, my reaction is fast, and I won’t let me pretend to be forced for a second. Zhang Fei smiled and nodded: “Exactly.”

There is a lot of demand and high prices. Isn’t this the natural soil for lending?


Ma Tianhao looked up and laughed.

The laughter is full of sarcasm.


Zhang Fei also laughed.

When he smiled, Ma Tianhao immediately stopped smiling and asked, “What are you laughing at?”

Zhang Fei asked back: “What are you laughing at?”

Ma Tianhao suddenly showed disdain, and snorted: “I laugh at you for overthinking your own abilities, it’s a fantasy. You need to teach me this? Do you know how high the house price in Bianjing is? Not to mention whether you can do it or not.” Even if you can lend so much money, who would dare to borrow it?”

The house price in Bianjing can easily be in the tens of thousands, who can afford it!

The corner of Zhang Fei’s mouth raised and he said: “I thought that as a member of the ranks, you are the head of the line, and you are also a trainer, so your views will be different from others, but I never thought that it is generally superficial!”

This kid doesn’t think he is in a lawsuit, does he? When begging for help, the words are still so stinging. Ma Tianhao had already seen that Zhang Fei wanted something, but the boy’s tone made him very uncomfortable, he waved his hands and said: “OK, okay, just treat me as superficial, then you kid, talk about it, what is sophistication?”

Zhang Fei replied: “If everyone is already doing this business, it’s like lending money to those poor farmers. Then what should I say to the staff? Isn’t this a waste of everyone’s time? If you want to say something, just say something Only when no one has done business, can it be profitable.

As for the questions raised by the staff, they are actually easy to solve. The first is the risk. If I were to help the outsider to sign the contract, there would be almost no risk. “

Ma Tianhao was surprised: “What did you say, there is no risk?”

“Almost none.” Zhang Fei corrected.

Ma Tianhao asked: “Why is there almost no law?”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “Lending money to buy a house is definitely a lot of money, so what is the collateral? Of course it is the house!”

“No! No!”

Ma Tianhao shook his head and said, “I borrow money to buy a house, and then use the house as collateral, so what am I going to do? I might as well buy it myself, and the other party will pay two months’ interest. If you don’t want to live in it, just don’t want the house. “

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I haven’t finished yet. Lending money to someone to buy a house doesn’t mean you have to borrow the full amount. You can borrow two-thirds and the other party pay one-third, or Borrow one-third, so that if the other party can’t pay back, the member will deduct the house, which is equivalent to getting this one-third of the rent for nothing, and based on the house price in Bianjing, one-third is quite a lot!”

Ma Tianhao nodded slightly. This idea is not bad, but it is useless alone. He glanced at Zhang Fei and saw that the kid was planning a plan. , They are all borrowed from relatives and friends, after all, the interest we give is too high, such a large amount, it may be difficult for the officials of the DPRK and China to pay the interest.”

Since this one-third is a lot, how low can the remaining two-thirds interest be?

Zhang Fei said: “As I said before, your method is simple and rude, and it is very easy to get involved in a lawsuit. Although you have made money, your reputation is bad. Therefore, you need to change your method.”

Ma Tianhao asked: “What method?”

Zhang Fei replied: “If Yuanwai lends an ordinary person ten thousand dollars, calculated by the most popular current multiplier, the profit of one year is only ten thousand dollars. If he lends an official ten thousand dollars to buy a house, even if he The monthly interest is one cent, but there is also a profit of one hundred!

In addition to this, there is the length of time. How those people were forced to death was because the time was too short, but if the time was stretched to ten years, the situation would be quite different. “

“One cent interest? Ten years?”

Ma Tianhao almost didn’t pop his eyes out. He must be a psychopath. He said angrily and amusedly: “Are you teasing me here as a three-year-old child? Borrowing 10,000 guan and borrowing 1 guan can be the same thing Is it?”

There is a calm and calm smile on Zhang Fei’s face, “I’m definitely not changing the concept secretly, this is the way to make money. Yuanwai is doing lending and trading, so coins are the goods of Yuanwai. I don’t know if I’m right. ?”

Ma Tianhao nodded.

Zhang Fei went on to say: “Businessmen are the most taboo to hoard goods, but I can guarantee that outsiders only take out 30% of the coins for lending, and the remaining 70% are stored in the money bank to become moldy.”

Ma Tianhao snorted: “What’s wrong with this? It’s less risky.”

It is tantamount to admitting in disguise that there are not so many in fact. This is all caused by the gap between the rich and the poor. For ordinary people, ten pennies is already a lot, but for wealthy businessmen like them, it is really a drop in the bucket. There are quite a few people who come to borrow money, but the total amount borrowed is only that much.

Zhang Fei said: “The method I used before did take a long time and the interest rate was low, but I can guarantee that all the money from Yuanwai will be borrowed soon. Before that, only 30% of Yuanwai’s coins were generating interest, and it was extremely low. Stable, now all the money is generating interest, and it is extremely stable. Calculated in this way, the income is obviously much higher than the former.”

Ma Tianhao said: “Extremely stable? Why do you say that. If you borrow a lot, the risk is naturally high. If you are not careful, you may lose everything.”

“Forget what I just said, there is almost no risk.”

“It’s hard to guarantee just relying on the house mortgage.”

Ma Tianhao said rather cryptically: “You can borrow tens of thousands of guan, you don’t have to think about it, you are either rich or expensive, how can I provoke him!”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “This requires me, a person who is proficient in the law, and I can help Yuanwai and the court to reach an agreement. The government does not need to open the court, and will directly sentence the house to the outsider, or take the house to be closed, and return the coins to the outsider, so as to ensure that the outsider gets a lot of profit.”

“You have this ability?” Ma Tianhao asked in surprise.

Zhang Fei said unhappily: “This is the only thing I can do.”

Ma Tianhao was taken aback, and suddenly realized that, as Zhang Fei said before, Zhang Fei’s purpose was to help him avoid the lawsuit. This is a legal issue. Fei can do what he says, and he can indeed avoid lawsuits.

But can Zhang Fei really do it?

Ma Tianhao expressed doubts about this, “You have misunderstood, I am not referring to your means, but now the imperial court is full of hostility towards you, how can you do it.”

Zhang Fei said: “I don’t need to worry about this, I have my own way, and I will get the approval of the current emperor.”

Is it so powerful? Ma Tianhao didn’t quite believe it. He frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “You sound very nice, but in my opinion, the risk is still too great. Even if you can do it, who can guarantee it? After I lend the money, the imperial court will not go back on it?”

Zhang Fei was silent for a while, and said: “Dare to ask Yuanwai, can you guarantee that the court will not find a reason to confiscate Yuanwai’s property tomorrow?”

Ma Tianhao frowned and remained silent.

Zhang Fei added: “Nowadays, the only thing that can protect Yuanwai is the law. If Yuanwai doesn’t even believe in the law, who can protect Yuanwai’s property from being embezzled?

Secondly, I think that with Yuan Wai’s current wealth, if he still blindly pursues wealth, he will put the cart before the horse and bring himself to perish. Wealth without the blessing of power belongs to others.

Wai Yuan should think of ways to improve his status, increase his influence, and even get his hands on power. Coupled with the law, he can ensure that Yuan Wai has no worries. “

Ma Tianhao frowned, and suddenly raised his hand to fish the table, but found nothing, and couldn’t help cursing: “Why hasn’t that kid bought the wine yet?”

Zhang Fei really wanted to light a cigarette for him to ease his nervousness, but it was a pity that there was fire but no smoke. matter.”

Ma Tianhao glanced at him and said with a smile: “I’ve heard that you are not afraid of death. I saw you today. It’s really better to meet you than to be famous!”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “Everything I do is aboveboard. I even dare to sit in front of the Kaifeng mansion and talk about it with the staff.”

Ma Tianhao smiled and nodded, “Then you can talk about your integrity.”

“Low interest.”

“Low interest rate?”


Zhang Fei smiled and said: “The members of the staff should also know that in the past thirty years, the imperial court has had a lot of dissatisfaction with private lending, and even this dissatisfaction has reached the moment of blowout. It jeopardizes the stability of the country. It can be seen that this is already very serious.

If Yuanwai gave an astonishingly low interest rate at this time, although it only involves mortgages, one can imagine how much impact it would have on the entire industry.

At that time, Yuanwai will become a banner and will be supported by many virtuous officials in the court. This is the business model they want. So whoever wants to move to this banner in the future is tantamount to saying that the imperial court is more eager for the people to raise interest.

And this kind of scruples will make the staff worry-free. “

Ma Tianhao’s eyes flickered, he pondered for a while, and suddenly said: “All the officials owe me money, it may not be a good thing!”

Zhang Fei laughed and said: “Officials owe money to Yuanwai, which proves that officials recognize the interest of Yuanwai. Every year, officials want to buy a house. If there is any mistake in Yuanwai, ask who will lend them money and weigh the pros and cons. They will not I will do stupid things. And I will also provide support to non-members from the law.”

Ma Tianhao looked directly at Zhang Fei for a while, then suddenly nodded with a smile and said, “As expected of Er Bi, he is really eloquent, but I have one last question.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said, “Where can I get the money?”

Ma Tianhao laughed: “It seems that you have indeed made enough preparations. Not bad! Although I have some money, if I spend all of it to buy a house, it will be a drop in the bucket.”

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