Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 309: Brother, vulgarity is king!

Chapter 309 Big brother, vulgarity is still king!

As soon as Zhang Fei returned to the office, he immediately brought prosperity to the store.

On the counter in front, there was an endless stream of scattered “great benevolent people”.

In the back hall, there are more and more wealthy businessmen.

But it is not difficult to see that the front cabinet and the back hall represent two groups respectively.

Many of those who went to the front cabinet to donate were domestic servants, and behind them was a huge class of scholar-bureaucrats.

Scholar-bureaucrats send people to donate a little money to express their support for the idea of ​​hiding wealth for the people.

This is purely political.

Under this banner, and with the endorsement by Sima Guang, the head of the conservative faction, if the fundraising fails, Wang Anshi and the others will definitely make fun of it.

Absolutely not.

Even if they hate Zhang Fei, they still have to give a little support, at least make a noise and let the officials see who the f*ck is the truth.

However, the wealthy businessmen in the backyard are not in favor of hiding wealth from the people. They come here for only one purpose, to seek risk avoidance.

Because of the current situation, the situation is really turbulent, and everything is in danger.

Especially the case of Wang Hong, which actually gave many people a great deterrent.

After the lawsuit was over, no one classified Wang Hong as an honest official or a corrupt official. Because Wang Hong worked so hard to collect taxes, not out of greed for money, but his policy philosophy represents the old system and interest groups.

But the result was tragically demoted.

These wealthy businessmen are all very nervous. With their status, no one would evade taxes. But now that even Wang Hong can’t bear it, can they bear it?

This is the biggest difference between them and the literati class. In fact, many literati also know the secret, but they still have certain privileges, and they are not so panicked.

These wealthy businessmen are different, they are not a privileged class, like the Fan family, no one in the family is an official in the court, and they have been able to make it to this day, all relying on their own wisdom and conduct.

But if the imperial court wants to kill them, they must be killed, because they have money but not much strength, and they know this very well in their hearts.

At this time, an article by Sima Guang brought charity organizations into their field of vision.

It can be seen that Zhang Fei has the right time, place and people.

It’s hard to think about it or not!

It’s the second watch.

The office, which had been bustling for a whole day, finally gradually calmed down.

Zhang Fei dragged his exhausted body to the counter, and saw that the accountants sent by Li Guozhong were all resting on the table, exhausted.

“Old Fan, give them the usual money.”


Fan Li nodded, and asked again: “Is it from the charity organization, or from our account books.”

Zhang Fei pondered for a while: “Calculate from my personal account.”


As soon as the money was issued, all the accountants became energetic again.

They just came here to help, but they didn’t expect that they would be paid the usual money directly.

As expected of Zhang Sanlang.

Sure enough.

“Third brother, the food is here.”

I saw Li Si walking in with a wooden basket.

Only then did Zhang Fei remember that he didn’t seem to have eaten all day today, so he hurried to the backyard and called Xu Zhiqian who was still busy to eat together.

When Xu Zhiqian started working, she was worse than Zhang Fei. When eating, she was still reading an account book.

“Can’t you eat with peace of mind?”

“Huh? What did you say?”


Zhang Fei rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Xu Zhiqian asked again: “That’s right! Although we received donations of 500 hectares of land today, they were mainly from Xiangguo Temple and Baifan Building, and the rest of the wealthy businessmen didn’t donate much.”

Zhang Fei explained: “Our charitable organization is completely different from Xiangguo Temple’s tax avoidance method. They use Xiangguo Temple to avoid taxes, just in name, and everything else remains the same. into its own granary, but once the land is donated to our charity, we tend it.

What they ask the most today is how the money will be returned to them. In our regulations, there are only two rebate regulations. The first one is to use 10% of the total profit to distribute to their descendants living expenses.

The second is to let their children serve in charitable organizations.

The rest depends on operations. For example, Chen Maoqian, he hopes to donate as much money as possible so that the court can build more public rental housing. Ya holds it, he can use it to take back the profits. “

Xu Zhiqian said: “But obviously they still haven’t moved them.”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: “This is normal. Many of them still don’t know how this charity works, so they just donate a little land to understand the operation mode of the charity, but I believe they will donate the land in the end.”

Charity is a technical activity, not a direct transfer of benefits, but an indirect one. In fact, this is also a test of the vision of rich businessmen like them. For those who have a long-term perspective, like Fan Zheng, he can see the mystery of it.

Donating directly to the imperial court, instead of donating to the common people, this is a very interesting phenomenon, and it is worth exploring.

Xu Zhiqian nodded slightly, and said: “In the final analysis, you still have to make a profit, and you have to make a lot of money. After all, you have to meet their needs, and you have to donate to the court and the people.”

Zhang Fei nodded and smiled, “Correct.”

Xu Zhiqian said: “How much money can you make just by making movable type?”

Zhang Fei said: “Of course we can’t rely entirely on movable type workshops to make money. We also have carriage rental services.”

Xu Zhiqian said: “That’s not enough.”

Zhang Fei said: “Don’t worry, you can think about it slowly. Eat first, eat.”

The second day was still hot, no matter whether they came to donate or come here to inquire about news, there was an endless stream of wealthy businessmen.

But for now, there is still a lot of thunder and little rain, and everyone is still groping.

One morning, Zhang Feizhen didn’t even take a sip of tea, and kept explaining the regulations of the charity to them.

It wasn’t until noon that Zhang Fei got a chance to breathe. He was just about to have lunch with Xu Zhiqian when Wang Anshi and Lu Huiqing suddenly came.

Zhang Fei could only welcome Wang Anshi and Lu Huiqing to the private room inside with a hungry stomach.

“Zhang San, you didn’t do it very kindly!” Lu Huiqing half-jokingly said as soon as she sat down.

Zhang Fei was very cautious: “What does Lu Xiaokan say?”

Lu Huiqing said with a smile: “We are the ones to do this villain, and the reputation is all taken up by Bachelor Sima. You don’t know, the reputation of Bachelor Sima these two days is really thunderous.”

Although Sima Guang is the head of the conservative faction, his current reputation is actually not top-notch, because there are Han Qi, Fu Bi, Wen Yanbo and other veterans of several dynasties on top, and Wang Anshi, a great literary figure, is beside him. There are also rising stars like Su Zhe and Su Shi.

But this article, as well as the popularity of Bianjing Law Firm, really made Sima Guang earn enough traffic to become a top streamer.

Because everyone thinks that the popularity of the firm is all because of Sima Guang. This fact speaks for itself, coupled with people’s echoes, so many people become Sima Guang’s little fans, little fans.

Wang Anshi, who stands on the opposite side of Sima Guang, is not a villain.

Although Lu Huiqing was half joking, she was actually expressing her dissatisfaction.

Zhang Fei also knew it in his heart, so he nodded straightly and said, “It’s true that I didn’t think carefully about this matter, and I didn’t expect it to attract so much attention, but I promise, I will try my best to help you publicize the new law.”

Wang Anshi laughed and said: “It’s okay! It’s okay! Jifu was just joking with you, if I can make them pay for it, it’s okay even if I am a big villain, anyway, I will be the big villain. “

After a pause, he said again: “We came to you today to let you help me promote the new law.”

Speaking, he put a piece of paper on the table, “This is an article I wrote, mainly to explain the concept of the new law. Take a look.”

Winter is about to enter. Wang Anshi hopes to complete the publicity by the end of autumn, promulgate the new policy in winter, and fully implement it next year.

But in terms of publicity, Wang Anshi is completely convinced, and he still has to leave it to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei took it over and took a look. This article is mainly to explain the concept of Na Junshu method, but there is still a foreshadowing in it, which is the front of Yamen.

Obviously, Wang Anshi first publicized the Junshu method, and then the Yaqian method.

After Zhang Fei read it, he suddenly frowned: “Didn’t Wang Xueshi say that I will arrange the promotion?”

Wang Anshi was stunned for a moment: “That’s why I gave you the article. You can see when is the best time to publish it.”

Zhang Fei said: “Since Scholar Wang entrusted me with the propaganda, shouldn’t he inform me of the specific regulations of the new law, instead of writing an article for me, just let me print it for you.”

Lu Huiqing asked: “Is there any problem with this article?”

Wang Anshi also looked at him puzzled.

Based on your child-level level, can you see that there is a problem with my article?

Are you talking nonsense?

Zhang Fei said truthfully: “This is art, but not propaganda.”

After Wang Anshi finished listening, he stroked his beard and smiled: “Okay, okay, you can save your flattery! Just your writing style, let you shoot, you can’t get the point, you have already let you do more Practice, you don’t listen.”

I’m not good enough? With your level of propaganda, you deserve the failure of your new law. Zhang Fei satirized in his heart, and said seriously: “No, I’m serious, I’m not flattering, Master Wang’s article is really well written, but it’s only suitable for collection and study, not for publicity. “

Seeing that he didn’t seem to be flattering, Wang Anshi was confused.

What is your standard.

Lu Huiqing also wondered: “Isn’t it okay to write a good article?”

Zhang Fei patiently explained: “Propaganda is not like that. Propaganda is to attract everyone’s attention and arouse discussion. It is only necessary for the sentences to be smooth, and the content is the key.”

Wang Anshi was upset, “Is my content bad?”

Zhang Fei said: “Every word is accurate and accurate. But people like me are not interested in the content of this kind of article at all, because I don’t know how to appreciate it at all.

And the people who can appreciate this article are only a small group of people, but the new law is about the people of the world, not for that small group of people. The content of this propaganda must arouse the interest of the people. “

Lu Huiqing nodded slightly.

Wang Anshi was dissatisfied and said: “Then why did you ask Sima Junshi to write an article again? There are not many people who can appreciate his article, but he has achieved great success. Why can’t I do it instead?”

Zhang Fei smiled wryly and said: “It’s different, I just want to fool the small number of people, uh no, my charity organization is just to attract the small number of people to donate money, it’s fine for these people to like to watch it, the common people watch it Don’t look, it has nothing to do with me.”

Wang Anshi said: “I just wrote for this small group of people, and the ones I want to persuade are the officials of the DPRK and China.”

Zhang Fei scratched his head with a headache, “Scholar Wang, it’s not necessary for anyone to be suspicious, and the employer is not suspicious. Since you choose to hand over the promotion to me, it’s up to me.”

Wang Anshi frowned tightly and did not make a sound.

Lu Huiqing knew what Wang Anshi was thinking.

His new method does not use his articles, which will definitely make people think that Wang Anshi is afraid of losing to Sima Guang again.

I lost last time.

Moreover, when they came to the door at this time, they also wanted to suppress Sima Guang’s prestige.

But Lu Huiqing also thought that what Zhang Fei said made some sense, so he said: “Zhang San, this method is from the hands of my teacher. If my teacher didn’t write it, it would be unreasonable. I will publish this article first, and then you can write it.” Promote.”

Zhang Fei secretly glanced at Wang Anshi, and probably guessed what he was thinking, nodded helplessly and said: “Okay!”

But his expression really hurt Wang Anshi’s inner pride. Last time I lost on the technical level. This time I also asked you to print. How could I lose to Sima Guang?

I really don’t believe in this evil. Wang Anshi said angrily: “That’s it.”

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