Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 26: A dead horse looking for a doctor

“Miss Xu, if you had a mirror at this moment, you would know how insulting your expression is now.”

Zhang Fei looked at Xu Zhiqian, who opened her lips slightly and squinted at her, and said rather depressedly.

Xu Zhiqian closed her lips and asked, “You can’t be talking about yourself, are you?”

Zhang Fei nodded, and said, “This is my impression after visiting Erbi Hutong just now. Is there any problem?”

Xu Zhiqian can’t open her eyes and tell nonsense, saying that Zhang Fei is uglier than those people, and she dare not ignore Zhang Fei’s achievements. After all, this man dared to surrender himself for the crime of deceiving the king. No, said lightly: “They don’t have money to invite you.”

Zhang Fei shrugged his shoulders, and said calmly: “There is no way, I am born with a strong sense of justice, I uphold justice, I never take money, and I am even willing to pay back, you can go back and ask your father about this. “

Xu Zhiqian frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: “But if you don’t make money, how can you move away from my house as soon as possible?”


Zhang Fei was very surprised and said: “I just found out that the two of us are like-minded people, old-fashioned, warm-hearted, and willing to do good. I thought Mrs. Xu would let go of her prejudice against me.”

Xu Zhiqian immediately said: “I have no prejudice against you, I just don’t like strangers living in my house.”

“That’s it!”

Zhang Fei coughed: “Actually, while helping them, it is also helping me earn a living.”

Xu Zhiqian said: “How do you say that?”


Zhang Fei said: “I think fame is the most important thing in our business.”

Xu Zhiqian said: “You are very famous now.”

Zhang Fei said depressedly: “Yes. I am very famous now, but who would invite someone who offended Erbi from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Judgment Court?”

This kind of Erbi people really has never appeared before.

As long as you are not stupid, you will not do this.

Xu Zhiqian couldn’t help but joked: “Then you plan to change your name?”

“That’s not necessary.” Zhang Fei smiled and shook his head: “As long as I can prove that I can still win the lawsuit, then people will naturally let go of their concerns about me.

Moreover, helping the strong to bully the weak is not a skill, as long as I can open my mouth, if I can help the weak resist the exploitation of the strong, then I can show my ability and become famous more easily.

With fame, people will naturally come to me to file a lawsuit, and naturally I will have a livelihood. “

I know it’s not that simple. Xu Zhiqian secretly despised Zhang Fei, but said: “You explain to me so patiently, do you need my help?”

“Xu Niangzi is really smart.”

Zhang Fei snapped his fingers and said with a smile: “Although I intend to help them, they don’t know my existence, and I don’t know their situation. And Mrs. Xu, you often teach them the law, so you must know There are few people, I hope Mrs. Xu can tell them that if they have needs, they can come to me, everything is free, and I will try my best to help them fight for their own interests.”

Xu Zhiqian looked at Zhang Fei suspiciously.

To be honest, she didn’t trust Zhang Fei at all, no matter how good Zhang Fei said, she always felt that this guy was a bad guy.

It can be seen that this first impression is extremely important.

Zhang Fei naturally knew it in his heart, so he said again: “I know Miss Xu doesn’t trust me, but why doesn’t Miss Xu think about it, first of all, those villagers have nothing worth worrying about; second, when those villagers are oppressed by the big landlord At that time, the end is usually very miserable, and no one from Erbi is willing to help them. Take a step back and say, even if I am cheating them, they will have nothing. The result will not change, but if I Those who sincerely help them may be able to help them overcome difficulties.”

Xu Zhiqian thought for a while, and said, “Aren’t you afraid of offending those powerful people?”

Zhang Fei said disdainfully: “Can the rich and powerful surpass Sima University?”

Seeing his proud appearance, Xu Zhiqian couldn’t help thinking, the Sima University scholar is an upright gentleman, following the way of a villain like you, if you really use power to oppress you, you will probably be decapitated long ago, what a good look you have of.

Seeing that she looked uncertain and did not speak, Zhang Fei asked, “Miss Xu, what do you think?”

Xu Zhiqian was slightly taken aback, then suddenly remembered something, and said: “Speaking of this lawsuit, I think of something.”

Zhang Fei hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter?”

Xu Zhiqian said: “It’s about a contract dispute.”

Zhang Fei’s eyes flashed sharply, and he said excitedly: “Contract dispute?”


Xu Zhiqian nodded and asked again: “Why are you so happy?”


Zhang Fei smiled awkwardly, and asked again: “Tell me quickly, what’s going on?”

He was overjoyed. It turns out that there is a kind of lawyer in later generations who specializes in helping the poor in litigation, but it is not of the nature of assignment, or the nature of obligation, and it is also for the benefit.

The target is the rich opposite the poor, or the government.

Zhang Fei proposed to help the poor to file lawsuits for free, which is exactly the way he went.

First of all, he is unwilling to be a supplement to the government. The so-called tea eaters are just officials outside the establishment, and they only earn some hard money.

Then you might as well go to Dali Temple.

Secondly, this industry has obviously been monopolized by several big bookstores. This is a business problem. He is alone, how to attract customers, those businessmen must find these big bookstores, after all, they are stable, and the only customers who have not been monopolized by these big bookstores are the very ordinary villagers.

Although they can’t afford lawyers’ fees, as long as property disputes arise, they can rely on lawsuits to obtain compensation, so that lawyers can earn money.

Finally, he also considered the general environment. Currently, Wang Anshi’s new law is ready to go. In Wang Anshi’s new law, there are many regulations that are beneficial to the poor and at the same time attack the landlords. This shareholder wind is not borrowed for nothing, and he has already borrowed it several times.

Xu Zhiqian did not hesitate, and immediately informed Zhang Fei of the dispute.

It turned out that this happened to a family of self-cultivating farmers in Xiangfu County under the administration of Kaifeng Prefecture. He was seriously ill, and his wife was forced to borrow ten strings of money from a local rich gentry to treat the illness.

Because the farmer was ill for more than half a year and was unable to cultivate the land, he could only rely on some needlework done by his wife to get by, so he could not repay it in the coming year.

According to the contract, he must compensate the rich gentry for the only 20 mu of good land in his family, but the 20 mu of good land is their family’s ancestral land. It will be postponed for another half a year.

Unexpectedly, the rich gentry fell in love with his wife and asked him to use her to pay off the debt. His wife also knew that her husband cherished her ancestral land very much. So he voluntarily used himself to pay off the debt.

In the end, the farmer used his wife to pay off the debt.

Unexpectedly, this year the rich gentry came to collect debts again.

In the original compensation contract, it was only stated that his wife was only paying the principal, without mentioning any word about interest, and interest was the bulk, and after another year, he owed even more.

As a result, the ancestral land was not kept.

After Zhang Fei heard this, he couldn’t help being a little angry, and immediately said: “This is clearly a fraudulent act.”

Xu Zhiqian said: “But in this kind of lawsuit, the government only looks at the contract. Although the farmer is illiterate, there are witnesses reading the contract. It’s just that the farmer was thinking about his wife at the time and didn’t pay much attention to it. As for being cheated by that rich gentry.”

Zhang Fei frowned, and asked, “Aside from these things, do you think there is something wrong with this contract in terms of law? For example, is the interest in it legal?”

Xu Zhiqian said: “Although there is a rule in my court that the interest rate should not exceed seven cents, but because many wealthy businessmen not only borrow copper coins, but the common people do not use copper coins to pay back, if it is a money transaction, it is not easy to set a price, which often leads to civil disputes. The interest rate is as high as twice as high. As far as the farmer’s contract is concerned, if it is really converted, it has reached as much as twice as much, but the government generally ignores it.”

Zhang Fei glanced at Xu Zhiqian and thought, she is more proficient and experienced in contemporary laws than me, if she can’t find any problems, then this lawsuit will be impossible!

Xu Zhiqian rolled her eyes and said, “Can you help this farmer get justice? If you can do it, I will help you.”

It seems that she is planning to die as a living horse doctor! I knew she wouldn’t take advantage of me. Zhang Fei thought for a moment, and said: “I have to meet this farmer in person, understand the specific process clearly, and then make a judgment.”

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