Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 10: It’s the taste of hometown!

In fact, Bianliang didn’t know about it, and there was a new situation in the case. Bianliang’s official document only asked Xu Zun to return to Dali Temple to take up his post, and didn’t even mention the case.

But the meaning is obvious, that is to let Xu Zun go back and insist on his own judgment.

After all, Dali Temple is the highest court, and Xu Zun’s return is obviously more beneficial to the faction that supports him.

This is already a political arrangement.

Since it was a political struggle, the prosecuting officer Cao Yan would not be so stupid as to rush in by himself, so he repented at the door. In fact, he could be tried at that time, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

He chose to give up, entirely out of political considerations.

Xu Zun didn’t expect this to happen, he just insisted on his principles, and now he hasn’t changed his original intention, and now that he has become a judge of the Supreme Court, he can’t compromise, he simply dismissed the case All the personnel were taken to Bianliang for trial.

In fact, he also has a small thought, and he still hopes to return the problem to the law itself.

Because it is not his wish to provoke a political struggle.

It’s not too late, after all, it’s only been so long and so many things have happened, Xu Zun didn’t dare to procrastinate any longer. Two days later, he hurriedly took Zhang Fei and others to set off for Bianliang.

After traveling for several days, the group finally arrived at Bianliang.

For Zhang Fei, it is really like entering another country, and its prosperity is really jaw-dropping and amazing.

Looking around, the streets are crowded with people, the traffic is busy, and the boats on the river are also constantly flowing.

Although Dengzhou is relatively prosperous in business, it does not feel like a super metropolis like Bianliang.

You must know that Zhang Fei has seen the world, and he has also seen the street appearance in the late Qing Dynasty from some images of the late Qing Dynasty, but he feels that this is incomparable with the scene in front of him.

He even believes that this scene is closer to modernization than the late Qing Dynasty.

One of the important factors is that the streetscape of Bianliang is very irregular and completely open to the outside world. Instead of high walls facing the street, there are shops, sheds, and yamen. The facade is really pitifully small, just like a latrine, it looks very chilly, and it is incomparable with the facade of the big restaurant next door.

It can be seen that Bianjing is already highly mixed with commerce, administration, and transportation, so there is no sense of closure in the feudal society.

One of the very, very key reasons why the Song Dynasty is so special is that the Song Dynasty did not suppress mergers, not that it did not suppress business.

If you don’t suppress business, you won’t be able to develop it to this extent.

After all, the country’s economic fundamentals are still agricultural.

But without suppressing mergers, it is possible.

Suppressing mergers is mainly to tie the people in the fields. When you don’t suppress mergers, a large number of people who lost their fields can only come to the city to make a living, so that there will be such prosperity.

With so many people trying to make a living, closed management is impossible.

With limited space, citizens want to break down the walls in order to make a living by doing business.

In fact, in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the rulers still hoped to inherit the Lifang system of the Han and Tang Dynasties. The street is open, so that not only will there be more places to make a living, but it will also be convenient for business. After some struggles, the rulers of the Northern Song Dynasty finally chose to turn a blind eye and close one eye.

But it was not until Huizong’s period that the Northern Song government formally collected “invasion street house corridor money” from these street-facing shops.

In fact, the easiest and clearest way to judge whether an industry is legal is to see whether the country taxes it. As long as it is taxed, it must be legal, which is much more reliable than the law.

Because Xu Zun was originally a Beijing official, he had his own residence in Bianliang.

But when Zhang Fei came to Xu Zun’s residence, he was disappointed. It was completely different from the mansion he had imagined. Although it was very clean, the area was not small. But it looks rather dilapidated. The key is that the gate only allows two adults to pass side by side.

Zhang Fei couldn’t help but sighed: “Grandfather, you are too honest.”

On the road, Zhang Fei often discussed the law with Xu Zun. His many opinions not only won Xu Zun’s heart, but also made Xu Zun’s eyes shine. The relationship between the two became closer. Zhang Fei They have all changed their name to Xu Zun as “benefactor”. Of course Zhang Fei took the initiative, because Zhang Fei knew very well that his only backer in this world was Xu Zun.

Xu Zun hehe said: “This is still rented.”


Zhang Fei was even more surprised, and said again: “This is wrong! As far as I know, the salaries of our officials in the Song Dynasty are very high.”

Xu Zun said with a wry smile: “But the housing price in Bianjing is even higher! Of course, with my salary, if I save it for about ten years, I can still buy a house like this, but because we Beijing officials often They are dispatched to work in various places, so it is not cost-effective to buy a house, and most officials in the DPRK and China buy houses after returning to their hometowns.”

Suddenly, a feeling of hometown came over his face, which made Zhang Fei feel very familiar and comfortable, and said: “Doesn’t it mean that if you don’t become an official, you won’t be able to afford a house.”

Xu Zun didn’t answer this question, but instead asked with a smile: “What? Do you have the heart to get fame?”

Zhang Fei was stunned, and said: “Very good! But I can’t pass the exam.”

“Not promising.”

Xu Zun looked at him contemptuously and said, “You haven’t even passed the exam, so how do you know you can’t pass the exam.”

Zhang Fei said dejectedly: “Is there still a test for this? Go ahead and count the Jinshi, don’t you know? Didn’t Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty say that you can see beauty and ugliness by using people as a mirror, oh no, you can understand gains and losses .”

It’s no wonder that he has no ambition, who made him born in an era when geniuses were born in large numbers, count them up, Su Shi, Su Che, Su Xun, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Fan Zhongyan, Bao Zheng!

Since ancient times, the Han and Tang dynasties may have had their own discussion when it comes to military commanders, but in terms of numbers, the Tang Dynasty may have the upper hand, but when it comes to discussing the official celestial regiment, there is no doubt that the Song Dynasty must be number one.

In this era, Wenquxing is extraordinarily bright and bright.

This is why the Tang Dynasty was able to fight all the way to Lake Baikal, while the Song Dynasty was able to fight all the way to the south of the Yangtze River.

Although Zhang Fei has excellent grades in school, he is not the kind of super genius who is ranked among the top 100 in the country. In addition, the current knowledge is different from what he has learned, and he is past the age of learning.

There is a great possibility that even if he spends his whole life, he still won’t be able to obtain fame.

The risks are not directly proportional to the benefits.

But Xu Zun couldn’t help but admired him, saying: “Could it be that you want to be a citizen of Erbi for the rest of your life?”

Zhang Fei thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: “Grandfather, can you send me to be an official?”

Xu Zun never thought that this kid would say such a sentence, he immediately gave him a look, and said with contempt: “If you think like this, then don’t be an official.”

Not to mention, if Xu Zun really had the heart, he could really recommend Zhang Fei to become an official, because the Northern Song Dynasty had a system of grace, and it was impossible to cause redundant officials in the Northern Song Dynasty based on the imperial examination alone.

Genius is limited after all.

The Enyin system in the Northern Song Dynasty has become more and more rampant. When the emperor celebrates his birthday, he may give you a quota of Enyin. As a result, not only the sons and relatives of officials can become officials, but even their own students can become officials. Can be recommended to go to the government to become a petty official.

It can be said that one person attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven.

Of course, those who really occupy high positions are those geniuses who came from Jinshi.

During this period, if you don’t have knowledge, you really can’t get in, because there are too many geniuses.

The most famous ones are the famous general Di Qing and the traitor Gao Qiu.

It’s a pity that Xu Zun has always kept himself clean. He still has several places in his hand, but he never uses them. He doesn’t even want to give his son a place, but he doesn’t need to give it. The emperor rewards his son directly. , just left Beijing at the beginning of this year to take up his post.


Suddenly heard a burst of hearty laughter from the door, “It’s not unreasonable to have a friend come from afar!”

Zhang Fei looked back, but saw a middle-aged man about forty years old in a gray-green gown coming in the door.

“Seek far.”

Xu Zun couldn’t help being overjoyed when he saw this person, he quickly walked up to him and bowed his hands in a salute.

This person’s name is Liu Zhao, an official to the living room, and he is Xu Zun’s classmate and close friend.

Liu Zhao bowed his hands and received a salute, and said with a smile, “Congratulations, Brother Zhongtu, for being promoted to Dali.”

Pan Dali’s full name is Pan Dali Temple Affairs. Simply put, it is the chief executive of Dali Temple. After Yuanfeng restructured, he officially changed his name to Dali Temple Minister.

“Ashamed! Ashamed!” Xu Zun shook his head and sighed, “This promotion is really a surprise!”

Liu Zhao stroked his beard and burst out laughing.

Xu Zun showed shame, and said again and again: “Let’s go! Let’s go to the room and talk.”

Speaking, he dragged Liu Zhao to the house.

Hearing that they had something to say, Zhang Fei wanted to follow them to find out the news, but was stopped by Xu Yuan.


“Brother Zhongtu is really a blockbuster this time!”

After sitting down, Liu Zhao said with a smile.


Xu Zundao: “It’s fine for others to laugh at me, you laugh at me too. I definitely don’t want to show off, it’s just.”

Liu Zhaodao: “It’s just that you love to compete with the law.”

Xu Zun sighed: “When do you think my problem will be corrected!”

Liu Zhao withdrew his smile, “If you ask me, I think this problem is pretty good.” Having said that, he sighed again, and said, “It’s just that there has been an undercurrent in the court recently, it’s not you It’s a fault!”

Xu Zun hurriedly asked: “What is the situation in the court today?”

Liu Zhao sighed: “After you dismissed the judgment of Dali Temple again, there will be a censor impeaching you for interfering with the judiciary. At the same time, they demanded that the case be handed over to the officials.

Afterwards, the officials handed over the case to Wang Jiefu, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and Sima Junshi for discussion. The two of them disagreed with the sentence of the heinous crime of the woman!

However, the two had a great controversy about whether to surrender themselves or not. Wang Jiefu believes that your suggestion should be adopted, but Sima Junshi believes that there is no objection to the murder, and the murderer’s heart is full of malice, so it is not suitable for surrendering and reducing the crime.

The officials finally chose to support Wang Jiefu, so they gave him a sanction to surrender himself and reduce his crime. However, before the decree came out of Beijing, it was rejected by the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, so the officials handed it over to them for reconsideration.

Both of them have received the support of many ministers, and they have been arguing endlessly about this, but no one can convince the other. “

Xu Zun was very upset and said: “But they won’t win the law.”

Liu Zhao shook his head and said, “What they are fighting for is precisely the law. It is just a dispute between the old law and the new law! You came back from this promotion, which was secretly instructed by Wang Jiefu. The purpose is to hope that you can preside over the Dali Temple, so He won this victory.

Brother Zhongtu, you must not be careless, this fight is very dangerous, if you are a little careless, your official career may end here! “

Xu Zun nodded and said: “Actually, I also expected that there must be dangers when I return this time, but I will never be their pawn.”

Liu Zhaodao: “This case started because of you, I think it is very difficult for you to stay out of it.”

“Not necessarily.”

“Oh? I don’t know what kind of trick Brother Zhongtu has?”


Xu Zunfu smiled and said: “Because there is another person who wants to appeal for the criminal woman. If he can successfully appeal, I will not be involved.”

As soon as Liu Zhao heard this, he waved his hands again and again and said: “This is a futile effort. Any doubts in this case have been debated no less than a hundred times by the court scholars. It is indisputable. It depends on the officials’ final decision.” How to choose.”

Xu Zundao: “But I have confidence in this person.”

Liu Zhao couldn’t help asking: “Who is this person? Can I know him?”

“It’s him.”

Xu Zun pointed at the door.

Liu Zhao looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a young man looking into the room, he couldn’t help but wondered: “You mean the young man next to Xu Yuan?”


“You entrust such matters of interest to a young man who is still young.” Liu Zhao questioned.

Xu Zundao: “This man is not only proficient in the law, but also very eloquent. To tell you the truth, he was the one who suggested to me that Ah Yun surrendered himself, so he can avoid the death penalty.”


Liu Zhao was quite curious and said: “Then I would like to meet this young talent.”

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