Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine Chapter 65:

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==Chapter 66==

Yu Chan took back her hand and stepped aside.

Concubine Hu couldn’t calm down for a while: “Your Highness, concubine, concubine…”

King Jin snorted coldly and looked away: “Follow me.” After saying that, he turned around and left.

Yao Niang hadn’t reacted yet, and it wasn’t until Yu Chan pushed her that she realized that this was what she was told, and hurriedly followed her.

Behind her, Concubine Hu’s cries were heard, but they soon disappeared. However, it was Princess Jin who knew what was happening outside and ordered people to bring Concubine Hu inside to avoid losing face.

It can be predicted that Concubine Hu will probably be unable to eat this time, and Princess Jin will not let go of such a good opportunity to punish her.

But Yao Niang has no time to care about this for the time being. She is worrying about how to catch up with King Jin.

The King of Jin has tall legs and long steps, but she was chasing after him wearing such a long skirt with small steps. How could she keep up?

After following for a while, when she saw the tall and slender figure in front of her walking farther and farther away, she simply didn’t want to follow him, and stopped in frustration to take a breather. She found that Yuchan didn’t follow her, so she turned back to look on the way. Suddenly, the light in front of her eyes was covered by a shadow. She turned around and saw him standing in front of her, his long eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if he was very dissatisfied with her.

“Can’t walk well?”

Yao Niang was angry, but she did not dare to lose her temper, so she whispered: “Your Highness walks so fast, I can’t keep up.”

King Jin snorted coldly, turned around and walked away again, but this time his steps were much smaller.

Yao Niang did not dare to delay any longer and hurriedly followed him, taking a different position behind him.

“Why are you here, Your Highness?”

“Your Highness, you are going the wrong way. This is the way to Ronxiyuan.” Why did King Jin go to Ronxiyuan this morning, so Yao Niang subconsciously thought that King Jin was confused by Concubine Hu. , so I even went the wrong way.

King Jin stopped and Yao Niang couldn’t help but bumped into him.

It was also a coincidence that what happened to hit was her nose. Such a fragile thing like a nose hit such a copper wall. Yao Niang’s nose felt sour and astringent, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

How stupid!

He actually took this trip for such a stupid person, and instead of being grateful to him, she stupidly asked him what he was doing and if he was going the wrong way. In the past, King Jin only thought that the nurse was careless, but this was the first time that he sincerely felt that she was stupid.

But she looks so pitiful for being so stupid. King Jin raised his chin reservedly and looked at her, who was covering her nose with tears pouring out.

That’s right! Let you walk without looking at the road!

Thinking this in his mind, he used his hand to pull the hand covering her face to see if her nose was collapsed. If it really collapsed, he didn’t want to face an ugly guy with a flat nose all the time, even if this ugly guy had a good body that he liked very much.

Yao Niang held her hand and refused to show it to him. Unfortunately, she was not as strong as others, so she was forced to expose her red nose and forehead.

King Jin took a look and realized that she was really ugly like this, but luckily her nose was not flat. Seeing her crying like this, King Jin couldn’t bear to sit with her under the sun, so he picked her up and strode forward.

Fu Cheng, who had just disappeared, appeared like a ghost, followed by two young eunuchs. The three of them had legs like hot wheels, running as fast as flying. If you meet people along the road, you can drive them away. If you can’t drive them away, they all stand facing inward and bowing their heads.

But isn’t this deception?

After a while, the news spread throughout the palace that Mrs. Su was beaten by Concubine Hu in Siyi Courtyard and asked His Highness to carry her back to Rongxi Courtyard.

However, Concubine Hu did not gain anything. It is obvious that Mrs. Su is His Highness’s heart and soul now. His Highness is looking at her indifferently. She is clearly looking for trouble. He was severely reprimanded by the princess and even banned. It is said that the princess sent someone a thick stack of Buddha scriptures and said that he would not be released until he copied them all in one day.

Concubine Hu was in great disgrace this time.


Yao Niang was stunned as she was held in King Jin’s arms.

All the way to Rongyiyuan in a swaggering way, King Jin directly placed her on the Arhat bed and ordered Hongsi to get a basin of cold water to give her a cold compress.

Only after Yao Niang realized what she was doing, she rolled out of the Arhat bed, covered her face and went inside with Hong Silk.

After cleaning up, when I came out again, I was much better, but my nose and eye circles were still a little red, and I looked pitiful.

Prince Jin glanced at her unfavorably, said nothing, and just drank his tea with his eyes lowered.

This time it was Yao Niang’s turn to come to his side. In fact, at this moment, Yao Niang also understood the reason why King Jin suddenly appeared. It was probably because someone reported to him that she had gone to Siyi Courtyard. He was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to cope with it, so he went out of his way to support her?

For some reason, she suddenly felt sweet in her heart, thinking that he might like her.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

King Jin snorted.

Actually, if I say it is a hum, it doesn’t sound like it. It is more like a response, but the tone is heavier than the response. This is because I am still angry.

“You’re not stupid yet, you know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do.”

When Leng Buding heard this, Yao Niang couldn’t react, but she soon understood what King Jin meant, which was referring to her behavior of going to Siyi Courtyard just now to pay respects.

“She is a person who needs to be decent and sensible. If you stick to your duties and don’t overstep your bounds, she won’t make things difficult for you. Today, the king is here. Those who should understand will naturally understand the meaning, and those who shouldn’t understand will also arrive. I can’t come to you.”

This is the first time that King Jin has spoken to Yao Niang in such an instructive tone. What he means is that I remember my previous promise, so you have nothing to be afraid of. Look, the king has solved all your worries.

Yao Niang was not used to King Jin like this, so she glanced at him quietly. But she didn’t expect that he was looking at her, and their eyes met. Yao Niang rubbed her sleeves uncomfortably: “Anyway, thank you, Your Highness.”

The King of Jin looked at her and said, “Is this how you thank me?”

Yao Niang immediately blushed and wanted to pretend to be dead. King Jin’s eyes were glaring.

She glanced secretly to the side and found that Hong Si and the others had retreated at some point. Then she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek like a dragonfly. Just as she was about to pull back, he grabbed her tightly and deepened the kiss.

Prince Jin seemed to be in a state of excitement all the time, and he obviously wanted more thanks than Yao Niang expected.

It is early autumn and the sun is shining brightly outside. The two of them were sitting on the Arhat bed in the Toji Room. Through the clear tiles on the window, they could vaguely see the flowers, plants and trees outside.

In the courtyard, Hongdie was instructing the little girl to work. Although she had lowered her voice, it was still so clear to the ears of those who deliberately listened. There were several girls standing on the porch outside the door, and Yao Niang knew it even if she didn’t go out.

There are no doors between the east room and the main room, only a floor-to-ceiling cover separates them. It feels like someone will lift the bead curtain and come in at any time, adding a sense of taboo excitement.

The King of Jin went to pull Yao Niang’s clothes, but Yao Niang insisted on holding his hand and not letting her go. His expression was too familiar to her, and she could tell she was not thinking of anything good.

It would be unjust if King Jin knew this. He was just thinking of something good.

Yao Niang was extremely flustered. She wanted to reject him but was afraid of making him angry, but this was too challenging for her nerves. Obviously Prince Jin was much more decisive than her. He wouldn’t let her pull at the top, so he pulled off the bottom. When Yao Niang reacted, she somehow managed to get in.

From the outside, the two behaved normally and were neatly dressed. They were just sitting on each other’s lap, which seemed to be intimate, but there was nothing wrong with it. Little did he know that the place under her skirt was already turned upside down, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn’t express it.

The handsome face of King Jin was as white as before, and there was a restrained light under his half-closed handsome eyes. Yao Niang could faintly see a touch of red, but it was gone in a flash.

The two were forehead to forehead, and the King of Jin said hoarsely: “You were like that time in the car…”

Yao Niang didn’t even dare to look at him. When she heard this, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. But she also knew that this was a good start. He had changed too much from his previous life and seemed to be thinking about her. She should work hard to make him care about her more.

It’s best to keep it in your heart and never let it go.

In particular, she was really bloated, and her shameful place was itchy. And his voice sounded so good that she couldn’t help but want to listen to him.

Looking at his face, so close to her.

His thick black hair is gathered on the top of his head, tied with a red gold crown inlaid with sapphire. He is wearing an indigo satin robe with two shoulders embroidered with gold thread. A noble aura and extraordinary majesty.

What attracted her most was the pair of narrow red phoenix eyes that flew sideways under the long eyebrows. The lines of the eyes were extremely graceful, from the slightly drooping corners to the slightly raised tails, just like what was depicted in an ink painting.

She thought to herself that she actually liked him too. She liked him everywhere. She even liked him when he bullied her.

It’s just that she always deliberately ignores all this, pretending that she doesn’t actually like him at all.

Suddenly, those beautiful lines outlined a fierce momentum, and he looked at her: “Then I will do it myself?”

This is not possible. If you let him come, don’t do anything this morning. Those girls will definitely know what they did.

“Come here, concubine!” She said hurriedly, moistening her dry lips, and said nervously: “But don’t move, Your Highness, keep your word.”

Then he held his neck and shook it gently.


This was probably the first time this happened, and it was rare for King Jin to end it quickly.

Even so, it took more than two quarters of an hour.

Yao Niang was very tired, so she pushed King Jin to the bathroom without even daring to raise her head. After a while, the person turned back and saw Prince Jin still sitting there, no different from when she left before. She blushed and lowered her eyes, handed over a wet handkerchief, then turned around and stood.

It wasn’t until there was a slight cough from behind that she picked up the handkerchief and took it into the bathroom.

Then, the two sat on the Arhat bed again. There was a sound of footsteps, and Hong Fei stood outside the bead curtain and said, “Madam, do you want to change tea?”

As a thief, Yao Niang looked around and said, “Change, change.”

People left. Prince Jin glanced at her shamelessly, “You are like this, who else are you trying to hide?”

Yao Niang was too lazy to pay attention to him, but she also knew that he was telling the truth. When Hong Fei came in again, she had already prepared her mind and could calmly pretend that nothing happened.

At noon, King Jin stayed here to have lunch.

After eating, we also took a nap.

He could sleep, but Yao Niang could not. Thinking that she had not seen Xiaobao all morning, she quietly got off the bed and went to the west wing.

Xiaobao now has three maids, Chun’er, Qiu’er and Axia, as well as a nanny named He.

When Yao Niang arrived, Nai Niang He was standing aside at a loss, while Xiao Bao was sitting on the couch, seemingly unhappy.

“What’s wrong?” Yao Niang walked over and picked up Xiao Bao and asked.

“The young master doesn’t want to breastfeed, so the slave feeds him, and he pushes the slave…” This nurse He is a little woman in her twenties, with a round face and thin skin, and her skin is not white, but she looks very rosy. He is a person with a healthy body and bones.

After hearing this, Yao Niang glanced at her son and said: “This child doesn’t want to eat, and he doesn’t want it even if I feed him. He can already eat some porridge, rice soup, noodle soup and the like. As for You can express the milk and feed it to him with a spoon.”

Nanny He nodded.

At this time, A-Xia came in from the outside with a bowl in her hands. She was a little surprised when she saw Yao Niang and said: “There is no small kitchen in the yard, and it is difficult for the young master to eat. I went to the big kitchen specially and personally Watch them make a bowl of noodle soup.” It also explained why she was absent.

When mentioning this, Yao Niang felt a little headache.

Her meals for the past two days were sent from Chaohui Hall because Prince Jin ate them here three times in a row, but Prince Jin could not be here with her every day. In other words, when Prince Jin was away, she Meals had to be brought from the big kitchen.

As for the meals in the big kitchen, Yao Niang knew what they tasted without having to taste them because she had eaten them too many times in her previous life. But it was precisely the meals from the big kitchen that made Yao Niang afraid, because the last meal she had in her previous life was served from the big kitchen at the princess’s command.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yao Niang still can’t figure out who killed her. There are many people in the big kitchen, and she has no idea who secretly did it.

And A-Xia is also smart. She actually knew that Yao Niang was very grateful to her for keeping an eye on her in the big kitchen and said, “For your trouble.”

“This is what a slave should do, so don’t worry about it.” Axia asked Nurse He to get a piece of handkerchief, gathered in front of Xiaobao, and then brought a bowl to feed him.

Yao Niang gritted her teeth and said, “I will beg Your Highness later to see if we can set up a small kitchen in Rongxi Courtyard.”

Xiaobao, who was sucking soft noodles into his mouth, glanced at his mother. His mother was finally smart. It was not in vain that he deliberately resisted not drinking milk and made a fuss about eating. You have the right to use it and it will become invalid upon expiration. This is also the case with favor. There are too many variables in a new life, so Xiaobao can only take everything personally.

Hearing this, Axia was very happy and said: “It would be great if we could set up a small kitchen. The slaves could also help with cooking.”

Yao Niang laughed: “It’s your turn to cook. Xiaobao likes you, so you can help me take care of him.”

Axia looked at the cute little baby who could **** noodles, “I also like the young master. I have never seen such a cute baby.”

The author has something to say: I just want to ask one thing, is it sweet or not?


At five o’clock in the second watch, the red envelopes are as usual. I went to give out yesterday’s red envelopes to everyone, and my eyes are dazzled and my hands are cramping when I hand out red envelopes every day.

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