Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine Chapter 31:

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==Chapter 31==

Hearing a creaking sound, Fucheng, who was sitting under the stone platform in the verandah, suddenly woke up.

Maybe it was because he had been curled up for a long time, but his legs and feet were a little clumsy, and he almost fell when he got up. It was King Jin who reached out and gave him a hand before he could stand still.

“Your Highness.” Fucheng smiled sheepishly.

Prince Jin nodded and quietly led him out of the small courtyard along the way he came in last night.

Looking at His Highness’s full energy and stretched eyebrows, Fucheng knew that Nurse Su had served her well yesterday, otherwise His Highness would not be like this.

Fucheng felt that as a good slave, he must be kind and considerate, so he asked: “Your Highness, are you going to move Nanny Su out of the small courtyard?” After all, the one who serves the father is different from the one who serves the daughter. They cannot be confused into one group.

Hearing this, King Jin hesitated for a moment, and then said after a while: “Not yet.”

Fucheng was a little surprised by King Jin’s reaction. Could it be that His Highness planned to just eat and be irresponsible? He stared at King Jin’s back with a very surprised look until King Jin was stunned.

The rare good mood was suddenly ruined. King Jin thought of the way the nanny had to endure all the hardships to serve him last night.

Yao Niang’s request for compromise made King Jin very incomprehensible. In order to make him not want her body, she would rather serve him in other ways than to let him get her body.

Is she observing the festival? Could it be that she was protecting her body for that dead man?

When he thought of this, King Jin felt even worse, and therefore treated Fucheng even less well.

But he always had a cold face, and Fucheng’s thoughts were not here, so he didn’t find any clues. The master and servant took advantage of the faint morning light and quietly returned to Chaohui Hall.


After King Jin left, Yao Niang sat on the bed in a daze for a while, then got up.

She took off all the bedding on the bed, and when she could see the sky outside, she quietly took the changed things to the well to wash them.

There is no one in the back room. It is still early and no one has gotten up yet.

Yao Niang fetched water from the well and soaked the removed quilt in it, along with two pieces of her obscene underwear that Prince Jin had pulled away to wipe herself with yesterday. It wasn’t until all these things were soaked in water that the indescribable smell in her nose finally faded away.

Even though there was no one around, she blushed with embarrassment. She soaked the dirty areas in water and rubbed them vigorously, then rubbed them with soap locust. While I was washing, someone got up.

It’s Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhao.

The people in the small kitchen get up the earliest every day, because breakfast has to be prepared early so that other servants who will get up later can have breakfast.

Seeing Yao Niang squatting by the well washing clothes, both of them were very surprised.

“Nanny Su, why are you so early?”

It was one of them early on. The key point is that a blind person would not miss anything washed in Yao Niang’s basin, which naturally makes people feel surprised. Who would run up and wash the bedding early in the morning when the sky is bright?

Yao Niang blushed and couldn’t find an excuse for a while.

In the eyes of the other party, it becomes hesitant to speak. They are all women, and there are such inconvenient days every month. It is not uncommon for the bedding to be soiled occasionally. Everyone understands.

Mrs. Zhao laughed and said: “You really don’t know when to wash, but you choose such an early time.”

Princess Wang interjected from the side: “You can’t wash it clean with cold water like this. When the stove burns, I’ll scoop some hot water for you.”

The two opened the kitchen door and soon started working inside. After a while, Vanilla and Xiangxiang also got up, and they expressed surprise when they saw Yao Niang washing the bedding so early.

Yao Niang felt that she shouldn’t get up and wash the bedding at this time, as there was simply no three hundred taels of silver in this place. But it was too late to say anything. She could only squat there and continue washing under everyone’s curious and surprised eyes. The little girls from Vanilla also offered to help her, but she refused.

Others may not know it, but whenever she thinks about letting others wash that kind of thing, she feels like she is digging into the ground.

After finally washing, Mrs. Zhao came out to help her wring out the water. This thing is too big, but Guangyao Niang can’t do anything about it alone.

“The weather is nice, so I started working in the middle of the morning.”

Yao Niang thanked Mrs. Zhao and then returned to her room.

At this time, it was time for everyone to get up, and the small courtyard gradually became lively.

Yao Niang was restless all morning until Xiang Xiang came to her.

Because Xianghua wanted to talk to Yao Niang about something, Yao Niang talked to Yu Cui and took her to her room.

“Nanny Su, I have asked you about everything you want to do. I have a little sister whose brother works as a groom in the carriage house in our house. He has to go home every two months, back to Hongyuan. The county has to pass through Linyun County, so it’s not a big problem to help you carry your things back.”

Yao Niang was a little surprised: “Thank you, Vanilla. But will this trouble others too much?”

Vanilla waved her hands nonchalantly: “It’s not really a trouble, it’s just a favor. Besides, you are the nanny of the little princess. Just by saying this, there are enough people to take this trip. Things.”

Vanilla didn’t take it seriously, but Yao Niang couldn’t get used to it.

Because she wanted to carry something home in her previous life, but she couldn’t find anyone who could help. This is due to her unfamiliarity with the situation in the mansion, and also her poor popularity in the mansion. Everyone avoids her like a snake and scorpion, so naturally no one wants to deal with her. Or later she became King Jin’s concubine, and the princess was willing to give her some respect, so there were more servants fawning over her.

I didn’t expect that in this life, she was just the nanny of the little princess, and there were so many people rushing to do things for her. Yao Niang had to lament that things are so unpredictable.

While sighing, Yao Niang also felt the difference. After all, it was because she was not upright in her previous life. Even if she was favored, no matter how much her servants fawned over her, deep down in her heart she still felt that she relied on foxy tricks to get to the top. He despises and hates her.

This is probably the fundamental difference between taking shortcuts and relying on your own hands to support yourself.

“By the way, Nanny Su, I forgot to tell you. Brother Zhou Sheng is going back this afternoon. If you have anything to bring back, please prepare it quickly.” Vanilla’s voice broke. Yao Niang’s meditation.

Yao Niang came back to her senses.

She didn’t expect it to be so urgent, but she was very happy thinking that her family might receive her things in the next two days. She went to prepare things in a hurry. Vanilla asked her to come find her after lunch and then returned to the kitchen.

Yao Niang packed a bag of things, and then went back to the small building to work as an errand, thinking about what to make up and take back.

She only has fifteen taels of silver left, and she plans to take it all back, as well as the clothes that King Jin rewarded her with. She and her sister are about the same height, so if she can wear them, so can her sister. Both of those clothes are of good quality and can be worn by my sister when she goes out to visit relatives.

Also, the two clothes she made for Xiaobao were made of the leftover fabrics from the last time she made clothes for the little princess. Aunt Mu said that the remaining fabrics should be given to her, so she made them for Xiaobao. Take off clothes.

They were all dressed up, and she had already prepared them.

But she still felt that it was not enough, and she wished she could take back everything she could so that she could feel at ease.

After lunch and seeing the little princess asleep, Yao Niang and Yu Yan took leave to find Xiang Xiang, and asked her to take her to find the person who helped carry things.

Huanghua took Yao Niang to the side gate of the palace, where Zhou Sheng was already waiting.

He is not that old, about 20 years old, with dark skin, tall build, and stocky build. At first glance, he looks like an honest young man.

The weather was hot and the sun was shining brightly. This man didn’t know where to find a place to hide from the sun, so he just stood in the sun and basked in the sun. You could see him sweating profusely from a distance.

Herbage smiled helplessly at Yao Niang and ran over: “Brother Zhou Sheng, why are you standing here? Have you been waiting for a long time?”

Zhou Sheng wiped his sweat, showed a smile to Vanilla, and said: “Not long ago, I just got here. I was afraid that you wouldn’t see me when you came, so I didn’t move. By the way, is this Nanny Su?” “Looking at Yao Niang walking towards him, Zhou Sheng said hesitantly.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Under the sun, Yaoniang’s skin is white and translucent, emitting a radiant glow under the sunlight. Zhou Sheng was used to wallowing among men. The only women he could see were some women who were just rough girls. How had he ever seen such a woman before.

Not to mention how the other party looks, Zhou Sheng’s fair skin alone is enough to make Zhou Sheng feel amazing. It was a kind of softness and tenderness that he had never touched before.

When the other party came closer, he looked at his face again, which made Zhou Sheng blush and lower his head. Fortunately, the weather was hot, so no one questioned the blush on his face.

“Nanny Su. This is Brother Zhou Sheng.”

Yao Niang smiled and said: “Brother Zhou, I’m really troubling you.”

“No trouble, no trouble, no trouble at all.” Zhou Sheng chuckled and scratched his head. “Whatever you want to take home, drag it to me and I will send it back for you.” He promised, patting his chest.

Yao Niang handed the bundle in her hand to him and said, “It’s nothing, just some money and a few clothes.”

She told Zhou Sheng what she wanted to bring and the detailed address of the Yao family twice, and only then did she make sure Zhou Sheng remembered it.

“Anyway, thank you Brother Zhou. This is a small amount of money, just treat it as a treat for you to drink tea.” Yao Niang took out a broken piece of silver from her sleeve and stuffed it into Zhou Sheng’s hand.

Zhou Sheng refused as if he was being burned, “I can’t help it. Nanny Su is too polite. I really don’t need it.” As he said that, he was afraid that Yao Niang would continue to stuff him with money, so he ran away with the baggage. .

“Don’t worry, Nurse Su. If there is anything in your family, I will definitely help you get it to you.” He was far away before he waved here.

Yao Niang watched him leave, then turned back to Xiang Xiang and said, “This Brother Zhou is actually a pretty good person.”

“Brother Zhou Sheng is indeed a very good person, you don’t know him…”


That time Yao Niang won a reward from the King of Jin, so she said she would treat the people in the small courtyard to a drink.

She didn’t know how to arrange the arrangements, so she gave the money to Mrs. Mo and asked her to help with the arrangements. The time was set for today.

In the afternoon, preparations began in the small kitchen.

When it was dinner time, everyone in the small courtyard came, except for Nanny Wang and Nanny Qian who were on duty, as well as Aunt Mu who didn’t like to join in the fun.

It is when the moonlight is just right, and the disk-like moon hangs high in the night sky. The yard in front of the back room is brightly lit, and three round tables are placed in the open space.

The dishes are very rich, and most of them are made with dinner dishes. Only the meat dishes and wine are made with Yao Niang’s money. Therefore, although Yao Niang gave fifteen taels, she only used less than ten taels, and Mrs. Mo gave her the rest. She said it was not easy for her to earn a living when she went out. She didn’t have a man and had an infant child, so she could save some money.

Yao Niang didn’t say anything, but she was actually moved in her heart.

Most of these women are not good at drinking. Forget about the other little girls, Yao Niang, the host who paid for it, let them drink a few drinks.

Yao Niang was not a good drinker, but she only had a few drinks and she felt a little overwhelmed.

She was busy making excuses to leave, and she had almost eaten anyway.

Going back to the front from the corner door, unlike the bustle in the back room, this place is very quiet. Yao Niang originally wanted to fetch water and take a bath, but thinking about the excitement in the back room, she might disturb the excitement if she went by herself. In addition, there was mostly clean water in the basin, which she had just changed in the afternoon, so she wiped herself with cold water, changed her clothes and lay down.

I fell asleep for a while, but was woken up by thirst. She lay down, put on her embroidered shoes, and went to the table to drink water.

Just after taking a few sips, someone suddenly hugged me from behind.

She turned around and saw Prince Jin’s handsome face, and she suddenly lost her drowsiness.

“Your Highness, Your Highness, why are you here?”

“If you want to come, you will come.”

“Look at the dead of night, you’d better go back and rest quickly…”

The next words were automatically frightened by King Jin’s actions.

Prince Jin actually went to the bed and sat down, as if he were the master.

Yao Niang endured it for several times, but she couldn’t hold it back, “Your Highness, there was a reason for what happened yesterday, and only this slave could do it… Moreover, what you said yesterday was good, just once, you can’t not keep your words…”

At the end, there was even a cry in her voice.

It’s for urgency. Yaoniang has been thinking about this for a day now, and she always feels that King Jin has put such a chain on her, and he will definitely not let her go so easily.

Sure enough!

King Jin frowned, “Have I ever said this?”

Yao Niang was startled, thought for a while, and said: “Although you didn’t say it, I told you that you didn’t speak at that time.” Not speaking was acquiescence. This is the consistent nature of King Jin, and it is also Yao Niang’s. Cognition of inertia.

King Jin’s eyes flashed, “The king didn’t say anything, which means he didn’t agree.”

Yao Niang was stunned.

This is completely a hooliganism, how could it be like this!

The author has something to say: Still in the top twenty, haha.

The update is stuck. You can pay attention to my humble account, which is my pen name. Generally, Jinjiang will automatically remind you when it is updated.

Two o’clock at five o’clock, okay?

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