Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine Chapter 198:

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==Chapter 197==

Li Dequan went to look again, only to find that Emperor Hongjing had fallen asleep.

This was not the first time he had experienced this situation, and he couldn’t help but feel flustered. It wasn’t until he reached out to touch his breath that he finally felt relieved.

He sat down on the ground and began to think about the secret passage of Jingren Palace.

There has always been a secret passage in Jingren Palace, which leads to Qianqing Palace.

The secret path was built during the reign of Emperor Gaozong. It is said that Emperor Gaozong had a concubine who seemed to be inconspicuous and never stood out in the harem, but she was the most beloved woman in Gaozong’s life. .

This concubine’s life was legendary. She did not give birth to the most children, and her appearance was not among the best in the harem. The Daqian dynasty was selected every three years, and every three years was a reincarnation for the women in the harem. During this period, there would always be various favored concubines, making this one overshadowed.

But if you look at it for a long time, you will find that those beloved concubines have long gone without knowing where they are for decades, but this one is the evergreen tree. It remained unchanged for decades, no matter how old or handsome she was, in the end, although she did not become the queen mother, her son became the emperor.

This person is the late emperor.

Empress Xiaoyide was posthumously named the Queen Mother after her death. She could have continued to enjoy the ultimate wealth in the world as the Holy Mother Queen Mother, but she died with him after Gaozong’s funeral.

This secret passage was built by Emperor Gaozong specifically to visit Queen Xiaoyide, and almost no one in the palace knew it. The reason why Li Dequan knew it was because Emperor Hongjing had used this secret passage. Only then did he know why his Majesty deliberately moved Concubine De from Zhongcui Palace to Jingren Palace.

The reason why Emperor Hongjing mentioned this secret passage just now was not because he thought of Concubine De, but because there was another branch of this secret passage that could lead to the outside of the palace.

The correct answer is that there has always been a secret passage in the palace leading to the outside of the palace. Only each emperor knew that the secret passage in Jingren Palace was actually a branch from this secret passage.

Li Dequan didn’t think any more and returned outside the same way.

The situation in the dormitory was just like when he left, still making people feel so quiet.

However, Li Dequan was calm. He was thinking about how to use the secret passage to get out of the palace.


This battle lasted for a whole afternoon. Because the Yanshan Mausoleum Guards attacked from the rear, the people of the Fifth Army Camp were defeated and defeated.

They were dead and injured, some were captured, and some fled towards the palace. The Yanshan Mausoleum Guards and King Jin’s men took advantage of the victory and pursued him until they reached the palace and had to stop.

King Qing was dressed in armor, with a face full of wind and sand. There was blood on his armor and weapons, which showed that he had been fighting fiercely for a long time. He drove his horse to King Jin, who was wearing black armor, cupped his hands and said, “Fifth brother, fortunately you have lived up to your fate.”

Prince Jin was dressed in black, which made his face look whiter and whiter, but he was very cold and hard, like an iceberg that had not melted for thousands of years. He stared darkly at the palace gate not far away, with a frosty expression on his face, and nodded slightly: “Thank you for your hard work.”

Prince Qing was speechless and choked, but it was obvious that now was not the time, so he could only swallow thousands of words into his throat.

“Brother, it’s not hard.”

The rebels fled into the palace. Although the anti-rebellion army won the battle, it was not a complete victory.

After all, the purpose of King Jin is not to defeat the rebels, but to invade the imperial city, capture the king, rescue the trapped courtiers, and find out what happened in the palace. But it is obvious that the emperor The city’s towering palace walls blocked all this.

When the Forbidden City was built, it was originally built as a city. Which emperor is not afraid of death, and his lair must be built to be indestructible.

It is not that the King of Jin has never fought siege battles, but at that time he had enough troops and there were many people available. But now that they only have so few troops in hand, in addition to clearing out the remnants of the rebels stranded outside, they also have to be wary of other actions by the rebels. Obviously, they cannot all devote themselves to the siege.

Some people have begun to shout to the imperial city, but there is no movement at all inside. There are many armored soldiers guarding the palace gate, but they are like stone men, and no one pays attention to the shouts outside.

“Fifth Brother, do you still want to fight?”

The King of Jin pondered for a moment and said: “Order people to guard outside several palace gates to prevent people inside from coming out.”

“Fifth brother is trying to trap the enemy?”

“In order to save troops, this is the only way for the time being. They are trapped in the palace. In addition to these rebels, there are tens of thousands of palace maids and eunuchs. The food reserves in the palace are not enough to sustain them for long.”

“Fifth brother is wise.”

This is not the wisdom of King Jin, but a question that everyone can think of. There are too many people in the palace. Although there are many rice warehouses and granaries built, the consumption exceeds the saving. According to King Jin’s estimate of the food in the palace, it would only be enough for them to last for ten days at most.

And these ten days are enough for him to do a lot of things, enough to close the door and beat the dog.


King Jin did not slack off because of this, there were still many things he needed to do.

For example, to eliminate the remnants of the rebels in the city, to pacify the people, to rectify the Shuntian Prefecture, the Five-City Army and Horse Department, and the Jingwei Command and Envoy Department, and to unite the courtiers to restore the government offices, and at the same time recruit reinforcements from outside the capital.

He was so busy that he was nowhere to be seen for many days, and Yao Niang was also very busy. After a thorough rest, she started to send away all the family members who had temporarily stayed in Prince Jin’s Mansion.

Especially the so-called courtesy between noble people. If someone goes out of their way to say thank you, you can’t help but show up. Yao Niang was very tired every day, so naturally she had no time to think about King Jin.

This chaos caused heavy losses in the capital. Not to mention the damage to various houses and government offices, many civilians also suffered.

Too many people died, and the capital was completely white. Because the rebels have not yet been completely eliminated, Beijing has not been able to return to its former prosperity for the time being. There are very few people walking on the streets, all with lingering fears.

The King of Jin did not forget the culprit, and ordered people to go to the Duke of Wei’s mansion that day.

Except Duke Wei and his eldest son who are not in the mansion, everyone in the Wei family is here. Most of them didn’t expect that something big would happen. In fact, some people were quite innocent. They had no idea what the head of the family had done, but because their surname was Wei, this was the original sin.

It stands to reason that the King of Jin is not qualified to deal with a Duke’s Mansion, but the matter is urgent and he does not have the extra troops to surround the Duke of Wei’s Mansion, so he can only imprison everyone in the Wei family. Not only the Wei family, but everyone who appeared in the rebellion did not escape.

The success of following the dragon makes people forget about it, but once it fails, the whole family will be implicated.

The capital was once again enveloped in cries, but this time the object was changed. I have to say that life is really full of miracles, and there are too many reversals.

Unlike the outside, the palace was shrouded in gloom.

The tragic defeat of the war, limited food, and the worries of the whole family outside the palace. There are probably not many people who can still be happy in this situation.

Dai Wang is in a state of rage every day, but he is like a trapped beast fighting.

In the past two days, many more maids and eunuchs in the Qianqing Palace died than before, but the contemporary king wanted to discourage these slaves but was stopped by others. The other party said it very realistically. The most numerous people in the palace were palace maids and eunuchs. If these people were really driven to a corner and started rioting, even the king would be unable to survive.

What to do?

No one can answer him!

Every day, people tried to open the palace gates and escape, but they were all killed. The people guarding several palace gates were all from Chang Jian’an, and the person who persuaded the king to stay before was also Chang Jian’an.

The situation that must be won was messed up by this person. Chang Jianan was full of contempt for Dai Wang. But now it’s too late to say anything, the defeat has been decided, and the only solution for now is to save life.

At this time, Chang Jianan and Dai Wang finally had differences.

Chang Jian’an meant to use the courtiers in his hands to exchange a way of escape, but King Dai didn’t seem interested in this. After all, the current king was born as a prince and had his own pride and self-esteem. What would happen if he escaped? The whole world is not the king’s land. How could he fall into the trap and become a bandit and live in hiding all his life?

Wei Guogong and his son were not very interested in this. Wei Guogong fell ill that night. The elderly man collapsed after being frightened and angered several times. And it is impossible for the prince to leave his father and his family and flee. Unlike Chang Jian’an, they are alone and have no worries.

Seeing that both of them looked useless, Chang Jianan ignored them and went to handle the matter himself. But before he could make a request to the other party, the palace suddenly became chaotic.

No one knows how those people broke in and how the city gate was opened. It seemed that in just the blink of an eye, those people broke in.


Qianqing Palace, there is a person sitting on the dragon throne in the main hall.

This man was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, but his face was full of dejection.

It is Dai Wang.

He had some scruples before, but later he decided not to hide it anymore. He had longed for the throne for a long time, and now he finally had the opportunity. Naturally, he wore the yellow robe and showed off his majesty.

In the distance, there seemed to be an overwhelming cry: “Give up resistance and let bygones be bygones. If you try to resist, you will not be forgiven!”

“Protect the family and the country, help the country! Punish the traitors and traitors, God bless you!”

This is the slogan that King Jin’s people must shout whenever there is a rebellion. Because such nonsense confuses the public, not to mention how many losses the King’s people have suffered. Until now, King Dai couldn’t figure out why he was going to lose.

Obviously he had the upper hand, and he obviously had more troops than King Jin, so how could he lose?

The words that Mr. Chen Ge said to him many days ago suddenly rang in his ears: “If you risk the world’s disapproval, you will eventually become unstable. This is recorded in the history books and will be infamy for thousands of years.”

The King of Dai did not believe this rhetoric. When everyone looked at the history books, it was nothing more than the success of the king and the defeat of the bandits.

What does it mean to risk the world’s injustice?

He is also the biological son of his father, the legitimate son of the middle palace. Why shouldn’t the throne be his? It should have been his!

With a creaking sound, the closed palace door was pushed open from the outside, and a embarrassed general stumbled in, shouting at the top of his lungs: “Your Highness, we’re in, we’re in…”

Dai Wang didn’t know what he was thinking, he just said softly without even raising his head.

The palace door suddenly opened wide, and a large amount of sunlight came in from outside. King Dai sat face to face with it, and it was so bright that he couldn’t open his eyes. Many people poured in. The leader was tall and calm, with an upright posture, like a **** descending to earth.

“Third brother, you’re fine.”


In Kunning Palace, Queen Wei was sitting on the phoenix throne in the main hall.

She is dressed in bright yellow Yanju uniforms, with decent makeup, her gray hair is neatly styled in a bun, and she wears a crown of six dragons and three phoenixes.

Kunning Palace, which was originally quiet, suddenly became noisy.

There were messy footsteps and screams from palace maids, and soon the half-open palace door was pushed open from the outside.

“The Queen…”

The queen stood up from the phoenix throne without waiting for the other party to finish speaking.

“You are here just in time. I have been imprisoned in this palace by the King for a long time. I want to kill my relatives for justice. I have assassinated Your Majesty on behalf of the King. I have plotted to usurp the throne. I have imprisoned my mother and ministers. I have committed various crimes that are too numerous to describe…”

No one spoke, and everyone looked a little weird.

The queen is planning to cut off her tail to protect herself, but the problem is that things have developed to this point. How can she think that she will be able to win the trust of others? Sure enough, the glory and wealth are charming, and one of the most noble people in the world can also Such a shameless act.

The leader, Fucheng, smiled and said: “Empress, you’d better not say these words to the slaves. The slaves won’t understand them. You’d better leave it to your majesty and his elders.”

When Emperor Hongjing was mentioned, Queen Wei suddenly burst into mourning, covered her face with her sleeves, and cried until she couldn’t stop crying.

“That scoundrel actually attacked His Majesty and let the dragon body stay in Qianqing Palace. I told him countless times to take His Majesty into Zi Palace first, but he turned a deaf ear and scolded him instead. I am meddling in my own business. If I were not his biological mother, I am afraid that this life would be gone now… I dream every night that your Majesty comes to me and asks me why I gave birth to such a child. He is an evil son, but Your Majesty said he does not blame me. He has been in the fief for a long time on behalf of the king, and he has not been close to me since childhood. He behaves so wantonly, and I…”

Fucheng interrupted: “Empress, you’d better keep this to talk to His Majesty.”

Queen Wei was surprised and asked: “What do you want to do? If I don’t remember that you are the personal **** of King Jin, do you actually want to kill me secretly? I am the queen of Daqian, and my mother has the world. She is the queen mother of King Jin. King Jin borrowed the courage from heaven and dared to attack his mother. He is not afraid of the contempt and ridicule of the people in the world?!”

Fucheng was very helpless: “My Highness has no intention of murdering your Majesty. It’s better for you not to make random guesses. I just want to take your Majesty to see you.”

As he spoke, he was impatient to talk nonsense to Queen Wei, raised his chin, and someone rushed up from behind him.

But Queen Wei completely misunderstood what he meant. She involuntarily stepped back until she tripped over something and fell to the ground. Even so, she did not forget to survive. She crawled forward using her hands and feet, trying to hide behind the Phoenix Seat.

Hong Rang had already been captured. When he saw such a scene and saw these despicable people looking at the empress as if they were watching a monkey show, he felt extremely sad and angry.

“Empress, Your Majesty is not dead, Your Majesty is not dead!”

Queen Wei’s movements suddenly stopped, the fear on her face was fixed, and then she fainted. . . . . . . . . .

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