Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine Chapter 126:

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==Chapter 126==

As the sedans and horses here drove away one after another, everything that happened on Qipan Street spread throughout the three provinces and six departments.

Naturally, it also reached the ears of Emperor Hongjing.

As soon as Emperor Hongjing came down from the morning court, he heard about what happened here. He just shook his head and smiled inexplicably, making it difficult to guess what was going on in his heart.

At the same time, everyone was discussing the promotion of these princes. Naturally, people have talked about King Jin again and again. Some people say that King Jin is pedantic. His Majesty asked him to be a minor chief of the sixth rank, but he really acted like a minor chief. Some people say that these princes are difficult to get along with, and it is best to stay as far away as possible. Naturally, there are also some people who follow the trend and want to climb high in the hope that they will prosper from now on.

However, there are only a few such people. Most of them are low-ranking petty officials. Those who can reach the rank of fifth-grade or above Beijing officials are few who are stupid. At least they are well-informed and have no problem with being humane. When the intention is unclear, no one will express anything openly.

Especially in a place like the Ministry of Industry, which is the lowest-status among the six ministries. Because the Ministry of Industry is not like the Ministry of Husbandry, which is in charge of money, unlike the Ministry of Rites, which is in charge of ceremonies, sacrifices, and imperial examinations, and unlike the Ministry of Personnel, which is in charge of promotions. To put it bluntly, the Ministry of Works is in charge of all kinds of construction, civil engineering and water conservancy matters. The Ministry of Works does all the dirty, tiring and disgraceful work.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and workers are ranked third, which shows their status.

And there are many officials here, most of whom were promoted from “workers” to “officials”. In addition, Hong Qi, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, himself has a taciturn and pragmatic style, so since he entered the government office of the Ministry of Industry, Jin The king didn’t seem to have any enthusiasm at all.

Most of the officials were hurriedly coming and going with their heads lowered, as if they were very busy. Many people nodded their heads and disappeared.

The person who came to fetch King Jin was a young official named Zhou. The instructions for the King of Jin came down on the first day. The place where he was going to take office was the Yingxiu Qingli Department, in charge of the Yingxiu affairs. In fact, those who repair houses and build houses.

The Department of Camping and Repairing the Qing Dynasty has one doctor and two Yuanwailang. There are four small chiefs like the King of Jin, and the King of Jin is just one of them. Under the company, there are also auxiliary institutions such as the camp repair office, the imperial wood factory, the wooden warehouse, and the glazed kiln.

The office of the Civil Service Department is located in the southern row of houses at the far end of the government office. Officials like the chief can be allocated a duty room for work and rest. King Jin’s duty room has been prepared in advance, and the lighting is excellent regardless of the direction.

The reason why he came to such a conclusion was also based on King Jin’s experience after seeing several other principals on duty.

The chief surnamed Zhou led King Jin to the duty room, took out some neatly bound documents for him, and left respectfully. The task of King Jin today is to read these documents, which will help him understand the Ministry of Industry. It is said that this is what Shangshu means.

Fortunately, King Jin was not unfamiliar with this kind of thing when he was managing his own fiefdom, so it was not a problem.

After reading several volumes in a row, King Jin stopped and rested his eyes. He wanted to order tea, but then he realized that this was the Ministry of Industry, and he had no one with him, so he had to do it himself.

He looked back and forth in the duty room and found a tea cup and tea leaves in a cupboard near the corner. But there was no water or stove in the room, so he had no choice but to go out and look for it. As soon as the door of the duty room was opened, a person walked out of the duty room with a large open door next to it. It was the manager named Zhou.

His name is Zhou Wu, and he is also a director of the Department of Camp and Repair. He had been watching King Jin’s movements for a long time. Even before King Jin came, Shangshu Hong Qi had greeted his subordinates, saying that he did not need to be treated as a prince, but an ordinary official. This was His Majesty’s oral instruction. .

It can be said that the people who run the Qing Officials Department are a little nervous. They all understand what these princes are doing when they join the Sixth Department, and they don’t dare to please openly, let alone offend easily. How to get along with it has become a university question.

Zhou Wu was born with a long face, a pair of eyebrows that drooped slightly, and his face looked a bit unlucky, but he was an extremely well-rounded person. As soon as he saw Prince Jin, he showed a smile that didn’t make people feel overly enthusiastic or rude, and cupped his hands: “I wonder if Mr. Zhao needs help?”

Hearing this title, King Jin was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that this was a title for him.

This man was so bold that he dared to call the King of Jin by his surname without any honorific. But if you think about it again, this is really not an overqualification, because if King Jin is just an ordinary petty official, he is indeed called that.

It was also this week that Wu was born with a sweet heart. When he was assigned this errand yesterday, he thought about it all night at home. In fact, not only this night, ever since he knew that the fifth prince Jin Wang would be sent to the Ministry of Works, he had been planning how to climb high.

Climbing high branches also requires strategy. If you climb well, everyone will be happy; if you climb poorly, people will be annoyed. Therefore, he did his best to collect a lot of information about the character, hobbies, etc. of King Jin, and also collected some news from the court about the eight kings entering the court.

A lot of effort was spent during this period, and a lot of money was spent. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, not only did he come up with something interesting, but he was also lucky enough to be assigned such an errand.

Based on these premises, Zhou Wu stood in front of the gate of the Ministry of Industry early this morning. He saw the King of Jin in a blue official robe from a distance, coming neither on horseback nor in a car. He understood what this gentleman meant. It was interesting, so he took the risk to call King Jin with such a title.

It can be seen clearly that King Jin acquiesces to this title, or it may be that the other party is well-educated and does not want to argue with him. All in all, Zhou Wu took the first step very well.

Now that the first step has been taken, there is naturally a second and third step. He led Prince Jin to the tea room as the custom dictated, while introducing him to some basic affairs within the government office.

The tea room is at the corner of this row of houses. It is not only a tea room, but also a place where colleagues usually drink tea and joke together. It was a coincidence that when King Jin and Zhou Wu arrived, several officials happened to be gathering together to drink tea and talk, and they happened to talk about the princes entering the Sixth Ministry.

Men are no worse than women when it comes to gossiping. I don’t know where they heard some gossip, but they have a nose and an eye for it. The discussion happened to be about King Jin, so Zhou Wu hurriedly made some noise deliberately and accidentally, so as not to say anything unpleasant, which would anger King Jin and make him a human being.

As soon as they saw the handsome young man in a blue official robe next to Zhou Wu, these officials of various ages all stood up, looking like “I am a serious official, you just saw it wrong.” Hearing that Zhou Wu addressed King Jin as Chief Zhao, they also lost their embarrassment, exchanged a few words with King Jin, and then each found an excuse to leave.

“These adults are really too busy. When we are idle, we are so busy swatting mosquitoes, and when we are busy, we are so busy that our feet cannot touch the floor. Unlike other places, there are probably not many people in the check-in room at the moment. Everyone is busy everywhere.” Zhou Wu said with a smile.

Prince Jin just listened and didn’t speak.

The tea room boils water continuously and will not stop until everyone is on duty. It is supervised by an old tea servant. King Jin made himself a cup of tea and returned to the check-in room with the tea. Zhou Wu did not follow him to get close to him. He just told King Jin that the public kitchen would serve food at noon and asked King Jin to remember to come out at that time.

At noon, there was a lot of excitement outside, and it seemed that everyone who had been hiding in the check-in room had come out.

As soon as King Jin stood up, Zhou Wu knocked on his duty door, and the two of them went to the public kitchen together.

The public kitchen is a general term, which refers to the place where meals are served and the free meal provided by the imperial court to officials every day. After all, during the duty period, you cannot leave the office without any reason, and you have to solve the problem of food for everyone.

Just like before, the whole hall was filled with silence when they saw King Jin coming. However, King Jin had always been a arrogant person, so he didn’t feel dissatisfied at all. He took his own food and returned to the check-in room.

The dishes are one meat, one vegetable and one soup, all prepared in the same way, which means that anyone who comes to the public kitchen, from the minister to the minister, will have this kind of food.

A cucumber with fried meat and a shrimp with tofu. The soup is the simplest green vegetable and tofu soup, which is extremely simple. Everyone takes care of their own dishes and chopsticks. Because the King of Jin could not predict the situation, the tableware was borrowed from Zhou Wu’s servant who worked in the public kitchen and had to return it after use.

King Jin took a bite and found that it was not delicious, but it was not unpalatable either.

He only had two dishes, a bowl of rice, and some soup, which made him half full. After dinner and tea, he looked around this ordinary duty room. There was a calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall facing the east, with the words “Tranquility Zhiyuan” written on it.

The paintings and calligraphy were ordinary, but they made King Jin feel a kind of spiritual peace.

Maybe the days to come won’t be difficult, maybe they will be very interesting.


While King Jin was sitting in the duty room of the Ministry of Industry, eating free meals provided by the public kitchen.

In Prince Jin’s Mansion, Yao Niang is also having a meal with Xiao Bao.

Yao Niang’s appetite has always been good, but for some reason today, he can’t even take off her chopsticks.

“Your father must be having a meal now. I saw in the booklet that there is a meal service at noon. I wonder how the food in the Ministry of Works kitchen is like. Is your father used to it?”

What can Xiaobao say? At his age, he can’t answer such questions. Anyway, he is a child, so he just needs to eat.

Well, the eight-treasure tofu was cooked well today, smooth and tender, and the bamboo shoot stew was also good…

Nowadays, Xiaobao eats by himself. He can’t use chopsticks yet, so he uses a spoon. A jade spoon specially made for him, with a short handle and a head just big enough for him to take a bite.

In order to be able to eat by himself, Xiaobao also spent a lot of effort. Every time someone feeds him, he grabs the spoon with the other person. At first, he plays with it to appease him, but as he plays with it, he starts playing with the spoon on his own.

Seeing that he was working well, Yao Niang gave him half a bowl of rice for him to eat. At first, it would be scattered everywhere, but it gradually got better. Now, as long as he doesn’t eat something with too much water or too watery soup, Xiaobao can eat it by himself without spilling any bits.

He just can’t pick up his own food, but he can direct it. Every time he has a meal, a little girl is assigned to him. He can just point his little fat finger and a girl will serve him.

Actually, Yaoniang didn’t point to her son to answer her, she just told herself.

Although Yao Niang does not have a high vision, she is not stupid. She has been in the capital for so long, and she can see something through what she has seen and heard.

The situation now is just like what she once heard from her mother and the gossipy ladies in the neighborhood, about the gossip about the sons of the rich man Mao competing for the family property.

The rich man has four sons, all of whom are not economical. They have been thinking about their father’s family property for a long time. Some of these sons were born to older wives, while others were raised by younger wives. There was only one share of the family property, so it was hard to divide it no matter what.

One year, Rich Man Mao fell ill, and each of his sons gathered a group of people to start fighting for the family property. If you cheat me, I will harm you, and I will use all my methods. But the key problem is that Rich Man Mao is not dead yet, he is just sick, and now these sons actually regard him as dead.

Mao was angry, angry and sad, and his illness was cured by anger.

In order to prevent himself from being thrown on the street after his family property was divided, Rich Man Mao began to attack his own son. It’s not that he was ruthless, he just took back all the rights in their hands and would rather let them idle than let them help take care of the family business.

Let Yao Niang see, Emperor Hongjing and Prince Jin are in this state now.

The father is getting old, and the sons are all thinking about the things in their father’s hands. There are only so many right and wrongs in a small rich man’s family, let alone the Tian family.

Yao Niang guessed that the sons of King Jin had done something that made the Holy Emperor angry, so the Holy Emperor punished these sons. So now we should not go head-on with others, but should be honest. The more honest the better. Once this period of time is over, the days to come will be easier.

Yao Niang is a soft-tempered person. As long as her bottom line is not violated, she usually won’t question too much. But King Jin was different. She was afraid that King Jin would become rebellious and confront Emperor Hongjing.

Sons who go against me usually don’t get along well.

She couldn’t explain anything, so she could only coax King Jin. After this man was coaxed and calmed down, he didn’t have much energy to go against Emperor Hongjing.

“Your father is on duty today, it’s the first day. How about we pick him up when he is off duty? No, mother can’t go out now. Your father’s anger will be even more intense if he goes. Xiaobao, you go for mother. How about a visit? My little baby is white, tender and cute. Even if your father is full of anger, he will definitely lose his anger when he sees you.”

In fact, Yao Niang has a deeper meaning. She used Xiao Bao to remind King Jin that you are the father of two children. If you can’t do anything, don’t do it. You must always think about your children.

So when King Jin came out of the government office after going off duty, he saw a car parked in front of the door, and Xiao Shunzi stood beside the car with a smile on his face. As soon as I saw him coming, I hurriedly opened the car curtain and saw a baby sitting in the car.

As soon as the baby saw him, he said: “Dad, mother asked me to pick you up.”

Prince Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said oh.

The author has something to say: King Jin: Who told you that I am angry?

Yao Niang: I guessed.

Prince Jin: Who told you that I covet the old man’s property? (Even if I am greedy, it is not property that I am greedy for.)

Yao Niang: I guessed.

Prince Jin: (with a look of disdain) With a show like yours, I don’t have to fight for world supremacy. I can just keep my wife and children on the bed and raise them at home every day. Other people’s good wives are sucking their butts from behind, but you really wish that this king could be as useless as he is.

Yao Niang: (blushing) Then do you want your wife and children to be on the hot bed? Kangtou, hot kangtou!

King Jin: (squinting) I, the king, think about it.


Thank you little fairies for your thunder, Qunmo refills

Charging Tiger King threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1800:12:16

Unrest 1938 threw 1 grenade. Throwing time: 2017-07-1807:14:32

Yundan Fengqing threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1807:31:22

weilan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1810:05:09

weilan threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1810:07:08

yoyo threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1810:28:45

Shang Xiaoying threw 1 landmine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1811:17:39

Yu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1812:15:53

The melancholic waste threw 1 landmine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1812:32:04

rita threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1813:21:06

Bertha7824 threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1814:46:08

The nerdy moth threw a mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1815:11:53

anne6808 threw a grenade. Throwing time: 2017-07-1818:26:22

Little Tangyuan threw 1 landmine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1820:09:52

Qiao Mi threw 1 landmine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1820:15:23

Zifeiyu threw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1821:18:43

Please throw 1 mine. Throwing time: 2017-07-1821:42:59

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