It Seems I Love You Very Much Chapter 31: Lifetime beauty (3)

In the evening, Su Nianqun was in the study and vaguely heard Sang Wuyan talking on the phone, but he didn’t take it to heart. Going out to drink water, Sang Wuyan just finished typing: “Who is it?” He casually asked this question unintentionally.

“Cheng Yin.”

Su Nianqun was slightly startled, then asked after a while, “She is alone in City B.”

“Well, I asked her to come over, but she didn’t either.” Sang Wuyan was frustrated.

“Wuyan, Cheng Yin is not here, do you feel lonely?”

“A little bit. And she’s always reluctant to see you.”

“When I’m a rival?”

Sang was overjoyed.

Since Sang Wuyan said these words, Su Nianqun began to pay careful attention, and the call was terminated as soon as he appeared several times in a row.

When Su Nianqun got off work from the company, he suddenly said to Xiao Qin, “Help me contact Dr. Jin from the last time tomorrow.” After all, Li Lulu can’t quench his thirst.

After listening to Su Nianqun’s lengthy narration, Dr. Jin asked, “Mr. Su, does she avoid others besides you?”

“She didn’t avoid me, but she didn’t shy away from me. It was just a coincidence that as long as I appeared, Cheng Yin would disappear. And in front of people who knew Cheng Yin’s real situation, she didn’t say a word.”

“That means, in fact, she doesn’t avoid you, but the so-called ‘Cheng Yin’ is very jealous of you?”

Su Nianqun nodded.

“I’ve only recently become aware of this situation, I wonder if it’s a coincidence.”

“I don’t think so,” said Dr. Kim, “so I hope you can spend more time with her. It’s best if you’re not with her. The chance of her being with her is reduced, which means her condition is improving. .”

Before leaving, Su Nianqun asked, “Is it really okay if I don’t bring her for treatment?”

“This is a double-edged sword. There will be a delay in the recovery of the disease, but the psychological damage and obstacles to her in the future can be minimized.”

“What do you think is the choice between the two?”

“Actually, Mr. Su had already made a decision in his heart, didn’t he?” Dr. Jin smiled knowingly.

“You are a good doctor.” Su Nianqin thought for a while, then said.

“Mr. Su, I hope you can praise me so kindly when you receive the bill from us at the end of the month.” Dr. Jin smiled.


In the afternoon, Su Nianqin called home and said that there is no need to wait for him for dinner.

“You are not allowed to drink alcohol.” Sang Wuyan emphasized.

“How can you push it off sometimes?” Su Nianqun smiled wryly.

“I’ll check when you come back anyway,” she threatened.

Su Nianqun entered and asked Aunt Xu, who was a housekeeper at home, to leave. Su Nianqun had instructed that she could only get off work when she saw him, and she could not leave Sang Wuyan alone.

After hearing Aunt Xu closing the door, he gently pecked Sang Wuyan’s lips. The first thing Sang Wuyan saw him, was to pounce and sniff it.

“There is no smell of alcohol, how can it smell of smoke.”

“It was on someone’s cigarette.”


“You can check it yourself.” As soon as he finished speaking, Su Nianqin’s deep kiss took Sang Wuyan’s breath away.

After a long kiss, he let go of her, raised his eyebrows and asked, “What happened?”

“It’s okay.” Sang Wuyan nodded.

“Are you ready to eat?”

“Yes, and there are dishes I learned to cook today.”

“Oh—” Su Nianqun nodded strangely when he heard this.

Sang Wuyan was determined to take good care of Su Nianqun and get rid of his bad habits one by one. For everything that can be moved in the house, Sang Wuyan draws a circle on the base of the furniture with a watercolor pen, and writes in the circle: “his cup”, “photo frame”, “his radio”, “soap box”, “vase” “…

Lest she forget where it was after she used it a lot.

The shoes at the entrance are also neatly placed. Sometimes she came home with a heavy load and walked in as soon as she took off her shoes. After a long time, I remembered, and hurriedly came out to put my shoes on.

All windows and cabinet doors are closed and all overhead objects are removed.

Meals are also learned to cook.

Su Nianqin took a bite with chopsticks and looked a little wrong: “This is definitely not the aunt’s burning.”

“Not good?” she asked.

“What about other dishes?”

“Only this sweet and sour ball is my work.” Sang Wuyan was complacent.

“Oh—” Su Nianqun breathed a sigh of relief, and the chopsticks no longer moved in the direction of the plate.

After a while, Sang Wuyan saw the clue and put down the bowls and chopsticks angrily: “Su Nianqun, what do you mean? You can make it yourself and eat it if you have the ability!”

Sang Wuyan announced a strike.

All night, Sang Wuyan pouted and didn’t speak. Su Nianqun would have thought that she had finally got a night of purity, but she was afraid that she would be sullen and feel uncomfortable.

“Nothing.” He called her first, expressing his surrender.

Sang said nothing.

“Nothing!” He surrendered and prepared to apologize, what else could she do.

Sang Wuyan ignored his call and turned on the TV instead.

“Sang Wuyan!” Su Nianqun raised her voice.

She also turned up the volume on the TV.

Su Nianqun was really angry, so he walked over to turn off the TV, slightly angry: “Sang Wuyan, did you hear me calling you!”

Sang Wuyan put down the remote control, jumped up, and shouted: “I’m not your pet! When you call your name, you have to run over there!”

In order to avoid the disadvantage of height, she stood on the sofa and glared at Su Nianqin, trying to make her words more imposing, but she didn’t expect that Su Nianqin would not take this set, this time she laughed first.

“Where did I treat you as a pet.” He couldn’t help laughing.

“You are.”

“Okay. Be good, come here.” Su Nianqin opened her arms.

Sang Wuyan hesitated for a moment, then stuck to it.

“I called you because I wanted to apologize to you.”

“You sound like you’re going to eat people.” It was a Su Nianqin-style apology.

Su Nianqin smiled.

“In the future, we will make a three-chapter agreement, you are not allowed to be cruel to me, and you are not allowed to drink or smoke.”


“Foul, you will be punished.”


“What do you mean by punishment?” Sang Wuyan couldn’t think of it for a while.

“Three days without speaking.”

“Yeah.” Sang Wuyan nodded, but after a while, he felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly denied it, “No, no.” If a man doesn’t speak for three days, she will suffer, but to him it is simply a reward.

“Then punish me for exercising with you every night until…”

“Exercise?” Sang Wuyan began to be puzzled. Seeing Su Nianqun’s wicked smile, his face turned red, “I don’t agree!”

This time Sang Wuyan finally understood: “Su Nianqun, I think you don’t want to repent at all.”

Su Nianqun played with her fingers around her hair and changed the subject with a smile: “Wuyan, you forgot to do one thing today.”

“What’s the matter?”

“You think about it, you have to do it every day after dinner,” he reminded her.


Su Nianqin shook his head.

“Watching TV?”

“Wash the dishes.”

“Yeah!” Sang Wuyan slapped his forehead and ran to the kitchen in a hurry, completely forgetting what he had just sworn to announce as a strike.

Su Nianqun raised his eyebrows in relief: Pets? How can there be such a cute pet.


In April, Su Nianqun had to go to Japan for business.

“Don’t tell me, you want to walk.” Sang Wuyan teased him.

“Why walk, I can fly.”

“Didn’t you say you don’t like flying?” Sang Wuyan’s eyes widened.

“Not liking doesn’t mean not sitting.”

Sang Wuyan looked at this man who was more and more fond of language.

“How did you go so far?”

“There is a very important fashion show, and the company has just entered the industry and needs publicity.”

“When will you be back?”


Before ten o’clock, Su Nianqin lay on the bed and fell asleep. In order to hand over the company’s affairs to Yu Xiaolu, he was busy for several days and hardly slept.

Sang Wuyan curled up against him, with his left hand on his shoulder.

At this moment, the phone outside suddenly rang.

Sang Wuyan got out of bed lightly and quickly ran to the living room to pick him up. Xiaolu must have forgotten something again, Sang Wuyan thought when he picked up the phone.


The other party hesitated for a while before saying, “Miss Sang, I’m Yu Weilan.”

Sang Wuyan was startled: “…Hello…” She didn’t know what to call her.

“Nianshu fell asleep, I’ll go and call him.” Sang Wuyan was about to put down the microphone as if running away.

“No, no, no.” Yu Weilan stopped hurriedly and kindly, “I’m looking for you.”

“Find me?”

“Miss Sang doesn’t seem to welcome me?”

“No, I…” Sang Wuyan was awkward.

“It doesn’t matter, as a stepmother who was once hated by Nianjin, she has already trained her face thick enough.” Yu Weilan said a joke to ease the atmosphere.

Sang Wuyan smiled a little embarrassedly.

“Wuyan. I can follow Nianqun and Xiaolu to call you that,” Yu Weilan said, “Before, I had a bad relationship with Nianqun, and he never had a good relationship with me for ten years. Said a word.”

This is completely Su Nianqun’s angry style, Sang Wuyan thought.

“But then it all changed. You know? Nothing. It’s because of you. You changed him.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“No, you made him fall in love with you, that’s all that matters. His eyes opened up when he truly fell in love with you. The love between you made him understand how he felt about me. It’s just a yearning for maternal love after his mother’s death, that’s all.”

“Thank you.” Sang Wuyan said a little ashamed.

“There’s nothing to be thankful for, nothing, it’s just as a mother trying to convince her son that the person he loves can marry him in peace. Is this selfish?”

Sang Wuyan smiled.

“What are you doing?”

“He fell asleep.”

“Oh, I’m just wondering how he wouldn’t stop me after talking on the phone with you for so long. He’s a little too protective of you.”

“Actually he disliked me.”


“I think I throw things, I can’t cook, and I sing out of tune.”

“Alas… the godson has no way. Wuyan, I will correct his prejudice.” Yu Weilan smiled, “Is he tomorrow’s plane?”

“Hmm. Nine in the morning.”

“Can I go see him?” Yu Weilan asked.

“Of course!”

At the airport, she saw Yu Weilan for the first time in a real sense. A beautiful woman with a face similar to Xiaolu, but she is extraordinarily gentle and elegant. Although he looks young, he dresses very modestly and prudently because of his identity.

Sang Wuyan still didn’t know what to call her.

When Su Nianqun left, she turned around and said, “Old rules, wait for my call at home every night.”

“You’re so annoying.” Sang Wuyan pouted.

“Dare you think I’m annoying?” Su Nianqun said fiercely.

The two weeks that Su Nianqun left suddenly turned into torment. Both Xiaolu and Aunt Xu came to accompany her, but they started to miss him as soon as they were free. Miss Su Nianqin’s irresistible orders, the raised eyebrows when he is angry, and his greedy kisses.

When she came out of the supermarket, she wanted to laugh when she saw that there was a counter selling candied haws on the first floor. The first time he tricked Su Nianqun into eating the hawthorn in it, his eyebrows were so sore that they knitted together. Such a stubborn and tyrannical man is actually afraid of acid.

Sang Wuyan came home and found that he didn’t know how many missed calls.

“Sang Wuyan, where have you been so late?” Su Nianqun’s roar was heard as soon as he answered the receiver.

“Nianshu, I miss you.” Sang Wuyan ignored his anger and whispered softly with his ear to the phone.

The other end of the international call was stunned for a moment, but did not speak.

“I want to, I want to, I want to…” Sang Wuyan continued.

It was late at night in Tokyo. He had just finished discussing a case with the company’s lawyer, and went outside to make a call during a break. So Sang Wuyan heard the footsteps of passers-by stepping on the corridor from time to time, and Su Nianqun’s breathing.

“You have to be good alone, I’ll get back as soon as possible,” he said.

Then someone came out to find Su Nianqun, and he had to hang up the phone in a hurry. Sang Wuyan looked at the clock on the wall, it was ten past nine. She was only ten minutes late, and he was too impatient, so he would lose his temper.

Then, the man finished everything with lightning speed and went home a week early.

Xiao Qin, who was accompanying him, felt terrifying when he recalled the efficiency of his work during that time: “If this happens a few more times, it will definitely kill people.

After they moved back to the old house, they turned the second floor into a huge greenhouse garden at Sang Wuyan’s request. Then, it is necessary to decide the exact time of the wedding in the second half of the year.

After Sang Wuyan asked Sang’s mother on the phone, he suddenly said to Su Nianqin, “I think I should go to your house.”

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Of course.”

Even with the affirmative answer, Sang Wuyan couldn’t help but get nervous on the way.

“What should I call Xiaolu’s sister when I see her?”

“Ms. Yu, Yu Weilan, Aunt Su, Mrs. Su, Xiaolu’s sister…you can choose.”

“What’s your name?”

“Yu Weilan.”


After a while, Sang Wuyan asked again, “How is your father’s personality? Wouldn’t it be scary?” According to legend, such people are very strange, not to mention having such a son.

“How come, he is old now and very kind, and his temper is as good as mine.”



In the early summer evening, the sun didn’t set for a long time. After the two of them had dinner, Sang Wuyan shouted that she didn’t want to go out for a walk.

So Su Nianqun accompanies her to watch the disc at home.

The story is not a romantic love movie, but Sang Wuyan looks good, Su Nianqun is very strange. She rested her head on the cradle of his neck, idly drinking juice while describing the plot to him in sync.

“Nash came to Princeton alone.”

“My God! His roommate William’s niece is so cute.”

“He and his classmates were drinking at a pub and saw a beautiful girl with blonde hair. While others were eager to try, Nash had devised a formula in his mind that would ensure a successful date with this beauty…but he didn’t go To achieve it, I flew back to the bedroom and wrote it on the glass window.”

Sang Wuyan giggled when he saw interesting places, but his voice for explaining Su Nianqun became smaller and smaller, and the hand holding Su Nianqun became more and more nervous.

“He went looking for William, but no one knew him and there was no record of him on the student list.”

“The doctor told him that William and all that was just… but…”

Sang Wuyan repeated that sentence over and over again, unable to speak any longer, and shrank in Su Nianqun’s arms.

Su Nianqun kissed her forehead and said, “What’s wrong?”

Sang Wuyan didn’t speak the whole time, his eyes were tightly locked on the screen, and all the nerves in his body were tense.

Su Nianqun didn’t dare to move, and roughly guessed the plot of the movie, so she stayed with her quietly. In the middle of the movie, he found her crying silently, her face on his chest, and a large amount of wetness.

He patted her on the back lightly with his hands, like coaxing a child.

The next day, Su Nianqun asked Xiao Qin at the company to find the introduction and information of the movie. When Xiao Qin took it over, he saw the film’s slogan and read it out: “Hesawtheworldinawaynoonecouldhaveimagined, what a special word.”

He sees the world with a vision no one else can understand.

The story is based on the experience of a real person, the mathematician Jr.JohnForbesNash won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994, but Nash and his wife battled his paranoia for life.

Su Nianjin closed all the materials and opened the window. For the first time he felt that the woman he loved was so strong. He suddenly wanted to smoke, but thought that she would be so angry that he would endure it.

The summer wind blew from the window and flipped the paper on the table, one of which fell to the ground.

There is a line of English on the paper: “ABeautifulMind”

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