It Seems I Love You Very Much Chapter 29: Lifetime beauty (1)


Su Nianqin was a little surprised and reached out and touched it, obviously still wrapped well.

“Hehe…” Sang Wuyan burst into laughter, “Who made you make me cry, and you didn’t comfort me.”

“How can I comfort you, don’t tell me, don’t cry, don’t cry, I’m just kidding with you, actually I don’t love you at all.”

She squeezed her fist and hit him in the chest: “Hate!”

Su Nianqun grabbed her hand and walked to the bedroom with her in his arms.

“You dared to make fun of me just now. You like to watch it so much, I will let you watch it slowly when you go back to your room.”

Sang Wuyan would rather die, resisting in his arms.

Suddenly, Su Nianqun took Sang Wuyan’s hand and stopped.

“Oops, it’s really gone.” Su Nianqun said without changing his face.

Then, Sang Wuyan covered her eyes and screamed.

“I lied to you, idiot.” Su Nianqun happily kissed the tip of her nose.

“I don’t believe you anymore.” She still dared not open her eyes.

He simply kissed her in the eye again.

“I just wanted to verify that you’re really emboldened.”

“What about the results?”

“Just right.”

“You don’t have to go to the company?”

“There is still something to do, how can I be willing to go out.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Continuing the wonderful work that was left unfinished last night.”


She curled up in Su Nianqin’s arms and fell asleep sweetly.

Then Su Nianqin’s cell phone rang, and most likely it was Xiao Qin or the company looking for him.

She woke up like an octopus when she heard the bell, sticking to him and saying, “Don’t pick it up. You are mine for 24 hours.”

Su Nianqin rubbed her hair, turned off the phone obediently, and the first habit when she woke up was to find a cigarette.

She snatched the cigarette case from his hand and couldn’t help but ask: “How did you get this disease?”

“Smoke when I miss you.” He hugs her.

“You can’t put all the blame on me,” she protested. “You still want to say you drink every time you hate me.”

“You know that?” He pretended to be surprised.

“Su Nianqun!” She rushed to him.

Su Nianqun smiled and hugged her, no longer joking with her.

He then buried his face in her hair, silent for a long time and recalled: “After you left, I thought, although I am blind, I must do something to make you look different, in front of your mother. Prove yourself. As a result, when I first started working on the business at home, I didn’t know anything about it, and I couldn’t even understand the contract. As a result, I ran into walls everywhere and messed up everything.”

“Your dad didn’t teach you a lesson?”

“He’s not afraid of losing money, but I’m afraid that one day I can’t figure it out.”

Sang Wuyan laughs, I really pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

“Afterwards, someone told me that drinking and smoking could ease my worries.”

“Those people are bastards.” Sang Wuyan said through gritted teeth.

“After I tried it, I thought it was really good, and drinking alcohol can actually fight a cold.”


In the afternoon he accompanies her to go shopping and eat. After returning to the hotel, Sang Wuyan took out the perfume he had just bought, and sprayed the perfume rain again and again until the cockroaches had to avoid it. Su Nianqun sneezed while listening to the news, but did not stop Sang Wuyan’s nonsense.

Xiao Qin murmured in his heart: It turns out that the boss just doesn’t like “other people” using perfume.


The day when Su Nianqun leaves City B is coming soon.

Sang Wuyan still has nearly ten months of schooling here, so Su Nianqun can’t force her. In addition, this man hates flying very much, and he will not choose this type of transportation unless he has to, so the task of meeting naturally falls on Sang Wuyan, so that she has to go to City A at least once a month.

“I’m not afraid of death, but I’m also afraid of flying.” Sang Wuyan complained.

“It’s not that I’m afraid, I just don’t like it.” The man was stubborn.

“Why not?” Women are always the most curious.

“If you don’t like it, you don’t like it, why not?” Su Nianqun became impatient.

“There must be a why to everything.” She insisted.

“Sang Wuyan!”

She saw that Su Nianqun’s face began to gloomy, so she stuck out her tongue and dared not talk to him again.

When they don’t meet, the only way they communicate is by phone. This kind of thing like the phone brought Su Nianqin’s domineering to the extreme. Almost every night at nine o’clock, Sang Wuyan’s cell phone rings on time, and the call will continue until Sang Wuyan falls asleep. In the meantime, she was forbidden to communicate with him except talking on the phone with him. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Su Nianqun also has something to do in the company.

“It’s not fair!” Sang Wuyan protested. Since a man can be called a tyrant, he should ignore the opinions of women.

On Christmas Eve, the original radio special program was suddenly cancelled.

Sang Wuyan was determined to surprise Su Nianqun, so she bought a plane ticket in the afternoon.

When she arrived at City A in the evening, the sky was snowing heavily with goose feathers, and it smelled like Christmas. She took a deep breath of the dry, cold air. In order to facilitate work, Su Nianqun no longer lived there, and changed to a high-rise apartment in the city center. Yu Xiaolu could no longer take care of him after marriage, so the housekeeper asked a sister-in-law surnamed Zhang to take care of the housework for him during the day and leave in the evening.

Sang Wuyan pressed the door ling excitedly.

Waited for a while. no one?

Press again.

Still nobody.

Sang Wuyan scratched his hair in frustration, why didn’t this man stay at home honestly on Christmas Eve. She had to call him, but it turned out that she couldn’t get through.

She sat down at the door in frustration. I don’t know who is so romantic outside, setting off fireworks in the snow and making a muffled sound. There is also a Christmas present for him in the handbag.

Where did he go at this time? It’s already nine o’clock and you don’t see him calling on time? Is there anyone working overtime on Christmas Eve? Or to do some manly entertainment outside? He only allows state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps! The more Sang Wuyan thought about it, the more angry he became, whether it was because he didn’t notify him in advance of the sudden attack.

There are no heating facilities in the corridors and corridors of the apartment, and since this is a high-rise, it will be even more freezing at night in this snowy day. Sang Wuyan wrapped the scarf a little tighter and muttered: Why does he live in such a cold city with no heating in the aisles.

Even this was attributed to her as one of Su Nianqin’s sins.

I don’t know how long it took before the eyelids started to fight, only to hear the elevator stop on this floor.


Sang Wuyan was startled, rubbed his eyes, and saw the man walking out of the elevator alone.

“Su Nianqun!” Sang Wuyan pouted and called him.

“Wuyan? Why are you here?” Su Nianqun was pleasantly surprised.

“Where have you been?”

“Just got off work.” He was a little tired.


Su Nianqun seemed to understand a little bit, stopped the hand that took out the key to open the door, turned his head and asked, “Or what?”

Sang Wuyan shrugged and said nothing.

“Why is my phone not working.”

“Probably poor signal.”

“Who are you with?”

“Little Qin.” Su Nianqun explained honestly.

“I envy her a little.” Sang Wuyan was a little sour.

“I still envy Cheng Yin.”

Su Nianqin pulled her into the door and touched her cold hand.

“Look at what you’ve done to yourself? It’s so cold that I don’t know how to go downstairs and find a place to eat. Are you trying to toss yourself?” As she spoke, she rubbed her hand in the palm of her hand, and rubbed her hand again. to touch her face.

“I did it on purpose. Make you feel guilty.” Sang Wuyan had a warm physique, and his whole body was warm in winter, but now his face is cold.

“I haven’t done anything bad, so I have nothing to feel guilty about.” Su Nianqun said that, but she felt a little distressed, “Why didn’t you call me in advance?”

“Want to surprise you.”

“What day is today again?” Su Nianqun thought hard.

“Christmas Eve.”

“Hey—it’s even worth freezing this holiday season?”

Sang Wuyan ignored him, put his hands into his coat and wrapped his arms around his waist: “Su Nianqun, do you know that you are really annoying sometimes. I don’t understand style, people are rigid, and they are not romantic at all. I really don’t understand how I fell in love with you at that time.” His face was buried in his chest, and his voice was a little muffled.

“Is that so? Why do I feel like someone would like it.”

“Beautiful.” Sang Wuyan bumped his forehead against his chest.

After a while, Su Nianqun couldn’t help but say, “Wuyan…”

“What?” Su Nianqun’s house has always been well heated, but she still warms him greedily.

“You seem to take off your coat as soon as you walk in,” he reminded her.

“Yes, there is a heater at home.”

“I’m still wearing it.”

“I know.”

“But I’m hot.” Su Nianqin was very aggrieved.

Sang Wuyan couldn’t hold back her laughter any longer when she heard this, she immediately pulled out her hand, and hugged him tightly from outside the coat again, making him even more uncomfortable: “Deserved, deserved, deserved…” Who made him angry she.

After the trouble was enough, Sang Wuyan cried out that he was hungry, and had not eaten dinner in the middle of the night. The two went out holding hands.

Sang Wuyan glanced at him when he was tying the scarf, and smiled thiefly: “Look at how far-sighted you are, if we knew we were going out without changing our clothes.”

Su Nianqin pressed the elevator angrily.

“What shall we eat?” Sang Wuyan longed for a Christmas dinner.

“Go…” As soon as he said a word, the only dim light in his eyes suddenly turned to pitch black, and the elevator didn’t move. He thought to himself: Terrible.

“What’s the matter?” Sang Wuyan asked nervously.

“The elevator is out of power.” He subconsciously clenched Sang Wuyan’s hand.

“How many floors are there now?”

“The elevator didn’t seem to go at all just now, so it’s still the twenty-first floor.” Su Nianqin replied.

“Nianshu.” Sang Wuyan called him in the dark.

“I’m here.”

“I’m scared.” Her voice trembled a little.

Su Nianqun took her to her chest when she heard the sound: “Don’t be afraid, someone will come soon.” Although his eyes were sensitive, he felt comfortable in the dark, as long as the steel rope didn’t break and the elevator fell down Just go down.

Sang Wuyan didn’t think so.

“But it’s late at night.”

“Their monitoring room is manned 24 hours a day.”

“What if that person took a nap?”

That’s not possible, Su Nianqin was also thinking about this, but he didn’t dare to say it. He felt that Sang Wuyan was terribly afraid. She has always been timid and is particularly afraid of the dark.

So I had to comfort her: “No. Don’t think about it, they will come soon.”

“I have encountered this situation with Cheng Yin before.”

“And then? Did you go out soon?”

“Then us, then her,” she said incoherently, “then…we…”

Su Nianqun felt her growing nervousness and changed the subject: “What do you want to eat for a while?”

“Spicy stuff.”

“No, you have a bad stomach.”

“Then eat tomato and egg noodles.”


“My mother will make this for me to eat in the morning when it is very cold in winter. The noodle soup is very warm when I drink it one by one.”

“Well, this will satisfy.” The tyrant promised gently.

After ten minutes, the cold air from outside seeped in, and it started to get a little cold. While talking to her to distract her, Su Nianqun unbuttoned his coat and wrapped Sang Wuyan warmly inside.

“Do you remember the MP3 you used before?” Su Nianqun continued to guide her to think in other ways.

“Well, that’s a lot of shit.”

“It’s quite a mess. There are martial arts novels you read to me, you shout at me, and…” Su Nianqun couldn’t help laughing when she remembered it, “and the songs you sang.” It could also be called “singing”.

“Isn’t it a bit out of tune, and it still makes you so happy?”

“If you sing the songs I wrote before, I’m sure you won’t be able to give them away without paying anyone else’s money.”

“If Su Nianqun discriminates against me like this again, I’ll give you a song right away.”

“Don’t! I’m still living in this building. If anyone asks me, I won’t even admit that you belong to me.”

When Sang Wuyan heard these words, he was so angry that he stuck his head out of Su Nianqun’s arms and was about to bite his chin. /

Minutes later, workers pried open the door to free them.

After coming out, Sang Wuyan didn’t want to go down to the 21st floor to eat and then climb up even if he was hungry.

When she got home, Su Nianqin took off her clothes, rolled up her sleeves and went into the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” Sang Wuyan asked.

“I’ll make you tomato egg noodles.”

Sang Wuyan’s eyes widened: “Impossible, how could you possibly cook.”

“How come I can’t do it?” Su Nianqun asked rhetorically.

Later, Sang Wuyan reported the good news to Sang’s mother with great interest. He was startled when he heard her talking on the phone, and after a long time he said leisurely: “When did I say I can cook? ?”


Man, it’s really hard to deal with, Sang Wuyan sighed.


In the days of Chinese New Year, the two made an appointment to go back to see Mama Sang.

Su Nianqin was extremely nervous. But he didn’t expect that Mama Sang was extraordinarily reasonable and didn’t give him any problems. It seems that he has become more open-minded after experiencing the death of Sang’s father. Besides, Su Nianqun covered up all his bad habits, so that Mama Sang couldn’t find fault.

Sang Wuyan snickered and said, “Aren’t you very arrogant, why do you look like a mouse seeing a cat when you see my mother?”

“This is called the Tao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high.”

Sang Wuyan bit him again after hearing this: “How dare you say my mother is a devil!”

Su Nianqun didn’t hide and let her chew: “Actually, my aunt is very cute, but it reminds me of someone.”


“My mom. She used to nag me like this when I was a kid. She was impatient at the time, and now every little thing is precious.”

Sang Wuyan heard the words and turned the original bite into a shallow kiss.

“Don’t worry, I will try my best to nag you in the future, so that you can remember it all the time.” Sang Wuyan said.

Su Nianqin’s Adam’s apple shook and laughed.

Suddenly he thought of something and pulled out a blue velvet box from his pocket.

“What?” Sang Wuyan realized what was inside, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

“Marry me.” Su Nianqin opened the box and found a pink diamond ring inside. His eyes were in the direction of Sang Wuyan, and the ink-like eyes were extraordinarily deep.

“No!” Sang Wuyan said.

Su Nianqun frowned: “Don’t you dare!”

Sang Wuyan got angry, left his legs, and stood up: “How can someone propose marriage like this?!”

The two of them nested in Sang’s house on the 30th New Year’s Eve. In the evening, the third aunt, uncle, second aunt, uncle, niece, and foreign niece all came to have a New Year’s Eve dinner. Mama Sang suddenly thought that she didn’t buy soy sauce. So let Sang Wuyan go to buy.

It was raining outside, and Sang Wuyan had to take Su Nianqun to go with him, and Sang’s mother looked at it and tossed it.

“Why are you calling Xiao Su to go? There are so many people in the food market that your feet are covered in mud.” The mother-in-law was already speaking for her son-in-law.

“He’s very happy to serve you, isn’t he ‘Xiao Su’?” He pinched his hand comfortably, meaning: If you dare to say no, I’m in a hurry with you.

Su Nianqun was in a dilemma, not knowing who was better to listen to.

Mama Sang took off her apron and left the pair to watch the pot at home. The casserole in the kitchen was simmering radish and spareribs soup, and in the living room, the boiling soup could be heard pounding the lid of the pot. The two of them didn’t turn on the lights, so you said a word on the sofa, and I quarreled, and then Su Nianqun suddenly came out with a diamond ring to propose.

“You must have eaten pork if you haven’t seen a pig run.” Sang Wuyan was angry.

Su Nianqun’s eyes narrowed, and he didn’t know what this marriage proposal had to do with eating pork. While trying to appease his emotions, he kept reciting in his heart: Su Nianqin, you must be calm, generous, courageous, tolerant, and not as knowledgeable as this woman.

Sang Wuyan paced back and forth and continued: “In the movies we watched before, when we proposed marriage, the audience could be moved to tears. In the one we watched yesterday, the best thing for a man to learn to be a girlfriend is The tiramisu, who loves to eat, studied for a whole month, and then made one by herself on her birthday, and put a diamond ring in it. When the woman ate something with knock teeth, she took it out of her mouth and saw that it was a ring. Only then did he say: ‘Marry me’.”

“Boring!” Sang Wuyan’s wonderful fantasy was interrupted by Su Nianqun’s sneering conclusion, “I’m not afraid of swallowing or choking.”

“Can you be a little romantic?” Sang Wuyan educated him.

“No. That’s what I am.”

“Then I won’t marry.” Sang Wuyan announced.

“Don’t even think about it.” The tyrant grabbed Sang Wuyan’s left hand standing in front of him and put it on her ring finger without resistance. Then he raised his head and kissed her fiercely.

“You are forcing the marriage,” Sang Wuyan put his hand in Su Nianqin’s hair and kissed him back, “Next time, we have to do it all over again.”

Su Nianqun sucked Sang Wuyan’s lips attentively and silently, seemingly tacitly thinking in his heart: When you get on the pirate ship, there will be another next time.

After a while, Sang Wuyan raised his hand and looked at the ring for a long time, and suddenly said with disgust, “Why is it so small.”

“It’s already big enough, and it won’t be easy to wear it if it’s bigger.” This woman is quite material, Su Nianqun thought.

“How could it be pink.” She had another question later.

“Xiaolu said this shade suits you very well.”

“How can I see that the diamonds are transparent, so how can they have any color.” Sang Wuyan said very rudely.

“I don’t know, it seems to be called a colored diamond.” Men are also very bad at this kind of thing.

“Isn’t it fake?”

Su Nianqun is angry.

Mother Sang came back from the market to buy onions and saw the ring on Wuyan’s hand, her tears suddenly fell, and she said, “Okay, okay. Let’s go see your father tomorrow on the first day of the first day of the new year.”

In the evening, my uncle, aunt and many other people came to the house for New Year’s Eve dinner.

Su Nianqun is a little bit unaccustomed to a large table of people. There are a lot of dishes. He doesn’t know how to start without being ugly. Fortunately, Mother Sang carefully took the small bowl and placed it in front of Sang Wuyan.

Sang Wuyan put the distant dishes in Su Nianqun’s bowl and said, “This is the cured meat that my mother made. It’s very fragrant.” Put it in another small bowl, and said, “The meatballs and soup are put in it, do you want to serve rice?” I have been taking good care of it.

After dinner, a group of people watched TV. Su Nianqun and Sang Wuyan were talking in another room, and Sang Wuyan’s little niece and cousin also came in.

The twelve-year-old cousin asked, “Brother Nianshu, can we play with you?”

The six-year-old little niece also did not let him go, and followed the little aunt and shouted, reading the quilt brother.

Sang Wuyan is funny, it’s true that all the women in the family from six to fifty-five years old are not immune to him.

“Why don’t you go home for the New Year?” my cousin asked.

“You sister Wuyan asked me to come, so I can only come.” Su Nianqun answered honestly.

At this time, the niece stretched out her hand and shook it impolitely in front of Su Nianqun: “Brother Nianqun, can you really see?” Tong Yan Wuji.

Sang Wuyan was afraid that Su Nianqun would care and wanted to interrupt the conversation, but he didn’t expect him to gently grab her hand and say, “It’s not that you can’t see it at all, for example, Nuonuo, you just shook in front of me, I Can feel the wind and see something moving before, but don’t know what exactly, or if you want me to count your fingers, even worse. But now my eyesight is worse.”

Actually, he is congenitally visually impaired, so he is not particularly concerned psychologically.

But the biggest regret is that even the imagination of this world has no real source.

“What’s in the blue?” Nono asked him.

“The sea, the sky, and, um, this one I’m wearing.” After he answered, he asked Wuyan again, “You said that in the morning, didn’t you?”

Sang Wuyan smiled: “Yes.”

“What about white?”

“Cloud, and Nuonuo’s teeth.”

The niece Nuonuo grinned, revealing two missing front teeth.

“What about pink?” This is not a good description.

Su Nianqun thought for a while: “Your aunt’s lips are absent.”

Sang Wuyan blushed after brushing her face: “What nonsense are you talking about in front of children?”

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