It Seems I Love You Very Much Chapter 1: Elevator encounter (1)


5:30 just happened to be the time when people rushed from the classroom and library to the cafeteria and boiling water room. Sang Wuyan had eaten early and was walking on the way to self-study. Ten minutes later, I heard the campus radio broadcast on time.

The familiar melody was over, and Xu Qian’s voice came out: “Good noon, I’m Xiaoqian, and it’s Wednesday’s pop music time again. First, new song recommendations, and then our last week’s charts. …”

The school’s radio room has been doing a good job, much richer than when Sang Wuyan entered the school. It’s a pity that she hasn’t been there for a long time.

She waited for Cheng Yin in the small garden below the Four Sects for a few minutes, when she saw her walking over with a smile.

“What’s wrong? You look stupid.” Cheng Yin asked.

“I am intoxicated by Xu Qian’s voice.”

“I think I’m intoxicated in my vinegar jar.”

“No!” Sang Wuyan abruptly denied it.

“I haven’t said yet, you…” Cheng Yin was suddenly interrupted by Sang Wuyan in the middle of her words.

“Shh—” She made a silent gesture, tilted her head and turned her ears to the side, without moving for a while.

Cheng Yin really calmed down, and after a while she asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

Sang Wuyan said: “You listen to this song.”

There is a song playing on the radio, and the male singer’s soft, slow voice seems to be mixed into people’s hearts.

I lost my way in the grassland,

The wind blows and the grass is low,

Someone once sang the sky like a dome…

In the evening, Sang Wuyan chatted with Cheng Yin.

“What kind of song is it? It’s so good.”

“A bit like a newcomer.”

“I really want to know.” Sang Wuyan sighed.

“You can just call and ask Xu Qian.” Cheng Yin came up with the first idea.

“I won’t go if you kill me.”

“Go to the Internet to search, I guess you can find it.” Cheng Yin came up with a second idea.

“I don’t know how to search for the song title?” Sang Wuyan is a famous “Dianbai” (computer idiot).

“Uh—” The two looked at each other, “I don’t know either.” Cheng Yin was also “electric white”.


It seems that women cannot rely on women.

Sang Wuyan and his best friend Cheng Yin moved out of the school as soon as they entered school this year. She is about to graduate, and the school is not very strict. In addition, she is now working part-time in the radio station in City A, so she is afraid that sometimes she will be late and it will be inconvenient to return to the dormitory.

The next morning, Sang Wuyan hummed and sang yesterday’s song while brushing his teeth. He suddenly thought of something, spit out a mouthful of toothpaste, raised his head and asked, “Cheng Yin, why don’t I go to school and ask me humming a tune? They?”

“Why are you still thinking about this?”

“Of course. I’m from the radio station and have professional sensibilities.”

“You’re still professionally sensitive?” Cheng Yin laughed, “Aren’t you just an idiot with a tone-deafness, any song will be ruined if you put it in your mouth.”

“Cheng Yin!” Sang Wuyan was angry.

Friday afternoon, Sang Wuyan went to the radio station without class. In the evening is the broadcast time of radio station pillar Nie Xi. After Sang Wuyan entered the radio station, he was simply doing odd jobs. Not long ago, Nie Xi’s assistant had just resigned, and there was no suitable candidate. Fortunately, the director thought that Sang Wuyan had a good mind, so she temporarily replaced her.

Although Nie Xi is quite well-known in the city, he is a very easy-going person. Wuyan followed the juniors in the stage and called her “Sister Xi”.

Sang Wuyan went upstairs with a pile of letters from the uncle who guarded the door on the first floor, all of which were addressed to Nie Xi from the audience. She opened one by one for Nie Xi to read, the reply that should be replied, the conveyance that should be conveyed. However, almost every time Sang Wuyan sees something that makes her laugh.

Every time she reads it to the rest of the audience, she’s sure to laugh out loud.

Nie Xi always shook her head: “Wuyan, you are such a pistachio.”

Sang Wuyan finished tidying up a lot of things and went to the cafeteria to have dinner. Nie Xi had already arrived at the workroom ahead of schedule to prepare.

“Sister Xi, come so early?”

Nie Xichong blinked her eyes, turned down the music and said, “I want to use some new songs, I’ll try them out.”

“Oh.” Sang Wuyan made a “you’re busy” look, ready to go next door.

Just after turning around, Sang Wuyan heard Nie Xi change the tune, and the melody of the prelude was somewhat familiar. Suddenly, her mind flashed, it was the song from yesterday, the song she was looking for.

She hurriedly turned around and asked loudly, “Sister Xi, what song is this?”

Nie Xi was writing attentively, and the music was playing, so she didn’t hear anything for a while.

“Sister Xi, what’s the name of the song you played?” Sang Wuyan asked again.

“You mean this song now?” Nie Xi said, “It’s called “Libya Shell.”

“It sounds so nice.” Sang Wuyan sighed.

“Not bad. Although it’s a new song, I think it will be a big hit.”

“Really good, I was hooked as soon as I heard it.”

Seeing her appearance, Nie Xi couldn’t help laughing: “Wuyan, I have a spare disc here. If you want, I’ll lend it to you.”

Sang Wuyan nodded as if pounding garlic.

As soon as she gets home from get off work, she flips the CD out of her handbag and puts it in the CD player. That song was the title track of the entire album of the same name, and was ranked number one.

She listened to it several times before she remembered to find the lyrics on the CD.

The cover of the booklet is the handsome newcomer, the most popular sunshine boy today, whose handsome silhouette is reflected in the dim light.

Sang Wuyan opened the first page, and what he saw was actually a landscape painting instead of the young man’s portrait. The painting is really beautiful. The endless desert is illuminated golden by the sunset that has almost fallen on the horizon. There are a few stars shining near the sun that has lost its dazzling rays, and there is a shell nearby. Under the afterglow of the sun, it is Like dyed with a layer of brilliance.

On this side of the illustration are the lyrics to the song “Libyan Shell”.

I lost my way in the grassland,

The wind blows and the grass is low,

Someone once sang the sky like a dome.

The sky, the sky,

Beidou please show me the way.

I got lost in the desert,

The sand is long,

The ancients used to call it the Great Ocean.

Hanhai, ah, oh,

Are you drying me out?

And I’m lost in your mind,

My love,

Would you like to blow your Libyan shell for me

Be my horn?

I got lost in the city,

A thousand towers,

Love, please tell me where my home is.

My home, my home,

Parting the Red Sea bypassing Libya.

Smoke a bag of hookah,

Tie a turban,

Black pupil pupil,

Speaking of love and passion,

My Libyan Shell,

The stars fell.

The lyrics are not obscure at all, but some of the classical flavors are a little different from the popular Chinese-style tunes, and they have the characteristics of Arabic music. Such tunes and such lyrics are matched together, it seems that there is really an Arab prince in the desert who is playing the piano and singing for the woman he loves.

Sang Wuyan inadvertently saw the following production, and the first four words were short:

Lyrics: Yi Jin.


Sang Wuyan always felt that the word “Yi Jin” looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it before, so he went to sleep after washing.

Unfortunately, in the early morning, Sang Wuyan was woken up by the **** raised by the old lady on the third floor on the balcony. It has been tossing for many days, but I don’t know when the old lady is going to stew the chicken.

Sang Wuyan covered her head and continued to sleep, but unfortunately the chicken continued to sing as if it had taken a stimulant. Then, the phone rang.

Sang Wuyan saw Wei Hao’s name on the caller ID, his heart beat faster, and he didn’t know whether to answer or not.

She didn’t dare to pinch, the bell rang to and fro, and it took a long time for her to quiet down.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone rang again – again Wei Hao.

“This person is also, don’t you know that people are going to bed early in the morning?” Cheng Yin said.

“Yeah.” She frowned.

“Take it, I won’t eat you again.”

“Why!” Sang Wuyan said nervously, covering the phone under the quilt to reduce the noise.

The phone disconnects and then rings again.

Sang Wuyan simply put a pillow on top to cover the phone, and it took a long time for the ringing to stop.

However, a good morning with no classes to sleep until the sun rises was so wasted.

Sang Wuyan got up in despair, put on clothes, and stayed in the house for a while, and then decided to go out to Xiaoxi Street alone to eat her coveted xiaolongbao.

In the early morning like this, except for high school students rushing to study on their own, there are almost no people on the streets, and most shops have not yet opened their doors.

The sprinkler sings and moves slowly along the road.

Sang Wuyan took a deep breath while walking on the road, and suddenly felt in a good mood. I used to get up early either to catch the radio or to go back to school. I haven’t experienced this kind of leisurely feeling for a long time.

So, she walked out from the steamed bun shop with her stomach full, and turned into the park.

The park is more lively, doing exercises and running.

There is a chubby child by the lake who is actually learning Tai Chi with a group of elderly people. She was amused by the clumsy cuteness of the child, and simply sat down on the chair by the roadside.

Maybe it will be a nice day today. Although it was only the end of September, the heat had already subsided, so I sat on the chair in the open air, the breeze was refreshing, I was refreshed, and even felt a little cold.

The sky in the distance is getting brighter, and the early morning sun is starting to penetrate the clouds.

A young man sits on the chair next to him. When Sang Wuyan came just now, the man was already there, facing the lake, quietly closing his eyes. It was probably because he felt very good, so she couldn’t help but secretly glanced at his profile a few more times.

His lips were light in color, his thin lips were pressed tightly, and his expressionless expression seemed a little indifferent.

Because he closed his eyes, Sang Wuyan had the courage to stare at him a few more times. She had good eyesight since she was a child, and even from several meters away, she could see that his eyelashes were dark and thick, overlapping up and down, like a small fan.

However, it was precisely because he closed his eyes that he couldn’t see the feeling of the entire facial features combined.

Sang Wuyan has always believed that eyes are the window to the soul, and a pair of good-looking eyes is a necessary condition for a beautiful person. Therefore, in the evaluation of the four words “extremely handsome”, she temporarily put away the two words “extremely”, and then decides after reading the whole.

There are several old men and women hanging their voices nearby. Some people simply shout at the lake water. It is said that this can shout out the exhaust gas in the chest cavity, appetizing, strengthening the spleen and prolonging life.

Sang Wuyan wanted to hum a song as soon as his mood improved, so he imitated them, stood up with his hands on his hips and faced the “sea”, singing loudly.

“Three laps to the left, three laps to the right, twisting the buttocks and twisting the neck, going to bed early and getting up early, let’s do exercise, shaking hands, shaking feet, taking deep breaths, learning from grandpa and jumping around, I won’t grow old… “

A loud roar came out, next to a “grandfather” who was doing morning exercises was sung by her, she was embarrassed to continue twisting her waist and twisting her buttocks, and slowly stopped.

Er—seems childish.

She thought for a moment, then changed her song.

“The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, and the dong dong singing is so dang dang, singing our dear motherland from now on to dong dong dong dong…”

As soon as the song “Singing for the Motherland” was exported, an auntie who was jogging backwards was so startled by her that she almost fell with garlic mixed under her feet.

But fortunately, the good-looking man just turned his ears when she opened her mouth to sing the first sentence, and the rest of the time was calm.

Sang Wuyan never remembers the lyrics when she sings. Whenever she encounters a place where she doesn’t know the words, she hums and hums it, or simply fills in a few sentences that don’t match the horse’s mouth.

Apparently, the “dongdong” and “dangdang” behind the five-star red flag are both alternative pronunciations of unknown lyrics.

And every time she goes to sing karaoke, if she picks up the microphone and opens her mouth to sing only three sentences, she will be beaten by the crowd.

Cheng Yin often shakes her head and sighs: “We can’t figure it out, you are an announcer who hasn’t played on a certain radio station, how can you be so tragic when you sing?”

Forget it, forget it.

Sang Wuyan closed his mouth and shook his head.

There are many elderly people here, so don’t sing these nostalgic golden songs, lest it be said that she has tarnished the glorious image of the great motherland.

Sang Wuyan was silent in his heart, ready to come to enjoy both the refined and the common.

At this time, she suddenly remembered the song “Tianming Slightly Blue” by Xu Guannao, which she admired very much. So, she brewed the lyrics in her mind, opened her mouth and sang:

A light breeze blows

Send her fragrance

Let me catch in the Morrowind

Her taste

before dawn

She doesn’t know it yet

I am in the blue sky


Because she likes it, she has sung this song countless times at home, and she still remembers some of the lyrics.

Hmm–Sang Wuyan succumbed to himself with satisfaction.

This time, there are obviously not as many people mixing garlic under their feet as last time, and there is progress.

However, because of Sang Wuyan’s singing, the man on the side turned his head, and his originally relaxed expression suddenly became strange.

As he turns his head, he slowly opens his eyes. When those eyes gradually appeared, Sang Wuyan forgot to breathe for a while.

He has very beautiful eyes.

The eyes are as deep as lacquer under the thick eyelashes.

Later, Wu Yan asked him: “Do you know what I thought when I saw your eyes for the first time?”

He is puzzled.

She laughed: “Like black glass beads dipped in water.”

Actually, the expression on the man’s face at this time was not so strange, but rather extremely unpleasant.

Sang Wuyan wondered, she sang Xu Guannao’s song, why is he unhappy? Is he a crazy fan of Xu Guannao? At this moment, Sang Wuyan’s little head can’t help but come up with the best news that many fans are madly chasing stars.

So, when the man’s skinned eyes didn’t fall on her, Sang Wuyan stopped his voice in time, picked up his handbag and left.


Sang Wuyan went back to the school dormitory to get things at noon, and happened to meet Li Lulu in the upper bunk who came back from the bathroom with a washbasin.

“I said who it was, but it turned out to be Miss Sang,” Li Lulu said, “what? Come back to inspect?”

Li Lulu loves to rinse Sang Wuyan, but she is not bad.

“I’ll be back to get some clothes.”

“By the way, Wei Hao always calls you in the middle of the night. It’s so annoying, can you save us worry?”

“Oh.” Sang Wuyan replied while burying his head in organizing his drawer.

“You said you…” Li Lulu paused, then waved her hand again, “Don’t talk about it.”

“It’s no use talking.” Sang Wuyan replied.

“Yes. I don’t know how Wei Hao met a person like you. It’s really bad luck for eight lifetimes.”

Sang Wuyan laughed.

“Have dinner together on Saturday night, don’t just hang out in your kennel all day and play with the guys.”

“I don’t want to go.” Sang Wuyan lowered his head.

“You must have forgotten, it’s my birthday that day. If you dare not go, I won’t kill you.”

Li Lulu released harsh words, which was very effective on Sang Wuyan.

In the end, when Wei Hao was eating hot pot that day, Sang Wuyan frowned and looked at Li Lulu.

“My fellow, it’s nothing else.” Li Lulu said without looking up.

A total of eight people eat, just four women and four men.

Sang Wuyan thought: Oh, there are just two tables of mahjong.

Everyone is a fellow from City B, and Sang Wuyan knows them all.

Wei Hao sat next to Sang Wuyan, with Li Lulu in the middle. Sang Wuyan didn’t look at him, he was quite normal, and the whole process was peaceful.

Only halfway through the meal, there were not enough dishes. Li Lulu asked the waiter to take the menu and asked Wei Hao casually: “Handsome guy, what do you need to add?”

Wei Hao blurted out without thinking: “Add more beef, I don’t like it.”

Sang Wuyan’s chopsticks paused.

When the dishes were brought up, Li Lulu put a large plate of beef into the pot to cook in one breath. However, Sang Wuyan never caught a chopstick from beginning to end.

After eating, the group went to sing again.

Li Lulu and a group of people are crazy. One girl even took off her shoes and sang on the sofa while holding the microphone. Sang Wuyan and Wei Hao were sitting on the left and right ends of the sofa.

Hometown A said: “Sang Wuyan, sing.”

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