Iron Blooded Wolf Chapter 272: Join Snow Wolf, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Jagged Wolf!

Lu Wuxie snorted and glanced at the leading hot woman Tianchan.

Seeing Tianchan’s expressionless face and no intention to stop him, Lu Wuxie suddenly let out a cold snort and stepped forward to greet the brawny black man.

Although this group of people rescued him and fished him out of the sea, but such a verbal insult hit him, Lu Wuxie was not ready to get used to them.

At most, use less strength, just stay a little while and don’t beat them too badly.

When Lu Wuxie was about to take action to teach the black brawny man, he saw a group of brawny men suddenly walked in from outside the gym.

Most of these brawny men are Asian yellow races. They walked in, slouching one by one, and Lu Wuxie clearly felt a kind of gangsterism from them!

Sturdy bandit!

Lu Wuxie stopped moving and looked at the group of people in surprise.

The black man in front of him also stopped abruptly at this time, turned his head to look at the group of people, and frowned with a cold snort.

Obviously, they are not dealing with each other!

The brawny Asian guy in this group of bandits took a provocative look at the brawny black guy. One of the leading young men said in bad English: “Dias is stupid and big. Skin monkey? Are you owed? Believe it or not, I will immediately throw you into the sea!”

“Huh! Hua Guozhang, what do I say is to you, do you think I’m afraid you won’t make it?” The strong black man hummed coldly, staring at the youth vigilantly, and approached the hot woman Tianchan After a few steps, it was obvious that the Chinese youth named Zhang was very afraid.

The young man surnamed Zhang curled his mouth when he heard the words, and said, “Of course, what you say has nothing to do with me, but if you scold my fellow yellow-skinned monkey, it would be tantamount to scolding me! Why, you still want to fight me Can’t it? Come on, I’ll give you a hand, a stupid man!”

“You!” The strong black man had a purple expression, but he didn’t move. Instead, he took a few steps back and looked at Tianchan.

Obviously, he once suffered a lot from the young man surnamed Zhang. At this time, facing the youth’s provocation, he completely lost his previous arrogance.

Tianchan snorted coldly at this time: “Zhang Heng, shall we fight a game?”

“Don’t, Mr. Tianchan, I don’t have the time to fight with you… I just can’t understand your brother insulting the yellow race, and Mr. Tianchan, you seem to be of Chinese origin, right? Take care of you Brother, let me hear something like that next time, I will slap his lips!”

The young man surnamed Zhang said lightly, with a look of disdain.

The strong Asian men behind him all laughed at this moment, and looked at Tianchan and other bodyguards with disdainful eyes.

Tianchan looked ugly and snorted: “Do your own thing! Let’s go!”

After finishing speaking, Tian Chan took a few bodyguards, and amidst the noise of Zhang Heng and other Asian youths, he quickly left the gym with a clear face.

When Tianchan and others left, Zhang Heng looked at Lu Wuxie.

He smiled and walked to Lu Wuxie, and stretched out his hand: “Brother, I heard that you are a Chinese. I wanted to visit you a long time ago, but you haven’t come out in the room these days. I’m sorry to disturb you. My name is Zhang Heng. I’m from China’s Deep Sea City, the deputy commander of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps.”

Lu Wuxie looked at Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng has a stout body that is rare in southern China. He is full of muscles and full of strength.

And what really surprised Lu Wuxie was the vigorous aura on him!

This is definitely a powerful fighter. Although he is more banditious, he can still feel the temperament of a soldier.

Lu Wuxie guessed that Zhang Heng should have been a soldier, and became a mercenary after he retired.

He felt that Zhang Heng was not malicious towards him, and he immediately reached out and shook Zhang Heng’s hand and said, “I come from the deep sea of ​​China, and my name is Lu Wuxie.”

“Haha, it turns out that I am really a fellow, and I am also a deep-sea man! Well, let me call you innocent brother, I heard what you said to the Tianchan group of girls just now, and I did not lose our deep sea Man’s face! I wanted to scold that group of trash a long time ago, but I didn’t catch the opportunity.”

When Zhang Heng heard that Lu Wuxie was from the deep sea, he became more enthusiastic and introduced the brothers behind him to Lu Wuxie.

Most of them are Chinese, at least of Chinese descent.

Under such circumstances, Lu Wuxie was also in a good mood to meet a few fellows from China, and exchanged greetings with Zhang Heng and others.

After a while, Lu Wuxie couldn’t help asking: “Brother Zhang Heng, why are you also on this boat?”

Zhang Heng naturally hugged Lu Wuxie’s shoulders, and smiled and said, “Of course it is to make money. We mercenaries, all of us dare to go to the battlefield where there are bullets and bullets. Of course, whoever gives the money will work for whom… …”

Afterwards, under Zhang Heng’s introduction, Lu Wuxie finally understood.

The luxury cruise ship that he was on belonged to a real estate tycoon in the Emirate of Dubai, and Sarah, the black yarn woman whom Lu Wuxie had met before, was the only daughter in name of this Arab real estate tycoon. The only legal heir.

Of course, in the emirate of Dubai, as long as you can afford it, a man is allowed to marry up to four wives. And Sarah’s father, although he didn’t really marry four wives, there were quite a few women out there, and by the way, he planted several illegitimate children.

In normal times, it’s nothing. With Sarah’s father’s power, these illegitimate children are honest. They dare not compete with Sarah or covet any property inheritance rights.

But not long ago, Sarah’s father passed away suddenly. His huge wealth and company are waiting for Sarah to go back and inherit.

But at this moment, Sarah suffered a series of assassinations!

Even if she is stupid, she is only the ‘illegitimate children’ of her father. Seeing that his father had a chance to divide the property after his death, he wanted to kill her!

After all, as long as Sarah is dead, these illegitimate children can inherit the most wealth!

In the face of huge wealth, it is normal for the father and son to be cut off and the brothers to smash the wall. For her own safety, Sarah can only hire Zhang Heng’s snow wolf mercenary group to protect her safely and return to China to control her father’s stay. Company and property.

Fang Tianchan and other bodyguards are also bodyguards employed by Sarah.

The difference between the mercenaries such as Zhang Heng is that they are all security experts who graduated from a regular security company. They look down on the snow wolf mercenary group and this group of guerrillas are scattered bravely, thinking that they are a group of reckless goods, go to the battlefield to kill enemies Okay, the protector is too amateurish.

The mercenaries such as Zhang Heng also look down on the creaminess of Fang Tianchan and other bodyguards, feeling that they have never even been on the real battlefield and have no abilities.

So the two parties are not dealing with each other. Although they are in the same boat, there are often conflicts.

This time Lu Wuxie clashed with Fang Tianchan and others. Zhang Heng was afraid that Lu Wuxie would suffer, so he stood up to support Lu Wuxie.

From Zhang Heng’s mouth, Lu Wuxie also learned that the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps had only eight people, and all of them were brave and fighting like brothers.

At this moment, Zhang Heng clasped Lu Wuxie’s shoulders and suddenly said, “Brother Wuxie, if I’m not mistaken, you are also a veteran? Just because you dare to call Fang Tianchan they are rubbish, I will I know that you are a capable person! Are you interested in joining our Snow Wolf Mercenary Group? Our Snow Wolf Mercenary Group is small now, but our ideal is to become the strongest mercenary group in the world! After joining us, Everyone is brothers, how about delicious and spicy?”

Lu Wuxie looked at Zhang Heng with a faint smile, never expected that he would invite himself to join the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group.

Lu Wuxie was about to refuse, but suddenly thought about it again.

The most important thing for him at this time, of course, is to improve his strength as soon as possible, and then return to China to join Yuezong, rescue Teng Jingshan, and step on Zhou Zixuan.

But returning with his current strength, not only cannot save Teng Jingshan, but he may also be in danger.

The old man next to Zhou Zixuan was really amazing. Before his Yin Yang Quan Jin had reached the sixth level, Lu Wuxie could hardly be his opponent.

So, it is most suitable to stay in a safe place abroad and devote yourself to cultivating. If you join the snow wolf mercenary group, it seems not bad.

At least, you can hide yourself well.

Zhang Heng saw that Lu Wuxie seemed to be a little moved, and he immediately smiled and said, “Brother Wuxie, what else to consider? Join us! Dubai is a paradise for the rich. As long as we work hard, we will do everything in the future. Yes! Money, woman, power! And a group of brothers who live and die together!”

When Lu Wuxie heard this, a strange expression flashed in his eyes. Lu Wuxie didn’t care much about money, women, rights. But the last sentence of Zhang Heng’s brothers who lived and died together made Lu Wuxie instantly think of the group of comrades in War Wolf.

It has always been a pity in Lu Wuxie’s heart to be forced to leave the wolf and the group of comrades in arms. He still wants to fight side by side with his comrades!

It’s just that that is already an extravagant hope.

He suddenly took a deep breath, looked at Zhang Heng, smiled and suddenly stretched out his hand.

Zhang Heng laughed suddenly, squeezed Lu Wuxie’s hand together, and patted Lu Wuxie’s shoulder with the other hand, saying: “Brother, you will be proud of today’s decision. We hired by Xuelang The Corps will definitely become the most powerful mercenary group!”

Lu Wuxie joined. Zhang Heng was obviously very happy. He pulled Lu Wuxie and walked out.

He said as he walked: “Brothers, let’s go! Let’s go find the eldest sister, and have a good celebration tonight!”

Lu Wuxie was shocked when he heard the words: “Big sister?”

Zhang Heng patted his head and said with a smile: “Brother Wuxie, I forgot to tell you, the leader of our Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps is named Yu Chuxue… Don’t underestimate that the leader is a woman, she Is so strong that even the three of me are not opponents!”

Lu Wuxie looked surprised when he heard this, the head of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group was actually a woman?

His dignified wolf head has become a woman’s subordinate? He couldn’t help touching his nose and suddenly regretted it.

However, after all the words were said, Lu Wuxie couldn’t just withdraw.

He could only let Zhang Heng pull him and came to the deck of the luxury cruise ship. From a distance, he could see that the black gauze woman was blowing at the bow of the ship.

Behind her, a beautiful woman standing like a javelin turned to look at them with sharp eyes.

Lu Wuxie was shocked when he saw the woman’s face.

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