Iron Blooded Wolf Chapter 142: Miss Hand, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Jagged Wolf!

Lu Wuxie looked at the Changwen jumping up and down in front of him, his eyes were very cold.

Reminiscent of what Chang Wen said before, Lu Wuxie’s face was very ugly. He could easily think that the psychedelic medicine in the coffee was made by Chang Wen.

“You added the spices in the coffee?” Lu Wuxie said to Chang Wen with an ugly face.

Chang Wen turned his head and looked at the room, and found that there was no Teng Jingshan figure. He turned his head back, with a hint of resentment on his face, watching Lu Wuxie sternly said, “Boy, today you are dead. If it weren’t for me, do you think you would have this kind of beauty~yu?”

Changwen is indeed very depressed.

After I ran, I put in a lot of hard work, and when I was about to pick the fruit, I was suddenly led by others, and snatched the tender beauty like a peach from his hand. This made Chang Wen’s eyes a bit of murderous intent.

Dare to grab food in his mouth, this kid in front of him is the first and will be the last.

Lu Wuxie’s face became more gloomy. Obviously, things were very clear. The person who prescribes the medicine is indeed the regular text.

In order to get Teng Jingshan, Chang Wen secretly put this high-concentration hallucinogen into the coffee, preparing to overthrow Teng Jingshan, but he accidentally destroyed it.

But the consequences of the destruction were also very serious. He actually pushed Teng Jingshan onto the bed.

Lu Wuxie was very regretful, he felt that this matter was very troublesome. Originally, he was here to talk to Xia Xia, and he didn’t know that by mistake, he actually gave Teng Jingshan to it. What a funny thing.

From an ethical point of view, this is already a taboo. Although Lu Wuxie did not marry Xia Xia now, Teng Jingshan did not become Lu Wuxie’s aunt.

Lu Wuxie has been told to observe etiquette and shame since he was a child, and now he has personally broken his belief in guarding, which makes Lu Wuxie very angry.

He couldn’t wait to punch the boy in front of him to death.

This kind of scum is really harmful.

“Boy, I admire your courage so much that I dare to **** food in front of my regular articles, but I also have to regret to tell you that you will not be the first and will not be the last, but These people have already entered the underworld without any accident.” Chang Wen looked at Lu Wuxie with a sullen look. It is really unforgivable for such a small person to let all his plans go through.

As the Chang family of the Four Great Young Masters in Beijing, Chang Wen can basically walk sideways in Yanjing. As long as he doesn’t provoke a few well-known figures, then even the law is difficult to play on him. The effectiveness it deserves.

Chang Wen looked at Lu Wuxie with a gloomy expression. Among those who could not provoke Lu Wuxie, Lu Wuxie was definitely not included. Thinking of this, Chang Wen once again picked up the stick in his hand and watched Lu Wuxie cruelly. Innocent.

The successful attack by Lu Wuxie just now was purely an accident.

If it hadn’t been for Chang Wen to see this kid and that **** in front of him roll the sheets, he would never get upset and ignore his own sense of defense.

After all, Changwen also has kung fu.

As an important child of the four major families, Chang Wen was sent by the Chang family to a martial arts gym where he specialized in karate since he was a child. This is not the same kind of ordinary gymnasium outside, but the kind of closed one. The famous karate master of the island country personally teaches one-on-one, so Changwen is now a master, and people who are waiting are not close at all. Even a few big men, if they have not practiced, still can’t resist Chang Wen’s fierce fists.

Not to mention that Changwen still has a wooden stick in his hand.

There may be people who can’t penetrate the water or fire, but Chang Wen doesn’t believe that this kid in front of him is so capable.

At this moment, he has superb skills and sharp weapons, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He will stun the person in front of him, and then do his best to torture him, make him feel the despair of life, make him regret that he has done this, and he has to be in front of this kid, Push Teng Jingshan to the climax, so that he can relieve his hatred.

Chang Wen’s face was slightly distorted. The big stick in Yang Qi’s hand gave a loud shout, and the strength of his entire body was concentrated on his arm, watching Lu Wuxie viciously, and finally waved it heavily.

Lu Wuxie’s eyes condensed, and he looked at Chang Wen with a hint of surprise.

From the point of view of the strength of the shot, he can conclude that Chang Wen’s skill is a bit grounded. Karate, now spread in a small step in Huaxia, is also very powerful.

Lu Wuxie once explored the cause of karate. In fact, this kind of kung fu is the “Tang Shou” who shocked China and foreign countries. After being stolen by the island country, it was called karate.

In fact, this kind of kungfu is still the kungfu of the Chinese nation, but it has been changed into a different style by the island country.

The wooden stick that Chang Wen swung down was full of vigor at the moment, and even the surrounding air made a muffled sonic boom.

Lu Wuxie’s eyes were full of murderous intent, because he felt Changwen’s murderous intent.

The young man in front of him actually wants to kill himself, want to smash his head.

For those who threaten his life, Lu Wuxie will not keep his hands no matter what the other party’s reasons are. What’s more, it’s someone you don’t know.

Although the other party kept saying that he was from the Chang family, how could this scare Lu Wuxie.

The former Captain Wolf, how can a small Chang family be scared.

Lu Wuxie walked sideways, avoiding the attacking stick, and instead of retreating, he slammed Changwen’s temple again with an angry punch.


Two faint blows came from the room.

The first sound is the sound of a wooden club hitting the bed, and the second sound is the sound of Lu Wuxie’s iron boxing hitting Chang Wen’s head.

Hearing the sound of physical fighting, Teng Jingshan’s figure coming out of the bathroom paused, with worry in her eyes, and then quickly came out of the bathroom.

She was shocked by the scene before her.

I saw Chang Wen fell to the ground with a punch by Lu Wuxie, and then he struggled a few times before lying there and couldn’t get up anymore, seeing that there was no air of breath.

“You, what did you do to him?” Teng Jingshan looked at Lu Wuxie, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

The person in front of me is the third-generation child of the Chang family, one of the four great families. Even if she is backed by the Tengyang Group, Ye is still not qualified in front of the Chang family.

The Chang family is a behemoth, she can’t afford it.

This is also the reason why Teng Jingshan didn’t come out immediately when Chang Wen said that she was the “true murderer” because even if Teng Jingshan came out, she couldn’t help the Chang family.

After all, she is just a woman. Without the support of her brother Teng Tianyang, she would be nothing.

And Teng Tianyang is also very anxious about Teng Jingshan’s marriage. If Teng Tianyang knows that Chang Wen likes her, Teng Tian Yang will probably persuade Teng Jingshan to marry Chang Wen immediately.

The world of the rich is so bloody, full of colors of skill.

Lu Wuxie raised his head, looking at Teng Jingshan calmly, “He wanted to kill me, but I killed him.”

“What? He, he is dead?”

Teng Jingshan seemed to be stunned, her eyes kept flashing horror. Although she was born in a rich family, she had never encountered such a tricky thing, let alone involved in murder. When the case was over, Teng Jingshan stood there, just stunned for a second, and immediately reacted, and took out a bank card from the drawer.

“Here, take it. There is one hundred thousand yuan in it. It should be able to make you escape from here to a far place.” Teng Jingshan tremblingly stretched out her bank card towards Lu Wuxie. The color of fear in his eyes is still getting stronger.

She is a character who dares to hate and love. At the same time, she is also a woman of general knowledge.

Although Teng Jingshan is extremely complicated and annoyed at this moment, and she is also very angry about what Lu Wuxie has done, but she knows that this is not the time to care about such things.

What’s more, she also knew from Chang Wen’s mouth that Chang Wen secretly put the psychedelic drug into her coffee. If it weren’t for Lu Wuxie, she might have been pushed down by Chang Wen. After getting out of bed, his body has been defiled by Changwen, and he will lead a miserable life from now on.

Although the coffee was accidentally drunk by Lu Wuxie, and Lu Wuxie also got her body, it was much better than Changwen’s Huahua.

It’s just summer…

Teng Jingshan thought with a headache.

In a few seconds, Teng Jingshan figured out the essence of the matter. She watched Lu Wuxie calmly said: “Changwen is the third generation of the Chang family, but a direct line of the Chang family. , You just killed Changwen in this way, I am afraid it will cause big trouble, starting today, you will throw away all your documents and mobile phones, because this will directly lock you, it is difficult for you to get out of Yanjing , There is one hundred thousand yuan in it, you take it and go quickly, otherwise it will be too late, the influence of the Chang family is very big, you will soon be killed.”

Lu Wuxie stunned slightly. He took a high look at this woman. It seemed that this woman was really not easy. Only at this moment he shook his head and said: “It’s too late, someone has already come in.”

Just as Teng Jingshan wanted to say that it was safe, no one would come in, she heard a “bang” at the door of the house, and then three strong men in black rushed in from the outside, everyone holding it in their hands A pistol aimed at two people tightly.

“Go, take the young master to the hospital quickly.”

A bodyguard headed by Chang Wen was actually lying on the ground, his mouth was bleeding continuously, his face turned pale, and he immediately ordered his hands.

If the Chang family’s eldest master is really dead, then they may not be able to escape. With the Chang family’s forces, it is not easy to destroy a few of them.

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