Invincible Leveling King Chapter 4718: Regret

Lin Fei was obviously taken aback by the sudden good news.

“Ah, it can be modified? Then why didn’t you say anything about before!” Lin Fei dissatisfied, because the several transformations of before were all about Little Devil‘s one sentence.

Lin Fei naturally complained.

Little Devil rolled his eyes, “Master, before are ordinary transformations, but targeted transformations can only be carried out after the battleship reaches a certain level!”

Lin Fei laughed dryly, dare to misunderstand Little Devil.

“Then now, the warship has what and those transformations, can you let me have a look!” Lin Fei look forward to got up, this is better news than level up.

“Of course!”

Wow! ! !

A virtual light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei saw that in the virtual light curtain, there are drawings one by one, each drawing has a name written on it, and there are a series of correspondences for the transformation level below.

“No wonder, by the way, my warship seems to be Level 4 warship now!”

Lin Fei understands that Little Devil before is not wrong. These targeted transformation projects cannot be transformed at will. They require a certain foundation and are forced to be installed.

One drawing after another, the lowest modification level is all Level 4, none of them is lower than this level.

Level 4 energy shield blueprint – can resist a series of attacks.

Level 4 energy laser cannon blueprint – can create a terrifying destruction attack.

Level 5 energy shield drawing – can resist Level 5 power attack!


Lin Fei looked confused.

“This seems a little different!”

No matter how you look at it, it feels very sci-fi, so Lin Fei feels confused.

Little Devil then said with contempt on his face, “Humph!, your think modification is ordinary stuff. For example, this Level 4 energy shield can resist the attack of God King peak. The benefits of System are not as simple as you imagined! “

Lin Fei also feels that after System level up, people always have a kind of incomprehensible idea.

Now these blueprints are popping up again, and every single blueprint is a good thing. Looking at Lin Fei, I drool, as long as there are these modifications on the giant ship, it seems that what is not difficult to deal with the above attack.

The price of the drawing. It’s not very expensive, and it’s all paid with Godhead, but what makes Lin Fei very in a bad mood is that the drawings don’t provide material, but you have to go to col­lec­tion yourself, and System helps to modify it.

This Lin Fei is in a bad mood. Very in a bad mood.

“What if material doesn’t have this?” Lin Fei said with a black face.

“You can rest assured that there will be material in the drawings, and most of them are not what rare material, but people here can’t use them perfectly!” Little Devil laughed, “Master, you can also understand it as, This is a technological new Skill.”

New technology, yes.

Lin Fei comes from the earth, and technology is the first driving force for development. It is also understood by Complete.

Now this kind of technology is Skill, Lin Fei will soon understand, and then Lenovo got System at the beginning, this is not a new technology, it is what again.

“Then at my current level, I can modify it a few times!”

If you can get things, Lin Fei doesn’t worry that Little Devil will lie to you.

“Modification is not restricted by what, only in Level 4. It can be modified!”

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and before was still worried about the restrictions, because some of these drawings were satisfactory to him. If you can get it out, the giant warship in your hand can become a terrifying war weapon.

“That’s good!”

After confirming that there is no problem, Lin Fei immediately searched for a few suitable blueprints to modify the giant warship, preferably simple to save trouble.

Level 4 Gravity Enchantment——It can create a gravity magnetic field, which can target the peak of God King. It can also limit the deity Expert, forty percent speed!”

Level 4 superalloy——The hull is transformed into a superalloy hull, with terrifying impact ability, which can destroy God King Expert, and can also hit 30% of the Godzun Expert.”

Both of these are Lin Fei fancy.

Lin Fei is more concerned about Level 4‘s energy shield, and Level 4 super alloy, one for defense and one for active attack. If it is combined with the gravity barrier, it will be great, and it will not be afraid of people escaping the range. Three blueprints The price is not expensive, that is, a 10 million godhead.

After buying three drawings, Lin Fei opened the first drawing, which showed the specific material.

The first blueprint is the Level 4 energy shield.

“This Luo Shi is something from what!”

Lin Fei doesn’t remember the name at all.

“And this what Heart Jade!”

There are not many material above, but many of them are unknown, which makes Lin Fei a little helpless.

Little Devil blinked at Lin Fei, “Master, these things are not expensive, if you can’t find other people, you can actually find those people, they have a solution!”

Lin Fei slapped his head and found himself in a dead end, ignoring some important exist.

For example, those gods who are active in Upper Realm are small Giant.


Lin Fei decisively came to one of the Various Gate of the Gods not far away.

There is God King sitting here.

“By the way, it’s you, send me a message!” Lin Fei said to God King who was sitting in town when he arrived, “Go back and tell your lord that I have something great to share with them. If you miss this opportunity , they will regret it later.”

Leave the inexplicable words behind, and Lin Fei left.

This God King was sent by Upper Realm. When he came, he was told to offend Emperor Heaven at whatever happens must not. Who knows if Emperor Heaven will kill someone suddenly. All he has to do is to care about Various Gate of the Gods and nothing else.

Even though he doesn’t have the attitude of likes Emperor Heaven, this God King didn’t dare not to report it. If it’s really a good thing and he is tossed by himself, I’m afraid he will feel better. After Emperor Heaven leaves, he will pass it immediately Secret channel to pass the news up.

Lin Fei went to them one by one, leaving after saying a word, and God King reported the news one by one.


A certain Space depth in the territory.

An Optimus Prime stands in the depths of Space At a glance, the end of the Optimus Prime cannot be seen.

In front of Optimus Prime, a small figure stood, and not far away, a huge Projection appeared beside the column.

“Chaos, are you sure you want to do this!”

In Projection, there is a person standing, the way of expressionlessly.

“Not for what!” Chaos, who was dressed in white clothed, laughed, “Immortal World was originally Sub-world of Divine World, but now I just let Sub-world return to the embrace of Divine World!”

“Then you know, this will bring what consequences, don’t say, you do not know!”

white clothed Chaos laughed loudly, “I know, of course my emperor knows, but it will bring out a series of consequences, from the breaking of the first pillar of bearing the sky, this emperor will know, but this has a what relationship, my emperor I just feel that Divine World has been quiet for too long, and this pool of stagnant water must move.”

“Chaos, you will regret it!” (To be continued.), ++ (This site is free, error-free, and ad-free

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