Invincible Leveling King Chapter 2: Time to run

Early morning after three days!

  Shenwumen as usual, Outer Disciple should do what and what, everything is progressing in an orderly manner, Outer Disciple can be seen everywhere, busy busy completing daily tasks.

  Outer Disciple one day insuffcient Inner Disciple, daily tasks can never be waived, this is the iron regulations of Shenwumen.

  Outer Disciple, the talent is outstanding, you can avoid daily tasks, this is the only privilege.


   Among the mountains, on a winding mountain road, the mountain wind blows slowly, blowing up the countless fallen leaves.

   At this time, a young man with a very bad look came down the mountain road, frowning and stretching sometimes, feeling very strange, the young man’s expression was very focused, and he was surprised to see from time to time both eyes color.

  If someone has sensitive ears, they will surely hear the young man muttering to himself.

   “Fuck, Shenwumen is so rich, mountains, rivers and rivers have become a random property of Shenwumen. If a villa area on the mountain comes out to guarantee money, the what **** mansion is not a grade compared to this!”

   “Look at this scenery, the soaring peaks, the what **** scenic area A is almost weaker than this.”


   Initially, there were not many people on the mountain road.

  As we were approaching Shenwumen Quest Region, Outer Disciple on several mountain roads gradually increased, and various noises were heard.

   “Look at that sick seedling, isn’t it Lin Fei?”

  I don’t know that the talkative Outer Disciple saw Lin Fei and suddenly shouted.

The Outer Disciple and gaze on the mountain road fell on the Lin Fei, as if looking at a monster, and then cold words rang out.

   “Lin Fei? That two hundred and fifty Lin Fei?”

   “Hey, who else besides him, did not expect to be attacked three times, and has not died yet, it is really fatal.”

   “Look at his appearance, 80% is not far from death, Martial Dao 2nd Heavenly Layer challenges Martial Dao 4th Heavenly Layer, really think is a peerless genius, I’m yuck! what stuff.”


   Those Outer Disciple have the chance to laugh at seeing it, what don’t mind the vicious words to say it again, for fear that others will be the same as do not know.

   “A group of fools!”

  Lin Fei psychological rating is tough, gossip is counted as what stuff.

  As a college student in the 21st century, he has a big nerve that is unmatched by outsiders, and a little cynicism, which is regarded as what.

  Similarly, Lin Fei looks down on them.

   A group of psychologically dark guys who have no way to vent. It feels like reading a book online, a villain who sprays people’s books exclusively, spraying other people’s books for nothing and excitement.

   Facing a group of mentally abnormal sprays, Lin Fei forgave them very generously.

   Poor baby.


  Shenwumen Quest Region!

   Anyone who loses on monthly competition must go to Shenwumen to get the task.

   After completing the task, you can only use continues cultivation, which is a supervising and punishing measure of Shenwumen, which has always been abhorred by Outer Disciple.

   “Are you the Lin Fei who knows nothing?”

   Listening to the big fat man in front of him, if he was in college, Lin Fei had to leave a fist on the bridge of his nose.

   acting cool is not installed like this.

   “I am Lin Fei!”

   The big fat man’s eyes were about to squint into a gap, and he took out a roster. After some searching, he took out a sheepskin Scroll. accidental/surprised glanced at it and threw out a black iron plate, “low rank Monster Beast area, Kill Monster Beast for half a month.”

  Lin Fei knows the news from Gao Ren / expert. There is no accidental/surprised that is too big for what, and he has received the iron card.

   “I got it.”

   From beginning to end, Lin Fei performance is very calm. After the iron card is in hand, he turns around and walks towards the low rank Monster Beast area.

   “Hey, Lin Fei, Lin Fei, who made you offend a few outer sect Senior Brother for a period of half a month. If you want to complete the task, you don’t even think about it. Stay in low rank Monster Beast for a lifetime, but look at you. It’s hard to say whether you can survive or not.”



  Lin Fei exhaled for a long time, staring at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, a firm flash in his eyes.

   “NND, it’s a tragedy without strength, but I won’t admit defeat, I will definitely find a chance to stand out!”

  According to the impression in memory, after walking around the corner, after one hour, Lin Fei came to the low rank Monster Beast field, and had not yet entered, the rich **** gas came oncoming, almost suffocating.

  low rank Monster Beast field, there are a lot of low rank Monster Beast inside, through specific feeding, it will eventually become the food to be supplied to Shenwumen master brothers.

  These low rank Monster Beast, flesh and blood have the effect of strengthening blood, fur is also a big income of Shenwumen.

   “Change clothes and start work!”

  Lin Fei endured the smell of the breath, and after explaining the intention, he was immediately taken away by a manager Senior Brother.

   An unknown animal skin dress, a short knife like a kitchen knife, a necessary tool for a butcher.

   Lin Fei Liso put on his clothes, carried the Monster Beast knife, and was taken to the slaughtering wooden pile. The wooden pile was like a big face plate, and the chopping board was covered with blood stains, leaving mottled cracks in several locations in the distance. , A lot of Outer Disciple, is looking at this newcomer took pleasure in other’s misfortune.

   “Hey, come again, just look too weak.”

   “The above people are engaged in what, these people are arranged to wait for furry duck to kill, maybe they will be killed by furry duck!”

   “haha, that’s really interesting.”

   “I bet with one tael(s) of silver, this brat and one furry duck can not be killed, who dares to bet with me?”

   “One tael(s) of silver, I bet!”


   listening to the sarcasm, Lin Fei was very disdainful.

  Lao Tzu dares to kill when he is on fire, isn’t it the duck’s Variation breed, and he didn’t kill him.

  Lin Fei took a deep breath, grabbed the furry duck in the cage, it is said to be Rank 1 Monster Beast, similar to the duck of the earth, with great strength, sharp claws, and delicious meat, but it is the meat of many disciples likes.


  furry duck has flapping wings and wants to fly out of Lin Fei. The huge force almost makes it hard to hold. There are a few more wounds in the hand, which provokes laughter from the crowd.

   “Find death!”

Struggling to throw on the chopping board, Lin Fei‘s face was heavy, and the reaction of fighting was not covered. Although he changed his body, he picked up the Monster Beast knife in his hand and cut a cold light across the furry duck neck. The blood splattered, part of it splattered on the face due to inadequate dodge looked extraordinarily grim.

   It was at this time that the mutation suddenly appeared.


   “leveling system, version 1.0 officially launched!”

   “Game loading…”

   “Loading completed!”

   “Data loading input…”



   “1.0leveling system, the update is complete, the startup is complete!”

   “Successfully killed Rank 1 Monster Beast furry duck, ob­tains Experience worth 10!”


   slaughtered Rank 1 Monster Beast furry duck, Lin Fei was originally weak, and killed Monster Beast furry duck with a knife. His hands were weak on the board, but whole body was in shock.

   The unknown sound is like a magic sound, with a familiar feeling.

   “Fuck, this is not the leveling system that I am temporarily fixing the bug?”

  Lin Fei finally came to recalls. When I went back to check the game loopholes, it was a game called “Invincible Leveling“. It was this game that I became a member of the crossed over army.

   The sudden change has not been digested yet, and I don’t understand why it appears to me, and the cold mechanical sound is heard again.

   “Congratulations Player Lin Fei, ob­tains leveling system1.0 version update spree…”

   “Congratulations Player Lin Fei, ob­tains one hundred tael(s) of silver!”

   “Congratulations Player Lin Fei, ten ob­tains Qi Gathering Dan!”


  ”Congratulations Player Lin Fei, ob­tains Martial Dao 1st Heavenly Layer level up reward, one Marrow Washing Pill, three hundred and two hundred silver coin.

   “Congratulations Player Lin Fei, ob­tains Martial Dao 2nd Heavenly Layer level up reward, three Vein Expanding Pill, silver coin five hundred and two.


  Lin Fei raised a brow and was stupid. Grin.

  I can’t believe what happened, could it be himself…. It’s time to run….


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