Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 892: War 2

As soon as this white light appeared, Rhodes, who was on the top floor of the Spiritualist Tower, immediately sensed the danger.

In Rhodes’ perception, the white light that appeared was enough to purify everything related to death energy on the top of the tower. Even Rhodes himself could hardly resist the effect of this white light.

What made Rhodes a little concerned was that the strong white light failed to penetrate the barrier formed by death energy. Although it affected the line of sight to a certain extent, it could not affect the undead creatures in the field.

Under the purification effect of the white light, the death energy that has always eroded other things, at this moment seems to have encountered a natural enemy. In turn, it was eroded by this white light. Rhodes can clearly hear the hiss from the surface of the barrier. Hiss, the entire barrier shrouded outside the tower was affected by the white light at this moment.

The various traces brought by the white light, Rhode recognized that the spell cast by Eric was the third-order undead killer.

The former Rhodes was also affected by the undead killer spell. He knew what characteristics it would have when this spell appeared. However, in Rhode’s impression, the undead killers he had experienced obviously could not be compared with the undead killer. Compared to this one in front of you.

After being cast by Eric, the effect of this spell is obviously too strong. In Rhode’s view, only some top-level fourth-order spells can produce comparable effects.

Rhode was not surprised by the appearance of the undead killer spell. He even applied a damage-reducing Royal Qi thaumaturgy to himself in advance, but in the process of maintaining the death energy barrier, the Royal Qi Qi thawed. The technique didn’t work on its own.

From Rhodes’ point of view, the appearance of the undead killer spell undoubtedly limits all undead creatures to the barrier formed by death energy.

Any undead creature that wants to cross the death energy barrier and attack Eric in mid-air must first face the purification effect of the undead killer. Among them, vampires who cannot use bats are undoubtedly the most restricted. of.

During this process, the least affected person should be the Necromancer at the top of the tower. Rhodes knew that only these beings with the ability to cast spells could change the current situation.

Looking to the side of Sandro, Rhodes tried to observe his reaction to the undead killer.

San Drew hasn’t made any moves yet, but Eric, who is on the side, has a new move again.

It seems to have long been expected that the effect of this layer of death energy barrier outside the soul tower, Eric immediately cast the next spell after completing the casting of the undead killer.

A strong mana fluctuation and a violent explosion came from Rhode’s feet. With the appearance of these abnormalities, the entire top floor of the Soul Conjuration Tower began to tremble, and even gradually poured in one direction. the trend of.

Even Rhodes, who was standing at the top of the tower, felt unstable at this moment. When the entire Soul Conjuration Tower began to tremble violently, Rhodes could only try his best to stabilize his body.

Even so, Rhodes is still calm in his heart, with a variety of treasures in his body, even if he falls from the outer perimeter of the Soul Conjuration Tower, Rhodes is confident to return to the ground safely.

In Rhodes’ perception, the trembling that occurred on the surface of the Spiritualist Tower did not last long, and soon subsided.

After stabilizing his body, Rhodes looked at Sandro on the side. The residual mana fluctuations in the air made Rhodes confirm that the shaking of the Soul Tower was stopped due to the spell cast by Sandro.

Just at a distance from the top floor, the surface of the originally thick soul tower has a huge hole, and the huge vertical opening almost divides the entire soul tower into two, allowing people to easily From the outside of the tower, you can see the interior scene.

The spell cast by Eric easily penetrated the barrier formed by the energy of death and acted on the tower body of the Soul Conjuration Tower. If it wasn’t for Sandro’s subsequent response, this blow alone would have It can make the upper layer of the entire conjuration tower collapse.

If Rhodes could observe the location of the hole, he would surely find that this is the third location where he stayed and observed the outside world through the glass.

In terms of the overall structure of the Spiritualist Tower, this is an important node connecting the rituals in the tower. When this location is affected by Eric’s spell, even the death energy barrier outside the entire Spiritualist Tower will be destroyed. start to thin out.

Due to the damage to the magic ritual, the speed at which death energy is condensed again is no longer as fast as the purification speed of the undead killer. It may not take a while for the entire barrier to be purified. At that time, the undead creatures under the barrier will All protection will undoubtedly be lost.

The Sandro in the field naturally won’t let this happen. For a time, a large number of vampires entered the state of bat transformation, and the large number of bats generated after the bat transformation instantly crowded the originally empty tower top.

With Sandro’s signal, the bats began to circle upwards, using their bodies to get close to the death energy barrier that enveloped the top of the tower.

Because of the large number of bats, these bats circling, to a great extent, hindered Eric’s vision in mid-air, making it impossible for him to find the location of Sandro in the first place, or even unable to Make a correct judgment on the situation at the top of the tower, but this effect does not seem to be achieved by Sandro deliberately.

Under Sandro’s control, these bats’ stature passed through a barrier that could not block the entry and exit of the entity, and was exposed to white light.

There are no In the next moment, these bats who came outside the barrier began to struggle violently, trying to get back within the range of the barrier, but under the influence of the mental imprint, they could not do this, they had to Let the whole body be eroded by this white light.

Unable to last long, the bats collapsed under the influence of the white light. It’s just that when these bats dissipate, the energy of death released is not immediately purified, but is absorbed into the surrounding barrier as if attracted.

At the same time, many corpse witches existing at the top of the tower also released a large number of death clouds towards Eric’s position.

Under the illumination of the white light, the cloud of death can’t fly very far, and it can only dissipate completely. Even compared with the conventional energy of death, the cloud of death is purified more quickly.

However, the ejected clouds of death still delayed the purification of the barrier by the white light. Under the various measures Sandro made, the outer death energy barrier was once again thickened.

Lord, who was in the field, noticed these changes and seemed to understand the thoughts of these two powerful mages.

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